Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;

            float rayEnter;
            Plane trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2, epsilon))
                t = rayEnter;

            if (epsilon.ExtrudeEps != 0.0f)
                float dot = Vector3Ex.AbsDot(ray.direction, trianglePlane.normal);
                if (dot < ExtrudeEpsThreshold.Get)
                    OBB obb = Calc3DTriangleOBB(p0, p1, p2, trianglePlane.normal, epsilon);
                    return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, obb.Center, obb.Size, obb.Rotation));

        public BoxFaceAreaDesc GetWorldSnapAreaDesc(BoxFace boxFace)
            Vector3 boxSize = _snapAreaBounds[(int)boxFace].Size;

            boxSize = Vector3.Scale(boxSize, _gameObject.transform.lossyScale.Abs());

            return(BoxMath.GetBoxFaceAreaDesc(boxSize, boxFace));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static bool RaycastWire(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 quadCenter, float quadWidth, float quadHeight, Vector3 quadRight, Vector3 quadUp, QuadEpsilon epsilon = new QuadEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;
            Vector3    quadNormal   = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(quadRight, quadUp));
            Plane      quadPlane    = new Plane(quadNormal, quadCenter);
            Vector2    quadSize     = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);
            Quaternion quadRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(quadNormal, quadUp);

            float rayEnter;

            if (quadPlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter))
                Vector3        intersectPt  = ray.GetPoint(rayEnter);
                List <Vector3> cornerPoints = Calc3DQuadCornerPoints(quadCenter, quadSize, quadRotation);

                float distFromSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.TopLeft], cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.TopRight]);
                if (distFromSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distFromSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.TopRight], cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.BottomRight]);
                if (distFromSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distFromSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.BottomRight], cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.BottomLeft]);
                if (distFromSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distFromSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.BottomLeft], cornerPoints[(int)QuadCorner.TopLeft]);
                if (distFromSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

            if (epsilon.ExtrudeEps != 0.0f)
                float dot = Vector3Ex.AbsDot(ray.direction, quadPlane.normal);
                if (dot < ExtrudeEpsThreshold.Get)
                    OBB quadOBB = Calc3DQuadOBB(quadCenter, quadSize, Quaternion.LookRotation(quadNormal, quadUp), epsilon);
                    return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, quadOBB.Center, quadOBB.Size, quadOBB.Rotation));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Encapsulate(OBB otherOBB)
            var otherPts = BoxMath.CalcBoxCornerPoints(otherOBB.Center, otherOBB.Size, otherOBB.Rotation);

            Matrix4x4 transformMtx = Matrix4x4.TRS(Center, Rotation, Vector3.one);
            var       modelPts     = transformMtx.inverse.TransformPoints(otherPts);

            AABB modelAABB = new AABB(Vector3.zero, Size);


            Center = (Rotation * modelAABB.Center) + Center;
            Size   = modelAABB.Size;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void UpdateTransform(Camera camera)
            Vector3            midAxisPos       = _sceneGizmo.SceneGizmoCamera.LookAtPoint;
            RTSceneGizmoCamera sceneGizmoCamera = _sceneGizmo.SceneGizmoCamera;
            Vector3            axisDirection    = _sceneGizmo.Gizmo.Transform.GetAxis3D(_axisDesc);

            _zoomFactorTransform.Position3D = midAxisPos;
            float zoomFactor = _cap.GetZoomFactor(camera);

            Vector3 midCapSize = _sceneGizmo.LookAndFeel.MidCapType == GizmoCap3DType.Box ?
                                 Vector3Ex.FromValue(SceneGizmoLookAndFeel.MidCapBoxSize * zoomFactor) : Vector3Ex.FromValue(SceneGizmoLookAndFeel.MidCapSphereRadius * 2.0f * zoomFactor);
            Vector3 midBoxFaceCenter = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(midAxisPos, midCapSize, Quaternion.identity, _midAxisBoxFace);

            _cap.CapSlider3DInvert(axisDirection, midBoxFaceCenter);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static List <Vector3> CollectWorldSpriteVerts(Sprite sprite, Transform spriteTransform, OBB collectOBB)
            List <Vector3> spriteWorldVerts = sprite.GetWorldVerts(spriteTransform);
            List <Vector3> collectedVerts   = new List <Vector3>(7);

            foreach (Vector3 vertPos in spriteWorldVerts)
                if (BoxMath.ContainsPoint(vertPos, collectOBB.Center, collectOBB.Size, collectOBB.Rotation))

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static List <Vector3> CollectModelSpriteVerts(Sprite sprite, AABB collectAABB)
            Vector2[]      spriteModelVerts = sprite.vertices;
            List <Vector3> collectedVerts   = new List <Vector3>(7);

            foreach (Vector2 vertPos in spriteModelVerts)
                if (BoxMath.ContainsPoint(vertPos, collectAABB.Center, collectAABB.Size, Quaternion.identity))

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public GameObjectRayHit RaycastSpriteObject(Ray ray, GameObject gameObject)
            float t;
            OBB   worldOBB = ObjectBounds.CalcSpriteWorldOBB(gameObject);

            if (!worldOBB.IsValid)

            if (BoxMath.Raycast(ray, out t, worldOBB.Center, worldOBB.Size, worldOBB.Rotation))
                return(new GameObjectRayHit(ray, gameObject, worldOBB.GetPointFaceNormal(ray.GetPoint(t)), t));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static bool RaycastWire(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;

            float rayEnter;
            Plane trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter))
                Vector3 intersectPt   = ray.GetPoint(rayEnter);
                float   distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p0, p1);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p1, p2);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p2, p0);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

            if (epsilon.ExtrudeEps != 0.0f)
                float dot = Vector3Ex.AbsDot(ray.direction, trianglePlane.normal);
                if (dot < ExtrudeEpsThreshold.Get)
                    OBB obb = Calc3DTriangleOBB(p0, p1, p2, trianglePlane.normal, epsilon);
                    return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, obb.Center, obb.Size, obb.Rotation));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public List <Vector3> OverlapVerts(OBB obb, MeshTransform meshTransform)
            if (!_isBuilt)

            OBB           meshSpaceOBB = meshTransform.InverseTransformOBB(obb);
            HashSet <int> usedIndices  = new HashSet <int>();
            List <SphereTreeNode <MeshTriangle> > overlappedNodes = _tree.OverlapBox(meshSpaceOBB);

            if (overlappedNodes.Count == 0)
                return(new List <Vector3>());

            List <Vector3> overlappedVerts = new List <Vector3>(50);

            foreach (SphereTreeNode <MeshTriangle> node in overlappedNodes)
                int          triangleIndex = node.Data.TriangleIndex;
                MeshTriangle triangleInfo  = _mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndex);
                Vector3[]    modelVerts    = triangleInfo.Vertices;

                for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < modelVerts.Length; ++ptIndex)
                    int vertIndex = triangleInfo.GetVertIndex(ptIndex);
                    if (usedIndices.Contains(vertIndex))

                    Vector3 modelVert = modelVerts[ptIndex];
                    if (BoxMath.ContainsPoint(modelVert, meshSpaceOBB.Center, meshSpaceOBB.Size, meshSpaceOBB.Rotation))

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public List <Vector3> OverlapModelVerts(OBB modelOBB)
            if (!_isBuilt)

            HashSet <int> usedIndices     = new HashSet <int>();
            var           overlappedNodes = _tree.OverlapBox(modelOBB);

            if (overlappedNodes.Count == 0)
                return(new List <Vector3>());

            var overlappedVerts = new List <Vector3>(50);

            foreach (var node in overlappedNodes)
                int          triangleIndex = node.Data.TriangleIndex;
                MeshTriangle triangleInfo  = _mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndex);
                var          modelVerts    = triangleInfo.Vertices;

                for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < modelVerts.Length; ++ptIndex)
                    int vertIndex = triangleInfo.GetVertIndex(ptIndex);
                    if (usedIndices.Contains(vertIndex))

                    Vector3 modelVert = modelVerts[ptIndex];
                    if (BoxMath.ContainsPoint(modelVert, modelOBB.Center, modelOBB.Size, modelOBB.Rotation))

Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void SnapToObjectHitPoint(GameObjectRayHit objectHit, SnapToPointMode snapMode)
            if (snapMode == SnapToPointMode.Exact)
                float distToPlane = new Plane(Normal, Vector3.zero).GetDistanceToPoint(objectHit.HitPoint);
                YOffset = distToPlane;
                ObjectBounds.QueryConfig boundsQConfig = new ObjectBounds.QueryConfig();
                boundsQConfig.ObjectTypes = GameObjectType.Mesh;

                OBB worldOBB = ObjectBounds.CalcWorldOBB(objectHit.HitObject, boundsQConfig);
                if (worldOBB.IsValid)
                    Plane          slicePlane = new Plane(Normal, worldOBB.Center);
                    Vector3        destPt     = worldOBB.Center;
                    List <Vector3> obbCorners = BoxMath.CalcBoxCornerPoints(worldOBB.Center, worldOBB.Size, worldOBB.Rotation);

                    float sign = Mathf.Sign(slicePlane.GetDistanceToPoint(objectHit.HitPoint));
                    if (sign > 0.0f)
                        int furthestPtInFront = slicePlane.GetFurthestPtInFront(obbCorners);
                        if (furthestPtInFront >= 0)
                            destPt = obbCorners[furthestPtInFront];
                        int furthestPtBehind = slicePlane.GetFurthestPtBehind(obbCorners);
                        if (furthestPtBehind >= 0)
                            destPt = obbCorners[furthestPtBehind];

                    float distToPlane = new Plane(Normal, Vector3.zero).GetDistanceToPoint(destPt);
                    YOffset = distToPlane;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void UpdateExtrudeSliderTransforms()
            Vector3    center   = BoxCenter;
            Quaternion rotation = BoxRotation;

            _leftExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Left);

            _rightExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Right);

            _upExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Top);

            _bottomExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Bottom);

            _backExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Front);

            _frontExtrude.StartPosition = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(center, _boxSize, rotation, BoxFace.Back);
        private List <AABB> BuildVertOverlapAABBs(GameObject gameObject, Sprite sprite, RTMesh rtMesh)
            if (sprite == null && rtMesh == null)
                return(new List <AABB>());

            const float overlapAmount     = 0.2f;
            float       halfOverlapAmount = overlapAmount * 0.5f;
            AABB        modelAABB         = sprite != null?ObjectBounds.CalcSpriteModelAABB(gameObject) : rtMesh.AABB;

            Vector3        modelAABBSize  = modelAABB.Size;
            List <BoxFace> modelAABBFaces = BoxMath.AllBoxFaces;

            const float sizeEps = 0.001f;

            Vector3[] overlapAABBSizes = new Vector3[modelAABBFaces.Count];
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Left]   = new Vector3(overlapAmount, modelAABBSize.y + sizeEps, modelAABBSize.z + sizeEps);
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Right]  = new Vector3(overlapAmount, modelAABBSize.y + sizeEps, modelAABBSize.z + sizeEps);
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Bottom] = new Vector3(modelAABBSize.x + sizeEps, overlapAmount, modelAABBSize.z + sizeEps);
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Top]    = new Vector3(modelAABBSize.x + sizeEps, overlapAmount, modelAABBSize.z + sizeEps);
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Back]   = new Vector3(modelAABBSize.x + sizeEps, modelAABBSize.y + sizeEps, overlapAmount);
            overlapAABBSizes[(int)BoxFace.Front]  = new Vector3(modelAABBSize.x + sizeEps, modelAABBSize.y + sizeEps, overlapAmount);

            var overlapAABBs = new List <AABB>();

            for (int boxFaceIndex = 0; boxFaceIndex < modelAABBFaces.Count; ++boxFaceIndex)
                BoxFace modelAABBFace = modelAABBFaces[boxFaceIndex];
                Vector3 faceCenter    = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(modelAABB.Center, modelAABB.Size, Quaternion.identity, modelAABBFace);
                Vector3 faceNormal    = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceNormal(modelAABB.Center, modelAABB.Size, Quaternion.identity, modelAABBFace);
                Vector3 overlapCenter = faceCenter - faceNormal * halfOverlapAmount;
                overlapAABBs.Add(new AABB(overlapCenter, overlapAABBSizes[boxFaceIndex]));

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 coneBaseCenter, float coneBaseRadius, float coneHeight, Quaternion coneRotation, ConeEpsilon epsilon = new ConeEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;
            Ray coneSpaceRay = ray.InverseTransform(Matrix4x4.TRS(coneBaseCenter, coneRotation, Vector3.one));

            float   xzAABBSize = coneBaseRadius * 2.0f;
            Vector3 aabbSize   = new Vector3(xzAABBSize, coneHeight + epsilon.VertEps * 2.0f, xzAABBSize);

            if (!BoxMath.Raycast(coneSpaceRay, Vector3.up * coneHeight * 0.5f, aabbSize, Quaternion.identity))

            // We will first perform a preliminary check to see if the ray intersects the bottom cap of the cone.
            // This is necessary because the cone equation views the cone as infinite (i.e. no bottom cap), and
            // if we didn't perform this check, we would never be able to tell when the bottom cap was hit.
            float rayEnter;
            Plane bottomCapPlane = new Plane(-Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);

            if (bottomCapPlane.Raycast(coneSpaceRay, out rayEnter))
                // If the ray intersects the plane of the bottom cap, we will calculate the intersection point
                // and if it lies inside the cone's bottom cap area, it means we have a valid intersection. We
                // store the t value and then return true.
                Vector3 intersectionPoint = coneSpaceRay.origin + coneSpaceRay.direction * rayEnter;
                if (intersectionPoint.magnitude <= coneBaseRadius)
                    t = rayEnter;

            // We need this for the calculation of the quadratic coefficients
            float ratioSquared = coneBaseRadius / coneHeight;

            ratioSquared *= ratioSquared;

            // Calculate the coefficients.
            // Note: The cone equation which was used is: (X^2 + Z^2) / ratioSquared = (Y - coneHeight)^2.
            //       Where X, Y and Z are the coordinates of the point along the ray: (Origin + Direction * t).xyz
            float a = coneSpaceRay.direction.x * coneSpaceRay.direction.x + coneSpaceRay.direction.z * coneSpaceRay.direction.z - ratioSquared * coneSpaceRay.direction.y * coneSpaceRay.direction.y;
            float b = 2.0f * (coneSpaceRay.origin.x * coneSpaceRay.direction.x + coneSpaceRay.origin.z * coneSpaceRay.direction.z - ratioSquared * coneSpaceRay.direction.y * (coneSpaceRay.origin.y - coneHeight));
            float c = coneSpaceRay.origin.x * coneSpaceRay.origin.x + coneSpaceRay.origin.z * coneSpaceRay.origin.z - ratioSquared * (coneSpaceRay.origin.y - coneHeight) * (coneSpaceRay.origin.y - coneHeight);

            // The intersection happnes only if the quadratic equation has solutions
            float t1, t2;

            if (MathEx.SolveQuadratic(a, b, c, out t1, out t2))
                // Make sure the ray does not intersect the cone only from behind
                if (t1 < 0.0f && t2 < 0.0f)

                // Make sure we are using the smallest positive t value
                if (t1 < 0.0f)
                    float temp = t1;
                    t1 = t2;
                    t2 = temp;
                t = t1;

                // Make sure the intersection point does not sit below the cone's bottom cap or above the cone's cap
                Vector3 intersectionPoint = coneSpaceRay.origin + coneSpaceRay.direction * t;
                if (intersectionPoint.y < -epsilon.VertEps || intersectionPoint.y > coneHeight + epsilon.VertEps)
                    t = 0.0f;

                // The intersection point is valid

            // If we reached this point, it means the ray does not intersect the cone in any way
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static bool RaycastTriangular(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 baseCenter,
                                             float baseWidth, float baseDepth, float topWidth, float topDepth, float height, Quaternion prismRotation)
            t = 0.0f;
            if (baseWidth == 0.0f || baseDepth == 0.0f ||
                topWidth == 0.0f || topDepth == 0.0f || height == 0.0f)

            baseWidth = Mathf.Abs(baseWidth);
            baseDepth = Mathf.Abs(baseDepth);
            topWidth  = Mathf.Abs(topWidth);
            topDepth  = Mathf.Abs(topDepth);

            ray = ray.InverseTransform(Matrix4x4.TRS(baseCenter, prismRotation, Vector3.one));

            // Since the raycast calculations can be quite expensive for a prism, we will
            // first check if the ray intersects its AABB to quickly return false if no
            // intersection is found. If the ray does not intersect the AABB it can not
            // possibly intersect the prism.
            Vector3 aabbSize = Vector3.Max(new Vector3(baseWidth, height, baseDepth), new Vector3(topWidth, height, topDepth));

            if (!BoxMath.Raycast(ray, Vector3.up * height * 0.5f, aabbSize, Quaternion.identity))

            List <Vector3> cornerPoints  = CalcTriangPrismCornerPoints(Vector3.zero, baseWidth, baseDepth, topWidth, topDepth, height, Quaternion.identity);
            Vector3        baseLeftPt    = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.BaseLeft];
            Vector3        baseRightPt   = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.BaseRight];
            Vector3        baseForwardPt = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.BaseForward];

            Vector3 topLeftPt    = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.TopLeft];
            Vector3 topRightPt   = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.TopRight];
            Vector3 topForwardPt = cornerPoints[(int)TriangularPrismCorner.TopForward];

            List <float> tValues = new List <float>(5);

            // Base triangle
            float rayEnter;

            if (TriangleMath.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter, baseLeftPt, baseRightPt, baseForwardPt))

            // Top triangle
            if (TriangleMath.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter, topLeftPt, topForwardPt, topRightPt))

            // Back face
            List <Vector3> facePoints = new List <Vector3>(4)
                baseLeftPt, topLeftPt, topRightPt, baseRightPt
            Vector3 faceNormal = Vector3.Cross((facePoints[1] - facePoints[0]), facePoints[3] - facePoints[0]).normalized;

            if (PolygonMath.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter, facePoints, false, faceNormal))

            // Left face
            // facePoints[0] = baseLeftPt;
            facePoints[1] = baseForwardPt;
            facePoints[2] = topForwardPt;
            facePoints[3] = topLeftPt;
            faceNormal    = Vector3.Cross((facePoints[1] - facePoints[0]), facePoints[3] - facePoints[0]).normalized;
            if (PolygonMath.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter, facePoints, false, faceNormal))

            // Right face
            facePoints[0] = baseRightPt;
            facePoints[1] = topRightPt;
            // facePoints[2] = topForwardPt;
            facePoints[3] = baseForwardPt;
            faceNormal    = Vector3.Cross((facePoints[1] - facePoints[0]), facePoints[3] - facePoints[0]).normalized;
            if (PolygonMath.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter, facePoints, false, faceNormal))

            if (tValues.Count == 0)

            tValues.Sort(delegate(float t0, float t1) { return(t0.CompareTo(t1)); });
            t = tValues[0];

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnGizmoAttemptHandleDragBegin(int handleId)
            if (OwnsHandle(handleId))
                _scaleFromCenter = Hotkeys.EnableCenterPivot.IsActive();
                _scaleDragWorkData.DragOrigin = BoxCenter;

                if (handleId == _leftTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = -BoxRight;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 0;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.XSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.x;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Right);
                if (handleId == _rightTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = BoxRight;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 0;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.XSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.x;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Left);
                if (handleId == _topTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = BoxUp;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 1;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.YSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.y;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Bottom);
                if (handleId == _bottomTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = -BoxUp;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 1;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.YSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.y;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Top);
                if (handleId == _frontTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = -BoxLook;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 2;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.ZSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.z;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Back);
                if (handleId == _backTick.HandleId)
                    _scaleDragWorkData.Axis        = BoxLook;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.AxisIndex   = 2;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.ZSnapStep;
                    _scaleDragWorkData.EntityScale = _targetHierarchyTransform.lossyScale.z;
                    _scalePivot = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(BoxCenter, _boxSize, BoxRotation, BoxFace.Front);

                if (_scaleFromCenter)
                    _scalePivot = BoxCenter;

                if (BoxUsage == Usage.ObjectScale && _targetHierarchyTransform != null)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public bool IntersectsOBB(OBB otherOBB)
     return(BoxMath.BoxIntersectsBox(_center, _size, _rotation, otherOBB.Center, otherOBB.Size, otherOBB.Rotation));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public Vector3 GetClosestPoint(Vector3 point)
     return(BoxMath.CalcBoxPtClosestToPt(point, _center, _size, _rotation));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public List <Vector3> GetCornerPoints()
     return(BoxMath.CalcBoxCornerPoints(_center, _size, _rotation));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public List <Vector3> GetCornerPoints()
     return(BoxMath.CalcBoxCornerPoints(_center, _size, Quaternion.identity));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float t)
     return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, out t, _center, _size, _rotation, _epsilon));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public bool ContainsPoint(Vector3 point)
     return(BoxMath.ContainsPoint(point, _center, _size, _rotation, _epsilon));
        public bool Initialize(GameObject gameObject)
            if (gameObject == null || _gameObject != null)

            Mesh   mesh   = gameObject.GetMesh();
            Sprite sprite = gameObject.GetSprite();

            if (mesh == null && sprite == null)

            bool useMesh = true;

            if (mesh == null)
                useMesh = false;

            RTMesh rtMesh = null;

            if (useMesh)
                Renderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetMeshRenderer();
                if (meshRenderer == null || !meshRenderer.enabled)
                    useMesh = false;

                rtMesh = RTMeshDb.Get.GetRTMesh(mesh);
                if (rtMesh == null)
                    useMesh = false;
            if (rtMesh == null && sprite == null)

            List <AABB> vertOverlapAABBs = BuildVertOverlapAABBs(gameObject, useMesh ? null : sprite, useMesh ? rtMesh : null);

            if (vertOverlapAABBs.Count == 0)

            AABB modelAABB = useMesh ? rtMesh.AABB : ObjectBounds.CalcSpriteModelAABB(gameObject);
            var  aabbFaces = BoxMath.AllBoxFaces;

            _gameObject = gameObject;
            if (useMesh)
                foreach (var aabbFace in aabbFaces)
                    AABB           overlapAABB     = vertOverlapAABBs[(int)aabbFace];
                    List <Vector3> overlappedVerts = rtMesh.OverlapModelVerts(overlapAABB);
                    Plane          facePlane       = BoxMath.CalcBoxFacePlane(modelAABB.Center, modelAABB.Size, Quaternion.identity, aabbFace);
                    overlappedVerts = facePlane.ProjectAllPoints(overlappedVerts);
                    _snapAreaBounds[(int)aabbFace] = new AABB(overlappedVerts);
                    _snapAreaDesc[(int)aabbFace]   = BoxMath.GetBoxFaceAreaDesc(_snapAreaBounds[(int)aabbFace].Size, aabbFace);
                foreach (var aabbFace in aabbFaces)
                    if (aabbFace != BoxFace.Front && aabbFace != BoxFace.Back)
                        AABB           overlapAABB     = vertOverlapAABBs[(int)aabbFace];
                        List <Vector3> overlappedVerts = ObjectVertexCollect.CollectModelSpriteVerts(sprite, overlapAABB);
                        Plane          facePlane       = BoxMath.CalcBoxFacePlane(modelAABB.Center, modelAABB.Size, Quaternion.identity, aabbFace);
                        overlappedVerts = facePlane.ProjectAllPoints(overlappedVerts);
                        _snapAreaBounds[(int)aabbFace] = new AABB(overlappedVerts);
                        _snapAreaDesc[(int)aabbFace]   = BoxMath.GetBoxFaceAreaDesc(_snapAreaBounds[(int)aabbFace].Size, aabbFace);
                        _snapAreaBounds[(int)aabbFace] = AABB.GetInvalid();
                        _snapAreaDesc[(int)aabbFace]   = BoxFaceAreaDesc.GetInvalid();

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public Vector3 GetFaceCenter(BoxFace boxFace)
     return(BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(_center, _size, _rotation, boxFace));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public bool ContainsPoint(Vector3 point)
     return(BoxMath.ContainsPoint(point, _center, _size, Quaternion.identity));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 baseCenter, float baseWidth, float baseDepth, float height, Quaternion rotation)
            t   = 0.0f;
            ray = ray.InverseTransform(Matrix4x4.TRS(baseCenter, rotation, Vector3.one));

            Vector3 aabbSize = new Vector3(baseWidth, height, baseDepth);

            if (!BoxMath.Raycast(ray, Vector3.up * height * 0.5f, aabbSize, Quaternion.identity))

            List <float> tValues = new List <float>(5);

            Plane basePlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
            float rayEnter  = 0.0f;

            if (basePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                QuadMath.Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, baseCenter, baseWidth, baseDepth, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward))

            float   halfWidth     = 0.5f * baseWidth;
            float   halfDepth     = 0.5f * baseDepth;
            Vector3 tipPosition   = Vector3.up * height;
            Vector3 p0            = tipPosition;
            Vector3 p1            = Vector3.right * halfWidth - Vector3.forward * halfDepth;
            Vector3 p2            = p1 - Vector3.right * baseWidth;
            Plane   trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                TriangleMath.Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2))

            p0            = tipPosition;
            p1            = Vector3.right * halfWidth + Vector3.forward * halfDepth;
            p2            = p1 - Vector3.forward * baseDepth;
            trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);
            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                TriangleMath.Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2))

            p0            = tipPosition;
            p1            = -Vector3.right * halfWidth + Vector3.forward * halfDepth;
            p2            = p1 + Vector3.right * baseWidth;
            trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);
            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                TriangleMath.Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2))

            p0            = tipPosition;
            p1            = -Vector3.right * halfWidth - Vector3.forward * halfDepth;
            p2            = p1 + Vector3.forward * baseDepth;
            trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);
            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                TriangleMath.Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2))

            if (tValues.Count == 0)

            tValues.Sort(delegate(float t0, float t1) { return(t0.CompareTo(t1)); });
            t = tValues[0];

Ejemplo n.º 28
 public void Transform(Matrix4x4 transformMatrix)
     BoxMath.TransformBox(_center, _size, transformMatrix, out _center, out _size);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void SetFaceCenter(BoxFace boxFace, Vector3 newCenter)
            Vector3 currentFaceCenter = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(_center, _size, _rotation, boxFace);

            Center = newCenter + (_center - currentFaceCenter);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static List <Vector3> CollectHierarchyVerts(GameObject root, BoxFace collectFace, float collectBoxScale, float collectEps)
            List <GameObject> meshObjects   = root.GetMeshObjectsInHierarchy();
            List <GameObject> spriteObjects = root.GetSpriteObjectsInHierarchy();

            if (meshObjects.Count == 0 && spriteObjects.Count == 0)
                return(new List <Vector3>());

            ObjectBounds.QueryConfig boundsQConfig = new ObjectBounds.QueryConfig();
            boundsQConfig.ObjectTypes = GameObjectType.Mesh | GameObjectType.Sprite;

            OBB hierarchyOBB = ObjectBounds.CalcHierarchyWorldOBB(root, boundsQConfig);

            if (!hierarchyOBB.IsValid)
                return(new List <Vector3>());

            int     faceAxisIndex = BoxMath.GetFaceAxisIndex(collectFace);
            Vector3 faceCenter    = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceCenter(hierarchyOBB.Center, hierarchyOBB.Size, hierarchyOBB.Rotation, collectFace);
            Vector3 faceNormal    = BoxMath.CalcBoxFaceNormal(hierarchyOBB.Center, hierarchyOBB.Size, hierarchyOBB.Rotation, collectFace);

            float   sizeEps         = collectEps * 2.0f;
            Vector3 collectAABBSize = hierarchyOBB.Size;

            collectAABBSize[faceAxisIndex]            = (hierarchyOBB.Size[faceAxisIndex] * collectBoxScale) + sizeEps;
            collectAABBSize[(faceAxisIndex + 1) % 3] += sizeEps;
            collectAABBSize[(faceAxisIndex + 2) % 3] += sizeEps;

            OBB collectOBB = new OBB(faceCenter + faceNormal * (-collectAABBSize[faceAxisIndex] * 0.5f + collectEps), collectAABBSize);

            collectOBB.Rotation = hierarchyOBB.Rotation;

            List <Vector3> collectedVerts = new List <Vector3>(80);

            foreach (GameObject meshObject in meshObjects)
                Mesh   mesh   = meshObject.GetMesh();
                RTMesh rtMesh = RTMeshDb.Get.GetRTMesh(mesh);
                if (rtMesh == null)

                List <Vector3> verts = rtMesh.OverlapVerts(collectOBB, meshObject.transform);
                if (verts.Count != 0)

            foreach (GameObject spriteObject in spriteObjects)
                List <Vector3> verts = CollectWorldSpriteVerts(spriteObject.GetSprite(), spriteObject.transform, collectOBB);
                if (verts.Count != 0)
