Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Static Methods
        public static DbConnectionProperties FromString(AdoProviderType provid, string value)
            if (provid == AdoProviderType.Auto)
                throw new ArgumentException("Enumeration value \"Auto\" is not valid for this function.", "provid");

            DbConnectionProperties retVal = new DbConnectionProperties();

            retVal._dbType = provid;

            DbConnectionStringBuilder connBldr = null;

            switch (provid)
            case AdoProviderType.SqlProvider:
                connBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(value);

            case AdoProviderType.OleProvider:
                connBldr = new OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(value);

            case AdoProviderType.OdbcProvider:
                connBldr = new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder(value);

            case AdoProviderType.DB2Provider:
                connBldr = new Db2ConnectionStringBuilder(value);
            string[] keys = new string[connBldr.Keys.Count];
            connBldr.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
            string[] vals = new string[connBldr.Values.Count];
            connBldr.Values.CopyTo(vals, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                retVal._vals.Add(vals[i], keys[i]);


            #region Depreciated Code
            //AdoProviderType provid;
            //string ds = "", un = "", pw = "", ic = "", exAttr = "";

            //// Parse the provider type.
            //if (value.ToUpper().Contains("PROVIDER="))
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.OleProvider;
            //else if (value.ToUpper().Contains("DRIVER="))
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.OdbcProvider;
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.SqlProvider;

            //// Parse the datasource.
            //int dsIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("DATA SOURCE=");
            //if (dsIdx > -1)
            //    int dsLen = value.IndexOf(';', dsIdx) - dsIdx;
            //    string dsStr = value.Substring(dsIdx, dsLen);
            //    ds = dsStr.Substring(dsStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Parse the username.
            //int unIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("USER ID=");
            //if (unIdx > -1)
            //    int unLen = value.IndexOf(';', unIdx) - unIdx;
            //    string unStr = value.Substring(unIdx, unLen);
            //    un = unStr.Substring(unStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Parse the password.
            //int pwIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("PASSWORD="******"INITIAL CATALOG=");
            //if (icIdx > -1)
            //    int icLen = value.IndexOf(';', icIdx) - icIdx;
            //    string icStr = value.Substring(icIdx, icLen);
            //    ic = icStr.Substring(icStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Create a new object based on the captured values.
            //DbConnectionProperties dbProp = new DbConnectionProperties(provid, ds, un, pw, ic);

            //// Check for any extended properties
            //int epIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("EXTENDED PROPERTIES=");
            //if (epIdx > -1)
            //    int epLen = value.IndexOf(';', epIdx) - epIdx;
            //    string epStr = value.Substring(epIdx, epLen);
            //    dbProp.ExtendedProperties = epStr;

            //// Return the new struct.
            //return dbProp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Class Constructors
 public DbConnectionProperties(AdoProviderType providerid, string connString)
     : this(providerid)
     this = DbConnectionProperties.FromString(providerid, connString);
        // Static Methods
        public static DbConnectionProperties FromString(AdoProviderType provid, string value)
            if (provid == AdoProviderType.Auto)
                throw new ArgumentException("Enumeration value \"Auto\" is not valid for this function.", "provid");

            DbConnectionProperties retVal = new DbConnectionProperties();
            retVal._dbType = provid;

            DbConnectionStringBuilder connBldr = null;
            switch (provid)
                case AdoProviderType.SqlProvider:
                    connBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(value);
                case AdoProviderType.OleProvider:
                    connBldr = new OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(value);
                case AdoProviderType.OdbcProvider:
                    connBldr = new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder(value);
                case AdoProviderType.DB2Provider:
                    connBldr = new Db2ConnectionStringBuilder(value);
            string[] keys = new string[connBldr.Keys.Count];
            connBldr.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
            string[] vals = new string[connBldr.Values.Count];
            connBldr.Values.CopyTo(vals, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                retVal._vals.Add(vals[i], keys[i]);

            return retVal;

            #region Depreciated Code
            //AdoProviderType provid;
            //string ds = "", un = "", pw = "", ic = "", exAttr = "";

            //// Parse the provider type.
            //if (value.ToUpper().Contains("PROVIDER="))
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.OleProvider;
            //else if (value.ToUpper().Contains("DRIVER="))
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.OdbcProvider;
            //    provid = AdoProviderType.SqlProvider;

            //// Parse the datasource.
            //int dsIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("DATA SOURCE=");
            //if (dsIdx > -1)
            //    int dsLen = value.IndexOf(';', dsIdx) - dsIdx;
            //    string dsStr = value.Substring(dsIdx, dsLen);
            //    ds = dsStr.Substring(dsStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Parse the username.
            //int unIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("USER ID=");
            //if (unIdx > -1)
            //    int unLen = value.IndexOf(';', unIdx) - unIdx;
            //    string unStr = value.Substring(unIdx, unLen);
            //    un = unStr.Substring(unStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Parse the password.
            //int pwIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("PASSWORD="******"INITIAL CATALOG=");
            //if (icIdx > -1)
            //    int icLen = value.IndexOf(';', icIdx) - icIdx;
            //    string icStr = value.Substring(icIdx, icLen);
            //    ic = icStr.Substring(icStr.IndexOf('=') + 1);

            //// Create a new object based on the captured values.
            //DbConnectionProperties dbProp = new DbConnectionProperties(provid, ds, un, pw, ic);

            //// Check for any extended properties
            //int epIdx = value.ToUpper().IndexOf("EXTENDED PROPERTIES=");
            //if (epIdx > -1)
            //    int epLen = value.IndexOf(';', epIdx) - epIdx;
            //    string epStr = value.Substring(epIdx, epLen);
            //    dbProp.ExtendedProperties = epStr;

            //// Return the new struct.
            //return dbProp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static bool IsSQL(DbConnectionProperties conn)
 { return rsDb.IsSQL(conn.ToString(), conn.ProviderID); }
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static rsDb GetDbObject(DbConnectionProperties connParams, string qryString)
 { return rsDb.GetDbObject(connParams.ProviderID, connParams.ToString(), qryString); }
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static rsDb GetDbObject(DbConnectionProperties connParams)
 { return rsDb.GetDbObject(connParams, ""); }