Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Precondition:  None
        // Postcondition: Small list of Parcels is created and displayed
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Address a1 = new Address("  John Smith  ", "   123 Any St.   ", "  Apt. 45 ",
                                     "  Louisville   ", "  KY   ", 40202); // Test Address 1
            Address a2 = new Address("Jane Doe", "987 Main St.",
                                     "Beverly Hills", "CA", 90210);        // Test Address 2
            //Address a3 = new Address("James Kirk", "654 Roddenberry Way", "Suite 321",
            //    "El Paso", "TX", 79901); // Test Address 3
            //Address a4 = new Address("John Crichton", "678 Pau Place", "Apt. 7",
            //    "Portland", "ME", 04101); // Test Address 4

            //Letter l1 = new Letter(a1, a3, 0.50M); // Test Letter 1
            //Letter l2 = new Letter(a2, a4, 1.20M); // Test Letter 2
            //Letter l3 = new Letter(a4, a1, 1.70M); // Test Letter 3

            //List<Parcel> parcels = new List<Parcel>(); // Test list of parcels

            //// Add test data to list

            //// Display data
            //Console.WriteLine("Program 0 - List of Parcels\n");

            //foreach (Parcel p in parcels)
            //    Console.WriteLine(p);
            //    Console.WriteLine("--------------------");

            //Testing classes
            GroundPackage     gp = new GroundPackage(a1, a2, 10, 12.24, 13.3, 16.56);
            NextDayAirPackage nd = new NextDayAirPackage(a1, a2, 10, 12.24, 13.3, 16.56, 50);
            TwoDayAirPackage  td = new TwoDayAirPackage(a1, a2, 10, 12.24, 13.3, 16.56, DeliveryEnum.Saver);
