RemoveCourseControl() public method

public RemoveCourseControl ( Id id ) : void
id Id
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Remove a control from a course. Caller must ensure the current is actually in this course.
        // Returns a list of all control points that were deleted. This will include the one asked to remove,
        // but might also remove others if it starts a fork or loop.
        public static ICollection<Id<ControlPoint>> RemoveCourseControl(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId, Id<CourseControl> courseControlIdRemove)
            Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseId);
            List<Id<CourseControl>> allCourseControls = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId)).ToList();

            // This the course control to change to. Could be None.
            CourseControl courseControlRemove = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlIdRemove);
            Id<CourseControl> afterRemove = courseControlRemove.nextCourseControl;
            if (courseControlRemove.split && !courseControlRemove.loop) {
                // Change next to another one of the split controls.
                if (courseControlRemove.splitCourseControls[0] == courseControlIdRemove)
                    afterRemove = courseControlRemove.splitCourseControls[1];
                    afterRemove = courseControlRemove.splitCourseControls[0];

            // For each course control, go throught and change referecnes to the subsequent control.
            foreach (Id<CourseControl> courseControlId in allCourseControls) {
                bool changed = false;
                CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId);
                CourseControl clone = (CourseControl)courseControl.Clone();

                if (courseControl.nextCourseControl == courseControlIdRemove) {
                    changed = true;
                    clone.nextCourseControl = afterRemove;
                if (courseControl.split && courseControl.splitEnd == courseControlIdRemove) {
                    changed = true;
                    clone.splitEnd = afterRemove;
                    if (afterRemove.IsNone) {
                        clone.split = false;  // No join control means we remove the split entirely.
                        clone.splitCourseControls = null;
                if (clone.split && clone.splitCourseControls.Contains(courseControlIdRemove)) {
                    changed = true;
                    clone.splitCourseControls = clone.splitCourseControls.Where(id => id != courseControlIdRemove).ToArray();
                    if (clone.splitCourseControls.Length < 2) {
                        clone.split = false;
                        clone.loop = false;
                        clone.splitCourseControls = null;
                        clone.splitEnd = Id<CourseControl>.None;
                if (changed) {
                    eventDB.ReplaceCourseControl(courseControlId, clone);

            if (course.firstCourseControl == courseControlIdRemove) {
                // Special case -- remove the first course control.
                course = (Course) course.Clone();
                course.firstCourseControl = afterRemove;
                eventDB.ReplaceCourse(courseId, course);

            // Remove a split could orphan more than one control. Go through and find orphaned ones.
            HashSet<Id<CourseControl>> newCourseControls = new HashSet<Id<CourseControl>>(QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId)));
            List<Id<CourseControl>> removedCourseControls = new List<Id<CourseControl>>();
            HashSet<Id<ControlPoint>> removedControls = new HashSet<Id<ControlPoint>>();

            foreach (Id<CourseControl> courseControlId in allCourseControls) {
                if (!newCourseControls.Contains(courseControlId)) {

            if (! removedCourseControls.Contains(courseControlIdRemove)) {
                Debug.Fail("Did not remove the course control we were removing.");

            return removedControls;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Delete a course and all of its course controls.
        public static void DeleteCourse(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId)
            // Remember the set of course controls.
            List<Id<CourseControl>> courseControls = new List<Id<CourseControl>>(QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId)));

            // Remove the course.

            // Remove each of the course controls in that course
            foreach (Id<CourseControl> courseControlId in courseControls) {

            // Now check specials, and see which need to be modified
            List<Id<Special>> specialsToChange = new List<Id<Special>>();
            foreach (Id<Special> specialId in eventDB.AllSpecialIds) {
                Special special = eventDB.GetSpecial(specialId);
                if (!special.allCourses && => cd.CourseId == courseId)) {
                    // This special is not an all controls special, and is present on the course being deleted. Update it.

            // Update each of the specials.
            foreach (Id<Special> specialId in specialsToChange) {
                Special special = eventDB.GetSpecial(specialId);
                CourseDesignator[] newCourses = => cd.CourseId != courseId).ToArray();
                if (newCourses.Length == 0)
                    ChangeEvent.DeleteSpecial(eventDB, specialId);
                else {
                    special = (Special) special.Clone();
           = newCourses;
                    eventDB.ReplaceSpecial(specialId, special);