Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void SendResetEmail(Login_DTO_Create dto, string token)
            Resources.BBCode bbc = new Resources.BBCode();

            using (eMail email = new eMail())
                string Body          = "";
                string Subject       = "";
                string InvitationUrl = "";

                Body          = Label.Get("email.body.account-reset", dto.LngIsoCode);
                Subject       = Label.Get("email.subject.account-reset", dto.LngIsoCode);
                InvitationUrl = "[url=" + Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "url.application") + Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_COOKIELINK_INVITATION_1FA") + '/' + dto.CcnUsername + '/' + token + "]" + "[/url]";

                Body = Body + Environment.NewLine + InvitationUrl;
                Body = bbc.Transform(Body, true);

                email.Body    = Body;
                email.Subject = Subject;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal int CreateLogin(Login_DTO_Create dto, string samAccountName, string token = null)
            List <ADO_inputParams> inputParamList = new List <ADO_inputParams>()
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@CcnUsernameCreator", value = samAccountName
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@CcnUsername", value = dto.CcnUsername

            if (token != null)
                inputParamList.Add(new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@LgnToken1FA", value = token

            // A return parameter is required for the operation
            ADO_returnParam retParam = new ADO_returnParam();

            retParam.name  = "return";
            retParam.value = 0;

            //Attempting to create the new entity
            ado.ExecuteNonQueryProcedure("Security_Login_Create", inputParamList, ref retParam);

            //Assign the returned value for checking and output
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void SendEmail(Login_DTO_Create lDto, string token, string nextMethod)
            string url       = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "url.application") + "?method=" + nextMethod + "&email=" + lDto.CcnEmail + '&' + "name=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(lDto.CcnDisplayname) + '&' + "token=" + token;
            string link      = "<a href = " + url + ">" + Label.Get("email.body.header.anchor-text", lDto.LngIsoCode) + "</a>";
            string subject   = string.Format(Label.Get("email.subject.update-1fa", lDto.LngIsoCode), Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "title"));
            string to        = lDto.CcnEmail;
            string header    = string.Format(Label.Get("email.body.header.update-1fa", lDto.LngIsoCode), lDto.CcnDisplayname, Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "title"));
            string subHeader = string.Format(Label.Get("email.body.sub-header.update-1fa"), link);
            string footer    = string.Format(Label.Get("email.body.footer", lDto.LngIsoCode), lDto.CcnDisplayname);

            Email_BSO.SendLoginTemplateEmail(subject, new List <string>()
            }, header, url, footer, subHeader, lDto.LngIsoCode);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal bool CreateLogin(Login_DTO_Create dto, string samAccountName, string token = null)
            Login_ADO lAdo = new Login_ADO(ado);

            return(lAdo.CreateLogin(dto, samAccountName, token) > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            //A power user may not create an Administrator
            if (IsPowerUser() && DTO.PrvCode.Equals(Resources.Constants.C_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE_ADMINISTRATOR))
                Log.Instance.Debug("A power user may not create an Administrator");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.privilege");

            //We need to check if the requested user is NOT in Active Directory, otherwise we refuse the request.
            ActiveDirectory_ADO adAdo = new ActiveDirectory_ADO();

            ActiveDirectory_DTO adDto = adAdo.GetUser(Ado, DTO);

            if (adDto.CcnUsername != null)
                Log.Instance.Debug("Account exists already");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //Validation of parameters and user have been successful. We may now proceed to read from the database
            var adoAccount = new Account_ADO();

            //First we must check if the Account exists already (we can't have duplicates)
            if (adoAccount.Exists(Ado, DTO.CcnEmail))
                //This Account exists already, we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Account exists already");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            //Next check if the email exists
            if (adoAccount.ExistsByEmail(Ado, DTO.CcnEmail))
                //This Account exists already, we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Account exists already");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            //make sure this email isn't an AD email - they should not become local users
            var aduser = adAdo.GetAdSpecificDataForEmail(DTO.CcnEmail);

            if (aduser != null)
                //This Account exists in AD, we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Account exists in AD");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //Create the Account - and retrieve the newly created Id
            int newId = adoAccount.Create(Ado, new Account_DTO_Create()
                CcnUsername = DTO.CcnUsername, CcnNotificationFlag = DTO.CcnNotificationFlag, LngIsoCode = DTO.LngIsoCode, PrvCode = DTO.PrvCode, CcnDisplayName = DTO.CcnDisplayName, CcnEmail = DTO.CcnEmail
            }, SamAccountName, false);

            if (newId == 0)
                Log.Instance.Debug("adoAccount.Create - can't create Account");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            Login_DTO_Create lDto = new Login_DTO_Create()
                CcnUsername = DTO.CcnEmail, LngIsoCode = DTO.LngIsoCode, CcnEmail = DTO.CcnEmail, CcnDisplayname = DTO.CcnDisplayName

            Login_BSO lBso = new Login_BSO(Ado);

            string token = Utility.GetRandomSHA256(newId.ToString());

            if (lBso.CreateLogin(lDto, SamAccountName, token))
                SendEmail(lDto, token, "PxStat.Security.Login_API.Create1FA");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            if (!ReCAPTCHA.Validate(DTO.Captcha))
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.authentication");

            if (DTO.CcnUsername == null)
                DTO.CcnUsername = DTO.CcnEmail;

            //Not allowed for AD users
            ActiveDirectory_ADO adAdo = new ActiveDirectory_ADO();
            ActiveDirectory_DTO adDto = adAdo.GetUser(Ado, DTO);

            if (adDto.CcnDisplayName != null)
                Response.data = JSONRPC.success;

            Account_ADO ccnAdo = new Account_ADO();
            var         user   = ccnAdo.Read(Ado, new Account_DTO_Read()
                CcnUsername = DTO.CcnEmail

            if (!user.hasData)
                Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
            if (user.data[0].CcnEmail.Equals(DBNull.Value) || user.data[0].CcnDisplayName.Equals(DBNull.Value))
                Response.data = JSONRPC.success;

            DTO.CcnEmail = user.data[0].CcnEmail;

            Login_BSO lBso = new Login_BSO(Ado);

            string loginToken = Utility.GetRandomSHA256(user.data[0].CcnId.ToString());

            Login_DTO_Create ldto = new Login_DTO_Create()
                CcnUsername = DTO.CcnEmail, LngIsoCode = DTO.LngIsoCode, CcnEmail = DTO.CcnEmail, CcnDisplayname = user.data[0].CcnDisplayName

            if (lBso.Update1FaTokenForUser(DTO.CcnEmail, loginToken) != null)
                SendEmail(new Login_DTO_Create()
                    CcnUsername = user.data[0].CcnUsername, LngIsoCode = DTO.LngIsoCode, CcnEmail = user.data[0].CcnEmail, CcnDisplayname = user.data[0].CcnDisplayName
                }, loginToken, "PxStat.Security.Login_API.Update1FA");

                Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");