Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds fingers to the references
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if fingers were found</returns>
        public void AddFingers()
            if (leftHand.childCount <= 0 || rightHand.childCount <= 0)
            var children = leftHand.GetDirectChildren();

            thumbLeft = JointNamings.GetBone(children, JointNamings.JointObject.Thumb, JointNamings.BodySide.Left);
            Transform[] results = JointNamings.GetTypeAndSide(JointNamings.JointObject.Fingers, JointNamings.BodySide.Left, children);
            if (results.Length == 4)
                fingersLeft    = new Transform[4];
                fingersLeft[0] = results[0];
                fingersLeft[1] = results[1];
                fingersLeft[2] = results[2];
                fingersLeft[3] = results[3];
            else if (results.Length == 1)
                fingersLeft    = new Transform[1];
                fingersLeft[0] = results[0];
            else if (leftHand && leftHand.childCount >= 5)
                if (!thumbLeft)
                    thumbLeft = leftHand.GetChild(0);
                fingersLeft    = new Transform[4];
                fingersLeft[0] = leftHand.GetChild(1);
                fingersLeft[1] = leftHand.GetChild(2);
                fingersLeft[2] = leftHand.GetChild(3);
                fingersLeft[3] = leftHand.GetChild(4);

            children   = rightHand.GetDirectChildren();
            thumbRight = JointNamings.GetBone(children, JointNamings.JointObject.Thumb, JointNamings.BodySide.Right);
            results    = JointNamings.GetTypeAndSide(JointNamings.JointObject.Fingers, JointNamings.BodySide.Right, rightHand.GetDirectChildren());
            if (results.Length == 4)
                fingersRight    = new Transform[4];
                fingersRight[0] = results[0];
                fingersRight[1] = results[1];
                fingersRight[2] = results[2];
                fingersRight[3] = results[3];
            else if (results.Length == 1)
                fingersRight    = new Transform[1];
                fingersRight[0] = results[0];
            else if (rightHand && rightHand.childCount >= 5)
                if (!thumbRight)
                    thumbRight = rightHand.GetChild(0);
                fingersRight    = new Transform[4];
                fingersRight[0] = rightHand.GetChild(1);
                fingersRight[1] = rightHand.GetChild(2);
                fingersRight[2] = rightHand.GetChild(3);
                fingersRight[3] = rightHand.GetChild(4);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects joints based on names and the hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root of the biped humanoid</param>
        /// <param name="useFingers">bool wheter to include fingers or not</param>
        public void FindJointsByNaming(Transform root, bool useFingers)
            Transform[] transforms = root.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();

            // Find limbs
            // Get left arm
            //// Get Right arm
            // Get left leg
            // Get right leg
            // Find fingers
            if (useFingers && !IsAllFingersSet())
                if (!IsAllFingersSet())
                    fingersLeft  = null;
                    fingersRight = null;
            // Find head bone
            if (!head)
                head = JointNamings.GetBone(transforms, JointNamings.JointObject.Head);
            // Find Neck
            if (!neck)
                neck = JointNamings.GetBone(transforms, JointNamings.JointObject.Neck);
            // Find Pelvis
            if (!pelvis)
                pelvis = JointNamings.GetMatch(transforms, JointNamings.pelvisAlias);
            //if pelvis not found, pelvis is common ancestor of the thighs
            if (!pelvis)
                pelvis = rightThigh.CommonAncestorOf(leftThigh);

            // Find spine
            Transform left, right;

            if (leftClavicle && rightClavicle)
                left  = leftClavicle;
                right = rightClavicle;
                left  = leftUpperArm;
                right = rightUpperArm;
            if (left && right && pelvis)
                Transform lastSpine = left.CommonAncestorOf(right);
                if (lastSpine)
                    // if pelvis is not ancestor of last spine
                    if (!pelvis.IsAncestorOf(lastSpine))
                        // Set common ancestor to pelvis
                        pelvis = pelvis.CommonAncestorOf(lastSpine);
                    // Spine is all ancestors between last spine and pelvis
                    spine = GetAncestorsBetween(lastSpine, pelvis);
                    // Head is not set
                    if (!head)
                        for (int i = 0; i < lastSpine.childCount; i++)
                            Transform child = lastSpine.GetChild(i);
                            // all children of last spine that is not left and right
                            if (!child.ContainsChild(left) && !child.ContainsChild(right))
                                // if that object has a child, it is probably the head and that object the neck
                                if (child.childCount == 1)
                                    head = child.GetChild(0);
                                    neck = child;
                                // otherwise we set last spine as neck and its child as head
                                    head = child;
                                    neck = lastSpine;
                    else if (!neck)
                    {  // if Neck is not set but head is
                        if (lastSpine.IsAncestorOf(head))
                            neck = lastSpine;
                            for (int i = 0; i < lastSpine.childCount; i++)
                                Transform child = lastSpine.GetChild(i);

                                if (!child.ContainsChild(left) && !child.ContainsChild(right))
                                    neck = child;
                if (neck && spine.Length > 0 && spine[spine.Length - 1] == neck)
                    Array.Resize(ref spine, spine.Length - 1); // Can't have neck among the spines