Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AVLTreeNode Delete(AVLTreeNode root, int data)
            /* 1.  Perform the normal BST delete */
            if (root == null)

            if (data < root.Data)
                //goes into left subtree
                root.Left = Delete(root.Left, data);
            else if (data > root.Data)
                root.Right = Delete(root.Right, data);
                // node with only one child or no child
                if ((root.Left == null) || (root.Right == null))
                    //when equal we need to delete this node
                    AVLTreeNode temp = root.Left != null ? root.Left : root.Right;
                    //if it has no childres
                    if (temp == null)
                        root = null;
                    //if it has one children
                        root = temp;
                    //if it has two children
                    // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
                    // in the right subtree)
                    AVLTreeNode temp = minValueNode(root.Right);

                    // Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
                    root.Data = temp.Data; //here we overwrite the node to be deleted with temp.data

                    // Delete the inorder successor
                    root.Right = Delete(root.Right, temp.Data);

            // If the tree had only one node then return
            if (root == null)

            /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
            root.Height = Math.Max(GetHeight(root.Left), GetHeight(root.Right)) + 1;

            /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
             * this node became unbalanced */
            int balacefactor = GetBalanceFactor(root);

            if (balacefactor < -1 || balacefactor > 1)
                //just for test test
                int i = balacefactor;
            //check if the root is unbalaced for all the four case and do the rotation
            //here the logic is hard to follow with GetBalanceFactor
            //left left case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && GetBalanceFactor(root.Left) >= 0)
                //then rotate the root to right

            //right right case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 && GetBalanceFactor(root.Right) <= 0)
                //then rotate the root to left
            //left right case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && GetBalanceFactor(root.Left) < 0)
                //then we need to do 2 rotations
                root.Left = RotateLeft(root.Left);
                //and then rotate the root to right
            //right left case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 & GetBalanceFactor(root.Right) > 0)
                root.Right = RotateRight(root.Right);

            //if the root is balaced we return the actula unchanged root

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public AVLTreeNode Insert(AVLTreeNode root, int data)
            /* 1.  Perform the normal BST insert */
            if (root == null)
                //When we create a node, we default the height to 1
                AVLTreeNode node = new AVLTreeNode(data);

            if (data <= root.Data)
                //goes into left subtree
                root.Left = Insert(root.Left, data);
                root.Right = Insert(root.Right, data);

            /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
            // Max of Height of (Left, Right) + 1

            root.Height = Math.Max(GetHeight(root.Left), GetHeight(root.Right)) + 1;

            /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
             * this node became unbalanced */
            //since the balancing factor is calculated by (Height of Left - Height of right)
            //If a root is unbalaced which means the height of left - right is greater than 1 or lesser than -1
            //balacefactor is > 1, then left subtree of root has more height than right and that caused the unbalacing tree
            //balacefactore is < -1, then right subtree of root has more height and that caused the unbalancing
            int balacefactor = GetBalanceFactor(root);

            if (balacefactor < -1 || balacefactor > 1)
                //just for test test
                int i = balacefactor;
            //check if the root is unbalaced for all the four case and do the rotation

            //root.left != null and balacefactor > 1 tells that root.left has more height
            //to differentiate btn left left case and left right case we have an another condition
            //Check whether the data (from the recursion params) that we added goes to the left or right of Root.Left
            //If data < root.Left.Data then the data (new node) has went to left of root.Left and that caused the unbalacing  -- Left Left Case
            //If data > root.Right.Data then the data has went to right of root.Left and that caused unbalancing --Left Right case
            //similarly right right case and right left case

            //left left case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && data < root.Left.Data)
                //then rotate the root to right

            //right right case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 && data > root.Right.Data)
                //then rotate the root to left
            //left right case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && data > root.Left.Data)
                //then we need to do 2 rotations
                root.Left = RotateLeft(root.Left);
                //and then rotate the root to right
            //right left case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 & data < root.Right.Data)
                root.Right = RotateRight(root.Right);

            //if the root is balaced we return the actula unchanged root

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //this is a custome insert function

         * We need to find the number of smallest element on the right of a particular array element
         * So we add the array elements from right to left to a self balancing tree (eg AVL tree)
         * so that for each element we can see how many element were smaller from right side
         * Here the counter parameter is returned on each insertion and it has the count of no of elements smaller than the data added
         * We create the insert logic of the AVL tree ( ie with the height propery and rotation management)
         * We add a new property called size to maintain the size of each node. Size of leaf node is 1
         * When we add a data to a root
         *   a) if the data is lesser than the root it goes to the right and the counter can still remind the same
         *   b) if the data is greater than the root then it means that data is greater then root + size of root.Left so we have to handle this logic on the recurssion
         * The rotation really doesn't matter but we have to recalculate the height and size property during rotation
         * Counter is the variable that tells how many elements are lesser than the data without going to each elements with the help of size property
         * Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
         *  Auxiliary Space: O(n)
        public AVLTreeNode Insert(AVLTreeNode root, int data, ref int counter)
            /* 1.  Perform the normal BST insert */
            if (root == null)
                AVLTreeNode node = new AVLTreeNode(data);

            //Custom prob logic to skip inserting when the value already exists
            if (data == root.Data)

            if (data < root.Data)
                //goes into left subtree
                root.Left = Insert(root.Left, data, ref counter);
                if (data == 12)
                    int test = root.Data;
                root.Right = Insert(root.Right, data, ref counter);
                //whenever we go to the right of a node to insert which means that current data is greater than the root
                //or the root is smaller than the current..the root might have left subtree so the counter should be update
                counter = counter + GetSize(root.Left) + 1; //1 is for the root itselft which is smaller and
                //source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15197058/number-of-distinct-smaller-elements-on-left-for-each-position-in-a-array

            /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
            root.Height = Math.Max(GetHeight(root.Left), GetHeight(root.Right)) + 1;
            //updat the size of the root
            root.Size = GetSize(root.Left) + GetSize(root.Right) + 1;

            /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
             * this node became unbalanced */
            int balacefactor = GetBalanceFactor(root);

            if (balacefactor < -1 || balacefactor > 1)
                //just for test test
                int i = balacefactor;
            //check if the root is unbalaced for all the four case and do the rotation

            //left left case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && data < root.Left.Data)
                //then rotate the root to right

            //right right case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 && data > root.Right.Data)
                //then rotate the root to left
            //left right case
            if (root.Left != null && balacefactor > 1 && data > root.Left.Data)
                //then we need to do 2 rotations
                root.Left = RotateLeft(root.Left);
                //and then rotate the root to right
            //right left case
            if (root.Right != null && balacefactor < -1 & data < root.Right.Data)
                root.Right = RotateRight(root.Right);

            //if the root is balaced we return the actula unchanged root
