Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport()
            SPR_POPending rpt = new SPR_POPending();

            rpt.Site = this.Site;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SPR_POPending_PrintScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---MYSQL CONNECTION
            connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionStringManager.reicpomsConnection.ConnectionString);

            //---SELECT Statements
            reicpomsds = new reicpomsDataSet();

            //Data from PO Suppliers
            string selectPOSuppliers = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT supplier_t.* " +
                                                     "FROM supplier_t, po_t " +
                                                     "WHERE so_no IS NULL " +
                                                     "AND po_t.supplier_id = supplier_t.supplier_id " +
                                                     "ORDER BY po_no DESC;");

            adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(selectPOSuppliers, connection);
            adapter.Fill(reicpomsds, "supplier_t");

            //Data from PO Customers
            string selectPOCustomers = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT customer_t.* " +
                                                     "FROM customer_t, po_t " +
                                                     "WHERE so_no IS NULL " +
                                                     "AND po_t.customer_id = customer_t.customer_id " +
                                                     "ORDER BY po_no DESC;");

            adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(selectPOCustomers, connection);
            adapter.Fill(reicpomsds, "customer_t");

            //Data from po_t
            string selectPendingPO = "SELECT * FROM po_t WHERE so_no IS NULL ORDER BY po_no DESC;";

            adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(selectPendingPO, connection);
            adapter.Fill(reicpomsds, "po_t");


            SPR_POPending pop = new SPR_POPending();

            pop.SetDataSource(reicpomsds); //Added a code snippet in app.config file. If else, will result to a System.IOFileNotFoundException error.

            //---EXPORT TO PDF
            string currentDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hhmmtt");
            string filePath        = "C:\\REIC Files\\Sales Performance Report & Summary\\Purchase Orders - Pending\\Pending PO (" + currentDateTime + ").pdf";

            pop.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, filePath);

            MessageBox.Show("A PDF file of this report on pending purchase orders can be found in \nC:\\REIC Files\\Sales Performance Report & Summary\\Purchase Orders - Pending.");
            CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = pop;