Ejemplo n.º 1
        private List<Obj> UnpackToList(ExecutionMirror mirror, Obj obj)
            if (obj == null || !obj.DsasmValue.IsArray)
                return null;

            return mirror.MirrorTarget.rmem.Heap.ToHeapObject<DSArray>(obj.DsasmValue).Values.Select(x => mirror.Unpack(x)).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// VM Debugging API for general Debugging purposes
        /// temporarily used by Cmmand Line REPL
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetCoreDump()
            // Prints out the final Value of every symbol in the program
            // Traverse order:
            //  Exelist, Globals symbols

            StringBuilder globaltrace = null;

            ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive exec = runnerCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec;
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror execMirror = new ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(exec, runnerCore);
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Executable             exe        = exec.rmem.Executable;

            // Only display symbols defined in the default top-most langauge block;
            // Otherwise garbage information may be displayed.
            string formattedString = string.Empty;

            if (exe.runtimeSymbols.Length > 0)
                int blockId = 0;

                ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolTable symbolTable = exe.runtimeSymbols[blockId];

                for (int i = 0; i < symbolTable.symbolList.Count; ++i)
                    //int n = symbolTable.symbolList.Count - 1;
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symbolNode = symbolTable.symbolList[i];

                    bool isLocal  = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope != symbolNode.functionIndex;
                    bool isStatic = (symbolNode.classScope != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex && symbolNode.isStatic);
                    if (symbolNode.isArgument || isLocal || isStatic || symbolNode.isTemp)
                        // These have gone out of scope, their values no longer exist
                        //return ((null == globaltrace) ? string.Empty : globaltrace.ToString());

                    ProtoCore.Runtime.RuntimeMemory rmem = exec.rmem;
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.StackValue      sv   = rmem.GetStackData(blockId, i, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope);
                    formattedString = formattedString + string.Format("{0} = {1}\n", symbolNode.name, execMirror.GetStringValue(sv, rmem.Heap, blockId));

                    //if (null != globaltrace)
                    //    int maxLength = 1020;
                    //    while (formattedString.Length > maxLength)
                    //    {
                    //        globaltrace.AppendLine(formattedString.Substring(0, maxLength));
                    //        formattedString = formattedString.Remove(0, maxLength);
                    //    }

                    //    globaltrace.AppendLine(formattedString);


            //return ((null == globaltrace) ? string.Empty : globaltrace.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestCompilerAndRuntimeComponent01()

            String code =
// Any DS code goes here
a = 10;
            // Compile core
            var opts = new Options();
            opts.ExecutionMode = ExecutionMode.Serial;
            ProtoCore.Core core = new Core(opts);
            core.Compilers.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Compiler(core));
            core.Compilers.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Compiler(core));
            ProtoScriptRunner runner = new ProtoScriptRunner();

            // Compile
            bool compileSucceeded = runner.CompileAndGenerateExe(code, core);
            Assert.IsTrue(compileSucceeded == true);

            // Execute
            RuntimeCore runtimeCore = runner.ExecuteVM(core);

            // Verify
            ExecutionMirror mirror = new ExecutionMirror(runtimeCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, runtimeCore);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static void CompareCores(Core c1, Core c2)
            Assert.AreEqual(c1.DSExecutable.runtimeSymbols.Length, c2.DSExecutable.runtimeSymbols.Length);

            for (int symTableIndex = 0; symTableIndex < c1.DSExecutable.runtimeSymbols.Length; symTableIndex++)
                foreach (SymbolNode symNode in c1.DSExecutable.runtimeSymbols[symTableIndex].symbolList.Values)

                    ExecutionMirror runExecMirror = new ExecutionMirror(c1.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec,
                    ExecutionMirror debugExecMirror =
                        new ExecutionMirror(c2.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, c2);

                    bool lookupOk = false;
                    StackValue runValue = new StackValue();

                    if (symNode.name.StartsWith("%") || symNode.functionIndex != Constants.kInvalidIndex)
                        continue; //Don't care about internal variables

                        runValue = runExecMirror.GetGlobalValue(symNode.name);
                        Console.WriteLine(symNode.name + ": " + runValue);
                        lookupOk = true;

                    catch (NotImplementedException)

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if ((ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException || ex is IndexOutOfRangeException) &&
                            (c1.RunningBlock != symNode.runtimeTableIndex))
                            // Quite possible that variables defined in the inner
                            // language block have been garbage collected and
                            // stack frame pointer has been adjusted when return
                            // to the outer block.
                            throw ex;

                    if (lookupOk)
                        StackValue debugValue = debugExecMirror.GetGlobalValue(symNode.name);
                        if (!StackUtils.CompareStackValues(debugValue, runValue, c2, c1))
                            Assert.Fail(string.Format("\tThe value of variable \"{0}\" doesn't match in run mode and in debug mode.\n", symNode.name));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static ProtoCore.Core TestRunnerRunOnly(string includePath, string code,
            Dictionary<int, List<string>> map, string geometryFactory,
            string persistentManager, out ExecutionMirror mirror, out RuntimeCore runtimeCoreOut)
            ProtoCore.Core core;
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScriptTestRunner();

            ProtoScript.Config.RunConfiguration runnerConfig;

            // Specify some of the requirements of IDE.
            var options = new ProtoCore.Options();
            options.ExecutionMode = ProtoCore.ExecutionMode.Serial;
            options.SuppressBuildOutput = false;
            options.WatchTestMode = true;

            // Cyclic dependency threshold is lowered from the default (2000)
            // as this causes the test framework to be painfully slow
            options.kDynamicCycleThreshold = 5;

            // Pass the absolute path so that imported filepaths can be resolved
            // in "FileUtils.GetDSFullPathName()"
            includePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(includePath);

            //StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(executionLogFilePath);
            TextOutputStream fs = new TextOutputStream(map);

            core = new ProtoCore.Core(options);

            core.Configurations.Add(ConfigurationKeys.GeometryXmlProperties, true);
            //core.Configurations.Add(ConfigurationKeys.GeometryFactory, geometryFactory);
            //core.Configurations.Add(ConfigurationKeys.PersistentManager, persistentManager);

            // By specifying this option we inject a mock Executive ('InjectionExecutive')
            // that prints stackvalues at every assignment statement
            // by overriding the POP_handler instruction - pratapa
            //core.ExecutiveProvider = new InjectionExecutiveProvider();

            core.BuildStatus.MessageHandler = fs;

            core.Compilers.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Compiler(core));
            core.Compilers.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Compiler(core));

            runnerConfig = new ProtoScript.Config.RunConfiguration();
            runnerConfig.IsParrallel = false;

            DLLFFIHandler.Register(FFILanguage.CSharp, new CSModuleHelper());


            mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCoreOut);


            return core;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private VMState RunVM(List <Instruction> breakPoints)
            //Get the next available location and set a break point
            //Unset the break point at the current location

            Instruction currentInstr = null; // will be instantialized when a proper breakpoint is reached
            VMState     vms          = null;

                if (executionsuspended)

                Execute(core.DebugProps.DebugEntryPC, breakPoints);
                isEnded = true; // the script has ended smoothly,
            catch (ProtoCore.Exceptions.DebugHalting)
                if (core.CurrentExecutive == null) //This was before the VM was properly started
                currentInstr = GetCurrentInstruction(); // set the current instruction to the current breakpoint instruction
                executionsuspended = true;
            catch (ProtoCore.Exceptions.EndOfScript)
                isEnded = true;
                ExecutionMirror execMirror = new ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(core.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, core);
                vms         = new VMState(execMirror, core);
                vms.isEnded = isEnded;
                ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint start = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint();
                ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint end   = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint();

                if (currentInstr != null) // equal to null means that the whole script has ended, reset the cursor
                    start = InstructionToBeginCodePoint(currentInstr);
                    end   = InstructionToEndCodePoint(currentInstr);
                CurrentInstruction = currentInstr;

                vms.ExecutionCursor = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodeRange {
                    StartInclusive = start, EndExclusive = end

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestCompilerAndRuntimeComponent01()

            String code =
// DesignScript code here
a = 10;
            // Compile
            ProtoScriptRunner runner = new ProtoScriptRunner();
            bool compileSucceeded = runner.CompileAndGenerateExe(code, core, new ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context());
            Assert.IsTrue(compileSucceeded == true);
            // Execute
            runtimeCore = runner.ExecuteVM(core);

            // Verify
            ExecutionMirror mirror = new ExecutionMirror(runtimeCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, runtimeCore);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// VM Debugging API for general Debugging purposes 
        /// temporarily used by Cmmand Line REPL
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetCoreDump()
            // Prints out the final Value of every symbol in the program
            // Traverse order:
            //  Exelist, Globals symbols

            ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive exec = runtimeCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec;
            ExecutionMirror execMirror = new ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(exec, runtimeCore);
            Executable exe = exec.exe;

            // Only display symbols defined in the default top-most langauge block;
            // Otherwise garbage information may be displayed.
            string formattedString = string.Empty;
            if (exe.runtimeSymbols.Length > 0)
                int blockId = 0;

                ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolTable symbolTable = exe.runtimeSymbols[blockId];

                for (int i = 0; i < symbolTable.symbolList.Count; ++i)
                    SymbolNode symbolNode = symbolTable.symbolList[i];

                    bool isLocal = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope != symbolNode.functionIndex;
                    bool isStatic = (symbolNode.classScope != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex && symbolNode.isStatic);
                    if (symbolNode.isArgument || isLocal || isStatic || symbolNode.isTemp)

                    ProtoCore.Runtime.RuntimeMemory rmem = exec.rmem;
                    StackValue sv = rmem.GetSymbolValue(symbolNode);
                    formattedString = formattedString + string.Format("{0} = {1}\n", symbolNode.name, execMirror.GetStringValue(sv, rmem.Heap, blockId));

            return formattedString;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public VMState(ExecutionMirror mirror, ProtoCore.Core core, int fi = -1)
     this.mirror = mirror;
     this.core = core;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private VMState RunVM(List<Instruction> breakPoints)
            //Get the next available location and set a break point
            //Unset the break point at the current location
            Instruction currentInstr = null; // will be instantialized when a proper breakpoint is reached
            VMState vms = null;
                if (executionsuspended)

                Execute(runtimeCore.DebugProps.DebugEntryPC, breakPoints);
                isEnded = true; // the script has ended smoothly, 
            catch (ProtoCore.Exceptions.DebugHalting)
                if (runtimeCore.CurrentExecutive == null) //This was before the VM was properly started
                    return null;
                currentInstr = GetCurrentInstruction(); // set the current instruction to the current breakpoint instruction
                executionsuspended = true;
            catch (ProtoCore.Exceptions.EndOfScript)
                isEnded = true;
                ExecutionMirror execMirror = new ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(runtimeCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, runtimeCore);
                vms = new VMState(execMirror, core);
                vms.isEnded = isEnded;
                ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint start = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint();
                ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint end = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint();

                if (currentInstr != null) // equal to null means that the whole script has ended, reset the cursor
                    start = InstructionToBeginCodePoint(currentInstr);
                    end = InstructionToEndCodePoint(currentInstr);
                CurrentInstruction = currentInstr;

                vms.ExecutionCursor = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodeRange { StartInclusive = start, EndExclusive = end };

            return vms;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private bool InterpretExpression(string expression)
            if ((null != internalWorker) && internalWorker.IsBusy)
                return false; // Sorry but we're kinda busy right now.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression))
                return false;

            Logger.LogInfo("InterpretExpression", expression);
            if (null == this.core || (null == debugRunner))
                return false; // Only in debug mode.

            currentWatchedStackValue = null;
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner exprInterpreter = null;

            IOutputStream buildStream = core.BuildStatus.MessageHandler;
            IOutputStream runtimeStream = core.RuntimeStatus.MessageHandler;

            // Disable output before interpret expression.
            core.BuildStatus.MessageHandler = null;
            core.RuntimeStatus.MessageHandler = null;
            exprInterpreter = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(this.core);

                currentWatchedStackValue = ExecExecutiveExpression(exprInterpreter, expression);
                if (currentWatchedStackValue == null)
                    currentWatchedMirror = exprInterpreter.Execute(expression);
                    if (null != currentWatchedMirror)
                        currentWatchedStackValue = currentWatchedMirror.GetWatchValue();
            catch (ProtoCore.Exceptions.CompileErrorsOccured compileError)
            catch (Exception exception)

            // Re-enable output after execution is done.
            core.BuildStatus.MessageHandler = buildStream;
            core.RuntimeStatus.MessageHandler = runtimeStream;
            return (null != currentWatchedStackValue);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void DisplayCoreDump(ExecutionMirror executionMirror, IOutputStream outputStream)
            if (null == executionMirror)
                return; // This can be "null" if there's compilation errors.

            ITextEditorSettings editorSettings = TextEditorCore.Instance.TextEditorSettings;
            if (false == editorSettings.DisplayOutput)
                return; // The output display has been disabled, don't display.

                List<string> variableList = null;
                executionMirror.GetCoreDump(out variableList,

                if (null != variableList)
                    foreach (string variable in variableList)
                        outputStream.Write(new ProtoCore.OutputMessage(
                            OutputMessage.MessageType.Info, variable));

                        Logger.LogPerf("CoreDump-ExecSession", variable);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                outputStream.Write(new ProtoCore.OutputMessage(OutputMessage.MessageType.Error, ex.Message));
                Logger.LogPerf("CoreDumpEx", ex.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void CleanUpRunners()
            Logger.LogInfo("DetachFromDebugger", "Detach");

            // Clear up all watch related data members.
            this.workerParams.CurrentVmState = null;
            this.currentWatchedMirror = null;
            this.currentWatchedStackValue = null;

            if (null != scriptRunner)
                scriptRunner = null;

            if (null != debugRunner)
                debugRunner = null;

            if (null != internalWorker)
                // @TODO(Ben): Perhaps cancellation is needed?
                internalWorker = null;

            //Fix DG-1464973 Sprint25: rev 3444 : Multiple import issue - dispose core after execution
            //Core Cleanup should happen only after execution has finished,
            //DebugRunner is ShutDown.
            if (null != this.core)
                this.core = null;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// VM Debugging API for general Debugging purposes 
        /// temporarily used by Cmmand Line REPL
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetCoreDump()
            // Prints out the final Value of every symbol in the program
            // Traverse order:
            //  Exelist, Globals symbols

            ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive exec = runnerCore.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec;
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror execMirror = new ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(exec, runnerCore);
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Executable exe = exec.rmem.Executable;

            // Only display symbols defined in the default top-most langauge block;
            // Otherwise garbage information may be displayed.
            string formattedString = string.Empty;
            if (exe.runtimeSymbols.Length > 0)
                int blockId = 0;

                ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolTable symbolTable = exe.runtimeSymbols[blockId];

                for (int i = 0; i < symbolTable.symbolList.Count; ++i)
                    //int n = symbolTable.symbolList.Count - 1;
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symbolNode = symbolTable.symbolList[i];

                    bool isLocal = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope != symbolNode.functionIndex;
                    bool isStatic = (symbolNode.classScope != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex && symbolNode.isStatic);
                    if (symbolNode.isArgument || isLocal || isStatic || symbolNode.isTemp)
                        // These have gone out of scope, their values no longer exist
                        //return ((null == globaltrace) ? string.Empty : globaltrace.ToString());

                    ProtoCore.Runtime.RuntimeMemory rmem = exec.rmem;
                    StackValue sv = rmem.GetStackData(blockId, i, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope);
                    formattedString = formattedString + string.Format("{0} = {1}\n", symbolNode.name, execMirror.GetStringValue(sv, rmem.Heap, blockId));

                    //if (null != globaltrace)
                    //    int maxLength = 1020;
                    //    while (formattedString.Length > maxLength)
                    //    {
                    //        globaltrace.AppendLine(formattedString.Substring(0, maxLength));
                    //        formattedString = formattedString.Remove(0, maxLength);
                    //    }

                    //    globaltrace.AppendLine(formattedString);


            //return ((null == globaltrace) ? string.Empty : globaltrace.ToString());
            return formattedString;