Ejemplo n.º 1
    static Task <int> Main() => Deployment.RunAsync(async() => {
        // Fetch the Docker Hub auth info from config.
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var username = config.Require("dockerUsername");
        var password = config.RequireSecret("dockerPassword");

        // Populate the registry info (creds and endpoint).
        var imageName    = $"{username}/myapp";
        var registryInfo = new ImageRegistry
            Server   = "docker.io",
            Username = username,
            Password = password,

        // Build and publish the app image.
        var image = new Image("my-image", new ImageArgs
            ImageName = username + "/myapp",
            Build     = new DockerBuild {
                Context = "app"
            Registry = registryInfo,

        // Export the resulting image name.
        return(new Dictionary <string, object>
            { "imageName", image.ImageName },
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public AzureStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var deployTo = config.Require("DeployTo");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroupName = $"rg-ne-rpc-demo-{deployTo}";
        var resourceGroup     = new ResourceGroup(
            new ResourceGroupArgs
            Name = resourceGroupName

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account($"nerpcdemo{deployTo}", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Export the connection string for the storage account
        this.StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name;
    public MyStack()
        var config  = new Pulumi.Config();
        var siteDir = config.Get("siteDir");

        var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs
            Website = new BucketWebsiteArgs
                IndexDocument = "index.html",

        this.BucketName      = bucket.BucketName;
        this.WebsiteEndpoint = bucket.WebsiteEndpoint;

        foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(siteDir))
            var name         = Path.GetFileName(file);
            var bucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject(name, new BucketObjectArgs
                Bucket      = bucket.BucketName,
                Source      = new FileAsset(Path.Combine(siteDir, Path.GetFileName(file))),
                Acl         = "public-read",
                ContentType = "text/html",
    public MyStack()
        var config  = new Pulumi.Config();
        var siteDir = config.Get("siteDir");

        var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs
            Website = new BucketWebsiteArgs
                IndexDocument = "index.html",

        this.BucketName      = bucket.BucketName;
        this.WebsiteEndpoint = bucket.WebsiteEndpoint;

        var bucketFile   = Path.Combine(siteDir, "index.html");
        var bucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("index.html", new BucketObjectArgs
            Bucket      = bucket.BucketName,
            Source      = new FileAsset(bucketFile),
            Acl         = "public-read",
            ContentType = "text/html",
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static (Output <string> username, Output <string> password) GetConfig()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var username = config.RequireSecret("sqlUsername");
        var password = config.RequireSecret("sqlPassword");

        return(username, password);
 public gcpIamCustomRole()
     gcpConfig            = new Config("gcp");
     this.roleId          = gcpConfig.Require("RoleId");
     this.roleTitle       = gcpConfig.Require("RoleTitle");
     this.rolePermissions = gcpConfig.GetObject <string[]>("RolePermissions");
     this.roleDescription = $"{gcpConfig.Require("RoleDescription")}";
        public ActiveDirectoryResource(Output <string> currentUserObjectId)
            var config = new Config("azureactivedirectory");

            ClientId             = config.Require("clientid");
            ClientSecret         = config.GetSecret("clientsecret");
            Domain               = config.Require("domain");
            TenantId             = config.Require("tenantId");
            _currentUserObjectId = currentUserObjectId;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public CreateRoleStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();
        var unprivilegedUsername = config.Require("unprivilegedUsername");

        var unprivilegedUser = new Iam.User("unprivilegedUser", new Iam.UserArgs
            Name = unprivilegedUsername,

        var unprivilegedUserCreds = new Iam.AccessKey("unprivileged-user-key", new Iam.AccessKeyArgs
            User = unprivilegedUser.Name,
                                                      // additional_secret_outputs specify properties that must be encrypted as secrets
                                                      // https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#additionalsecretoutputs
                                                      new CustomResourceOptions {
            AdditionalSecretOutputs = { "secret" }

        var tempPolicy = unprivilegedUser.Arn.Apply((string arn) =>
            AssumeRolePolicyArgs policyArgs = new AssumeRolePolicyArgs(arn);
            return(JsonSerializer.Serialize <AssumeRolePolicyArgs>(policyArgs));

        var allowS3ManagementRole = new Iam.Role("allow-s3-management", new Iam.RoleArgs
            Description      = "Allow management of S3 buckets",
            AssumeRolePolicy = tempPolicy

        var rolePolicy = new Iam.RolePolicy("allow-s3-management-policy", new Iam.RolePolicyArgs
            Role   = allowS3ManagementRole.Name,
            Policy =
                ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"",
                ""Statement"": [{
                    ""Effect"": ""Allow"",
                    ""Action"": ""s3:*"",
                    ""Resource"": ""*"",
                    ""Sid"": ""allowS3Access""
                                            new CustomResourceOptions {
            Parent = allowS3ManagementRole

        this.roleArn         = allowS3ManagementRole.Arn;
        this.accessKeyId     = unprivilegedUserCreds.Id;
        this.secretAccessKey = unprivilegedUserCreds.Secret;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public AppStack()
        var config    = new Pulumi.Config();
        var redisPort = 6379;

        // getting refererence from AKS Stack
        var cluster    = new StackReference($"gutek/aks-infra/{Deployment.Instance.StackName}");
        var kubeConfig = cluster.RequireOutput("KubeConfig").Apply(v => v.ToString());
        var provider   = new Provider("k8s", new ProviderArgs {
            KubeConfig = kubeConfig !
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public MyStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var location = config.Get("location") ?? "WestUS";

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("resourceGroup", new ResourceGroupArgs
            ResourceGroupName = "aci-rg",
            Location          = location

        var imageName      = "mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-helloworld";
        var containerGroup = new ContainerGroup("containerGroup", new ContainerGroupArgs
            ResourceGroupName  = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location           = resourceGroup.Location,
            ContainerGroupName = "helloworld",
            OsType             = "Linux",
            Containers         =
                new ContainerArgs
                    Name  = "acilinuxpublicipcontainergroup",
                    Image = imageName,
                    Ports ={ new ContainerPortArgs             {
                              Port = 80
                          } },
                    Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs
                        Requests = new ResourceRequestsArgs
                            Cpu        = 1.0,
                            MemoryInGB = 1.5,
            IpAddress = new IpAddressArgs
                Ports =
                    new PortArgs
                        Port     = 80,
                        Protocol = "Tcp",
                Type = "Public"
            RestartPolicy = "always"

        this.ContainerIPv4Address = containerGroup.IpAddress.Apply(ip => ip !.Ip);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public MyStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();
        var zoneId = config.Require("zone_id");

        var foobar = new Cloudflare.Record("foobar", new Cloudflare.RecordArgs
            Name   = "my-record-csharp",
            ZoneId = zoneId,
            Value  = "",
            Type   = "A",
            Ttl    = 3600,
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public KanbernetesStack()
            var config = new Config();

            var azureResources = CreateBaseAzureInfrastructure(config);

            var clusterOptions = new ClusterOptions
                Domain    = config.Require("domain"),
                Namespace = config.Require("kubernetes-namespace"),
                CertificateIssuerAcmeEmail = config.Require("certmanager-acme-email")

            ConfigureKubernetesCluster(azureResources, clusterOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    // Initialize all of the config variables.
    static Config()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();

        AvailabilityZones         = config.GetObject <string[]>("availabilityZones");
        NumberOfAvailabilityZones = config.GetInt32("numberOfAvailabilityZones") ?? 2;
        CreatePrivateSubnets      = config.GetBoolean("createPrivateSubnets") ?? true;
        CreateProtectedSubnets    = config.GetBoolean("createProtectedSubnets") ?? false;
        VpcCidr              = config.Get("vpcCidr") ?? "";
        VpcTenancy           = config.Get("vpcTenancy") ?? "default";
        PublicSubnetCidrs    = config.GetObject <string[]>("publicSubnetCidrs");
        PublicSubnetTags     = config.GetObject <ImmutableDictionary <string, object>[]>("publicSubnetTags");
        PrivateSubnetCidrs   = config.GetObject <string[]>("privateSubnetCidrs");
        PrivateSubnetTags    = config.GetObject <ImmutableDictionary <string, object>[]>("privateSubnetTags");
        ProtectedSubnetCidrs = config.GetObject <string[]>("protectedSubnetCidrs");
        ProtectedSubnetTags  = config.GetObject <ImmutableDictionary <string, object>[]>("protectedSubnetTags");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public AssumeRoleStack()
     var awsConfig       = new Pulumi.Config("aws");
     var config          = new Pulumi.Config();
     var roleToAssumeARN = config.Require("roleToAssumeARN");
     var provider        = new Aws.Provider("privileged", new Aws.ProviderArgs
         AssumeRole = new Aws.Inputs.ProviderAssumeRoleArgs
             RoleArn     = roleToAssumeARN,
             SessionName = "PulumiSession",
             ExternalId  = "PulumiApplication"
         Region = awsConfig.Require("region"),
     var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("myBucket", null, new CustomResourceOptions {
         Provider = provider
        public PetDoctorStack()
            var config = new Config();

            var azureResources = CreateBaseAzureInfrastructure(config);

            var clusterOptions = new PetDoctorClusterOptions
                Domain    = config.Require("domain"),
                Namespace = config.Require("kubernetes-namespace"),
                CertificateIssuerAcmeEmail = config.Require("certmanager-acme-email"),
                AppointmentApi             = new ReplicaSetConfiguration
                    AadPodIdentityBindingName = "appointments-api-pod-identity-binding",
                    AadPodIdentityName        = "appointments-api-pod-identity",
                    AadPodIdentitySelector    = "appointments-api",
                    DeploymentName            = "appointments-api",
                    IngressName  = "appointments-api-ingress",
                    ServiceName  = "appointments-api-svc",
                    Image        = azureResources.Registry.LoginServer.Apply(loginServer => $"{loginServer}/pet-doctor/appointments/api:{config.Require("versions-appointments-api")}"),
                    Port         = 80,
                    ReplicaCount = 2,
                    Cpu          = new ResourceLimit
                        Request = "25m",
                        Limit   = "50m"
                    Memory = new ResourceLimit
                        Request = "250Mi",
                        Limit   = "400Mi"
                    SecretName = "appointments-api-secrets"

            ConfigureKubernetesCluster(azureResources, clusterOptions);

            var appointmentApiAzureResources = CreateAppointmentApiAzureResources(azureResources, config, clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Image);

            SetupAppointmentApiInKubernetes(azureResources, appointmentApiAzureResources, clusterOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public MyStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();

        Pulumi.Log.Info($"mySecretKey: {config.RequireSecret("mySecretKey")}");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("resourceGroup");

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Export the connection string for the storage account
        this.ConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    static Task <int> Main()
        return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => {
            var config = new Pulumi.Config();
            var companyCode = config.Require("company_code");
            var location = config.Require("location");
            var environment = config.Require("environment");
            ResourceFactory factory = new ResourceFactory(companyCode, location, environment);

            // Create an Azure Resource Group
            var resourceGroup = factory.GetResourceGroup("00");

            // Create an Azure Storage Account
            var storageAccount = factory.GetStorageAccount("00", resourceGroup.Name);

            // Export the connection string for the storage account
            return new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "connectionString", storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString },
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public KeyVaultStack()
        // Get current Subscription
        var currentSubscription = Output.Create(GetSubscription.InvokeAsync());
        var tenantId            = currentSubscription.Apply(currentSubscription => currentSubscription.TenantId);

        // Get current Client Config
        var currentClient = Output.Create(GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());
        var objectId      = currentClient.Apply(currentClient => currentClient.ObjectId);

        var config            = new Pulumi.Config();
        var resourceGroupName = config.Require("resource_group_name");
        var keyVaultName      = config.Require("key_vault_name");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);

        // Create an Azure Key Vault
        var keyVault = new KeyVault(keyVaultName, new KeyVaultArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "standard",
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            AccessPolicies    =
                new KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs
                    TenantId          = tenantId,
                    ObjectId          = objectId,
                    SecretPermissions ={ "list",                         "get" }

        this.VaultUri = keyVault.VaultUri;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public AksStack()
        var config            = new Pulumi.Config();
        var kubernetesVersion = config.Get("kubernetesVersion") ?? "1.19.3";

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("aks-rg");

        var password = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length  = 20,
            Special = true,

        var sshPublicKey = new PrivateKey("ssh-key", new PrivateKeyArgs
            Algorithm = "RSA",
            RsaBits   = 4096,

        // Create the AD service principal for the K8s cluster.
        var adApp = new Application("aks");
        var adSp  = new ServicePrincipal("aksSp", new ServicePrincipalArgs {
            ApplicationId = adApp.ApplicationId
        var adSpPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("aksSpPassword", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs
            ServicePrincipalId = adSp.Id,
            Value   = password,
            EndDate = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",

        // Grant networking permissions to the SP (needed e.g. to provision Load Balancers)
        var assignment = new Assignment("role-assignment", new AssignmentArgs
            PrincipalId        = adSp.Id,
            Scope              = resourceGroup.Id,
            RoleDefinitionName = "Network Contributor"

        // Create a Virtual Network for the cluster
        var vnet = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AddressSpaces     = { "" },

        // Create a Subnet for the cluster
        var subnet = new Subnet("subnet", new SubnetArgs
            ResourceGroupName  = resourceGroup.Name,
            VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name,
            AddressPrefixes    = { "" },

        // Now allocate an AKS cluster.
        var cluster = new KubernetesCluster("aksCluster", new KubernetesClusterArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            DefaultNodePool   = new KubernetesClusterDefaultNodePoolArgs
                Name         = "aksagentpool",
                NodeCount    = 3,
                VmSize       = "Standard_B2s",
                OsDiskSizeGb = 30,
                VnetSubnetId = subnet.Id,
            DnsPrefix    = "aksdemo",
            LinuxProfile = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileArgs
                AdminUsername = "******",
                SshKey        = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileSshKeyArgs
                    KeyData = sshPublicKey,
            ServicePrincipal = new KubernetesClusterServicePrincipalArgs
                ClientId     = adApp.ApplicationId,
                ClientSecret = adSpPassword.Value,
            KubernetesVersion      = kubernetesVersion,
            RoleBasedAccessControl = new KubernetesClusterRoleBasedAccessControlArgs {
                Enabled = true
            NetworkProfile = new KubernetesClusterNetworkProfileArgs
                NetworkPlugin    = "azure",
                DnsServiceIp     = "",
                ServiceCidr      = "",
                DockerBridgeCidr = "",

        this.KubeConfig = cluster.KubeConfigRaw;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public static Output <string> Run()
        // Read a list of target locations from the config file:
        // Expecting a comma-separated list, e.g., "westus,eastus,westeurope"
        var locations = new Pulumi.Config().Require("locations").Split(",");

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("cosmosaci-rg", new ResourceGroupArgs {
            Location = locations[0]

        var app = new CosmosApp("aci", new CosmosAppArgs
            ResourceGroup = resourceGroup,
            Locations     = locations,
            DatabaseName  = "pricedb",
            ContainerName = "prices",
            Factory       = global =>
                var registry = new Registry("global", new RegistryArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    AdminEnabled      = true,
                    Sku = "Premium",
                }, global.Options);

                var dockerImage = new Image("node-app", new ImageArgs
                    ImageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/mynodeapp:v1.0.0"),
                    Build     = "./container",
                    Registry  = new ImageRegistry
                        Server   = registry.LoginServer,
                        Username = registry.AdminUsername,
                        Password = registry.AdminPassword,
                }, new ComponentResourceOptions {
                    Parent = registry

                return(region =>
                    var connectionString = global.CosmosAccount.ConnectionStrings.Apply(cs => cs[0]);
                    var group = new Group($"aci-{region.Location}", new GroupArgs
                        ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                        Location = region.Location,
                        ImageRegistryCredentials =
                            new GroupImageRegistryCredentialArgs
                                Server = registry.LoginServer,
                                Username = registry.AdminUsername,
                                Password = registry.AdminPassword,
                        OsType = "Linux",
                        Containers =
                            new GroupContainerArgs
                                Cpu = 0.5,
                                Image = dockerImage.ImageName,
                                Memory = 1.5,
                                Name = "hello-world",
                                Ports =
                                    new GroupContainerPortArgs
                                        Port = 80,
                                        Protocol = "TCP",
                                EnvironmentVariables =
                                    { "ENDPOINT",   global.CosmosAccount.Endpoint           },
                                    { "MASTER_KEY", global.CosmosAccount.PrimaryMasterKey   },
                                    { "DATABASE",   global.Database.Name                    },
                                    { "COLLECTION", global.Container.Name                   },
                                    { "LOCATION",   region.Location                         },
                        IpAddressType = "public",
                        DnsNameLabel = $"acishop-{region.Location}",
                    }, global.Options);

                    return new ExternalEndpoint(group.Fqdn);

Ejemplo n.º 21
    public BotStack()
        var config  = new Pulumi.Config();
        var botName = config.Require("botName");

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("botservice-rg");

        var storageAccount = new Storage.Account("sa", new Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "App",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Basic",
                Size = "B1"

        var container = new Storage.Container("zips", new Storage.ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",

        var blob = new Storage.Blob("zip", new Storage.BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("bot/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl = Storage.SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var appInsights = new Insights("ai", new InsightsArgs
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name

        var appInsightApiKey = new ApiKey("ai", new ApiKeyArgs
            ApplicationInsightsId = appInsights.Id,
            ReadPermissions       = "api",

        var luis = new Cognitive.Account("cs", new Cognitive.AccountArgs
            Kind = "CognitiveServices", // includes LUIS
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "S0"

        var msa = new Application("msapp", new ApplicationArgs
            Oauth2AllowImplicitFlow = false,
            AvailableToOtherTenants = true,
            PublicClient            = true

        var pwd = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length     = 16,
            MinNumeric = 1,
            MinSpecial = 1,
            MinUpper   = 1,
            MinLower   = 1

        var msaSecret = new ApplicationPassword("msasecret", new ApplicationPasswordArgs
            ApplicationObjectId = msa.ObjectId,
            EndDateRelative     = "8640h",
            Value = pwd.Result

        var app = new AppService("app", new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl           },
                { "MicrosoftAppId",           msa.ApplicationId     },
                { "MicrosoftAppPassword",     msaSecret.Value       },
                { "LuisApiKey",               luis.PrimaryAccessKey },
            HttpsOnly = true

        var bot = new WebApp(botName, new WebAppArgs
            DisplayName       = botName,
            MicrosoftAppId    = msa.ApplicationId,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku      = "F0",
            Location = "global",
            Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultSiteHostname}/api/messages"),
            DeveloperAppInsightsApiKey        = appInsightApiKey.Key,
            DeveloperAppInsightsApplicationId = appInsights.AppId,
            DeveloperAppInsightsKey           = appInsights.InstrumentationKey

        this.BotEndpoint          = bot.Endpoint;
        this.MicrosoftAppId       = msa.ApplicationId;
        this.MicrosoftAppPassword = msaSecret.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public DeploymentStack()
        // Define variables
        var config             = new Pulumi.Config();
        var rgName             = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var storageAccountName = string.Format("{0}{1}sa{2}{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var apimName           = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var kvName             = string.Format("{0}-{1}-kv-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var appInsightsName    = string.Format("{0}-{1}-appinsights-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var tags = new InputMap <string>()
            { "belongsto", "Core Resources" },
            { "environment", "Development" },
            { "costcenter", "Backend" },
            { "owner", "IT" }

        // Get current identity details
        var clientConfig     = Output.Create(Pulumi.Azure.Core.Invokes.GetClientConfig());
        var tenantId         = clientConfig.Apply(c => c.TenantId);
        var currentPrincipal = clientConfig.Apply(c => c.ObjectId);

        // Create the Azure Resource Group
        var rg = new ResourceGroup("rg", new ResourceGroupArgs()
            Name     = rgName,
            Location = config.Require("azureLocation"),
            Tags     = tags

        // Create the storage account to contain policy, OpenApi and other deployment related files
        var sa = new Account("sa", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            Name                   = storageAccountName,
            AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
            EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true,
            Tags                   = tags
                             new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }
        var saContainerApim = new Container("apim-files",
                                            new ContainerArgs()
            StorageAccountName = sa.Name, ContainerAccessType = "private"
                                            new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }

        var saContainerApi = new Container("api-files",
                                           new ContainerArgs()
            StorageAccountName = sa.Name, ContainerAccessType = "private"
                                           new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }

        // Create key vault to contain the certificate secret
        var kv = new KV.KeyVault("kv", new KV.KeyVaultArgs()
            Name = kvName,
            ResourceGroupName        = rg.Name,
            EnabledForDiskEncryption = false,
            SkuName        = "standard",
            TenantId       = tenantId,
            AccessPolicies =
                new KeyVaultAccessPoliciesArgs
                    TenantId               = tenantId,
                    ObjectId               = currentPrincipal,
                    SecretPermissions      = { "get" },
                    CertificatePermissions ={ "delete", "create", "get", "import", "list", "update" },
            Tags = tags

        // Upload the certificate to Key Vault --> Currently disabled because no valid pfx which breaks the deployment
        // var pfxBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("certificates/"+ config.Require("customDomainsCertificateName"));
        // var cert = new KV.Certificate("apim-tls-certificate", new KV.CertificateArgs()
        // {
        //     Name = "apim-tls-certificate",
        //     KeyVaultId = kv.Id,
        //     KeyVaultCertificate = new CertificateCertificateArgs()
        //     {
        //         Contents = System.Convert.ToBase64String(pfxBytes),
        //         Password = config.Require("customDomainsCertificatePasword")
        //     },
        //     CertificatePolicy = new CertificateCertificatePolicyArgs()
        //     {
        //         IssuerParameters = new CertificateCertificatePolicyIssuerParametersArgs()
        //         {
        //             Name = config.Require("customDomainsCertificateIssuer")
        //         },
        //         KeyProperties = new CertificateCertificatePolicyKeyPropertiesArgs()
        //         {
        //             Exportable = true,
        //             KeySize = 2048,
        //             KeyType = "RSA",
        //             ReuseKey = false
        //         },
        //         SecretProperties = new CertificateCertificatePolicySecretPropertiesArgs()
        //         {
        //             ContentType = "application/x-pkcs12"
        //         }
        //     }
        // },
        // new CustomResourceOptions()
        // {
        //     DependsOn = { rg, kv }
        // });

        // APIM resource
        var apim = new Service("apim", new ServiceArgs()
            Name = apimName,
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            SkuName           = "Developer_1",
            PublisherEmail    = config.Require("publisherEmail"),
            PublisherName     = config.Require("publisherName"),
            Tags     = tags,
            Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs()
                Type = "SystemAssigned"
                               new CustomResourceOptions()
            CustomTimeouts = new CustomTimeouts {
                Create = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)
            DependsOn = { rg, sa, kv }

        // Change Key Vault policy to be able to have APIM access the certificate
        // var kvApimPolicy = new KV.AccessPolicy("apim-policy", new KV.AccessPolicyArgs()
        // {
        //     TenantId = tenantId,
        //     ObjectId = apim.Identity.PrincipalId,
        //     SecretPermissions = {"get"},
        //     CertificatePermissions = {"get", "list"},
        //     KeyVaultId = kv.Id
        // });

        // Set custom domain
        // Call Powershell to assign custom domain to APIM instance

        // Create product on APIM
        var apimProduct = new Product("apimProduct", new ProductArgs()
            ResourceGroupName    = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName    = apim.Name,
            DisplayName          = config.Require("productName"),
            ProductId            = config.Require("productId"),
            ApprovalRequired     = bool.Parse(config.Require("productApprovalRequired")),
            Published            = bool.Parse(config.Require("productPublished")),
            SubscriptionRequired = bool.Parse(config.Require("productSubscriptionRequired")),
            SubscriptionsLimit   = int.Parse(config.Require("productSubscriptionLimit"))
                                      new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }
        var apimProductPolicy = new ProductPolicy("apimProductPolicy", new ProductPolicyArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ProductId         = config.Require("productId"),
            XmlContent        = @"<policies>
                                <base />
                                <base />
                                <set-header name='Server' exists-action='delete' />
                                <set-header name='X-Powered-By' exists-action='delete' />
                                <set-header name='X-AspNet-Version' exists-action='delete' />
                                <base />
                                <base />
                                                  new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct }

        // Create user
        var apimUser = new User("user", new UserArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            UserId            = string.Format("{0}-user", config.Require("productId")),
            Email             = string.Format("{0}-{1}@didago.nl", config.Require("productId"), config.Require("environment")),
            FirstName         = "user",
            LastName          = config.Require("productName"),
            State             = "active"
                                new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }

        // Create subscription
        var apimSubscription = new Subscription("subscription", new SubscriptionArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Some subscription",
            ProductId         = apimProduct.Id,
            UserId            = apimUser.Id,
            PrimaryKey        = config.Require("productSubscriptionKey")
                                                new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct, apimUser }

        // Create Application Insights
        var appInsights = new Insights("appinsights", new InsightsArgs()
            Name = appInsightsName,
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            Tags = tags
        // Create APIM diagnostics logger
        var apimLogger = new Logger("apimLogger", new LoggerArgs()
            Name = $"{apimName}-logger",
            ResourceGroupName   = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName   = apim.Name,
            ApplicationInsights = new LoggerApplicationInsightsArgs()
                InstrumentationKey = appInsights.InstrumentationKey
                                    new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { appInsights, apim }

        // Add health probe to APIM, create operation, policy and assign to product
        var apiHealthProbe = new Api("healthProbe", new ApiArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Health probe",
            Path      = "health-probe",
            Protocols = "https",
            Revision  = "1"
                                     new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }
        var apimHealthProbeOperation = new ApiOperation("pingOperation", new ApiOperationArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Ping",
            Method            = "GET",
            UrlTemplate       = "/",
            OperationId       = "get-ping"
                                                        new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apiHealthProbe }
        var apiHealthProbePolicy = new ApiPolicy("healthProbePolicy", new ApiPolicyArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            XmlContent        = @"<policies>
                                    <set-status code='200' />
                                <base />
                                                 new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apimHealthProbeOperation }
        var apiHealtProbeProduct = new ProductApi("healthProbeProduct", new ProductApiArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            ProductId         = apimProduct.ProductId
                                                  new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct, apiHealthProbePolicy }
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public MyStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();

        // Per-cluster config
        var aksClusterConfigs = new[] {
            new {
                Name      = "east",
                Location  = "eastus",
                NodeCount = 2,
                NodeSize  = ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.Standard_D2_v2,
            new {
                Name      = "west",
                Location  = "westus",
                NodeCount = 5,
                NodeSize  = ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.Standard_D2_v2,

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("aks", new ResourceGroupArgs
            Location = config.Get("location") ?? "eastus",

        // Create the AD service principal for the K8s cluster.
        var adApp = new Application("aks", new ApplicationArgs
            DisplayName = "my-aks-multicluster",
        var adSp = new ServicePrincipal("aksSp", new ServicePrincipalArgs
            ApplicationId = adApp.ApplicationId
        var adSpPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("aksSpPassword", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs
            ServicePrincipalId = adSp.Id,
            Value   = config.Require("password"),
            EndDate = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",

        // Create the individual clusters
        var aksClusterNames = new List <Output <string> >();

        foreach (var perClusterConfig in aksClusterConfigs)
            var cluster = new ManagedCluster($"aksCluster-{perClusterConfig.Name}", new ManagedClusterArgs
                // Global config arguments
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                LinuxProfile      = new ContainerServiceLinuxProfileArgs
                    AdminUsername = "******",
                    Ssh           = new ContainerServiceSshConfigurationArgs
                        PublicKeys =
                            new ContainerServiceSshPublicKeyArgs
                                KeyData = config.Require("sshPublicKey"),
                ServicePrincipalProfile = new ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfileArgs
                    ClientId = adApp.ApplicationId,
                    Secret   = adSpPassword.Value

                // Per-cluster config arguments
                Location          = perClusterConfig.Location,
                AgentPoolProfiles =
                    new ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileArgs
                        Mode   = AgentPoolMode.System,
                        Name   = "agentpool",
                        Count  = perClusterConfig.NodeCount,
                        VmSize = perClusterConfig.NodeSize,
                DnsPrefix         = $"{Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.StackName}-kube",
                KubernetesVersion = "1.18.14",


        this.aksClusterNames = Output.All(aksClusterNames);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    static Task <int> Main()
        return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => {
            var config = new Config();
            var nodeCount = config.GetInt32("nodeCount") ?? 2;
            var appReplicaCount = config.GetInt32("appReplicaCount") ?? 5;
            var domainName = config.Get("domainName");

            var cluster = new KubernetesCluster("do-cluser", new KubernetesClusterArgs {
                Region = "sfo2",
                Version = "latest",
                NodePool = new KubernetesClusterNodePoolArgs {
                    Name = "default",
                    Size = "s-2vcpu-2gb",
                    NodeCount = nodeCount

            var k8sProvider = new Provider("do-k8s", new ProviderArgs {
                KubeConfig = cluster.KubeConfigs.Apply(array => array[0].RawConfig)

            var app = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("do-app-dep", new DeploymentArgs {
                Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs {
                    Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs {
                        MatchLabels =
                            { "app", "app-nginx" }
                    Replicas = appReplicaCount,
                    Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs {
                        Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs {
                            Labels =
                                { "app", "app-nginx" }
                        Spec = new PodSpecArgs {
                            Containers = new ContainerArgs {
                                Name = "nginx",
                                Image = "nginx"
            }, new CustomResourceOptions {
                Provider = k8sProvider

            var appService = new Service("do-app-svc", new ServiceArgs {
                Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs {
                    Type = "LoadBalancer",
                    Selector = app.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels),
                    Ports = new ServicePortArgs {
                        Port = 80
            }, new CustomResourceOptions {
                Provider = k8sProvider

            var ingressIp = appService.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Ip);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(domainName))
                var domain = new Domain("do-domain", new DomainArgs {
                    Name = domainName,
                    IpAddress = ingressIp

                var cnameRecord = new DnsRecord("do-domain-cname", new DnsRecordArgs {
                    Domain = domain.Name,
                    Type = "CNAME",
                    Name = "www",
                    Value = "@"

            return new Dictionary <string, object?> {
                { "ingressIp", ingressIp }
Ejemplo n.º 25
    public AzureStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var deployTo = config.Require("DeployTo");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroupName = $"rg-ne-rpc-demo-{deployTo}";
        var resourceGroup     = new ResourceGroup(resourceGroupName, new ResourceGroupArgs
            Name = resourceGroupName

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account($"nerpcdemo{deployTo}", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Container for deployment artefacts
        var zipContainer = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        var dataContainer = new Container("data", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",
            Name = "data"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan($"plan-{deployTo}", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",

        var blob = new Blob("azure-func", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = zipContainer.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("../azure-func/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl =
            SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var app = new FunctionApp("app", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                  "dotnet"                                                      },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl                                                   },
                { "QuoteServerHost",          "https://vn651r8t22.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod" },
                { "DataConnectionString",     storageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString                    },
                { "DataContainer",            dataContainer.Name                                            }
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Version = "~3"

        this.StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name;
        this.Endpoint           = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/lookup");
        this.DataContainer      = dataContainer.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 26
    public MyStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var location = config.Get("location") ?? "WestUS";

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("resourceGroup", new ResourceGroupArgs
            ResourceGroupName = "azure-nextgen-cs-aks",
            Location          = location

        // Create an AD service principal
        var adApp = new Application("aks");
        var adSp  = new ServicePrincipal("aksSp", new ServicePrincipalArgs
            ApplicationId = adApp.ApplicationId

        // Generate random password
        var password = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length  = 20,
            Special = true

        // Create the Service Principal Password
        var adSpPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("aksSpPassword", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs
            ServicePrincipalId = adSp.Id,
            Value   = password.Result,
            EndDate = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z"

        // Generate an SSH key
        var sshKey = new PrivateKey("ssh-key", new PrivateKeyArgs
            Algorithm = "RSA",
            RsaBits   = 4096

        var managedClusterName = config.Get("managedClusterName") ?? "azure-nextgen-aks";
        var cluster            = new ManagedCluster("managedClusterResource", new ManagedClusterArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AddonProfiles     =
                { "KubeDashboard", new ManagedClusterAddonProfileArgs {
                      Enabled = true
                  } }
            AgentPoolProfiles =
                new ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileArgs
                    Count        = 3,
                    MaxPods      = 110,
                    Mode         = "System",
                    Name         = "agentpool",
                    OsDiskSizeGB = 30,
                    OsType       = "Linux",
                    Type         = "VirtualMachineScaleSets",
                    VmSize       = "Standard_DS2_v2",
            DnsPrefix         = "azurenextgenprovider",
            EnableRBAC        = true,
            KubernetesVersion = "1.16.10",
            LinuxProfile      = new ContainerServiceLinuxProfileArgs
                AdminUsername = "******",
                Ssh           = new ContainerServiceSshConfigurationArgs
                    PublicKeys =
                        new ContainerServiceSshPublicKeyArgs
                            KeyData = sshKey.PublicKeyOpenssh,
            Location                = resourceGroup.Location,
            NodeResourceGroup       = $"MC_azure-nextgen-cs_{managedClusterName}",
            ResourceName            = managedClusterName,
            ServicePrincipalProfile = new ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfileArgs
                ClientId = adApp.ApplicationId,
                Secret   = adSpPassword.Value

        // Export the KubeConfig
        this.KubeConfig = Output.Tuple(resourceGroup.Name, cluster.Name).Apply(names =>
                                                                               GetKubeConfig(names.Item1, names.Item2));
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public ApimStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();

        var tenantId = config.Require("tenantId");
        var authorizationEndpoint = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
        var tokenEndpoint         = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token";
        var defaultScope          = config.Require("scope");
        var clientId     = config.Require("clientId");
        var clientSecret = config.Require("clientSecret");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg-chris-apim");

        //Service Plan
        var appServicePlan = new Plan("plan-api", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "App",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Basic",
                Size = "B1"

        var app = new AppService("app-api", new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id

        var apim = new Service("apim-api", new ServiceArgs {
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            PublisherName     = "chrisjensenuk",
            PublisherEmail    = "*****@*****.**",
            SkuName           = "Developer_1"

        var apimAuth = new AuthorizationServer("apim-oauth", new AuthorizationServerArgs
            ApiManagementName          = apim.Name,
            ResourceGroupName          = resourceGroup.Name,
            DisplayName                = "apim-oauth",
            ClientRegistrationEndpoint = "http://localhost",
            GrantTypes                  = { "authorizationCode" },
            AuthorizationEndpoint       = authorizationEndpoint,
            AuthorizationMethods        = { "GET", "POST" },
            TokenEndpoint               = tokenEndpoint,
            ClientAuthenticationMethods = "Body",
            BearerTokenSendingMethods   = "authorizationHeader",
            DefaultScope                = defaultScope,
            ClientId     = clientId,
            ClientSecret = clientSecret

        var api = new Api("example-api", new ApiArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            Revision          = "1",
            DisplayName       = "Example API",
            Path      = "example",
            Protocols =
            Oauth2Authorization = new ApiOauth2AuthorizationArgs
                AuthorizationServerName = apimAuth.Name
            Import = new ApiImportArgs
                ContentFormat = "openapi+json",
                ContentValue  = Constants.SwaggerJson
            ServiceUrl = app.Name.Apply(n => $"http://{n}.azurewebsites.net")

        var policy = new ApiPolicy("example-api-policy", new ApiPolicyArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = api.Name,
            XmlContent        = Constants.ApiPolicyXml
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public MyStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var location = config.Get("location") ?? "WestUS";

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("synapse-rg");

        var storageAccount = new StorageAccount("synapsesa", new StorageAccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccessTier             = AccessTier.Hot,
            EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true,
            IsHnsEnabled           = true,
            Kind = "StorageV2",
            Sku  = new SkuArgs
                Name = "Standard_RAGRS"
        var dataLakeStorageAccountUrl = Output.Format($"https://{storageAccount.Name}.dfs.core.windows.net");

        var users = new BlobContainer("users", new BlobContainerArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            PublicAccess      = PublicAccess.None

        var workspacePwd = new RandomPassword("workspace-pwd", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length = 12,

        var workspace = new Workspace("workspace", new WorkspaceArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            DefaultDataLakeStorage = new DataLakeStorageAccountDetailsArgs
                AccountUrl = dataLakeStorageAccountUrl,
                Filesystem = "users"
            Identity = new ManagedIdentityArgs
                Type = ResourceIdentityType.SystemAssigned
            SqlAdministratorLogin         = "******",
            SqlAdministratorLoginPassword = workspacePwd.Result

        var allowAll = new IpFirewallRule("allowAll", new IpFirewallRuleArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            WorkspaceName     = workspace.Name,
            EndIpAddress      = "",
            StartIpAddress    = ""

        var subscriptionId   = resourceGroup.Id.Apply(id => id.Split('/')[2]);
        var roleDefinitionId = $"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe";

        var storageAccess = new RoleAssignment("storageAccess", new RoleAssignmentArgs
            RoleAssignmentName = new RandomUuid("roleName").Result,
            Scope            = storageAccount.Id,
            PrincipalId      = workspace.Identity.Apply(identity => identity.PrincipalId).Apply(v => v ?? "<preview>"),
            PrincipalType    = "ServicePrincipal",
            RoleDefinitionId = roleDefinitionId
        var clientConfig = Output.Create(GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());
        var userAccess   = new RoleAssignment("userAccess", new RoleAssignmentArgs
            RoleAssignmentName = new RandomUuid("userRoleName").Result,
            Scope            = storageAccount.Id,
            PrincipalId      = clientConfig.Apply(v => v.ObjectId),
            PrincipalType    = "User",
            RoleDefinitionId = roleDefinitionId

        var sqlPool = new SqlPool("SQLPOOL1", new SqlPoolArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            WorkspaceName     = workspace.Name,
            Collation         = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
            CreateMode        = "Default",
            Sku = new Pulumi.AzureNative.Synapse.Inputs.SkuArgs
                Name = "DW100c"

        var sparkPool = new BigDataPool("Spark1", new BigDataPoolArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            WorkspaceName     = workspace.Name,
            AutoPause         = new AutoPausePropertiesArgs
                DelayInMinutes = 15,
                Enabled        = true,
            AutoScale = new AutoScalePropertiesArgs
                Enabled      = true,
                MaxNodeCount = 3,
                MinNodeCount = 3,
            NodeCount      = 3,
            NodeSize       = "Small",
            NodeSizeFamily = "MemoryOptimized",
            SparkVersion   = "2.4"
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private Pipeline CreatePipeline(Bucket bucket, Role pipelineRole, Project buildProject, Role cloudFormationRole)
     Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("WakerUpper", new PipelineArgs
         ArtifactStore = new PipelineArtifactStoreArgs
             Type     = "S3",
             Location = bucket.BucketName,
         RoleArn = pipelineRole.Arn,
         Stages  =
             new PipelineStageArgs
                 Name    = "Source",
                 Actions =
                     new PipelineStageActionArgs
                         Name          = "Source",
                         Category      = "Source",
                         Owner         = "ThirdParty",
                         Provider      = "GitHub",
                         Version       = "1",
                         Configuration =
                             { "Owner",                Config.Require("githubOwner")                                               },
                             { "Repo",                 Config.Require("githubRepo")                                                },
                             { "Branch",               Config.Require("githubBranch")                                              },
                             { "OAuthToken",           GitHubConfig.RequireSecret("token")                                         },
                             { "PollForSourceChanges", "false"                                                                     },
                         OutputArtifacts ={ "SourceArtifact" },
             new PipelineStageArgs
                 Name    = "Build",
                 Actions =
                     new PipelineStageActionArgs
                         Name           = "Api-Build",
                         Category       = "Build",
                         Owner          = "AWS",
                         Provider       = "CodeBuild",
                         Version        = "1",
                         InputArtifacts ={ "SourceArtifact"                                     },
                         Configuration  =
                             { "ProjectName", buildProject.Name                     },
                                 "[ { \"name\": \"ProjectPath\", \"value\": \"WakerUpper.Api\" } ]"
                         OutputArtifacts ={ "ApiBuildArtifact"                                   },
                         RunOrder        = 1,
                     new PipelineStageActionArgs
                         Name           = "WebApp-Build",
                         Category       = "Build",
                         Owner          = "AWS",
                         Provider       = "CodeBuild",
                         Version        = "1",
                         InputArtifacts ={ "SourceArtifact"                                     },
                         Configuration  =
                             { "ProjectName", buildProject.Name                     },
                                 "[ { \"name\": \"ProjectPath\", \"value\": \"WakerUpper.WebApp\" } ]"
                         OutputArtifacts ={ "WebAppBuildArtifact"                                },
                         RunOrder        = 1,
             new PipelineStageArgs
                 Name    = "Deploy",
                 Actions =
                     new PipelineStageActionArgs
                         Name           = "Api-CreateChangeSet",
                         Category       = "Deploy",
                         Owner          = "AWS",
                         Provider       = "CloudFormation",
                         Version        = "1",
                         InputArtifacts ={ "ApiBuildArtifact"                                       },
Ejemplo n.º 30
    static Task <int> Main(string[] args)
        return(Pulumi.Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
            var config = new Pulumi.Config();
            var pw = config.RequireSecret("message");
            var rawPw = config.Require("message");

            var cmData = new CoreV1.ConfigMap("cmdata", new ConfigMapArgs
                Data = new InputMap <string>
                    { "password", pw },

            var cmBinaryData = new CoreV1.ConfigMap("cmbinarydata", new ConfigMapArgs
                BinaryData = new InputMap <string>
                    { "password", pw.Apply(v => Base64Encode(v)) },

            var sStringData = new CoreV1.Secret("sstringdata", new SecretArgs
                StringData = new InputMap <string>
                    { "password", rawPw }

            var sData = new CoreV1.Secret("sdata", new SecretArgs
                Data = new InputMap <string>
                    { "password", Base64Encode(rawPw) }

            var name = $"test-{RandomString()}";
            var secretYAML = $@"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: {name}
  password: {rawPw}
            var cg = new Yaml.ConfigGroup("example", new Yaml.ConfigGroupArgs
                Yaml = secretYAML
            var cgSecret = cg.GetResource <CoreV1.Secret>(name);

            return new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "cmData", cmData.Data },
                { "cmBinaryData", cmData.BinaryData },
                { "sStringData", sStringData.StringData },
                { "sData", sStringData.Data },
                { "cgData", cgSecret.Apply(v => v.Data) },