Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <ITextChannel> CreateChannelsForFinals(
            ISelfUser botUser, ITournamentState state, Game finalsGame, int finalsRoundNumber, int roomIndex)
            Verify.IsNotNull(this.Guild, "guild");
            Verify.IsNotNull(state, nameof(state));
            Verify.IsNotNull(finalsGame, nameof(finalsGame));

            TournamentRoles roles = this.GetTournamentRoles(state);

            ICategoryChannel finalsCategoryChannel = await this.Guild.CreateCategoryAsync("Finals");

            ITextChannel channel = await this.CreateTextChannelAsync(

            state.ChannelIds = state.ChannelIds
                               .Concat(new ulong[] { channel.Id })
                               .Concat(new ulong[] { finalsCategoryChannel.Id });

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task CreateArtifactsAsync(ITournamentState state)
            // GetAllMembersAsync may contain the same member multiple times, which causes ToDictionary to throw. Add
            // members manually to a dictionary instead.
            IReadOnlyCollection <IGuildUser> allMembers = await this.Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync();

            IDictionary <ulong, IGuildUser> members = new Dictionary <ulong, IGuildUser>();

            foreach (IGuildUser member in allMembers)
                members[member.Id] = member;

            IRole directorRole = await this.AssignDirectorRoleAsync(state, members);

            Dictionary <Reader, IRole> roomReaderRoles = await this.AssignRoomReaderRolesAsync(state, members);

            Dictionary <Team, IRole> teamRoles = await this.AssignPlayerRolesAsync(state, members);

            TournamentRoles roles = new TournamentRoles()
                DirectorRole    = directorRole,
                RoomReaderRoles = roomReaderRoles,
                TeamRoles       = teamRoles

            state.TournamentRoles = roles.ToIds();

            await this.ChannelManager.CreateChannelsForPrelims(this.Context.Client.CurrentUser, state, roles);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task CreateChannelsForRebracket(
            ISelfUser botUser,
            ITournamentState state,
            IEnumerable <Round> rounds,
            int startingRoundNumber)
            Verify.IsNotNull(this.Guild, "guild");
            Verify.IsNotNull(state, nameof(state));
            Verify.IsNotNull(rounds, nameof(rounds));

            TournamentRoles roles = this.GetTournamentRoles(state);

            ITextChannel[] textChannels = await this.CreateTextChannelsForRounds(
                botUser, rounds, roles, startingRoundNumber);

            IEnumerable <ulong> textCategoryChannelIds = GetCategoryChannelIds(textChannels);

            state.ChannelIds = state.ChannelIds
                               .Concat(textChannels.Select(channel => channel.Id))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task <ITextChannel[]> CreateTextChannelsForRounds(
            ISelfUser botUser,
            IEnumerable <Round> rounds,
            TournamentRoles roles,
            int startingRoundNumber)
            Verify.IsNotNull(this.Guild, "guild");
            Verify.IsNotNull(rounds, nameof(rounds));
            Verify.IsNotNull(roles, nameof(roles));

            List <Task <ITextChannel> > createTextChannelsTasks = new List <Task <ITextChannel> >();
            List <ulong> textCategoryChannelIds = new List <ulong>();
            int          roundNumber            = startingRoundNumber;

            foreach (Round round in rounds)
                int roomNumber = 0;
                ICategoryChannel roundCategoryChannel = await this.Guild.CreateCategoryAsync(
                    $"Round {roundNumber}",
                    options : RequestOptionsSettings.Default);


                foreach (Game game in round.Games)
                                                    botUser, roundCategoryChannel, game, roles, roundNumber, roomNumber));


            ITextChannel[] textChannels = await Task.WhenAll(createTextChannelsTasks);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task CreateChannelsForPrelims(ISelfUser botUser, ITournamentState state, TournamentRoles roles)
            Verify.IsNotNull(this.Guild, "guild");
            Verify.IsNotNull(state, nameof(state));
            Verify.IsNotNull(roles, nameof(roles));

            List <Task <IVoiceChannel> > createVoiceChannelsTasks = new List <Task <IVoiceChannel> >();
            // We only need to go through the games for the first round to get all of the readers.
            Round firstRound = state.Schedule.Rounds.First();

            Debug.Assert(firstRound.Games.Select(game => game.Reader.Name).Count() ==
                         firstRound.Games.Select(game => game.Reader.Name).Distinct().Count(),
                         "All reader names should be unique.");
            ICategoryChannel voiceCategoryChannel = await this.Guild.CreateCategoryAsync(
                "Readers", options : RequestOptionsSettings.Default);

            foreach (Game game in firstRound.Games)
                    this.CreateVoiceChannelAsync(voiceCategoryChannel, game.Reader));

            IVoiceChannel[] voiceChannels = await Task.WhenAll(createVoiceChannelsTasks);

            // Create the text channels
            const int startingRoundNumber = 1;

            ITextChannel[] textChannels = await this.CreateTextChannelsForRounds(
                botUser, state.Schedule.Rounds, roles, startingRoundNumber);

            IEnumerable <ulong> textCategoryChannelIds = GetCategoryChannelIds(textChannels);

            state.ChannelIds = voiceChannels.Select(channel => channel.Id)
                               .Concat(textChannels.Select(channel => channel.Id))
                               .Concat(new ulong[] { voiceCategoryChannel.Id })
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async Task <ITextChannel> CreateTextChannelAsync(
            ISelfUser botUser,
            ICategoryChannel parent,
            Game game,
            TournamentRoles roles,
            int roundNumber,
            int roomNumber)
            Verify.IsNotNull(this.Guild, "guild");
            Verify.IsNotNull(parent, nameof(parent));
            Verify.IsNotNull(game, nameof(game));
            Verify.IsNotNull(roles, nameof(roles));

            // The room and role names will be the same.
            this.Logger.Debug("Creating text channel for room {0} in round {1}", roomNumber, roundNumber);
            string       name    = GetTextRoomName(game.Reader, roundNumber);
            ITextChannel channel = await this.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(
                channelProps =>
                channelProps.CategoryId = parent.Id;

            this.Logger.Debug("Text channel for room {0} in round {1} created", roomNumber, roundNumber);

            // We need to add the bot's permissions first before we disable permissions for everyone.
            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(
                botUser, PrivilegedOverwritePermissions, RequestOptionsSettings.Default);

            this.Logger.Debug("Adding permissions to text channel for room {0} in round {1}", roomNumber, roundNumber);
            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(
                this.Guild.EveryoneRole, EveryonePermissions, RequestOptionsSettings.Default);

            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(
                roles.DirectorRole, PrivilegedOverwritePermissions, RequestOptionsSettings.Default);

            if (roles.RoomReaderRoles.TryGetValue(game.Reader, out IRole readerRole))
                await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(
                    readerRole, PrivilegedOverwritePermissions, RequestOptionsSettings.Default);
                this.Logger.Warning("Could not find a reader role for a reader with ID {0}.", game.Reader?.Id);

            List <Task> addTeamRolesToChannel = new List <Task>();

            foreach (Team team in game.Teams)
                if (!roles.TeamRoles.TryGetValue(team, out IRole role))
                    this.Logger.Warning("Team {name} did not have a role defined.", team.Name);

                // TODO: Investigate if it's possible to parallelize this. Other attempts to do so (Task.WhenAll,
                // AsyncEnumerable's ParallelForEachAsync) have had bugs where roles sometimes aren't assigned to a
                // channel. Adding an await in the loop seems to be the only thing that
                await this.AddPermission(channel, role);

            await Task.WhenAll(addTeamRolesToChannel);

            this.Logger.Debug("Added permissions to text channel for room {0} in round {1}", roomNumber, roundNumber);