Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmTitle));

            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1   = new ToolTip(components);
            Picture1   = new PictureBox();
            Frame1     = new GroupBox();
            Image1     = new PictureBox();
            labAuthor  = new Label();
            labVersion = new Label();
            labLicense = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active           = true;
            StartPosition             = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            FormBorderStyle           = FormBorderStyle.None;
            Text                      = "SRC";
            ClientSize                = new Size(386, 233);
            Location                  = new Point(180, 197);
            Icon                      = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmTitle.Icon");
            MaximizeBox               = false;
            MinimizeBox               = false;
            ShowInTaskbar             = false;
            AutoScaleMode             = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            BackColor                 = SystemColors.Control;
            ControlBox                = true;
            Enabled                   = true;
            KeyPreview                = false;
            Cursor                    = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft               = RightToLeft.No;
            HelpButton                = false;
            WindowState               = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                      = "frmTitle";
            Picture1.Size             = new Size(200, 40);
            Picture1.Location         = new Point(168, 88);
            Picture1.Image            = (Image)resources.GetObject("Picture1.Image");
            Picture1.TabIndex         = 0;
            Picture1.Dock             = DockStyle.None;
            Picture1.BackColor        = SystemColors.Control;
            Picture1.CausesValidation = true;
            Picture1.Enabled          = true;
            Picture1.ForeColor        = SystemColors.ControlText;
            Picture1.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            Picture1.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            Picture1.TabStop          = true;
            Picture1.Visible          = true;
            Picture1.SizeMode         = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
            Picture1.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.None;
            Picture1.Name             = "Picture1";
            Frame1.Size               = new Size(337, 201);
            Frame1.Location           = new Point(24, 8);
            Frame1.TabIndex           = 1;
            Frame1.BackColor          = SystemColors.Control;
            Frame1.Enabled            = true;
            Frame1.ForeColor          = SystemColors.ControlText;
            Frame1.RightToLeft        = RightToLeft.No;
            Frame1.Visible            = true;
            Frame1.Padding            = new Padding(0);
            Frame1.Name               = "Frame1";
            Image1.Size               = new Size(96, 96);
            Image1.Location           = new Point(16, 56);
            Image1.Image              = (Image)resources.GetObject("Image1.Image");
            Image1.SizeMode           = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
            Image1.Enabled            = true;
            Image1.Cursor             = Cursors.Default;
            Image1.Visible            = true;
            Image1.BorderStyle        = BorderStyle.None;
            Image1.Name               = "Image1";
            labAuthor.TextAlign       = ContentAlignment.TopRight;
            labAuthor.Text            = "Kei Sakamoto / Inui Tetsuyuki";
            labAuthor.Font            = new Font("Times New Roman", 11.25f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(0));
            labAuthor.Size            = new Size(193, 17);
            labAuthor.Location        = new Point(128, 168);
            labAuthor.TabIndex        = 3;
            labAuthor.BackColor       = SystemColors.Control;
            labAuthor.Enabled         = true;
            labAuthor.ForeColor       = SystemColors.ControlText;
            labAuthor.Cursor          = Cursors.Default;
            labAuthor.RightToLeft     = RightToLeft.No;
            labAuthor.UseMnemonic     = true;
            labAuthor.Visible         = true;
            labAuthor.AutoSize        = false;
            labAuthor.BorderStyle     = BorderStyle.None;
            labAuthor.Name            = "labAuthor";
            labVersion.TextAlign      = ContentAlignment.TopRight;
            labVersion.Text           = "Ver 1.7.*";
            labVersion.Font           = new Font("Times New Roman", 15.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(0));
            labVersion.Size           = new Size(177, 25);
            labVersion.Location       = new Point(144, 136);
            labVersion.TabIndex       = 2;
            labVersion.BackColor      = SystemColors.Control;
            labVersion.Enabled        = true;
            labVersion.ForeColor      = SystemColors.ControlText;
            labVersion.Cursor         = Cursors.Default;
            labVersion.RightToLeft    = RightToLeft.No;
            labVersion.UseMnemonic    = true;
            labVersion.Visible        = true;
            labVersion.AutoSize       = false;
            labVersion.BorderStyle    = BorderStyle.None;
            labVersion.Name           = "labVersion";
            labLicense.TextAlign      = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
            labLicense.Text           = "This program is distributed under the terms of GPL";
            labLicense.Size           = new Size(369, 17);
            labLicense.Location       = new Point(8, 216);
            labLicense.TabIndex       = 4;
            labLicense.BackColor      = SystemColors.Control;
            labLicense.Enabled        = true;
            labLicense.ForeColor      = SystemColors.ControlText;
            labLicense.Cursor         = Cursors.Default;
            labLicense.RightToLeft    = RightToLeft.No;
            labLicense.UseMnemonic    = true;
            labLicense.Visible        = true;
            labLicense.AutoSize       = false;
            labLicense.BorderStyle    = BorderStyle.None;
            labLicense.Name           = "labLicense";
            Load += new EventHandler(frmTitle_Load);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmMultiColumnListBox));

            components           = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1             = new ToolTip(components);
            _lstItems            = new ListBox();
            _lstItems.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(lstItems_MouseDown);
            _lstItems.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(lstItems_MouseMove);
            labCaption           = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active            = true;
            StartPosition              = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            BackColor                  = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle            = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            Text                       = "MultiColumListBox";
            ClientSize                 = new Size(670, 446);
            Location                   = new Point(72, 116);
            Icon                       = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmMultiColumnListBox.Icon");
            MaximizeBox                = false;
            AutoScaleMode              = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox                 = true;
            Enabled                    = true;
            KeyPreview                 = false;
            MinimizeBox                = true;
            Cursor                     = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft                = RightToLeft.No;
            ShowInTaskbar              = true;
            HelpButton                 = false;
            WindowState                = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                       = "frmMultiColumnListBox";
            _lstItems.BackColor        = Color.White;
            _lstItems.Font             = new Font("MS 明朝", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _lstItems.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            _lstItems.Size             = new Size(654, 407);
            _lstItems.Location         = new Point(8, 8);
            _lstItems.TabIndex         = 0;
            _lstItems.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            _lstItems.CausesValidation = true;
            _lstItems.Enabled          = true;
            _lstItems.IntegralHeight   = true;
            _lstItems.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            _lstItems.SelectionMode    = SelectionMode.One;
            _lstItems.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            _lstItems.Sorted           = false;
            _lstItems.TabStop          = true;
            _lstItems.Visible          = true;
            _lstItems.MultiColumn      = true;
            _lstItems.ColumnWidth      = 164;
            _lstItems.Name             = "_lstItems";
            labCaption.BackColor       = Color.White;
            labCaption.Font            = new Font("MS 明朝", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            labCaption.ForeColor       = Color.Black;
            labCaption.Size            = new Size(654, 23);
            labCaption.Location        = new Point(8, 416);
            labCaption.TabIndex        = 1;
            labCaption.TextAlign       = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            labCaption.Enabled         = true;
            labCaption.Cursor          = Cursors.Default;
            labCaption.RightToLeft     = RightToLeft.No;
            labCaption.UseMnemonic     = true;
            labCaption.Visible         = true;
            labCaption.AutoSize        = false;
            labCaption.BorderStyle     = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            labCaption.Name            = "labCaption";
            Activated  += new EventHandler(frmMultiColumnListBox_Activated);
            Load       += new EventHandler(frmMultiColumnListBox_Load);
            FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(frmMultiColumnListBox_FormClosed);
            MouseDown  += new MouseEventHandler(frmMultiColumnListBox_MouseDown);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmMultiSelectListBox));

            components            = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1              = new ToolTip(components);
            _cmdResume            = new Button();
            _cmdResume.Click     += new EventHandler(cmdResume_Click);
            _cmdSort              = new Button();
            _cmdSort.Click       += new EventHandler(cmdSort_Click);
            _cmdSelectAll2        = new Button();
            _cmdSelectAll2.Click += new EventHandler(cmdSelectAll2_Click);
            _cmdSelectAll         = new Button();
            _cmdSelectAll.Click  += new EventHandler(cmdSelectAll_Click);
            _Timer1                = new Timer(components);
            _Timer1.Tick          += new EventHandler(Timer1_Tick);
            _cmdFinish             = new Button();
            _cmdFinish.Click      += new EventHandler(cmdFinish_Click);
            _lstItems              = new ListBox();
            _lstItems.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(lstItems_DoubleClick);
            _lstItems.MouseDown   += new MouseEventHandler(lstItems_MouseDown);
            _lstItems.MouseMove   += new MouseEventHandler(lstItems_MouseMove);
            lblNumber              = new Label();
            lblCaption             = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active                 = true;
            StartPosition                   = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            BackColor                       = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle                 = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            Text                            = "MultiSelectListBox";
            ClientSize                      = new Size(497, 331);
            Location                        = new Point(60, 165);
            Font                            = new Font("MS ゴシック", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            Icon                            = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmMultiSelectListBox.Icon");
            MaximizeBox                     = false;
            AutoScaleMode                   = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox                      = true;
            Enabled                         = true;
            KeyPreview                      = false;
            MinimizeBox                     = true;
            Cursor                          = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft                     = RightToLeft.No;
            ShowInTaskbar                   = true;
            HelpButton                      = false;
            WindowState                     = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                            = "frmMultiSelectListBox";
            _cmdResume.TextAlign            = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdResume.BackColor            = SystemColors.Control;
            _cmdResume.Text                 = "マップを見る";
            _cmdResume.Font                 = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _cmdResume.Size                 = new Size(137, 29);
            _cmdResume.Location             = new Point(96, 296);
            _cmdResume.TabIndex             = 7;
            _cmdResume.TabStop              = false;
            _cmdResume.CausesValidation     = true;
            _cmdResume.Enabled              = true;
            _cmdResume.ForeColor            = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdResume.Cursor               = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdResume.RightToLeft          = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdResume.Name                 = "_cmdResume";
            _cmdSort.TextAlign              = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdSort.BackColor              = SystemColors.Control;
            _cmdSort.Text                   = "名称順に並べ替え";
            _cmdSort.Font                   = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _cmdSort.Size                   = new Size(145, 29);
            _cmdSort.Location               = new Point(336, 264);
            _cmdSort.TabIndex               = 6;
            _cmdSort.TabStop                = false;
            _cmdSort.CausesValidation       = true;
            _cmdSort.Enabled                = true;
            _cmdSort.ForeColor              = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdSort.Cursor                 = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdSort.RightToLeft            = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdSort.Name                   = "_cmdSort";
            _cmdSelectAll2.TextAlign        = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdSelectAll2.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _cmdSelectAll2.Text             = "最後から選択";
            _cmdSelectAll2.Font             = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _cmdSelectAll2.Size             = new Size(161, 29);
            _cmdSelectAll2.Location         = new Point(168, 264);
            _cmdSelectAll2.TabIndex         = 5;
            _cmdSelectAll2.TabStop          = false;
            _cmdSelectAll2.CausesValidation = true;
            _cmdSelectAll2.Enabled          = true;
            _cmdSelectAll2.ForeColor        = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdSelectAll2.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdSelectAll2.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdSelectAll2.Name             = "_cmdSelectAll2";
            _cmdSelectAll.TextAlign         = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdSelectAll.BackColor         = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _cmdSelectAll.Text              = "先頭から選択";
            _cmdSelectAll.Font              = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _cmdSelectAll.Size              = new Size(153, 29);
            _cmdSelectAll.Location          = new Point(8, 264);
            _cmdSelectAll.TabIndex          = 4;
            _cmdSelectAll.TabStop           = false;
            _cmdSelectAll.CausesValidation  = true;
            _cmdSelectAll.Enabled           = true;
            _cmdSelectAll.ForeColor         = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdSelectAll.Cursor            = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdSelectAll.RightToLeft       = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdSelectAll.Name              = "_cmdSelectAll";
            _Timer1.Interval                = 100;
            _Timer1.Enabled                 = true;
            _cmdFinish.TextAlign            = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdFinish.BackColor            = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _cmdFinish.Text                 = "終了";
            _cmdFinish.Enabled              = false;
            _cmdFinish.Font                 = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _cmdFinish.Size                 = new Size(137, 29);
            _cmdFinish.Location             = new Point(264, 296);
            _cmdFinish.TabIndex             = 1;
            _cmdFinish.TabStop              = false;
            _cmdFinish.CausesValidation     = true;
            _cmdFinish.ForeColor            = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdFinish.Cursor               = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdFinish.RightToLeft          = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdFinish.Name                 = "_cmdFinish";
            _lstItems.BackColor             = Color.White;
            _lstItems.Font                  = new Font("MS 明朝", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            _lstItems.ForeColor             = Color.Black;
            _lstItems.Size                  = new Size(479, 231);
            _lstItems.Location              = new Point(8, 32);
            _lstItems.TabIndex              = 0;
            _lstItems.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            _lstItems.CausesValidation      = true;
            _lstItems.Enabled               = true;
            _lstItems.IntegralHeight        = true;
            _lstItems.Cursor                = Cursors.Default;
            _lstItems.SelectionMode         = SelectionMode.One;
            _lstItems.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.No;
            _lstItems.Sorted                = false;
            _lstItems.TabStop               = true;
            _lstItems.Visible               = true;
            _lstItems.MultiColumn           = false;
            _lstItems.Name                  = "_lstItems";
            lblNumber.TextAlign             = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
            lblNumber.BackColor             = Color.White;
            lblNumber.Text                  = "Label1";
            lblNumber.Font                  = new Font("MS 明朝", 15.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            lblNumber.ForeColor             = Color.Black;
            lblNumber.Size                  = new Size(57, 29);
            lblNumber.Location              = new Point(424, 296);
            lblNumber.TabIndex              = 3;
            lblNumber.Enabled               = true;
            lblNumber.Cursor                = Cursors.Default;
            lblNumber.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.No;
            lblNumber.UseMnemonic           = true;
            lblNumber.Visible               = true;
            lblNumber.AutoSize              = false;
            lblNumber.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            lblNumber.Name                  = "lblNumber";
            lblCaption.BackColor            = Color.White;
            lblCaption.Text                 = "Label1";
            lblCaption.Font                 = new Font("MS 明朝", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            lblCaption.ForeColor            = Color.Black;
            lblCaption.Size                 = new Size(479, 22);
            lblCaption.Location             = new Point(8, 6);
            lblCaption.TabIndex             = 2;
            lblCaption.TextAlign            = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            lblCaption.Enabled              = true;
            lblCaption.Cursor               = Cursors.Default;
            lblCaption.RightToLeft          = RightToLeft.No;
            lblCaption.UseMnemonic          = true;
            lblCaption.Visible              = true;
            lblCaption.AutoSize             = false;
            lblCaption.BorderStyle          = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            lblCaption.Name                 = "lblCaption";
            Activated += new EventHandler(frmMultiSelectListBox_Activated);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmErrorMessage));

            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1   = new ToolTip(components);
            txtMessage = new TextBox();
            ToolTip1.Active             = true;
            BackColor                   = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle             = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            Text                        = "エラー";
            ClientSize                  = new Size(671, 118);
            Location                    = new Point(3, 22);
            Icon                        = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmErrorMessage.Icon");
            MaximizeBox                 = false;
            MinimizeBox                 = false;
            ShowInTaskbar               = false;
            StartPosition               = FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultLocation;
            AutoScaleMode               = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox                  = true;
            Enabled                     = true;
            KeyPreview                  = false;
            Cursor                      = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft                 = RightToLeft.No;
            HelpButton                  = false;
            WindowState                 = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                        = "frmErrorMessage";
            txtMessage.AutoSize         = false;
            txtMessage.BackColor        = Color.White;
            txtMessage.Font             = new Font("MS ゴシック", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            txtMessage.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            txtMessage.Size             = new Size(659, 106);
            txtMessage.Location         = new Point(6, 6);
            txtMessage.Multiline        = true;
            txtMessage.TabIndex         = 0;
            txtMessage.Text             = "Text1" + '\r' + '\n';
            txtMessage.AcceptsReturn    = true;
            txtMessage.TextAlign        = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            txtMessage.CausesValidation = true;
            txtMessage.Enabled          = true;
            txtMessage.HideSelection    = true;
            txtMessage.ReadOnly         = false;
            txtMessage.MaxLength        = 0;
            txtMessage.Cursor           = Cursors.IBeam;
            txtMessage.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            txtMessage.ScrollBars       = ScrollBars.None;
            txtMessage.TabStop          = true;
            txtMessage.Visible          = true;
            txtMessage.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            txtMessage.Name             = "txtMessage";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmNowLoading));

            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1   = new ToolTip(components);
            picBar     = new PictureBox();
            Label1     = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active         = true;
            StartPosition           = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            BackColor               = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle         = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            Text                    = "SRC";
            ClientSize              = new Size(214, 88);
            Location                = new Point(76, 107);
            ForeColor               = Color.Black;
            Icon                    = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmNowLoading.Icon");
            MaximizeBox             = false;
            AutoScaleMode           = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox              = true;
            Enabled                 = true;
            KeyPreview              = false;
            MinimizeBox             = true;
            Cursor                  = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft             = RightToLeft.No;
            ShowInTaskbar           = true;
            HelpButton              = false;
            WindowState             = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                    = "frmNowLoading";
            picBar.BackColor        = Color.White;
            picBar.ForeColor        = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 128);
            picBar.Size             = new Size(183, 13);
            picBar.Location         = new Point(16, 56);
            picBar.TabIndex         = 1;
            picBar.Dock             = DockStyle.None;
            picBar.CausesValidation = true;
            picBar.Enabled          = true;
            picBar.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            picBar.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            picBar.TabStop          = true;
            picBar.Visible          = true;
            picBar.SizeMode         = PictureBoxSizeMode.Normal;
            picBar.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            picBar.Name             = "picBar";
            Label1.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            Label1.Text             = "Now Loading ...";
            Label1.Font             = new Font("Times New Roman", 18f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(0));
            Label1.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            Label1.Size             = new Size(169, 33);
            Label1.Location         = new Point(24, 16);
            Label1.TabIndex         = 0;
            Label1.TextAlign        = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            Label1.Enabled          = true;
            Label1.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            Label1.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            Label1.UseMnemonic      = true;
            Label1.Visible          = true;
            Label1.AutoSize         = false;
            Label1.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.None;
            Label1.Name             = "Label1";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmMessage));

            components               = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1                 = new ToolTip(components);
            _picFace                 = new PictureBox();
            _picFace.MouseDown      += new MouseEventHandler(picFace_MouseDown);
            picUnit1                 = new PictureBox();
            picUnit2                 = new PictureBox();
            txtHP2                   = new TextBox();
            picHP2                   = new PictureBox();
            picEN2                   = new PictureBox();
            txtEN2                   = new TextBox();
            txtEN1                   = new TextBox();
            picEN1                   = new PictureBox();
            picHP1                   = new PictureBox();
            txtHP1                   = new TextBox();
            _picMessage              = new PictureBox();
            _picMessage.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(picMessage_DoubleClick);
            _picMessage.MouseDown   += new MouseEventHandler(picMessage_MouseDown);
            labHP2                   = new Label();
            labEN2                   = new Label();
            labEN1                   = new Label();
            labHP1                   = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active              = true;
            StartPosition                = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            BackColor                    = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle              = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            Text                         = "メッセージ";
            ClientSize                   = new Size(508, 118);
            Location                     = new Point(93, 101);
            Font                         = new Font("MS P明朝", 12f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            ForeColor                    = Color.Black;
            Icon                         = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmMessage.Icon");
            KeyPreview                   = true;
            MaximizeBox                  = false;
            AutoScaleMode                = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox                   = true;
            Enabled                      = true;
            MinimizeBox                  = true;
            Cursor                       = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft                  = RightToLeft.No;
            ShowInTaskbar                = true;
            HelpButton                   = false;
            WindowState                  = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name                         = "frmMessage";
            _picFace.BackColor           = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _picFace.Size                = new Size(68, 68);
            _picFace.Location            = new Point(8, 43);
            _picFace.TabIndex            = 15;
            _picFace.Dock                = DockStyle.None;
            _picFace.CausesValidation    = true;
            _picFace.Enabled             = true;
            _picFace.ForeColor           = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _picFace.Cursor              = Cursors.Default;
            _picFace.RightToLeft         = RightToLeft.No;
            _picFace.TabStop             = true;
            _picFace.Visible             = true;
            _picFace.SizeMode            = PictureBoxSizeMode.Normal;
            _picFace.BorderStyle         = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            _picFace.Name                = "_picFace";
            picUnit1.BackColor           = SystemColors.Window;
            picUnit1.ForeColor           = SystemColors.WindowText;
            picUnit1.Size                = new Size(32, 32);
            picUnit1.Location            = new Point(8, 4);
            picUnit1.TabIndex            = 14;
            picUnit1.Visible             = false;
            picUnit1.Dock                = DockStyle.None;
            picUnit1.CausesValidation    = true;
            picUnit1.Enabled             = true;
            picUnit1.Cursor              = Cursors.Default;
            picUnit1.RightToLeft         = RightToLeft.No;
            picUnit1.TabStop             = true;
            picUnit1.SizeMode            = PictureBoxSizeMode.Normal;
            picUnit1.BorderStyle         = BorderStyle.None;
            picUnit1.Name                = "picUnit1";
            picUnit2.BackColor           = SystemColors.Window;
            picUnit2.ForeColor           = SystemColors.WindowText;
            picUnit2.Size                = new Size(32, 32);
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            labEN1.BackColor             = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
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            labEN1.Visible               = true;
            labEN1.AutoSize              = false;
            labEN1.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            labEN1.Name                  = "labEN1";
            labHP1.BackColor             = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            labHP1.Text                  = "HP";
            labHP1.ForeColor             = Color.Black;
            labHP1.Size                  = new Size(22, 17);
            labHP1.Location              = new Point(44, 8);
            labHP1.TabIndex              = 1;
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            labHP1.Cursor                = Cursors.Default;
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            labHP1.UseMnemonic           = true;
            labHP1.Visible               = true;
            labHP1.AutoSize              = false;
            labHP1.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            labHP1.Name                  = "labHP1";
            Click       += new EventHandler(frmMessage_Click);
            DoubleClick += new EventHandler(frmMessage_DoubleClick);
            KeyDown     += new KeyEventHandler(frmMessage_KeyDown);
            MouseDown   += new MouseEventHandler(frmMessage_MouseDown);
            FormClosed  += new FormClosedEventHandler(frmMessage_FormClosed);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmTelop));

            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1   = new ToolTip(components);
            Label1     = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active    = true;
            StartPosition      = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            BackColor          = Color.White;
            FormBorderStyle    = FormBorderStyle.None;
            ClientSize         = new Size(378, 57);
            Location           = new Point(131, 211);
            MaximizeBox        = false;
            MinimizeBox        = false;
            ShowInTaskbar      = false;
            AutoScaleMode      = AutoScaleMode.Font;
            ControlBox         = true;
            Enabled            = true;
            KeyPreview         = false;
            Cursor             = Cursors.Default;
            RightToLeft        = RightToLeft.No;
            HelpButton         = false;
            WindowState        = FormWindowState.Normal;
            Name               = "frmTelop";
            Label1.TextAlign   = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
            Label1.Text        = "シナリオタイトル";
            Label1.Font        = new Font("MS P明朝", 15.75f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            Label1.ForeColor   = Color.Black;
            Label1.Size        = new Size(357, 57);
            Label1.Location    = new Point(8, 16);
            Label1.TabIndex    = 0;
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            Label1.Enabled     = true;
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            Label1.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.No;
            Label1.UseMnemonic = true;
            Label1.Visible     = true;
            Label1.AutoSize    = false;
            Label1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            Label1.Name        = "Label1";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void InitializeComponent()
            var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(frmConfiguration));

            components                 = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            ToolTip1                   = new ToolTip(components);
            chkExtendedAnimation       = new CheckBox();
            chkMoveAnimation           = new CheckBox();
            chkWeaponAnimation         = new CheckBox();
            _txtMP3Volume              = new TextBox();
            _txtMP3Volume.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtMP3Volume_TextChanged);
            _hscMP3Volume              = new HScrollBar();
            _hscMP3Volume.Scroll      += new ScrollEventHandler(hscMP3Volume_Scroll);
            cboMidiReset               = new ComboBox();
            chkUseDirectMusic          = new CheckBox();
            _cmdCancel                 = new Button();
            _cmdCancel.Click          += new EventHandler(cmdCancel_Click);
            _cmdOK                   = new Button();
            _cmdOK.Click            += new EventHandler(cmdOK_Click);
            chkKeepEnemyBGM          = new CheckBox();
            cboMessageSpeed          = new ComboBox();
            chkAutoMoveCursor        = new CheckBox();
            chkShowSquareLine        = new CheckBox();
            chkShowTurn              = new CheckBox();
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation = new CheckBox();
            _chkBattleAnimation      = new CheckBox();
            _chkBattleAnimation.CheckStateChanged += new EventHandler(chkBattleAnimation_CheckStateChanged);
            labMP3Volume    = new Label();
            labMidiReset    = new Label();
            labMessageSpeed = new Label();
            ToolTip1.Active = true;
            BackColor       = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            Text            = "設定変更";
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            Icon            = (Icon)resources.GetObject("frmConfiguration.Icon");
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            MinimizeBox     = false;
            ShowInTaskbar   = false;
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            ControlBox      = true;
            Enabled         = true;
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            chkExtendedAnimation.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkExtendedAnimation.Text             = "戦闘アニメの拡張機能を使用する";
            chkExtendedAnimation.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            chkExtendedAnimation.Size             = new Size(233, 33);
            chkExtendedAnimation.Location         = new Point(48, 64);
            chkExtendedAnimation.TabIndex         = 18;
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            chkExtendedAnimation.CheckState       = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkExtendedAnimation.Visible          = true;
            chkExtendedAnimation.Name             = "chkExtendedAnimation";
            chkMoveAnimation.BackColor            = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkMoveAnimation.Text               = "移動アニメを表示する";
            chkMoveAnimation.ForeColor          = Color.Black;
            chkMoveAnimation.Size               = new Size(249, 25);
            chkMoveAnimation.Location           = new Point(32, 152);
            chkMoveAnimation.TabIndex           = 17;
            chkMoveAnimation.CheckAlign         = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkMoveAnimation.FlatStyle          = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkMoveAnimation.CausesValidation   = true;
            chkMoveAnimation.Enabled            = true;
            chkMoveAnimation.Cursor             = Cursors.Default;
            chkMoveAnimation.RightToLeft        = RightToLeft.No;
            chkMoveAnimation.Appearance         = Appearance.Normal;
            chkMoveAnimation.TabStop            = true;
            chkMoveAnimation.CheckState         = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkMoveAnimation.Visible            = true;
            chkMoveAnimation.Name               = "chkMoveAnimation";
            chkWeaponAnimation.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkWeaponAnimation.Text             = "武器準備アニメを自動選択表示する";
            chkWeaponAnimation.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Size             = new Size(233, 33);
            chkWeaponAnimation.Location         = new Point(48, 96);
            chkWeaponAnimation.TabIndex         = 16;
            chkWeaponAnimation.CheckAlign       = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkWeaponAnimation.FlatStyle        = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkWeaponAnimation.CausesValidation = true;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Enabled          = true;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            chkWeaponAnimation.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Appearance       = Appearance.Normal;
            chkWeaponAnimation.TabStop          = true;
            chkWeaponAnimation.CheckState       = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Visible          = true;
            chkWeaponAnimation.Name             = "chkWeaponAnimation";
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            _hscMP3Volume.LargeChange      = 10;
            _hscMP3Volume.Location         = new Point(128, 328);
            _hscMP3Volume.Maximum          = 109;
            _hscMP3Volume.TabIndex         = 12;
            _hscMP3Volume.Value            = 50;
            _hscMP3Volume.CausesValidation = true;
            _hscMP3Volume.Enabled          = true;
            _hscMP3Volume.Minimum          = 0;
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            _hscMP3Volume.TabStop          = true;
            _hscMP3Volume.Visible          = true;
            _hscMP3Volume.Name             = "_hscMP3Volume";
            cboMidiReset.BackColor         = Color.White;
            cboMidiReset.ForeColor         = Color.Black;
            cboMidiReset.Size                  = new Size(115, 20);
            cboMidiReset.Location              = new Point(168, 296);
            cboMidiReset.TabIndex              = 10;
            cboMidiReset.CausesValidation      = true;
            cboMidiReset.Enabled               = true;
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            cboMidiReset.Cursor                = Cursors.Default;
            cboMidiReset.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.No;
            cboMidiReset.Sorted                = false;
            cboMidiReset.DropDownStyle         = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;
            cboMidiReset.TabStop               = true;
            cboMidiReset.Visible               = true;
            cboMidiReset.Name                  = "cboMidiReset";
            chkUseDirectMusic.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkUseDirectMusic.Text             = "MIDI演奏にDirectMusicを使用する (要再起動)";
            chkUseDirectMusic.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Size             = new Size(281, 25);
            chkUseDirectMusic.Location         = new Point(32, 272);
            chkUseDirectMusic.TabIndex         = 9;
            chkUseDirectMusic.CheckAlign       = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkUseDirectMusic.FlatStyle        = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkUseDirectMusic.CausesValidation = true;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Enabled          = true;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            chkUseDirectMusic.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Appearance       = Appearance.Normal;
            chkUseDirectMusic.TabStop          = true;
            chkUseDirectMusic.CheckState       = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Visible          = true;
            chkUseDirectMusic.Name             = "chkUseDirectMusic";
            _cmdCancel.TextAlign               = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdCancel.BackColor               = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _cmdCancel.Text             = "キャンセル";
            _cmdCancel.Size             = new Size(97, 25);
            _cmdCancel.Location         = new Point(216, 360);
            _cmdCancel.TabIndex         = 14;
            _cmdCancel.CausesValidation = true;
            _cmdCancel.Enabled          = true;
            _cmdCancel.ForeColor        = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdCancel.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdCancel.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdCancel.TabStop          = true;
            _cmdCancel.Name             = "_cmdCancel";
            _cmdOK.TextAlign            = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            _cmdOK.BackColor            = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _cmdOK.Text                               = "OK";
            _cmdOK.Size                               = new Size(97, 25);
            _cmdOK.Location                           = new Point(112, 360);
            _cmdOK.TabIndex                           = 13;
            _cmdOK.CausesValidation                   = true;
            _cmdOK.Enabled                            = true;
            _cmdOK.ForeColor                          = SystemColors.ControlText;
            _cmdOK.Cursor                             = Cursors.Default;
            _cmdOK.RightToLeft                        = RightToLeft.No;
            _cmdOK.TabStop                            = true;
            _cmdOK.Name                               = "_cmdOK";
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.BackColor                 = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Text                      = "敵フェイズ中にBGMを変更しない";
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.ForeColor                 = Color.Black;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Size                      = new Size(249, 25);
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Location                  = new Point(32, 248);
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.TabIndex                  = 8;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.CheckAlign                = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
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            chkKeepEnemyBGM.CausesValidation          = true;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Enabled                   = true;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Cursor                    = Cursors.Default;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.RightToLeft               = RightToLeft.No;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Appearance                = Appearance.Normal;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.TabStop                   = true;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.CheckState                = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Visible                   = true;
            chkKeepEnemyBGM.Name                      = "chkKeepEnemyBGM";
            cboMessageSpeed.BackColor                 = Color.White;
            cboMessageSpeed.ForeColor                 = Color.Black;
            cboMessageSpeed.Size                      = new Size(137, 20);
            cboMessageSpeed.Location                  = new Point(144, 16);
            cboMessageSpeed.TabIndex                  = 2;
            cboMessageSpeed.CausesValidation          = true;
            cboMessageSpeed.Enabled                   = true;
            cboMessageSpeed.IntegralHeight            = true;
            cboMessageSpeed.Cursor                    = Cursors.Default;
            cboMessageSpeed.RightToLeft               = RightToLeft.No;
            cboMessageSpeed.Sorted                    = false;
            cboMessageSpeed.DropDownStyle             = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;
            cboMessageSpeed.TabStop                   = true;
            cboMessageSpeed.Visible                   = true;
            cboMessageSpeed.Name                      = "cboMessageSpeed";
            chkAutoMoveCursor.BackColor               = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Text                    = "マウスカーソルを自動的に移動する";
            chkAutoMoveCursor.ForeColor               = Color.Black;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Size                    = new Size(249, 25);
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Location                = new Point(32, 176);
            chkAutoMoveCursor.TabIndex                = 5;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.CheckAlign              = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.FlatStyle               = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.CausesValidation        = true;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Enabled                 = true;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Cursor                  = Cursors.Default;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.RightToLeft             = RightToLeft.No;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Appearance              = Appearance.Normal;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.TabStop                 = true;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.CheckState              = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Visible                 = true;
            chkAutoMoveCursor.Name                    = "chkAutoMoveCursor";
            chkShowSquareLine.BackColor               = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkShowSquareLine.Text                    = "マス目を表示する (要再起動)";
            chkShowSquareLine.ForeColor               = Color.Black;
            chkShowSquareLine.Size                    = new Size(265, 25);
            chkShowSquareLine.Location                = new Point(32, 200);
            chkShowSquareLine.TabIndex                = 6;
            chkShowSquareLine.CheckAlign              = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkShowSquareLine.FlatStyle               = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkShowSquareLine.CausesValidation        = true;
            chkShowSquareLine.Enabled                 = true;
            chkShowSquareLine.Cursor                  = Cursors.Default;
            chkShowSquareLine.RightToLeft             = RightToLeft.No;
            chkShowSquareLine.Appearance              = Appearance.Normal;
            chkShowSquareLine.TabStop                 = true;
            chkShowSquareLine.CheckState              = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkShowSquareLine.Visible                 = true;
            chkShowSquareLine.Name                    = "chkShowSquareLine";
            chkShowTurn.BackColor                     = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkShowTurn.Text                          = "味方フェイズ開始時にターン表示を行う";
            chkShowTurn.ForeColor                     = Color.Black;
            chkShowTurn.Size                          = new Size(249, 25);
            chkShowTurn.Location                      = new Point(32, 224);
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            chkShowTurn.CausesValidation              = true;
            chkShowTurn.Enabled                       = true;
            chkShowTurn.Cursor                        = Cursors.Default;
            chkShowTurn.RightToLeft                   = RightToLeft.No;
            chkShowTurn.Appearance                    = Appearance.Normal;
            chkShowTurn.TabStop                       = true;
            chkShowTurn.CheckState                    = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkShowTurn.Visible                       = true;
            chkShowTurn.Name                          = "chkShowTurn";
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Text             = "スペシャルパワーアニメを表示する";
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.ForeColor        = Color.Black;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Size             = new Size(249, 25);
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Location         = new Point(32, 128);
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.TabIndex         = 4;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.CheckAlign       = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.FlatStyle        = FlatStyle.Standard;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.CausesValidation = true;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Enabled          = true;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Cursor           = Cursors.Default;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.RightToLeft      = RightToLeft.No;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Appearance       = Appearance.Normal;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.TabStop          = true;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.CheckState       = CheckState.Unchecked;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Visible          = true;
            chkSpecialPowerAnimation.Name             = "chkSpecialPowerAnimation";
            _chkBattleAnimation.BackColor             = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            _chkBattleAnimation.Text                  = "戦闘アニメを表示する";
            _chkBattleAnimation.ForeColor             = Color.Black;
            _chkBattleAnimation.Size                  = new Size(249, 25);
            _chkBattleAnimation.Location              = new Point(32, 40);
            _chkBattleAnimation.TabIndex              = 3;
            _chkBattleAnimation.CheckAlign            = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
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            _chkBattleAnimation.CausesValidation      = true;
            _chkBattleAnimation.Enabled               = true;
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            _chkBattleAnimation.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.No;
            _chkBattleAnimation.Appearance            = Appearance.Normal;
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            _chkBattleAnimation.CheckState            = CheckState.Unchecked;
            _chkBattleAnimation.Visible               = true;
            _chkBattleAnimation.Name                  = "_chkBattleAnimation";
            labMP3Volume.Text                         = "MP3音量";
            labMP3Volume.ForeColor                    = Color.Black;
            labMP3Volume.Size                         = new Size(49, 17);
            labMP3Volume.Location                     = new Point(33, 330);
            labMP3Volume.TabIndex                     = 15;
            labMP3Volume.TextAlign                    = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            labMP3Volume.BackColor                    = Color.Transparent;
            labMP3Volume.Enabled                      = true;
            labMP3Volume.Cursor                       = Cursors.Default;
            labMP3Volume.RightToLeft                  = RightToLeft.No;
            labMP3Volume.UseMnemonic                  = true;
            labMP3Volume.Visible                      = true;
            labMP3Volume.AutoSize                     = false;
            labMP3Volume.BorderStyle                  = BorderStyle.None;
            labMP3Volume.Name                         = "labMP3Volume";
            labMidiReset.Text                         = "MIDI音源リセットの種類";
            labMidiReset.ForeColor                    = Color.Black;
            labMidiReset.Size                         = new Size(192, 17);
            labMidiReset.Location                     = new Point(33, 301);
            labMidiReset.TabIndex                     = 1;
            labMidiReset.TextAlign                    = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            labMidiReset.BackColor                    = Color.Transparent;
            labMidiReset.Enabled                      = true;
            labMidiReset.Cursor                       = Cursors.Default;
            labMidiReset.RightToLeft                  = RightToLeft.No;
            labMidiReset.UseMnemonic                  = true;
            labMidiReset.Visible                      = true;
            labMidiReset.AutoSize                     = false;
            labMidiReset.BorderStyle                  = BorderStyle.None;
            labMidiReset.Name                         = "labMidiReset";
            labMessageSpeed.Text                      = "メッセージスピード";
            labMessageSpeed.Font                      = new Font("MS Pゴシック", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, Conversions.ToByte(128));
            labMessageSpeed.ForeColor                 = Color.Black;
            labMessageSpeed.Size                      = new Size(129, 17);
            labMessageSpeed.Location                  = new Point(33, 20);
            labMessageSpeed.TabIndex                  = 0;
            labMessageSpeed.TextAlign                 = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
            labMessageSpeed.BackColor                 = Color.Transparent;
            labMessageSpeed.Enabled                   = true;
            labMessageSpeed.Cursor                    = Cursors.Default;
            labMessageSpeed.RightToLeft               = RightToLeft.No;
            labMessageSpeed.UseMnemonic               = true;
            labMessageSpeed.Visible                   = true;
            labMessageSpeed.AutoSize                  = false;
            labMessageSpeed.BorderStyle               = BorderStyle.None;
            labMessageSpeed.Name                      = "labMessageSpeed";
            Load += new EventHandler(frmConfiguration_Load);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void InitializeComponent()
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            txtMorale2             = new TextBox();
            txtMorale1             = new TextBox();
            txtLevel2              = new TextBox();
            txtLevel1              = new TextBox();
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            picEN1                 = new PictureBox();
            txtEN1                 = new TextBox();
            txtEN2                 = new TextBox();
            picEN2                 = new PictureBox();
            picHP2                 = new PictureBox();
            txtHP2                 = new TextBox();
            picUnit2               = new PictureBox();
            picUnit1               = new PictureBox();
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            _Timer1.Tick          += new EventHandler(Timer1_Tick);
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            _lstItems.MouseMove   += new MouseEventHandler(lstItems_MouseMove);
            picBar                 = new PictureBox();
            _labCaption            = new Label();
            _labCaption.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(labCaption_MouseDown);
            labMorale2             = new Label();
            labMorale1             = new Label();
            labLevel2              = new Label();
            imgPilot2              = new PictureBox();
            labLevel1              = new Label();
            imgPilot1              = new PictureBox();
            labHP1                 = new Label();
            labEN1                 = new Label();
            labEN2                 = new Label();
            labHP2                 = new Label();
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