Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Instant, 1 min cd, Self (Any)
        /// Generates 10 rage at the cost of health and then generates an additional 10 rage over 10 sec.
        /// </summary>
        /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Bloodrge [+(25*Pts)% Rage Generated], Intensify Rage [-(1/9*Pts]% Cooldown]</TalentsAffecting>
        /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Bloodrage [-100% Health Cost]</GlyphsAffecting>
        public Bloodrage(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
            Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
            Name         = "Bloodrage";
            Description  = "Generates 10 rage at the cost of health and then generates an additional 10 rage over 10 sec.";
            AbilIterater = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Bloodrage_;
            Cd           = 60f * (1f - 1f / 9f * Talents.IntensifyRage); // In Seconds
            Duration     = 10f;                                          // In Seconds
            // Rage is actually reversed in the rotation
            RageCost = -(20f                                             // Base
                         + 10f)                                          // Over Time
                       * (1f + Talents.ImprovedBloodrage * 0.25f);       // Talent Bonus
            StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = StanceOkFury = true;
            Stats Base       = BaseStats.GetBaseStats(Char.Level, CharacterClass.Warrior, Char.Race);
            float baseHealth = Base.Health + StatConversion.GetHealthFromStamina(Base.Stamina, CharacterClass.Warrior);

            HealingBase  = -1f * (float)Math.Floor(baseHealth) * 0.16f;
            HealingBonus = (Talents.GlyphOfBloodrage ? 0f : 1f);
            UseHitTable  = false;
            UsesGCD      = false;
            UseReact     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Constructors
        /// <summary>Your next 5 melee attacks strike an additional nearby opponent.</summary>
        /// <TalentsAffecting>Sweeping Strikes [Requires Talent]</TalentsAffecting>
        /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Sweeping Strikes [-100% Rage cost]</GlyphsAffecting>
        public SweepingStrikes(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
            Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
            Name             = "Sweeping Strikes";
            Description      = "Your next 5 melee attacks strike an additional nearby opponent.";
            AbilIterater     = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.SweepingStrikes_;
            ReqTalent        = true;
            Talent2ChksValue = Talents.SweepingStrikes;
            ReqMeleeWeap     = true;
            ReqMeleeRange    = true;
            ReqMultiTargs    = true;
            Cd = FightDuration + (1.5f + CalcOpts.Latency + (UseReact ? CalcOpts.React / 1000f : CalcOpts.AllowedReact));
            //BossOpts.MultiTargsPerc != 0 ? 30f / ((float)BossOpts.MultiTargsPerc/* / 100f*/) : FightDuration + (1.5f + CalcOpts.Latency + (UseReact ? CalcOpts.React / 1000f : CalcOpts.AllowedReact)); // In Seconds
            Cd = CalcOpts.MultipleTargetsPerc != 0 ? 30f / (CalcOpts.MultipleTargetsPerc / 100f) : FightDuration + (1.5f + CalcOpts.Latency + (UseReact ? CalcOpts.React / 1000f : CalcOpts.AllowedReact)); // In Seconds
            Duration     = 30f;
            RageCost     = 30f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
            RageCost     = (Talents.GlyphOfSweepingStrikes ? 0f : RageCost);
            StanceOkFury = StanceOkArms = true;
            UseHitTable  = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantly Whirlwind up to 4 nearby targets and for the next 6 sec you will
 /// perform a whirlwind attack every 1 sec. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot
 /// perform any other abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped
 /// unless killed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Bladestorm [Requires Talent]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Bladestorm [-15 sec Cd]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public Bladestorm(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo, Ability ww)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     WW                = ww;
     Name              = "Bladestorm";
     Description       = "Instantly Whirlwind up to 4 nearby targets and for the next 6 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1 sec. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed.";
     AbilIterater      = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Bladestorm_;
     ReqTalent         = true;
     Talent2ChksValue  = Talents.Bladestorm;
     ReqMeleeWeap      = true;
     ReqMeleeRange     = true;
     MaxRange          = WW.MaxRange;                                  // In Yards
     Targets           = WW.Targets;                                   // Handled in WW
     DamageBase        = WW.DamageBase;
     Cd                = 90f - (Talents.GlyphOfBladestorm ? 15f : 0f); // In Seconds
     RageCost          = 25f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     CastTime          = 6f;                                           // In Seconds // Channeled
     GCDTime           = CastTime;
     StanceOkFury      = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
     SwingsOffHand     = true;
     SwingsPerActivate = 7f;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage. Only usable after the target takes Rend Damage.
 /// The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Overpower [+(25*Pts)% Crit Chance],
 /// Unrelenting Assault [-(2*Pts) sec cooldown, +(10*Pts)% Damage.]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public TasteForBlood(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Taste for Blood";
     Description      = "Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage plus 125. Only usable after the target takes Rend Damage. The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.";
     AbilIterater     = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.TasteForBlood_;
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.TasteForBlood;
     ReqMeleeWeap     = true;
     ReqMeleeRange    = true;
     CanBeDodged      = false;
     CanBeParried     = false;
     CanBeBlocked     = false;
     GCDTime          = Math.Min(1.5f, 5f - (2f * Talents.UnrelentingAssault));
     Cd              = 6f; // In Seconds
     RageCost        = 5f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     StanceOkArms    = true;
     DamageBase      = combatFactors.NormalizedMhWeaponDmg;
     DamageBonus     = 1f + (0.1f * Talents.UnrelentingAssault);
     BonusCritChance = 0.25f * Talents.ImprovedOverpower;
     //UseReact = true; // you can plan for it ahead of time, unlike SD and normal OP
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage plus 125. Only usable after the target dodges.
 /// The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Overpower [+(25*Pts)% Crit Chance],
 /// Unrelenting Assault [-(2*Pts) sec cooldown, +(10*Pts)% Damage.]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Overpower [Can proc when parried]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public OverPower(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo, Ability ss)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Overpower";
     Description   = "Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage plus 125. Only usable after the target dodges. The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Overpower_;
     SS            = ss;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     CanBeDodged   = false;
     CanBeParried  = false;
     CanBeBlocked  = false;
     Cd            = 5f - (2f * Talents.UnrelentingAssault); // In Seconds
     GCDTime       = Math.Min(1.5f, Cd);
     RageCost      = 5f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     StanceOkArms    = true;
     DamageBase      = combatFactors.NormalizedMhWeaponDmg;
     DamageBonus     = 1f + (0.1f * Talents.UnrelentingAssault);
     BonusCritChance = 0.25f * Talents.ImprovedOverpower;
     UseReact        = true; // can't plan for this
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Your melee hits have a (3*Pts)% chance of allowing the use of Execute regardless of
 /// the target's Health state. This Execute only uses up to 30 total rage. In addition,
 /// you keep at least (3/7/10) rage after using Execute.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Sudden Death (Requires Talent) [(3*Pts)% chance to proc and (3/7/10) rage kept after],
 /// Improved Execute [-(2.5*Pts) rage cost]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Execute [Execute acts as if it had 10 additional rage]</GlyphsAffecting>
 /// <SetsAffecting>
 /// T10-4P [You have a 20% chance for your Sudden Death talent to grant 2 charges of
 /// its effect instead of 1, reduce the global cooldown on Execute or Slam by 0.5 sec,
 /// and for the duration of the effect to be increased by 100%.]
 /// </SetsAffecting>
 public Suddendeath(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo, Ability ex)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Sudden Death";
     Description      = "Your melee hits have a (3*Pts)% chance of allowing the use of Execute regardless of the target's Health state. This Execute only uses up to 30 total rage. In addition, you keep at least (3/7/10) rage after using Execute.";
     AbilIterater     = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.SuddenDeath_;
     Exec             = ex as Execute;
     RageCost         = Exec.RageCost;
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.SuddenDeath;
     ReqMeleeWeap     = Exec.GetReqMeleeWeap();
     ReqMeleeRange    = Exec.GetReqMeleeRange();
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     Cd = Exec.Cd;
     if (s.BonusWarrior_T10_4P_BSSDProcChange > 0f)
         // 20% proc rate, so 20% of the time we get 2 SDs over 2*(GCD-0.5)
         float procRate              = 0.2f;
         float numSDActivates        = 1f + procRate;
         float activatesHasted       = procRate * 2f; // assuming both activates have the 0.5sec GCD redux
         float percActivatesHasted   = activatesHasted / numSDActivates;
         float percActivatesUnhasted = 1f - percActivatesHasted;
         GCDTime = ((Cd - 0.5f) * percActivatesHasted) + percActivatesUnhasted * Cd;
     StanceOkArms = true;
     UseReact     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 2 Min Cooldown, 0 Rage, Self (Any)
 /// Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of
 /// your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting></TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public EveryManForHimself(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Every Man for Himself";
     Description  = "Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects.";
     Cd           = 2f * 60f;
     StanceOkArms = StanceOkFury = StanceOkDef = true;
     UseHitTable  = false;
     UseReact     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Your next 3 special ability attacks have an additional 100% to critically hit
 /// but all damage taken is increased by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Disciplines [-(30*Pts) sec Cd]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public Recklessness(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Recklessness";
     Description  = "Your next 3 special ability attacks have an additional 100% to critically hit but all damage taken is increased by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.";
     AbilIterater = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Recklessness_;
     Cd           = (5f * 60f - Talents.ImprovedDisciplines * 30f) * (1f - 1f / 9f * Talents.IntensifyRage); // In Seconds
     Duration     = 12f;                                                                                     // In Seconds
     StanceOkFury = true;
     //Effect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats { PhysicalCrit = 1f, DamageTakenMultiplier = 0.20f, }, Duration, Cd);
     UseHitTable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 10% for 30 sec
        /// and doing [300+AP*0.12] damage to them. Damage increased by attack power.
        /// This ability causes additional threat.
        /// <para>TODO: BonusCritDamage to 2x instead of 1.5x as it's now considered a ranged attack (3.3.3 notes) other parts implemented already</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <TalentsAffecting>
        /// Improved Thunder Clap [-(1/2/4) rage cost, +(10*Pts)% Damage, +(ROUNDUP(10-10/3*Pts))% Slowing Effect]
        /// Incite [+(5*Pts)% Critical Strike chance]
        /// </TalentsAffecting>
        /// <GlyphsAffecting>
        /// Glyph of Thunder Clap [+2 yds MaxRange]
        /// Glyph of Resonating Power [-5 RageCost]
        /// </GlyphsAffecting>
        public ThunderClap(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
            Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
            Name          = "Thunder Clap";
            Description   = "Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 10% for 30 sec and doing [300+AP*0.12] damage to them. Damage increased by attack power. This ability causes additional threat.";
            AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.ThunderClap_;
            ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
            ReqMeleeRange = true;
                float value = 0;
                foreach (TargetGroup tg in BossOpts.Targets)
                    if (tg.Frequency <= 0 || tg.Chance <= 0)
                        continue;                                      // bad one, skip it
                    float upTime = tg.Frequency / BossOpts.BerserkTimer * tg.Duration * tg.Chance;
                    value += (Math.Max(10, tg.NumTargs - (tg.NearBoss ? 0 : 1))) * upTime;
                Targets += value;
            Targets += (CalcOpts.MultipleTargets ? (CalcOpts.MultipleTargetsMax - 1f) : 0f);
            MaxRange = 5f + (Talents.GlyphOfThunderClap ? 2f : 0f); // In Yards
            Cd       = 6f;                                          // In Seconds
            Duration = 30f;                                         // In Seconds
            float cost = 0f;
            switch (Talents.ImprovedThunderClap)
            case 1: { cost = 1f; break; }

            case 2: { cost = 2f; break; }

            case 3: { cost = 4f; break; }

            default: { cost = 0f; break; }
            RageCost        = 20f - cost - (Talents.GlyphOfResonatingPower ? 5f : 0f) - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
            StanceOkArms    = StanceOkDef = true;
            DamageBase      = 300f + StatS.AttackPower * 0.12f;
            DamageBonus     = 1f + Talents.ImprovedThunderClap * 0.10f;
            BonusCritChance = Talents.Incite * 0.05f;
            UseSpellHit     = true;
            CanBeDodged     = CanBeParried = false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 30 sec Cd, Self, (Any)
 /// The warrior enters a berserker rage, becoming immune to Fear, Sap and Incapacitate effects
 /// and generating extra tage when taking damage. Lasts 10 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Berserker Rage [+(10*Pts) Rage Generated]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public BerserkerRage(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Berserker Rage";
     Description  = "The warrior enters a berserker rage, becoming immune to Fear, Sap and Incapacitate effects and generating extra tage when taking damage. Lasts 10 sec.";
     AbilIterater = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.BerserkerRage_;
     Cd           = 30f * (1f - 1f / 9f * Talents.IntensifyRage); // In Seconds
     RageCost     = 0f - (Talents.ImprovedBerserkerRage * 10f);   // This is actually reversed in the rotation
     StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = StanceOkFury = true;
     UseHitTable  = false;
     UseReact     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public FuryRotation(Character character, Stats stats, CombatFactors cf, Skills.WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
            Char    = character;
            StatS   = stats;
            Talents = Char == null || Char.WarriorTalents == null ? new WarriorTalents() : Char.WarriorTalents;
            //TalentsCata = Char == null || Char.WarriorTalentsCata == null ? new WarriorTalentsCata() : Char.WarriorTalentsCata;
            CombatFactors = cf;
            CalcOpts      = (co == null ? new CalculationOptionsDPSWarr() : co);
            BossOpts      = (bo == null ? new BossOptions() : bo);
            WhiteAtks     = wa;

            _cachedLatentGCD = 1.5f + CalcOpts.Latency + CalcOpts.AllowedReact;
            _cachedNumGCDs   = CalcOpts.AllowFlooring ? (float)Math.Floor(FightDuration / LatentGCD) : FightDuration / LatentGCD;
            // Initialize();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 30 sec Cd, 10 Rage, 8-25 yds, (Def)
 /// Charge an enemy, causing 380 damage (based on attack power) and stunning it for 3 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>
 /// Warbringer [Usable in any stance]
 /// </TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>
 /// Glyph of Intervene [Increases the number of attacks you intercept for your intervene target by 1.]
 /// </GlyphsAffecting>
 public Intervene(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name        = "Intervene";
     Description = "Charge an enemy, causing 380 damage (based on attack power) and stunning it for 3 sec.";
     MinRange    = 8f;
     MaxRange    = 25f;                                           // In Yards
     Cd          = 30f * (1f - (Talents.ImprovedIntercept * 5f)); // In Seconds
     RageCost    = 10f;
     StanceOkDef = true; StanceOkArms = StanceOkFury = (Talents.Warbringer == 1);
     UseHitTable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 45 sec Cooldown, 0 Rage, Self (Any)
 /// Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting></TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public HeroicFury(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Heroic Fury";
     Description      = "Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability.";
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.HeroicFury;
     Cd           = 45f;
     StanceOkArms = StanceOkFury = StanceOkDef = true;
     UseHitTable  = false;
     UseReact     = true;
     UsesGCD      = false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 30 sec Cd, 10 Rage, 8-25 yds, (Zerker)
 /// Charge an enemy, causing 380 damage (based on attack power) and stunning it for 3 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>
 /// Warbringer [Usable in any stance]
 /// Improved Intercept [-[5*Pts] sec Cd]
 /// </TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public Intercept(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Intercept";
     Description  = "Charge an enemy, causing 380 damage (based on attack power) and stunning it for 3 sec.";
     MinRange     = 8f;
     MaxRange     = 25f;                                                                                 // In Yards
     Cd           = 30f - (Talents.ImprovedIntercept * 5f) - StatS.BonusWarrior_PvP_4P_InterceptCDReduc; // In Seconds
     Duration     = 3f;
     RageCost     = 10f - Talents.Precision * 1f;
     StanceOkFury = true; StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = (Talents.Warbringer == 1);
     DamageBase   = 380f;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 3 min Cd, 15 Rage, Self, (Any)
 /// You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec. This ability requires an Enrage effect,
 /// consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting></TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Enraged Regeneration [+10% to effect]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public EnragedRegeneration(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Enraged Regeneration";
     Description  = "You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec. This ability requires an Enrage effect, consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration.";
     AbilIterater = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.EnragedRegeneration_;
     Cd           = 3f * 60f; // In Seconds
     RageCost     = 15f;
     StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = StanceOkFury = true;
     HealingBase  = StatS.Health * (0.30f + (Talents.GlyphOfEnragedRegeneration ? 0.10f : 0f));
     UseHitTable  = false;
     UseReact     = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// The warrior shouts, increasing the maximum health of all raid and party members within 20 yards by 2255. Lasts 2 min.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>
 /// Booming Voice [+(25*Pts)% AoE and Duration],
 /// Commanding Presence [+(5*Pts)% to the Health Bonus]
 /// </TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public CommandingShout(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name         = "Commanding Shout";
     Description  = "The warrior shouts, increasing the maximum health of all raid and party members within 20 yards by 2255. Lasts 2 min.";
     AbilIterater = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.CommandingShout_;
     MaxRange     = 30f * (1f + Talents.BoomingVoice * 0.25f); // In Yards
     Duration     = (2f + (Talents.GlyphOfCommand ? 2f : 0f)) * 60f * (1f + Talents.BoomingVoice * 0.25f);
     Cd           = Duration;
     RageCost     = 10f;
     StanceOkFury = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
     UseHitTable  = false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Reduces the melee attack power of all enemies within 10 yards by 411 for 30 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting></TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public DemoralizingShout(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Demoralizing Shout";
     Description   = "Reduces the melee attack power of all enemies within 10 yards by 411 for 30 sec.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.DemoralizingShout_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = false;
     ReqMeleeRange = false;
     MaxRange      = 10f; // In Yards
     Duration      = 30f * (1f + 0.05f * Talents.BoomingVoice);
     RageCost      = 10f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     StanceOkArms  = StanceOkFury = true;
     UseSpellHit   = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (1456+AP*0.2) damage and converting each
 /// extra point of rage into 38 additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less
 /// than 20% health.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Execute [Reduces the rage cost of your Execute ability by (2.5/5).]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Execute [Your Execute ability acts as if it has 10 additional rage.]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public Execute(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name            = "Execute";
     Description     = "Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (1456+AP*0.2) damage and converting each extra point of rage into 38 additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health.";
     AbilIterater    = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.ExecuteSpam_;
     ReqMeleeWeap    = true;
     ReqMeleeRange   = true;
     Cd              = 1.5f;
     RageCost        = 15f - (Talents.ImprovedExecute * 2.5f) - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     FreeRage        = 0f;
     StanceOkFury    = StanceOkArms = true;
     PercTimeUnder20 = 0.17f;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// When activated you become enraged, increasing your physical damage by 20% but increasing
 /// all damage taken by 5%. Lasts 30 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Death Wish [Requires Talent], Intensify Rage [-(1/9*Pts)% Cooldown]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public DeathWish(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Death Wish";
     Description      = "When activated you become enraged, increasing your physical damage by 20% but increasing all damage taken by 5%. Lasts 30 sec.";
     AbilIterater     = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.DeathWish_;
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.DeathWish;
     Cd           = 3f * 60f * (1f - 1f / 9f * Talents.IntensifyRage); // In Seconds
     Duration     = 30f;
     RageCost     = 10f;
     StanceOkArms = StanceOkFury = true;
     UseHitTable  = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, 5 Min Cd, No Rage, Melee Range, Melee Weapon, (Battle)
 /// Instantly counterattack any enemy that strikes you in melee for 12 sec. Melee attacks
 /// made from behind cannot be counterattacked. A maximum of 20 attacks will cause retaliation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Disciplines [-(30*Pts) sec Cd]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public Retaliation(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Retaliation";
     Description   = "Instantly counterattack any enemy that strikes you in melee for 12 sec. Melee attacks made from behind cannot be counterattacked. A maximum of 20 attacks will cause retaliation.";
     StanceOkArms  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     Cd          = 5f * 60f - Talents.ImprovedDisciplines * 30f;
     Duration    = 12f;
     StackCap    = 20f;
     UseHitTable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Gives a (1*Pts)% chance to get an extra attack on the same target after hitting
 /// your target with your Sword. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Sword Specialization (Requires Talent)</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public Swordspec(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Sword Specialization";
     Description      = "Gives a (1*Pts)% chance to get an extra attack on the same target after hitting your target with your Sword. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.";
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.SwordSpecialization;
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     Cd           = 6f; // In Seconds
     StanceOkFury = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
     DamageBase   = combatFactors.AvgMhWeaponDmgUnhasted;
     RageCost     = -Whiteattacks.MHSwingRage;
     UsesGCD      = false;
     MHAtkTable = Whiteattacks.MHAtkTable;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>Sunders the target's armor, reducing it by 4% per Sunder Armor and causes a high amount of threat.  Threat increased by attack power.  Can be applied up to 5 times.  Lasts 30 sec.</summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Focused Rage [-(Pts) Rage Cost], Puncture [-(Pts) Rage Cost], </TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Sunder Armor [+1 Targets]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public SunderArmor(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Sunder Armor";
     Description   = "Sunders the target's armor, reducing it by 4% per Sunder Armor and causes a high amount of threat.  Threat increased by attack power.  Can be applied up to 5 times.  Lasts 30 sec.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.SunderArmor_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     Duration      = 30f; // In Seconds
     Cd            = 1.5f;
     CanCrit       = false;
     RageCost      = 15f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f) - (Talents.Puncture * 1f);
     Targets       = 1f + (Talents.GlyphOfSunderArmor ? 1f : 0f);
     StanceOkFury  = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public FakeWhite(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "MH White Swing";
     Description   = "White Damage";
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     Cd            = Whiteattacks.MhEffectiveSpeed;
     RageCost      = Whiteattacks.MHSwingRage;
     StanceOkArms  = StanceOkFury = StanceOkDef = true;
     DamageBase    = Whiteattacks.MhDamageOnUse;
     //DamageBonus = (1f + Talents.UnendingFury * 0.02f) * (1f + StatS.BonusWarrior_T7_2P_SlamDamage);
     //BonusCritChance = StatS.BonusWarrior_T9_4P_SLHSCritIncrease;
     MHAtkTable = Whiteattacks.MHAtkTable;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>Slams the opponent, causing weapon damage plus 250.</summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Slam [Reduces cast time of your Slam ability by (0.5/1) sec.]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <SetsAffecting>T7 Deadnaught Battlegear 2 Pc [+10% Damage]</SetsAffecting>
 public Slam(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name            = "Slam";
     Description     = "Slams the opponent, causing weapon damage plus 250.";
     AbilIterater    = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Slam_;
     ReqMeleeWeap    = true;
     ReqMeleeRange   = true;
     Cd              = 1.5f;
     RageCost        = 15f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     CastTime        = (1.5f - (Talents.ImprovedSlam * 0.5f)); // In Seconds
     StanceOkArms    = StanceOkDef = true;
     DamageBase      = combatFactors.AvgMhWeaponDmgUnhasted + 250f;
     DamageBonus     = (1f + Talents.UnendingFury * 0.02f) * (1f + StatS.BonusWarrior_T7_2P_SlamDamage);
     BonusCritChance = StatS.BonusWarrior_T9_4P_SLHSCritIncrease;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Instant, No cd, 10 Rage, Melee Range, Melee Weapon, (Battle/Zerker)
 /// Maims the enemy, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Hamstring [Gives a [5*Pts]% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Hamstring [Gives a 10% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public Hamstring(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Hamstring";
     Description   = "Instant, No cd, 10 Rage, Melee Range, Melee Weapon, (Battle/Zerker) Maims the enemy, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Hamstring_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     Duration      = 15f; // In Seconds
     RageCost      = 10f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     StanceOkFury = StanceOkArms = true;
     //Effect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { AttackPower = 0f, /*TargetMoveSpeedReducPerc = 0.50f,*/ }, Duration, Duration);
     //float Chance = Talents.ImprovedHamstring * 0.05f + (Talents.GlyphOfHamstring ? 0.10f : 0.00f);
     //Effect2 = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { AttackPower = 0f, /*TargetStunned = 0.50f,*/ }, 5f, Duration, Chance);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing (16*Pts)% of your melee weapon's
 /// average damage over 6 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Deep Wounds (Requires Talent) [(16*Pts)% damage dealt]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting></GlyphsAffecting>
 public DeepWounds(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name             = "Deep Wounds";
     Description      = "Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing (16*Pts)% of your melee weapon's average damage over 6 sec.";
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.DeepWounds;
     ReqMeleeWeap     = true;
     ReqMeleeRange    = true;
     CanCrit          = false;
     Duration         = 6f; // In Seconds
     TimeBtwnTicks    = 1f; // In Seconds
     StanceOkFury     = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
     mhActivates      = ohActivates = 0f;
     UseHitTable      = false;
     UsesGCD          = false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Wounds the target causing them to bleed for 380 damage plus an additional
 /// (0.2*5*MWB+mwb/2+AP/14*MWS) (based on weapon damage) over 15 sec. If used while your
 /// target is above 75% health, Rend does 35% more damage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Rend [+(10*Pts)% Bleed Damage], Trauma [+(15*Pts)% Bleed Damage]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Rending [+2 damage ticks]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public Rend(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Rend";
     Description   = "Wounds the target causing them to bleed for 380 damage plus an additional (0.2*5*MWB+mwb/2+AP/14*MWS) (based on weapon damage) over 15 sec. If used while your target is above 75% health, Rend does 35% more damage.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.Rend_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     CanCrit       = false;
     Duration      = 15f + (Talents.GlyphOfRending ? 6f : 0f); // In Seconds
     Cd            = Duration + 3f;
     TimeBtwnTicks = 3f;                                       // In Seconds
     RageCost      = 10f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     StanceOkArms  = StanceOkDef = true;
     DamageBase    = 380f;
     DamageBonus   = (1f + 0.10f * Talents.ImprovedRend);// *(1f + 0.15f * Talents.Trauma);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// A strong attack that increases melee damage by 495 and causes a high amount of
 /// threat. Causes 173.25 additional damage against Dazed targets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Improved Heroic Strike [-(1*Pts) rage cost], Incite [+(5*Pts)% crit chance]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Heroic Strike [+10 rage on crits]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public HeroicStrike(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Heroic Strike";
     Description   = "A strong attack that increases melee damage by 495 and causes a high amount of threat. Causes 173.25 additional damage against Dazed targets.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.HeroicStrike_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = true;
     Cd            = /*0f*/ (Char.MainHand != null ? Whiteattacks.MhEffectiveSpeed : 0f); // In Seconds
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     RageCost        = 15f - (Talents.ImprovedHeroicStrike * 1f) - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     CastTime        = 0f; // In Seconds // Replaces a white hit
     GCDTime         = 0f;
     StanceOkFury    = StanceOkArms = StanceOkDef = true;
     DamageBase      = Whiteattacks.MhDamage + 495f;
     BonusCritChance = Talents.Incite * 0.05f + StatS.BonusWarrior_T9_4P_SLHSCritIncrease;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 // Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Whenever you are struck by a Stun of Immoblize effect you will generate
 /// 10*Pts Rage and (5*Pts)% of your total health over 10 sec.
 /// </summary>
 /// <TalentsAffecting>Sweeping Strikes [Requires Talent]</TalentsAffecting>
 /// <GlyphsAffecting>Glyph of Sweeping Strikes [-100% Rage cost]</GlyphsAffecting>
 public SecondWind(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name        = "Second Wind";
     Description = "Whenever you are struck by a Stun of Immoblize effect you will generate 10*Pts Rage and (5*Pts)% of your total health over 10 sec.";
     //AbilIterater = -1f;
     ReqTalent        = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = Talents.SecondWind;
     Cd = -1f;
     NumStunsOverDur = 0f;
     Duration        = 10f; // Using 4 seconds to sim consume time
     RageCost        = -10f * Talents.SecondWind;
     StanceOkDef     = StanceOkFury = StanceOkArms = true;
     HealingBase     = StatS.Health * 0.05f * Talents.SecondWind;
     UseHitTable     = false;
     UsesGCD         = false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws your weapon at the enemy causing (12+AP*0.50) damage (based on attack power),
 /// reducing the armor on the target by 20% for 10 sec or removing any invulnerabilities.
 /// </summary>
 public ShatteringThrow(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
     Char = c; StatS = s; combatFactors = cf; Whiteattacks = wa; CalcOpts = co; BossOpts = bo;
     Name          = "Shattering Throw";
     Description   = "Throws your weapon at the enemy causing (12+AP*0.50) damage (based on attack power), reducing the armor on the target by 20% for 10 sec or removing any invulnerabilities.";
     AbilIterater  = (int)Rawr.DPSWarr.CalculationOptionsDPSWarr.Maintenances.ShatteringThrow_;
     ReqMeleeWeap  = true;
     ReqMeleeRange = false;
     MaxRange      = 30f;     // In Yards
     //Targets += StatS.BonusTargets;
     Cd           = 5f * 60f; // In Seconds
     Duration     = 10f;
     CastTime     = 1.5f;     // In Seconds
     RageCost     = 25f - (Talents.FocusedRage * 1f);
     StanceOkArms = true;
     DamageBase   = 12f + StatS.AttackPower * 0.50f;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private Base.StatsWarrior GetCharacterStats(Character character, Item additionalItem, StatType statType, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr calcOpts, BossOptions bossOpts,
            out Base.StatsWarrior statsRace, out CombatFactors combatFactors, out Skills.WhiteAttacks whiteAttacks, out Rotation Rot)
            DPSWarrCharacter dpswarchar = new DPSWarrCharacter { Char = character, CalcOpts = calcOpts, BossOpts = bossOpts, Talents = character.WarriorTalents, CombatFactors = null, Rot = null };
            Base.StatsWarrior statsTotal = GetCharacterStats_Buffed(dpswarchar, additionalItem, statType != StatType.Unbuffed, out statsRace);
            dpswarchar.StatS = statsTotal;
            combatFactors = new CombatFactors(character, statsTotal, calcOpts, bossOpts); // we have to regenerate it here
            dpswarchar.CombatFactors = combatFactors;
            whiteAttacks = new Skills.WhiteAttacks(dpswarchar);
            dpswarchar.Whiteattacks = whiteAttacks;
            if (combatFactors.FuryStance) Rot = new FuryRotation(dpswarchar);
            else Rot = new ArmsRotation(dpswarchar);
            dpswarchar.Rot = Rot;
            if (statType == (StatType.Buffed | StatType.Unbuffed))
                return statsTotal;
            // SpecialEffects: Supposed to handle all procs such as Berserking, Mirror of Truth, Grim Toll, etc.
            Rot.MakeRotationandDoDPS(false, false);
            Rot.AddValidatedSpecialEffects(statsTotal, character.WarriorTalents);

            DPSWarrCharacter charStruct = new DPSWarrCharacter(){
                CalcOpts = calcOpts,
                BossOpts = bossOpts,
                Char = character,
                CombatFactors = combatFactors,
                Rot = Rot,
                Talents = character.WarriorTalents,
                StatS = statsTotal,
                Whiteattacks = whiteAttacks,

            float fightDuration = bossOpts.BerserkTimer;

            List<SpecialEffect> bersMainHand = new List<SpecialEffect>();
            List<SpecialEffect> bersOffHand = new List<SpecialEffect>();

            if (character.MainHandEnchant != null/* && character.MainHandEnchant.Id == 3789*/) { // 3789 = Berserker Enchant ID, but now supporting other proc effects as well
                Stats.SpecialEffectEnumerator mhEffects = character.MainHandEnchant.Stats.SpecialEffects();
                if (mhEffects.MoveNext()) {
            if (character.MainHand != null && character.MainHand.Item.Stats._rawSpecialEffectData != null) {
                Stats.SpecialEffectEnumerator mhEffects = character.MainHand.Item.Stats.SpecialEffects();
                if (mhEffects.MoveNext()) { bersMainHand.Add(mhEffects.Current); }
            if (combatFactors.useOH && character.OffHandEnchant != null /*&& character.OffHandEnchant.Id == 3789*/) {
                Stats.SpecialEffectEnumerator ohEffects = character.OffHandEnchant.Stats.SpecialEffects();
                if (ohEffects.MoveNext()) { bersOffHand.Add(ohEffects.Current); }
            if (character.OffHand != null && character.OffHand.Item.Stats._rawSpecialEffectData != null) {
                Stats.SpecialEffectEnumerator ohEffects = character.OffHand.Item.Stats.SpecialEffects();
                if (ohEffects.MoveNext()) { bersOffHand.Add(ohEffects.Current); }
            if (statType == StatType.Average) {
                DoSpecialEffects(charStruct, bersMainHand, bersOffHand, statsTotal);
            else // if (statType == StatType.Maximum)
                Base.StatsWarrior maxSpecEffects = new Base.StatsWarrior();
                foreach (SpecialEffect effect in statsTotal.SpecialEffects()) maxSpecEffects.Accumulate(effect.Stats);
                return UpdateStatsAndAdd(maxSpecEffects as Base.StatsWarrior, combatFactors.StatS, character);
            //UpdateStatsAndAdd(statsProcs, statsTotal, character); // Already done in GetSpecialEffectStats

            // special case for dual wielding w/ berserker enchant on one/both weapons, as they act independently
            //combatFactors.StatS = statsTotal;
            Base.StatsWarrior bersStats = new Base.StatsWarrior();
            foreach (SpecialEffect e in bersMainHand) {
                if (e.Duration == 0) {
                    bersStats.ShadowDamage = e.GetAverageProcsPerSecond(fightDuration / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurMH, Rot.LandedAtksOverDurMH / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurMH, combatFactors.CMHItemSpeed, calcOpts.SE_UseDur ? fightDuration : 0);
                } else {
                    // berserker enchant id
                    float f = e.GetAverageUptime(fightDuration / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurMH, Rot.LandedAtksOverDurMH / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurMH, combatFactors.CMHItemSpeed, calcOpts.SE_UseDur ? fightDuration : 0);
                    bersStats.Accumulate(e.Stats, f);
            foreach (SpecialEffect e in bersOffHand) {
                if (e.Duration == 0) {
                    bersStats.ShadowDamage += e.GetAverageProcsPerSecond(fightDuration / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurOH, Rot.LandedAtksOverDurOH / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurOH, combatFactors.COHItemSpeed, calcOpts.SE_UseDur ? fightDuration : 0);
                } else {
                    float f = e.GetAverageUptime(fightDuration / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurOH, Rot.LandedAtksOverDurOH / Rot.AttemptedAtksOverDurOH, combatFactors.COHItemSpeed, calcOpts.SE_UseDur ? fightDuration : 0);
                    bersStats.Accumulate(e.Stats, f);
            combatFactors.StatS = UpdateStatsAndAdd(bersStats, combatFactors.StatS, character);
            return combatFactors.StatS;