Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override double solveImpl(ISolver1d f, double xAccuracy)
            /* The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery,
             * "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press */

            double froot, dfroot, dx;

            froot  = f.value(root_);
            dfroot = f.derivative(root_);

            if (dfroot.IsEqual(default(double)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Newton requires function's derivative");

            while (evaluationNumber_ <= maxEvaluations_)
                dx     = froot / dfroot;
                root_ -= dx;
                // jumped out of brackets, switch to NewtonSafe
                if ((xMin_ - root_) * (root_ - xMax_) < 0.0)
                    NewtonSafe s = new NewtonSafe();
                    s.setMaxEvaluations(maxEvaluations_ - evaluationNumber_);
                    return(s.solve(f, xAccuracy, root_ + dx, xMin_, xMax_));
                if (Math.Abs(dx) < xAccuracy)
                froot  = f.value(root_);
                dfroot = f.derivative(root_);

            Utils.QL_FAIL("maximum number of function evaluations (" + maxEvaluations_ + ") exceeded",
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //! safe %Newton 1-D solver

        /*! \note This solver requires that the passed function object
         *        implement a method <tt>Real derivative(Real)</tt>.
        protected override double solveImpl(ISolver1d f, double xAccuracy)
            /* The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery,
             * "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press */

            double froot, dfroot, dx, dxold;
            double xh, xl;

            // Orient the search so that f(xl) < 0
            if (fxMin_ < 0.0)
                xl = xMin_;
                xh = xMax_;
                xh = xMin_;
                xl = xMax_;

            // the "stepsize before last"
            dxold = xMax_ - xMin_;
            // it was dxold=std::fabs(xMax_-xMin_); in Numerical Recipes
            // here (xMax_-xMin_ > 0) is verified in the constructor

            // and the last step
            dx = dxold;

            froot  = f.value(root_);
            dfroot = f.derivative(root_);
            if (dfroot.IsEqual(default(double)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Newton requires function's derivative");

            while (evaluationNumber_ <= maxEvaluations_)
                // Bisect if (out of range || not decreasing fast enough)
                if ((((root_ - xh) * dfroot - froot) *
                     ((root_ - xl) * dfroot - froot) > 0.0) ||
                    (Math.Abs(2.0 * froot) > Math.Abs(dxold * dfroot)))
                    dxold = dx;
                    dx    = (xh - xl) / 2.0;
                    root_ = xl + dx;
                    dxold  = dx;
                    dx     = froot / dfroot;
                    root_ -= dx;
                // Convergence criterion
                if (Math.Abs(dx) < xAccuracy)
                froot  = f.value(root_);
                dfroot = f.derivative(root_);
                if (froot < 0.0)
                    xl = root_;
                    xh = root_;

            Utils.QL_FAIL("maximum number of function evaluations (" + maxEvaluations_ + ") exceeded",