protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();

            // get emails
            sqlCode = "SELECT EmailID, URI FROM qCom_EmailItem WHERE Type <> 'Individual Email' AND ScopeID = " + Context.Items["ScopeID"] + " ORDER BY Subject ASC";

            DataTable dtEmails;
            dtEmails = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode);

            ddlEmails.DataSource = dtEmails;
            ddlEmails.DataValueField = "EmailID";
            ddlEmails.DataTextField = "URI";

            // get searches
            sqlCode = "SELECT SearchID, SavedName FROM qDbs_Searches WHERE Saved = 'Yes' AND YesEmail = 'Yes' ORDER BY SavedName ASC";

            DataTable dtSearches;
            dtSearches = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode);

            ddlSearches.DataSource = dtSearches;
            ddlSearches.DataValueField = "SearchID";
            ddlSearches.DataTextField = "SavedName";

            // get prior data if edit mode
            if (Request.QueryString["sendEventID"] != null && Request.QueryString["sendEventID"] != "")
                sqlCode = "SELECT * FROM qCom_SendEvents WHERE SendEventID = " + Request.QueryString["sendEventID"];

                using (SqlDataReader eReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode))
                    ddlEmails.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["EmailID"]);
                    ddlSearches.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["SearchID"]);
                    DateTime startDate = new DateTime();
                    startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(eReader["StartDate"]);
                    datStart.SelectedDate = startDate;
                    rblRecurring.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["Recurring"]);
                    rblRunning.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["Running"]);
                    rblHeader.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["IncludeHeader"]);
                    rblFooter.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["IncludeFooter"]);
                    rblUnsubscribe.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(eReader["IncludeUnsubscribe"]);

    protected void populateTrainings()
        int userID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);
        string sqlCode = string.Empty;
        qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
        q_Helper helper = new q_Helper();

        // get roles
        sqlCode = "SELECT TrainingID, Title FROM qLrn_UserTrainings_View WHERE Available = 'Yes' AND UserID = " + userID + " ORDER BY Title ASC";

        DataTable dtRoles;

        using (dtRoles = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode))
            cblUserTrainings.DataSource = dtRoles;
            cblUserTrainings.DataValueField = "TrainingID";
            cblUserTrainings.DataTextField = "Title";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);

            qPtl_User profile = new qPtl_User(profile_id);
            username = profile.UserName;

            string curr_tab = string.Empty;
            curr_tab = Request.QueryString["currTab"];
            lit1Class.Text = "";
            lit2Class.Text = "";
            lit3Class.Text = "";
            lit4Class.Text = "";
            lit5Class.Text = "";
            litTab1Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTab2Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTab3Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTab4Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTab5Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            if (curr_tab == "overview")
                lit1Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab1Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblTab1Message.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "trainings")
                lit2Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab2Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblTab2Message.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "assessments")
                lit3Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab3Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblTab3Message.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "certificates")
                lit4Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab4Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblTab4Message.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "tools")
                lit5Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab5Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblTab5Message.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
                lit1Class.Text = "class='active'";
                litTab1Class.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";

            // tab 2 - assigned trainings
            var u_trainings = qLrn_UserTraining_View.GetUserTrainings(profile_id);
            string u_training_html = string.Empty;

            if (u_trainings != null)
                foreach (var t in u_trainings)
                    u_training_html += "<strong>" + t.Title + "</strong><br>Status: " + t.Status + "<br><br>";
                litUserTrainingList.Text = u_training_html;
                litUserTrainingList.Text = "No trainings assigned";

            // tab 3 - assessments
            userAssessments.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM qLrn_UserAssessments_View WHERE UserID = " + profile_id + " AND Available = 'Yes' AND MarkAsDelete = 0 AND Created > '" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Solution_StartDate"] + "' ORDER BY Created DESC";

            startDate = null;
            endDate = null;

            // tab 4 - certificates
            var certificates = qLrn_UserTrainingCertificates.GetUserTrainingCertificates(profile_id);

            if (certificates != null)
                string cert_html = string.Empty;

                foreach (var c in certificates)
                    if (c.UserTrainingCertificateID > 0)
                        qLrn_UserTraining_View training = new qLrn_UserTraining_View(c.UserTrainingID);

                        cert_html += "<li><i class=\"icon-download-alt\"></i>  <a href=\"/user_data/" + profile.UserName + "/" + c.FileName + "\"><strong>" + training.Title + "</strong></a> uploaded at: " + c.Created + "</li>";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cert_html))
                    litCertificates.Text = cert_html;
                    litCertificates.Text = "No Certificates.";
                litCertificates.Text = "No Certificates.";

            // tab 5 - tools
            // TOOL: Add Trainings
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            q_Helper helper = new q_Helper();

            // get roles
            sqlCode = "SELECT TrainingID, Title FROM qLrn_Trainings WHERE Available = 'Yes' ORDER BY TrainingID";

            DataTable dtTrainings;

            using (dtTrainings = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode))

                cblTrainings.DataSource = dtTrainings;
                cblTrainings.DataValueField = "TrainingID";
                cblTrainings.DataTextField = "Title";

            // mark current trainings
            sqlCode = "SELECT TrainingID FROM qLrn_UserTrainings WHERE UserID = " + Request.QueryString["userID"];

            SqlDataReader rReader;

            int i = 0;
            using (rReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode))
                while (rReader.Read())
                    ListItem currentCheckBox = cblTrainings.Items.FindByValue(rReader["TrainingID"].ToString());
                    if (currentCheckBox != null)
                        currentCheckBox.Selected = true;
            litNumTrainings.Text = "Member is enrolled in <strong>" + i + " trainings</strong>";

            // TOOL: Reset/Delete Trainings
            plhTrainings.Visible = false;
            plhResetOptions.Visible = false;
            btnProcessTrainings.Visible = false;
            dpkStartDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            txtDaysAvailable.Text = "4000";

            var u_assessments = qLrn_UserAssessment.GetUserAssessments(profile_id, "");
            int num_assessments = 0;
            if (u_assessments != null)
                num_assessments = u_assessments.Count;
            litNumAssessments.Text = "Member has taken <strong>" + num_assessments + " assessments</strong>";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);

            qPtl_User profile = new qPtl_User(profile_id);

            hplManageTrainings.NavigateUrl = "member-learning.aspx?userID=" + profile_id;
            string nav_mode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Site_NavMode"];
            if (nav_mode == "lms")
                plhSchoolDisplay.Visible = false;

            string img_url = string.Empty;
            string baseUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.ProfilePict))
                img_url = baseUrl + "user_data/" + profile.UserName + "/" + profile.ProfilePict + ".ashx?width=84&height=84&mode=crop";
                img_url = baseUrl + "images/mylife_portrait_default.jpg.ashx?width=84&height=84&mode=crop";

            litProfilePict.Text = "<img src=\"" + img_url + "\" />";

            lblUsername.Text = profile.UserName;
            lblFullName.Text = profile.FirstName + " " + profile.LastName;
            lblEmail.Text = profile.Email;
            lblUserID.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.UserID);
            lblCreated.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.Created);
            lblMostRecentLogin.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.LastTimeSeen);
            lblMostRecentIPAddress.Text = profile.LastIPAddress;
            lblRoleName.Text = profile.HighestRole;

            txtFirstName.Text = profile.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text = profile.LastName;
            txtEmail.Text = profile.Email;
            lblUsernameProfile.Text = profile.UserName;
            if (profile.HighestRole == "Mobile")
                lblMemberTypeProfile.Text = "Mobile Only";
                lblMemberTypeProfile.Text = "Social";
                required_indicator = " *";
                if (race_required == true)
                    race_required_indicator = " *";

            qPtl_UserProfile full_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(profile_id);
            DateTime check = new DateTime();
            check = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");
            if (full_profile.DOB != check)
                    rdtDOB.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(full_profile.DOB).Date;
                    // do nothing

            var user_space = qSoc_UserSpace_View.GetMostRecentUserspace(profile_id);

            if (user_space != null)
                if (user_space.UserSpaceID > 0)
                    lblSchool.Text = user_space.School;
                    string full_info = string.Empty;
                    full_info = user_space.SpaceShortName;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.CategoryName))
                        full_info += " [" + user_space.CategoryName + "]";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.School))
                        full_info += " at " + user_space.School;
                    lblGroupTabGroupName.Text = "<a href=\"/manage/members/space-edit.aspx?spaceID=" + user_space.SpaceID + "\">" + full_info + " <i class=\"icon-circle-arrow-right\"></i></a>";
                    string full_group_name = user_space.SpaceShortName;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.CategoryName))
                        full_group_name += " [" + user_space.CategoryName + "]";
                    lblGroupName.Text = "<a href=\"/manage/members/space-edit.aspx?spaceID=" + user_space.SpaceID + "\">" + full_group_name + " <i class=\"icon-circle-arrow-right\"></i></a>";
                    btnChangeGroup.Text = "Add To Group";

            // profile gender
            string gender_options = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_SupportedGenderValues"]);
            ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Intersex").Enabled = false;
            ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Transgender").Enabled = false;
            if (gender_options.Contains("Intersex"))
                ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Intersex").Enabled = true;
            if (gender_options.Contains("Transgender"))
                ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Transgender").Enabled = true;
            ddlGender.SelectedValue = full_profile.Gender;

            // evaluate race
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(full_profile.Race))
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Asian/SouthAsian"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Asian/SouthAsian").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Biracial"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Biracial").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Black/African American"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Black/African American").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Latino/a"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Latino/a").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Middle Eastern"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Middle Eastern").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Multiracial"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Multiracial").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Pacific Islander"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Pacific Islander").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("White/European-American"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("White/European-American").Selected = true;

            // **** PERMISSIONS ****
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            q_Helper helper = new q_Helper();

            // get roles
            sqlCode = "SELECT RoleID, RoleName FROM qPtl_Roles WHERE Available = 'Yes' ORDER BY RoleRank";

            DataTable dtRoles;

            using (dtRoles = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode))

                cblRoles.DataSource = dtRoles;
                cblRoles.DataValueField = "RoleID";
                cblRoles.DataTextField = "RoleName";

            // mark current permissions
            sqlCode = "SELECT RoleID FROM qPtl_UserRoles WHERE UserID = " + Request.QueryString["userID"];

            SqlDataReader rReader;

            using (rReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode))
                while (rReader.Read())
                    ListItem currentCheckBox = cblRoles.Items.FindByValue(rReader["RoleID"].ToString());
                    if (currentCheckBox != null)
                        currentCheckBox.Selected = true;

            // *** GROUP ***
            // load group information and all other available groups
            ddlSpaces.DataSource = qSoc_Space.GetSpaces();
            ddlSpaces.DataTextField = "SpaceShortName";
            ddlSpaces.DataValueField = "SpaceID";
            ddlSpaces.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "0"));

            /* // no longer used since we now want to automatically remove any existing user spaces from the list of options for adding
            if (user_space != null)
                if (user_space.UserSpaceID > 0)
                    ddlSpaces.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(user_space.SpaceID);

            // get other groups enrolled
            var u_groups = qSoc_UserSpace_View.GetAllAvailableUserSpacesOrderMostRecent(profile_id);
            if (u_groups != null)
                int j = 0;
                string group_list = string.Empty;
                foreach (var g in u_groups)
                    Quartz.Controls.MemberEnrolledGroup curr_group = (Quartz.Controls.MemberEnrolledGroup)LoadControl("~/manage/members/controls/MemberEnrolledGroup.ascx");
                    curr_group.UserSpaceID = g.UserSpaceID;
                    curr_group.UserID = g.UserID;
                    curr_group.SpaceID = g.SpaceID;
                    if (g.PrimarySpace == true)
                        curr_group.IsPrimary = true;

                    // remove each of these spaces from the spaces pull down
                    if (ddlSpaces.Items.Count > 0)
                            ddlSpaces.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(g.SpaceID)).Enabled = false;
                            // do nothing

            // *** TAB MANAGEMENT ***
            string curr_tab = string.Empty;
            curr_tab = Request.QueryString["currTab"];
            litOverviewClass.Text = "";
            litProfileClass.Text = "";
            litPermissionClass.Text = "";
            litGroupClass.Text = "";
            litWarningsClass.Text = "";
            litTabOverviewClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabProfileClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabPermissionsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabWarningsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabGroupClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            if (curr_tab == "profile")
                litProfileClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabProfileClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblProfileMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "permissions")
                litPermissionClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabPermissionsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblPermissionsMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "group")
                litGroupClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabGroupClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblGroupMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***<br><br>";
            else if (curr_tab == "warnings")
                litWarningsClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabWarningsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                litOverviewClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabOverviewClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";