Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static int CloneResponseParser(PrtgResponse response)
            var decodedResponse = WebUtility.UrlDecode(response.StringValue);

            var id = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(decodedResponse, "(.+id=)(\\d+)(&.*)?", "$2"));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal Dictionary <string, string> GetDictionary(PrtgResponse response)
            var xml = GetXml(response);

            var dictionary = xml.Descendants().ToDictionary(x => x.Name.ToString().Substring(PropertyPrefix.Length), e => e.Value);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal static int CloneResponseParser(PrtgResponse response)
            var decodedResponse = WebUtility.UrlDecode(response.StringValue);

            if (decodedResponse.Contains(CommandFunction.DuplicateObject.GetDescription()))
                throw new PrtgRequestException("PRTG successfully cloned the object, however failed to return a response containing the location of the new object. This violates the Clone Object API contract and indicates a bug in PRTG.");

            var id = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(decodedResponse, "(.+?id=)(\\d+)(&.*)?", "$2"));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal XElement GetXml(PrtgResponse response)
            var str = response.StringValue;

            var inputXml      = GetInputXml(str);
            var ddlXml        = GetDropDownListXml(str);
            var textXml       = GetTextAreaXml(str);
            var dependencyXml = GetDependency(str); //if the dependency xml is null does that cause an issue for the xelement we create below?

            var elm = new XElement("properties", inputXml, ddlXml, textXml, dependencyXml);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void ValidateHttpResponse(HttpResponseMessage responseMessage, PrtgResponse response)
            if (responseMessage.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                var xDoc         = XDocument.Load(response.ToXmlReader());
                var errorMessage = xDoc.Descendants("error").First().Value;

                throw new PrtgRequestException($"PRTG was unable to complete the request. The server responded with the following error: {errorMessage}");
            else if (responseMessage.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                throw new HttpRequestException("Could not authenticate to PRTG; the specified username and password were invalid.");


            if (responseMessage.RequestMessage?.RequestUri?.AbsolutePath == "/error.htm")
                var errorUrl = responseMessage.RequestMessage.RequestUri.ToString()
                               .Replace("&%2339;", "\""); //Strange text found when setting ChannelProperty.PercentMode in PRTG

                var queries  = UrlUtilities.CrackUrl(errorUrl);
                var errorMsg = queries["errormsg"];

                errorMsg = errorMsg.Replace("<br/><ul><li>", " ").Replace("</li></ul><br/>", " ");

                throw new PrtgRequestException($"PRTG was unable to complete the request. The server responded with the following error: {errorMsg}");

            if (response.Type == PrtgResponseType.String)
                if (response.StringValue.StartsWith("<div class=\"errormsg\">")) //Example: GetProbeProperties specifying a content type of Probe instead of ProbeNode
                    var msgEnd = response.StringValue.IndexOf("</h3>");

                    var substr = response.StringValue.Substring(0, msgEnd);

                    var substr1 = Regex.Replace(substr, "\\.</.+?><.+?>", ". ");

                    var regex  = new Regex("<.+?>");
                    var newStr = regex.Replace(substr1, "");

                    throw new PrtgRequestException($"PRTG was unable to complete the request. The server responded with the following error: {newStr}");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static T GetObjectProperties <T>(PrtgResponse response, XmlEngine xmlEngine, ObjectProperty mandatoryProperty)
            var xml  = HtmlParser.Default.GetXml(response);
            var xDoc = new XDocument(xml);

            //If the response does not contain the mandatory property, we are executing as a read only user, and
            //should return null

            var name = HtmlParser.DefaultPropertyPrefix + ObjectPropertyParser.GetObjectPropertyName(mandatoryProperty).TrimEnd('_');

            if (xDoc.Descendants(name).ToList().Count > 0)
                var items = xmlEngine.DeserializeObject <T>(xDoc.CreateReader());


Ejemplo n.º 7
 internal static bool NeedsStringResponse(HttpResponseMessage message, LogLevel logLevel, bool isDirty)
     return((logLevel & LogLevel.Response) == LogLevel.Response || isDirty || !PrtgResponse.IsSafeDataFormat(message));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async Task <PrtgResponse> ExecuteRequestAsync(PrtgRequestMessage request, CancellationToken token, Func <HttpResponseMessage, Task <PrtgResponse> > responseParser = null)
            prtgClient.Log($"Asynchronously executing request {request}", LogLevel.Request);

            int retriesRemaining = prtgClient.RetryCount;

                    if (token == CancellationToken.None && DefaultCancellationToken != CancellationToken.None)
                        token = DefaultCancellationToken;

                    var responseMessage = await webClient.SendAsync(request, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    PrtgResponse responseContent = null;

                    if (responseParser != null)
                        responseContent = await responseParser(responseMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (responseContent == null)
                        responseContent = await GetAppropriateResponseAsync(responseMessage, prtgClient.LogLevel).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    //If we needed to log response, GetAppropriateResponseAsync will have handled this
                    if (responseContent.Type == PrtgResponseType.String)
                        prtgClient.Log(responseContent.StringValue, LogLevel.Response);

                    ValidateHttpResponse(responseMessage, responseContent);

                catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                    var inner = ex.InnerException as WebException;

                    var result = HandleRequestException(inner, ex, request, ref retriesRemaining, null, token);

                    if (!result)
                catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
                    //If the token we specified was cancelled, throw the TaskCanceledException
                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                    //Otherwise, a token that was created internally for use with timing out was cancelled, so throw a timeout exception
                    throw new TimeoutException($"The server timed out while executing request.", ex);
            } while (true); //Keep retrying as long as we have retries remaining
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private PrtgResponse ExecuteRequest(PrtgRequestMessage request, CancellationToken token, Func <HttpResponseMessage, PrtgResponse> responseParser = null)
            prtgClient.Log($"Synchronously executing request {request}", LogLevel.Request);

            int retriesRemaining = prtgClient.RetryCount;

                    if (token == CancellationToken.None && DefaultCancellationToken != CancellationToken.None)
                        token = DefaultCancellationToken;

                    var responseMessage = webClient.SendSync(request, token).Result;

                    PrtgResponse responseContent = null;

                    if (responseParser != null)
                        responseContent = responseParser(responseMessage);

                    if (responseContent == null)
                        responseContent = GetAppropriateResponse(responseMessage, prtgClient.LogLevel);

                    //If we needed to log response, GetAppropriateResponse will have handled this
                    if (responseContent.Type == PrtgResponseType.String)
                        prtgClient.Log(responseContent.StringValue, LogLevel.Response);

                    ValidateHttpResponse(responseMessage, responseContent);

                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is AggregateException || ex is TaskCanceledException || ex is HttpRequestException)
                    var innerException = ex.InnerException;

                    if (innerException is TaskCanceledException)
                        //If the token we specified was cancelled, throw the TaskCanceledException
                        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            throw innerException;

                        //Otherwise, a token that was created internally for use with timing out was cancelled, so throw a timeout exception
                        innerException = new TimeoutException($"The server timed out while executing request.", ex.InnerException);

                    var result = HandleRequestException(ex.InnerException?.InnerException, innerException, request, ref retriesRemaining, () =>
                        if (innerException != null)
                            throw innerException;
                    }, token);

                    if (!result)
            } while (true); //Keep retrying as long as we have retries remaining