Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static uint initialPIDRNGBW2_ID(ulong seed, bool saveFile)
            // we are ignoring the saveFile command because it hasn't been properly researched without a save file
            var rng = new BWRng(seed);
            uint frameCount = 1;

            //int rounds = saveFile ? 4 : 3;
            const int rounds = 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        if (probabilityTable[k, j] == 100)

                        uint rn = rng.GetNext32BitNumber(101);

                        if (rn <= probabilityTable[k, j])
                if (i == 0)
                    //two advances after the first table call
                    for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                if (i == 1)
                    //BW2 has 4 advances after the second table call and before the rest
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            // three more advances at the end
            return frameCount + 3;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static uint initialPIDRNGBW(ulong seed)
            var rng = new BWRng(seed);
            uint frameCount = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        if (probabilityTable[k, j] == 100)

                        uint rn = rng.GetNext32BitNumber(101);

                        if (rn <= probabilityTable[k, j])

            return frameCount;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static uint initialPIDRNGBW2(ulong seed, Profile profile)
            var rng = new BWRng(seed);
            uint frameCount = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        if (probabilityTable[k, j] == 100)

                        uint rn = rng.GetNext32BitNumber(101);

                        if (rn <= probabilityTable[k, j])
                if (i == 0)
                    //BW2 has 3 advances after the first table call and before the rest
                    //it is only 2 advances after memorylink
                    int advances = profile.MemoryLink ? 2 : 3;
                    for (int j = 0; j < advances; ++j)

            frameCount = initialPIDRNGBW2_extra(rng, frameCount);
            return frameCount;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static uint initialPIDRNGBW2_extra(BWRng rng, uint frameCount)
            bool loop = true;
            for (int limit = 0; loop && limit < 100; ++limit)
                loop = false;
                var tmp = new uint[3];
                frameCount += 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    tmp[i] = rng.GetNext32BitNumber(15);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                        if (i == j) continue;
                        if (tmp[i] == tmp[j])
                            loop = true;
            return frameCount;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void searchGenVHit(DateTime date, int hour, int minute, int minSec, int maxSec, int minframe,
                                   int maxframe, uint id, ulong mAC, Version version, Language language, DSType dstype,
                                   bool softReset,
                                   uint vCount, uint timer0, uint gxStat, uint vFrame)
            var rng = new BWRng(0);
            int[] buttons = {0};

            isSearching = true;

            for (int sec = minSec; sec <= maxSec; sec++)
                var dTime = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, hour, minute, sec);

                for (int button = 0; button < 13; button++)
                    buttons[0] = button;
                    ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(dTime, mAC, version, language, dstype, softReset, vCount, timer0,

                    rng.Seed = seed;
                    ulong oSeed = seed;

                    for (int frame = 0; frame < minframe; frame++)

                    for (int frame = minframe; frame <= maxframe; frame++)
                        seed = rng.Seed;

                        var upper = (uint) (((seed >> 32)*0xFFFFFFFF) >> 32);
                        uint tid = (upper & 0xFFFF);
                        uint sid = (upper >> 16);

                        if (tid == id)
                            var iDSeed = new IDListBW
                                    Seed = oSeed,
                                    Date = dTime.ToShortDateString(),
                                    Time = dTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
                                    Frame = frame,
                                    InitialFrame = (int) Functions.initialPIDRNG_ID(oSeed, false, version),
                                    ID = tid,
                                    SID = sid,
                                    Starter = "N/A",
                                    Button = Functions.buttonStrings[button]


                            refresh = true;
            isSearching = false;

            lblAction.Text = "Done. - Awaiting Command";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void searchGenV(DateTime date, bool entireMonth, bool useSeed, ulong shinySeed, int seedFrame,
                                bool usePID, uint pid, bool useID,
                                uint id, bool useSID, uint sid, bool calcMinFrame, bool existingFile, ulong mAC,
                                Version version, Language language, DSType dstype, bool softRest, uint vCount,
                                uint timer0, uint gxStat,
                                uint vFrame)
            int dayMin, dayMax;
            uint shinyUpper = 0;
            bool xOR2 = false, starter = false;
            var rng = new BWRng(0);
            resultsCount = 0;
            int[] buttons = {0};

            isSearching = true;

            if (useSeed)
                rng.Seed = shinySeed;
                for (int i = 0; i < seedFrame; i++)

                shinyUpper = (uint) (rng.Seed >> 32);

                xOR2 = Convert.ToBoolean((shinyUpper >> 31) ^ (shinyUpper & 1));

            if (entireMonth)
                dayMin = 1;
                dayMax = DateTime.DaysInMonth(date.Year, date.Month);
                dayMin = dayMax = date.Day;

            long total = 86400*(dayMax - dayMin + 1);

            for (int day = dayMin; day <= dayMax; day++)
                for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
                    for (int minute = 0; minute < 60; minute++)
                        for (int second = 0; second < 60; second++)
                            var dTime = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, day, hour, minute, second);

                            for (int button = 0; button < 13; button++)
                                buttons[0] = button;
                                ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(dTime, mAC, version, language, dstype, softRest,
                                                                   vCount, timer0,
                                                                   vFrame, Functions.buttonMashed(buttons));

                                rng.Seed = seed;
                                ulong oSeed = seed;

                                if (calcMinFrame)
                                    minFrame = (int) Functions.initialPIDRNG_ID(seed, existingFile, version);

                                for (int frame = 0; frame < minFrame; frame++)

                                for (int frame = minFrame; frame <= maxFrame; frame++)
                                    seed = rng.Seed;

                                    var upper = (uint) (((seed >> 32)*0xFFFFFFFF) >> 32);
                                    uint tid = (upper & 0xFFFF);
                                    uint tsid = (upper >> 16);

                                    if (useSeed)
                                        bool xOR1 = Convert.ToBoolean((tid + tsid) & 1);

                                        if (xOR1 ^ xOR2)
                                            pid = shinyUpper ^ 0x80010000;
                                            starter = false;
                                            pid = shinyUpper ^ 0x00010000;
                                            starter = true;

                                        pid = ((pid >> 16) ^ (pid << 16 >> 16));

                                    if ((!useID || (tid == id)) && (!useSID || (tsid == sid)))
                                        if (useSeed && (tid ^ tsid ^ pid) >= 8) continue;
                                        if (usePID && !Functions.Shiny(pid, (ushort) tid, (ushort) tsid)) continue;
                                        var iDSeed = new IDListBW
                                                Seed = oSeed,
                                                Date = dTime.ToShortDateString(),
                                                Time = dTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
                                                InitialFrame = minFrame,
                                                Frame = frame,
                                                ID = tid,
                                                SID = tsid,
                                                Starter = starter.ToString(),
                                                Button = Functions.buttonStrings[button]

                                        refresh = true;

                                        if (resultsCount++ >= MAX_RESULTS)
                                            lblAction.Text =
                                                "Search stopped - results max reached. Narrow your search for better results.";

                                            isSearching = false;
                    lblAction.Text = ((((day - dayMin)*24 + hour + 1)*3600)/(float) total*100) + "%";
            isSearching = false;

            lblAction.Text = "Done. - Awaiting Command";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //  Initial seed that we are going to used for our frame generation
            ulong seed = 0;
            if (textBoxSeed.Text != "")
                seed = ulong.Parse(textBoxSeed.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            uint maxFrames = 1000;
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxFrames.Text != "")
                maxFrames = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxFrames.Text);

            //  Generic RNG Interface
            IRNG rng = null;
            IRNG64 rng64 = null;

            //  Instantiate based on the type that
            //  the user has selected ------------
            if (radioButtonCommon.Checked)
                switch (comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        rng = new PokeRng((uint) seed);
                    case 1:
                        rng = new PokeRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 2:
                        // if the given seed is 64 bit, remove the lower 32 bits.
                        if (seed >= 0x100000000) seed >>= 32;
                        rng = new MersenneTwister((uint) seed);
                    case 3:
                        rng64 = new BWRng(seed);
                    case 4:
                        rng64 = new BWRngR(seed);
                    case 5:
                        rng = new XdRng((uint) seed);
                    case 6:
                        rng = new XdRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 7:
                        rng = new ARng((uint) seed);
                    case 8:
                        rng = new ARngR((uint) seed);
                    case 9:
                        rng = new GRng((uint) seed);
                    case 10:
                        rng = new GRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 11:
                        rng = new EncounterRng((uint) seed);
                    case 12:
                        rng = new EncounterRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 13:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterUntempered((int) seed);
                    case 14:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterFast((uint) seed, (int) maxFrames);
                    case 15:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterTable((uint) seed);

            if (radioButtonCustom.Checked)
                //  Check to see if we had valid values in the entry fields, and if so
                //  covert them over to the adding and multiplier so we can instantiate
                //  a generic LCRNG.

                ulong mult = 0;
                ulong add = 0;

                if (textBoxMult.Text != "")
                    mult = ulong.Parse(textBoxMult.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (textBoxAdd.Text != "")
                    add = ulong.Parse(textBoxAdd.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (checkBox64bit.Checked)
                    rng64 = new GenericRng64(seed, mult, add);
                    rng = new GenericRng((uint) seed, (uint) mult, (uint) add);

            //  This is our collection of operators. At some point, if this gets
            //  fancy, we may want to break it off and have it in it's own class
            var calculators = new Dictionary<string, Calculator>();

            calculators["%"] = (x, y) => x%y;
            calculators["*"] = (x, y) => x*y;
            calculators["/"] = (x, y) => y == 0 ? 0 : x/y;
            calculators["&"] = (x, y) => x & y;
            calculators["^"] = (x, y) => x ^ y;
            calculators["|"] = (x, y) => x | y;
            calculators["+"] = (x, y) => x + y;
            calculators["-"] = (x, y) => x - y;
            calculators[">>"] = (x, y) => x >> (int) y;
            calculators["<<"] = (x, y) => x << (int) y;

            bool calcCustom1 =
                textBoxRValue1.Text != "" &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue1.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom2 =
                (textBoxRValue2.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue2.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue2.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom3 =
                (textBoxRValue3.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue3.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue3.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom4 =
                (textBoxRValue4.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue4.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue4.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom5 =
                (textBoxRValue5.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue5.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue5.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom6 =
                (textBoxRValue6.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue6.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue6.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom7 =
                (textBoxRValue7.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue7.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue7.SelectedItem != null;

            //  Build our custom item transform classes so that we can use them in
            //  the future without having to do a parse of all of the items.

            ulong customRValue1;
            ulong customRValue2;
            ulong customRValue3;
            ulong customRValue4;
            ulong customRValue5;
            ulong customRValue6;
            ulong customRValue7;

                customRValue1 = (textBoxRValue1.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom1Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue1.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue1.Text)));
                customRValue2 = (textBoxRValue2.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom2Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue2.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue2.Text)));
                customRValue3 = (textBoxRValue3.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom3Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue3.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue3.Text)));
                customRValue4 = (textBoxRValue4.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom4Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue4.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue4.Text)));
                customRValue5 = (textBoxRValue5.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom5Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue5.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue5.Text)));
                customRValue6 = (textBoxRValue6.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom6Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue6.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue6.Text)));
                customRValue7 = (textBoxRValue7.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom7Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue7.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue7.Text)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("You must check off the Hex box in order to calculate using hex values.", ex.Message);

            Calculator custom1Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom2Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom3Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom4Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom5Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom6Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom7Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem]);

            //  Decide on whether we are going to display each of these items as
            //  decimal or hex. Can be very useful either way, so it is an option.
            Custom1.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom1Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom2.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom2Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom3.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom3Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom4.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom4Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom5.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom5Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom6.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom6Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom7.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom7Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            var frames = new List<FrameResearch>();

            bool rngIs64Bit = (comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex == 3 || comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex == 4 ||
                               checkBox64bit.Checked && radioButtonCustom.Checked);
            //  Loop through X times and create our research frames.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt < maxFrames; cnt++)
                FrameResearch frame;
                if (!rngIs64Bit)
                    Column64Bit.Visible = false;
                    Column32Bit.Visible = true;
                    Column32BitHigh.Visible = false;
                    Column32BitLow.Visible = false;

                    uint rngResult = rng.Next();

                    //  Start building the research frame that we are going to use
                    frame = new FrameResearch {RNG64bit = rngIs64Bit, FrameNumber = cnt + 1, Full32 = rngResult};
                    Column64Bit.Visible = true;
                    Column32Bit.Visible = false;
                    Column32BitHigh.Visible = true;
                    Column32BitLow.Visible = true;

                    ulong rngResult = rng64.Next();

                    //  Start building the research frame that we are going to use
                    frame = new FrameResearch {RNG64bit = rngIs64Bit, FrameNumber = cnt + 1, Full64 = rngResult};

                //  Call Custom 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom1)
                    ulong customLValue1 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue1, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue1 = (uint) customLValue1;

                    frame.Custom1 = custom1Calc(customLValue1, customRValue1);

                //  Call Custom 2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom2)
                    ulong customLValue2 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue2, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue2.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue2 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue2, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue2 = (uint) customLValue2;

                    frame.Custom2 = custom2Calc(customLValue2, customRValue2);

                //  Call Custom 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom3)
                    ulong customLValue3 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue3, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue3.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue3 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue3, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue3 = (uint) customLValue3;

                    frame.Custom3 = custom3Calc(customLValue3, customRValue3);

                //  Call Custom 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom4)
                    ulong customLValue4 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue4, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue4.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue4 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue4, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue4 = (uint) customLValue4;

                    frame.Custom4 = custom4Calc(customLValue4, customRValue4);

                //  Call Custom 5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom5)
                    ulong customLValue5 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue5, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue5.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue5 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue5, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue5 = (uint) customLValue5;

                    frame.Custom5 = custom5Calc(customLValue5, customRValue5);

                //  Call Custom 6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom6)
                    ulong customLValue6 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue6, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue6.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue6 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue6, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue6 = (uint) customLValue6;

                    frame.Custom6 = custom6Calc(customLValue6, customRValue6);

                //  Call Custom 7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom7)
                    ulong customLValue7 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue7, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue7.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue7 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue7, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue7 = (uint) customLValue7;

                    frame.Custom7 = custom7Calc(customLValue7, customRValue7);


            //  Bind to the grid
            dataGridViewValues.DataSource = frames;
        private void Search(DateTime date, uint vcountMin, uint vcountMax,
                            uint timer0Min, uint timer0Max, uint vframeMin, uint vframeMax, uint gxstatMin,
                            uint gxstatMax, bool minmaxgxstat, int secondsMin, int secondsMax, bool softreset,
                            Version version, Language language,
                            DSType dstype, bool memorylink, ulong macaddress, uint buttons, uint[] pattern)
            var array = new uint[80];
            array[6] = (uint) (macaddress & 0xFFFF);
            if (softreset)
                array[6] = array[6] ^ 0x01000000;
            Array.Copy(Nazos.Nazo(version, language, dstype), array, 5);

            array[10] = 0x00000000;
            array[11] = 0x00000000;
            array[13] = 0x80000000;
            array[14] = 0x00000000;
            array[15] = 0x000001A0;

            array[12] = buttons;

            string yearMonth = String.Format("{0:00}", date.Year%2000) + String.Format("{0:00}", date.Month);
            string dateString = String.Format("{0:00}", (int) date.DayOfWeek);
            dateString = String.Format("{0:00}", date.Day) + dateString;
            dateString = yearMonth + dateString;
            array[8] = uint.Parse(dateString, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            array[9] = 0x0;
            //uint[] alpha = Functions.alphaSHA1(array, 8);

            var upperMAC = (uint) (macaddress >> 16);

            for (uint vcount = vcountMin; vcount <= vcountMax; ++vcount)
                for (uint timer0 = timer0Min; timer0 <= timer0Max; ++timer0)
                    array[5] = (vcount << 16) + timer0;
                    array[5] = Functions.Reorder(array[5]);

                    for (uint vframe = vframeMin; vframe <= vframeMax; ++vframe)
                        for (uint gxstat = gxstatMin; gxstat <= gxstatMax; ++gxstat)
                            array[7] = (upperMAC ^ (vframe*0x1000000) ^ gxstat);
                            uint[] alpha = Functions.alphaSHA1(array, 8);

                            array[16] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[13] ^ array[8] ^ array[2] ^ array[0], 1);
                            array[18] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[15] ^ array[10] ^ array[4] ^ array[2], 1);
                            array[19] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[16] ^ array[11] ^ array[5] ^ array[3], 1);
                            array[21] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[18] ^ array[13] ^ array[7] ^ array[5], 1);
                            array[22] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[19] ^ array[14] ^ array[8] ^ array[6], 1);
                            array[24] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[21] ^ array[16] ^ array[10] ^ array[8], 1);
                            array[27] = Functions.RotateLeft(array[24] ^ array[19] ^ array[13] ^ array[11], 1);

                            for (int second = secondsMin; second <= secondsMax; ++second)
                                array[9] = Functions.seedSecond(second) | Functions.seedMinute(date.Minute) |
                                           Functions.seedHour(date.Hour, dstype);
                                ulong seed = Functions.EncryptSeed(array, alpha, 9);
                                // it appears to have the same initial seed as in the main game
                                // pressing Unova link does the same probability table calls
                                uint initial = Functions.initialPIDRNG(seed, version, memorylink);
                                var rng = new BWRng(seed);
                                for (uint i = 0; i < initial; ++i) rng.GetNext64BitNumber();
                                bool found = true;
                                for (uint i = 0; i < pattern.Length; ++i)
                                    if (pattern[i] != rng.GetNext32BitNumber(8))
                                        found = false;
                                    // there's another RNG call here unreleated to the spinner
                                if (found)
                                    var parameter = new DSParameterCapture
                                            ActualSeconds = second,
                                            GxStat = gxstat,
                                            Seed = seed,
                                            Timer0 = timer0,
                                            VCount = vcount,
                                            VFrame = vframe
                                    refreshQueue = true;

                            if (minmaxgxstat && gxstatMax > gxstatMin) gxstat = gxstatMax - 1;