Ejemplo n.º 1
		private IList GetTokens(string code)
			ArrayList tokens = new ArrayList();
			MatchResult match;
			int currentIndex = 0;

			while (true)
				match = tokenTree.Match(code, currentIndex);
				Token token = new Token();

				if (match.Found)
					//get the test from the end of the last match , to the begining of the new match
					string dumbText = code.Substring(currentIndex, match.Index - currentIndex);
					ThrowUnknownTokenException(dumbText, tokens, currentIndex);
					string dumbText = code.Substring(currentIndex);
					ThrowUnknownTokenException(dumbText, tokens, currentIndex);

				token.Index = match.Index;
				token.Text = match.GetText();
				if (match.Tag is string)
					token.Types = new string[] {(string) match.Tag};
				else if (match.Tag is string[])
					token.Types = (string[]) match.Tag;


				currentIndex = match.Index + match.Length;

				if (!match.Found)
			return tokens;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void EnsureType(Token token, string type, string near, string expected)
			if (!token.IsType(type))
				throw new UnexpectedTokenException(token.Text, token.Index, near, expected);