Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void PlotFigure(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            FlowData.CalculateSagCurve(flowData, sagCurve, summary);

            Axis xaxis = ResultFigure.ChartAreas["sag"].AxisX;
            Axis yaxis = ResultFigure.ChartAreas["sag"].AxisY;

            xaxis.Minimum  = 0;
            xaxis.Maximum  = sagCurve.Last().Key;
            xaxis.Interval = 1;
            xaxis.Title    = "Time (day)";
            yaxis.Minimum  = 0;
            yaxis.Maximum  = 10;
            yaxis.Interval = 1;
            yaxis.Title    = "DO (mg/L)";

            Series sagseries      = ResultFigure.Series["sag"];
            Series sagcurveseries = ResultFigure.Series["sagcurve"];

            sagseries.MarkerColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            sagseries.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
            sagcurveseries.Color  = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            ResultFigure.Series["sag"].Points.DataBindXY(sagCurve.Keys, sagCurve.Values);
            ResultFigure.Series["sagcurve"].Points.DataBindXY(sagCurve.Keys, sagCurve.Values);

            SummaryKd.Text = summary["kd"].ToString();
            SummaryKr.Text = summary["kr"].ToString();
            SummaryTc.Text = summary["tc"].ToString();
            SummaryD.Text  = summary["dc"].ToString();
            SummaryDO.Text = summary["doc"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void InitializeData()
            flowData = new FlowData
                River = new FlowData.RiverData
                    Flow                   = 0.5,
                    UltimateBOD            = 19,
                    DO                     = 5.85,
                    Temperature            = 25,
                    Speed                  = 0.1,
                    AverageDepth           = 4,
                    BedActivityCoefficient = 0.2
                Effluent = new FlowData.EffluentData
                    Flow        = 0.05,
                    UltimateBOD = 129.6,
                    DO          = 0.9,
                    Temperature = 25,
                    K           = 0.05

            sagCurve = new Dictionary <double, double>();
            summary  = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            FlowData.CalculateSagCurve(flowData, sagCurve, summary);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void CalculateSagCurve(FlowData flow, Dictionary <double, double> result, Dictionary <string, double> summary)
                Console.WriteLine("Sag Curve Calculation Start.");

                // Convert Ultimate BOD from kg/day to mg/L.
                double lw = flow.Effluent.UltimateBOD / flow.Effluent.Flow / 86.4;
                Console.WriteLine("lw = " + lw);

                // Calculate Mixed BOD.
                double la = (flow.Effluent.Flow * lw + flow.River.Flow * flow.River.UltimateBOD) / (flow.Effluent.Flow + flow.River.Flow);
                Console.WriteLine("la = " + la);

                // Calculate initial deficit.
                double da = 8.38 - (flow.Effluent.Flow * flow.Effluent.DO + flow.River.Flow * flow.River.DO) / (flow.Effluent.Flow + flow.River.Flow);
                Console.WriteLine("da = " + da);

                // Calculate Mixed Temperature.
                double ta = (flow.Effluent.Flow * flow.Effluent.Temperature + flow.River.Flow * flow.River.Temperature) / (flow.Effluent.Flow + flow.River.Flow);
                Console.WriteLine("ta = " + ta);

                // Calculate Kd.
                double kd = flow.Effluent.K + flow.River.Speed * flow.River.BedActivityCoefficient / 2.3 / flow.River.AverageDepth;
                kd = kd * Math.Pow(1.056, ta - 20.0);
                Console.WriteLine("kd = " + kd);

                // Calculate Kr.
                double kr = 1.7 * Math.Pow(flow.River.Speed, 0.5) / Math.Pow(flow.River.AverageDepth, 1.5);
                kr = kr * Math.Pow(1.024, ta - 20.0);
                Console.WriteLine("kr = " + kr);

                // Calculate the critical point.
                double tc  = 1 / (kr - kd) * Math.Log10(kr / kd * (1 - da * (kr - kd) / kd / la));
                double dc  = kd * la / (kr - kd) * (Math.Pow(10.0, -kd * tc) - Math.Pow(10.0, -kr * tc)) + da * Math.Pow(10.0, -kr * tc);
                double doc = 8.38 - dc;
                Console.WriteLine("tc = " + tc);

                // Insert curve data.
                for (double t = 0; t < tc * 4.0; t += tc / 5.0)
                    double d = kd * la / (kr - kd) * (Math.Pow(10.0, -kd * t) - Math.Pow(10.0, -kr * t)) + da * Math.Pow(10.0, -kr * t);
                    double y = 8.38 - d;
                    result.Add(t, y);

                // Insert summary data.
                summary.Add("kd", kd);
                summary.Add("kr", kr);
                summary.Add("tc", tc);
                summary.Add("dc", dc);
                summary.Add("doc", doc);

                Console.WriteLine("End of Sag Curve Calculation.");