doStep() public method

Performs a simulation step and updates the two-dimensional * position and two-dimensional velocity of each agent.
public doStep ( ) : float
return float
Ejemplo n.º 1
    void LateUpdate()

        //desired vels
        for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; i++)
            Vector3 pos  = units[i].GetFeetPosition();
            var     v    = units[i].GetVelocity();
            var     vdes = units[i].DesiredVelocity;

            var rvoAgent = sim.agents_[i];
            rvoAgent.position_     = new RVO.Vector2(pos.x, pos.z);
            rvoAgent.velocity_     = new RVO.Vector2(v.x, v.z);
            rvoAgent.prefVelocity_ = new RVO.Vector2(vdes.x, vdes.z);

        //set new vels
        for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; i++)
            var vnew = sim.agents_[i].velocity_;
            units[i].Move(new Vector3(vnew.x_, 0, vnew.y_));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Update()
        m_timeSum += Time.deltaTime;
        if (sim != null)
            if (m_timeSum > sim.timeStep_)
                m_timeSum -= sim.timeStep_;
        m_sb.Length = 0;
        foreach (var i in m_agentIds)
            var   pos    = RVO.Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(i);
            var   vel    = RVO.Simulator.Instance.getAgentVelocity(i);
            var   radius = RVO.Simulator.Instance.getAgentRadius(i);
            float orient = Mathf.Atan2(vel.y(), vel.x());
            m_sb.Append(string.Format("id:{0} pos:{1} vel:{2} orieng:{3}", i, pos, vel, orient));
            var target = new RVO.Vector2(goals[i].x, goals[i].z);
            RVO.Simulator.Instance.setAgentPrefVelocity(i, RVO.RVOMath.normalize(target - pos) * m_maxSpeed);

            Vector3 forward = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(orient), 0, Mathf.Sin(orient)).normalized *radius;
            if (forward ==
                forward = new Vector3(0, 0, radius);
            Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, forward);
            Vector3 orig  = new Vector3(pos.x(), 0, pos.y()) + renderingOffset;

            int vc = 4 * i;
            int tc = 2 * 3 * i;
            verts[vc + 0] = (orig + forward - right);
            verts[vc + 1] = (orig + forward + right);
            verts[vc + 2] = (orig - forward + right);
            verts[vc + 3] = (orig - forward - right);

            uv[vc + 0] = (new Vector2(0, 1));
            uv[vc + 1] = (new Vector2(1, 1));
            uv[vc + 2] = (new Vector2(1, 0));
            uv[vc + 3] = (new Vector2(0, 0));

            meshColors[vc + 0] = colors[i];
            meshColors[vc + 1] = colors[i];
            meshColors[vc + 2] = colors[i];
            meshColors[vc + 3] = colors[i];

            tris[tc + 0] = (vc + 0);
            tris[tc + 1] = (vc + 1);
            tris[tc + 2] = (vc + 2);

            tris[tc + 3] = (vc + 0);
            tris[tc + 4] = (vc + 2);
            tris[tc + 5] = (vc + 3);
        //Update the mesh
        mesh.vertices  = verts;
        mesh.uv        = uv;
        mesh.colors    = meshColors;
        mesh.triangles = tris;