Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Load()
            xAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_xAxis");
            yAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_yAxis");
            zAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_zAxis");

            //method = QTEditorTools.LoadInt("QT_SetRotMethod");
            setRotOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotOrigin");

            axis = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_axis.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_axis.y"),

            // Random  Rotition MIN
            _randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Rotition MAX
            _randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.z"));

            // If these are both zero, lets change that.
            if (_randomMin == Vector3.zero && _randomMax == Vector3.zero)
                _randomMin = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                _randomMax = new Vector3(10f, 10f, 10f);

            translationType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotTranslationType");
            isRelative      = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotIsRelative");

            loaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Load()
            xAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_xAxis");
            yAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_yAxis");
            zAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_zAxis");

            //method = QTEditorTools.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleMethod");
            setScaleOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleOrigin");

            axis = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_axis.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_axis.y"),

            // Random  Scaleition MIN
            _randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Scaleition MAX
            _randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.z"));

            // If these are both zero, lets change that.
            if (_randomMin == Vector3.zero && _randomMax == Vector3.zero)
                _randomMin = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                _randomMax = new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f);

            translationType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleTranslationType");
            isRelative      = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleIsRelative");

            loaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Save(bool perform)
            // Axis
            QtUtility.SaveBool("QT_Rot_xAxis", xAxis);
            QtUtility.SaveBool("QT_Rot_yAxis", yAxis);
            QtUtility.SaveBool("QT_Rot_zAxis", zAxis);

            // Rotition
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_axis.x", axis.x);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_axis.y", axis.y);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_axis.z", axis.z);

            // Random  Rotition MIN
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.x", _randomMin.x);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.y", _randomMin.y);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.z", _randomMin.z);

            // Random  Rotition MAX
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.x", _randomMax.x);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.y", _randomMax.y);
            QtUtility.SaveFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.z", _randomMax.z);

            // Origin
            QtUtility.SaveInt("QT_SetRotOrigin", setRotOrigin);

            QtUtility.SaveInt("QT_SetRotTranslationType", translationType);
            QtUtility.SaveInt("QT_SetRotIsRelative", isRelative);

            // We're performing the action,
            // Since this is all saved in QT_* strings, we can call "redo" since its basically the same thing.
            if (perform)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void DrawButtons()
            // Position

            // Set position functions
            QtFunctions.SetFunctions(true, true, 0);

            // Reset position functions
            QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(true, 0);

            // Draw a separator

            // Rotation

            // Set position functions
            QtFunctions.SetFunctions(true, true, 1);

            // Reset position functions
            QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(true, 1);

            // Draw a seperator

            // Scale

            // Set position functions
            QtFunctions.SetFunctions(true, true, 2);

            // Reset position functions
            QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(true, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Load()
            xAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_xAxis");
            yAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_yAxis");
            zAxis = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_zAxis");

            //method = QTEditorTools.LoadInt("QT_SetPosMethod");
            setPosOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosOrigin");

            axis = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_axis.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_axis.y"),

            // Random  Position MIN
            _randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Position MAX
            _randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.z"));

            // If these are both Vector3.zero, we might have just started. lets initialize them to something
            // If these are both zero, lets change that.
            if (_randomMin == Vector3.zero && _randomMax == Vector3.zero)
                _randomMin = new Vector3(-10f, -10f, -10f);
                _randomMax = new Vector3(10f, 10f, 10f);

            translationType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosTranslationType");
            isRelative      = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosIsRelative");

            loaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void OnGUI()
            if (!_mLoaded)
                _mLoaded = true;

            if (!_positionSet && _instance)
                _rectangle = _instance.position = new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x - 5,
                                                           Event.current.mousePosition.y - 5,
                                                           PopupWidth, POPUP_HEIGHT);

                _positionSet = true;

            QtUtility.DrawPopupBorder(PopupWidth, POPUP_HEIGHT);

            GUILayout.Label("QuickTools", _qtTitleBox);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void OnGUI()
            oldGui = GUI.enabled;

            if (!loaded)

            minSize = new Vector2(300, 335);

            GUILayout.Label("Axis of rotation");

                xAxis = GUILayout.Toggle(xAxis, "X axis");
                yAxis = GUILayout.Toggle(yAxis, "Y axis");
                zAxis = GUILayout.Toggle(zAxis, "Z axis");

            GUILayout.Label("Value Mode");
            translationType = GUILayout.Toolbar(translationType, translationTypes);


            if (translationType == 0)
                axis    = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("", axis);
                minSize = maxSize = new Vector2(300, 335);
                if (xAxis)
                    GUILayout.Label("X Axis");
                        _randomMin.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMin.x, GUILayout.Width(50f));
                        EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(ref _randomMin.x, ref _randomMax.x, RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX);
                        _randomMax.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMax.x, GUILayout.Width(50f));

                if (yAxis)
                    GUILayout.Label("Y Axis");

                        _randomMin.y = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMin.y, GUILayout.Width(50f));
                        EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(ref _randomMin.y, ref _randomMax.y, RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX);
                        _randomMax.y = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMax.y, GUILayout.Width(50f));

                if (zAxis)
                    GUILayout.Label("Z Axis");

                        _randomMin.z = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMin.z, GUILayout.Width(50f));
                        EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(ref _randomMin.z, ref _randomMax.z, RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX);
                        _randomMax.z = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(_randomMax.z, GUILayout.Width(50f));

                // Set dynamic window size
                var yMin = 282;
                yMin   += (xAxis) ? 53 : 0;
                yMin   += (yAxis) ? 53 : 0;
                yMin   += (zAxis) ? 53 : 0;
                yMin    = Mathf.Clamp(yMin, 335, (335 + (3 * 53)));
                minSize = maxSize = new Vector2(300, yMin);

            GUILayout.Label("Operation Mode");
            isRelative = GUILayout.Toolbar(isRelative, relativeStrings);

             * GUILayout.Space(10);
             * GUILayout.Label("Transform orientation");
             * orientation = GUILayout.Toolbar(orientation, orientationStrings);

            setRotOrigin = GUILayout.Toolbar(setRotOrigin, setRotStrings);

            if (QtUtility.GetSelection.Length == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.enabled = true;


            if (GUILayout.Button("Apply"))


            GUI.enabled = oldGui;

            if (QtUtility.GetSelection.Length == 0)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No Objects selected!", MessageType.Error);
            else if (!xAxis && !yAxis && !zAxis)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No axis of transform enabled!", MessageType.Error);
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Apply to all selected objects", MessageType.Info);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void RepeatScale()
            // Booleans of axis we're manipulating
            var bAxisX = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_xAxis");
            var bAxisY = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_yAxis");
            var bAxisZ = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Scale_zAxis");

            // values of axis
            var axisX = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_axis.x");
            var axisY = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_axis.y");
            var axisZ = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_axis.z");

            // The Action origin. 0 == World | 1 == Parent | 2 == Local
            var setScaleOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleOrigin");

            // Are we doing incremental? 0 == false | 1 == true
            var isRelative = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleIsRelative") != 0;

            // Random  Scaleition MIN
            var randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Scaleition MAX
            var randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Scale_randomMax.z"));

            // our translation type
            var scaleType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetScaleTranslationType");

            foreach (var o in QtUtility.GetSelection)
                // Are we using random scale?
                if (scaleType == 1)
                    // If that's the case, its time to randomize the values!
                    axisX = Random.Range(randomMin.x, randomMax.x);
                    axisY = Random.Range(randomMin.y, randomMax.y);
                    axisZ = Random.Range(randomMin.z, randomMax.z);

                // Register an undo state!
                Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(o, "Set Scale");

                var sel = (GameObject)o;

                // Set up parent info.
                var parentObj = sel.gameObject.transform.parent;
                var parent    = (parentObj != null)
                    ? parentObj.transform.localScale
                    : Vector3.one;

                // Set up basic
                var scale      = sel.gameObject.transform.localScale;
                var localScale = (setScaleOrigin == 0) ? Vector3.Scale(scale, parent) : scale;

                // If we're doing relative stuff,
                // we need to add to our current.
                if (isRelative)
                    axisX = (bAxisX) ? (localScale.x + axisX) : localScale.x;
                    axisY = (bAxisY) ? (localScale.y + axisY) : localScale.y;
                    axisZ = (bAxisZ) ? (localScale.z + axisZ) : localScale.z;

                // add our changes!
                localScale.x = (bAxisX) ? axisX / parent.x : localScale.x / parent.x;
                localScale.y = (bAxisY) ? axisY / parent.y : localScale.y / parent.y;
                localScale.z = (bAxisZ) ? axisZ / parent.z : localScale.z / parent.z;

                // if we're based on the parent space, we need to scale it to match
                localScale = (setScaleOrigin == 1) ? Vector3.Scale(localScale, parent) : localScale;

                // Finally set the scale
                sel.gameObject.transform.localScale = localScale;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void RepeatRotation()
            // Booleans of axis we're manipulating
            var bAxisX = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_xAxis");
            var bAxisY = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_yAxis");
            var bAxisZ = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Rot_zAxis");

            // values of axis
            var axisX = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_axis.x");
            var axisY = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_axis.y");
            var axisZ = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_axis.z");

            // The Action origin. 0 == World | 1 == Parent | 2 == Local
            var setRotOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotOrigin");

            // Are we doing incremental? 0 == false | 1 == true
            var isRelative = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotIsRelative") != 0;

            // Random  Rotition MIN
            var randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Rotition MAX
            var randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Rot_randomMax.z"));

            // our translation type
            var rotationType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetRotTranslationType");

            foreach (var o in QtUtility.GetSelection)
                // Are we using random position?
                if (rotationType == 1)
                    // If that's the case, its time to randomize the values!
                    axisX = Random.Range(randomMin.x, randomMax.x);
                    axisY = Random.Range(randomMin.y, randomMax.y);
                    axisZ = Random.Range(randomMin.z, randomMax.z);

                // Register an undo state!
                Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(o, "Set Rotation");

                var sel = (GameObject)o;

                // Do we have a parent? If not, use vector3.zero as a "parent"
                var rotation = sel.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

                // We're using local transforms instead!
                if (setRotOrigin == 1 || setRotOrigin == 2)
                    rotation = sel.gameObject.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;

                var x = rotation.x;
                var y = rotation.y;
                var z = rotation.z;

                //parentRot = sel.gameObject.transform.parent.localEulerAngles;
                // If we're doing relative, we're going off 0.
                if (isRelative)
                    x = bAxisX ? axisX : 0f;
                    y = bAxisY ? axisY : 0f;
                    z = bAxisZ ? axisZ : 0f;
                    x = bAxisX ? axisX : x;
                    y = bAxisY ? axisY : y;
                    z = bAxisZ ? axisZ : z;

                // Finally add up and set!
                var setRotation = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                SetRotation(sel, setRotation, setRotOrigin, isRelative);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the position set,
        /// based on parameters saved in the QTWizardSetPosition.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RepeatPosition()
            // Booleans of axis we're manipulating
            var bAxisX = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_xAxis");
            var bAxisY = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_yAxis");
            var bAxisZ = QtUtility.LoadBool("QT_Pos_zAxis");

            // values of axis
            var axisX = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_axis.x");
            var axisY = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_axis.y");
            var axisZ = QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_axis.z");

            // The Action origin. 0 == World | 1 == Parent | 2 == Local
            var setPosOrigin = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosOrigin");

            // Are we doing incremental? 0 == false | 1 == true
            var isRelative = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosIsRelative");

            // Random  Position MIN
            var randomMin = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMin.z"));

            // Random  Position MAX
            var randomMax = new Vector3(QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.x"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.y"), QtUtility.LoadFloat("QT_Pos_randomMax.z"));

            // our translation type
            var translationType = QtUtility.LoadInt("QT_SetPosTranslationType");

            foreach (var o in QtUtility.GetSelection)
                // Are we using random position?
                if (translationType == 1)
                    // If that's the case, its time to randomize the values!
                    axisX = Random.Range(randomMin.x, randomMax.x);
                    axisY = Random.Range(randomMin.y, randomMax.y);
                    axisZ = Random.Range(randomMin.z, randomMax.z);

                // Register an undo state!
                Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(o, "Set Position");

                var sel = (GameObject)o;

                var parentScale = Vector3.one;

                GameObject localParent    = null;
                GameObject localOldParent = null;

                // Set up parent parameters
                // based on the position origin.
                switch (setPosOrigin)
                case 1:
                    if (sel.transform.parent != null)
                        var parent = sel.gameObject.transform.parent;
                        parentScale = parent.localScale;


                case 2:
                    // We're creating a parent to be the object of our selection.
                    // We're doing this to able to do the transform based on local space.
                    // This might be a really dumb solution to the issue.. but hey, it works.
                    localParent = new GameObject("QuickToolsTemp");
                    localParent.transform.position   = sel.transform.position;
                    localParent.transform.rotation   = sel.transform.rotation;
                    localParent.transform.localScale = sel.transform.localScale;

                    // If we already have a parent, the new object needs to be a child of that as well!
                    if (sel.transform.parent != null)
                        var parent1 = sel.transform.parent;
                        localOldParent = parent1.gameObject;
                        localParent.transform.parent = parent1;

                    // Finally, set our object to be the child of it.
                    sel.transform.parent = localParent.transform;

                // Do we have a parent? If not, use vector3.zero as a "parent"
                var position = sel.transform.position;

                // We're using local transforms instead!
                // We we are doing local orientation
                if (setPosOrigin == 1 || setPosOrigin == 2)
                    position = sel.gameObject.transform.localPosition;

                // This is basic?
                var x = position.x;
                var y = position.y;
                var z = position.z;

                // Are we in relative mode?
                // If that's the case, we add the axis to the current axis.
                if (isRelative == 1)
                    x = bAxisX ? axisX + position.x : x;
                    y = bAxisY ? axisY + position.y : y;
                    z = bAxisZ ? axisZ + position.z : z;
                    x = bAxisX ? axisX : position.x;
                    y = bAxisY ? axisY : position.y;
                    z = bAxisZ ? axisZ : position.z;

                // If we're in World position
                // And we want to position the object in world space
                // We have to take into account the parents scale to get it correct.
                if (setPosOrigin == 0)
                    x = bAxisX ? parentScale.x * x : x;
                    y = bAxisY ? parentScale.y * y : y;
                    z = bAxisZ ? parentScale.z * z : z;

                // Finally add up and set!
                var setPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                SetPosition(sel, setPosition, setPosOrigin);

                // If we're doing it based on local
                // We have to make sure to reset the temp parent we set up!
                if (setPosOrigin != 2)

                // Set parent back to the previous parent, or become batman.
                sel.transform.parent = localOldParent != null ? localOldParent.transform : null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void OnGUI()
            minSize = new Vector2(110, 100);
            if (!_mLoaded)
                _mLoaded = true;

            _scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPos, GUILayout.Width(position.width),

            // Position
            _rect         = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            _showPosition = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(_rect.xMin + 3, _rect.yMin + 3, position.width - 6, 15),
                                              _showPosition, "Position", true, _foldOut);

            if (_showPosition)
                // Set position functions
                QtFunctions.SetFunctions(false, false, 0);

                // Reset position functions
                QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(false, 0);

            // Draw a seperator

            // Rotation
            _rect         = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            _showRotation = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(_rect.xMin + 3, _rect.yMin + 3, position.width - 6, 15),
                                              _showRotation, "Rotation", true, _foldOut);

            if (_showRotation)
                // Set position functions
                QtFunctions.SetFunctions(false, false, 1);

                // Reset position functions
                QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(false, 1);

            // Draw a seperator

            // Scale
            _rect      = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            _showScale = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(_rect.xMin + 3, _rect.yMin + 3, position.width - 6, 15), _showScale,
                                           "Scale", true, _foldOut);

            if (_showScale)
                // Set position functions
                QtFunctions.SetFunctions(false, false, 2);

                // Reset position functions
                QtFunctions.ResetFunctions(false, 2);

            // Draw a seperator

            // Draw a seperator
