Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal bool Intersect(Durable other)
     return(Start <= other.Finish && Finish >= other.Start);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static EventDescriptionBoard Read(DataResponse response)
            BinaryReader reader = response.Reader;

            EventDescriptionBoard desc = new EventDescriptionBoard();

            desc.Response   = response;
            desc.BaseStream = reader.BaseStream;
            desc.ID         = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.TimeSettings              = new TimeSettings();
            desc.TimeSettings.TicksToMs    = 1000.0 / (double)reader.ReadInt64();
            desc.TimeSettings.Origin       = reader.ReadInt64();
            desc.TimeSettings.PrecisionCut = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.TimeSlice = new Durable();

            int threadCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.Threads = new List <ThreadDescription>(threadCount);
            desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex = new Dictionary <UInt64, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
                ThreadDescription threadDesc = ThreadDescription.Read(response);

                if (!desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex.ContainsKey(threadDesc.ThreadID))
                    desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex.Add(threadDesc.ThreadID, i);
                    // The old thread was finished and the new thread was started
                    // with the same threadID during one profiling session.
                    // Can't do much here - lets show information for the new thread only.
                    desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex[threadDesc.ThreadID] = i;

            if (response.ApplicationID == NetworkProtocol.BROFILER_APP_ID)
                int fibersCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                desc.Fibers = new List <FiberDescription>(fibersCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < fibersCount; ++i)
                    FiberDescription fiberDesc = FiberDescription.Read(response);

            desc.MainThreadIndex = reader.ReadInt32();

            int count = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                desc.board.Add(EventDescription.Read(reader, i));

            // TODO: Tags

            // TODO: Run Info

            // TODO: Run Info

            // TODO: Filters

            // TODO: Mode

            // TODO: Thread Descriptions

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static EventDescriptionBoard Read(DataResponse response)
            BinaryReader reader = response.Reader;

            EventDescriptionBoard desc = new EventDescriptionBoard();

            desc.Response   = response;
            desc.BaseStream = reader.BaseStream;
            desc.ID         = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.TimeSettings              = new TimeSettings();
            desc.TimeSettings.TicksToMs    = 1000.0 / (double)reader.ReadInt64();
            desc.TimeSettings.Origin       = reader.ReadInt64();
            desc.TimeSettings.PrecisionCut = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.TimeSlice = new Durable();

            int threadCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            desc.Threads = new List <ThreadDescription>(threadCount);
            desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex = new Dictionary <UInt64, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
                ThreadDescription threadDesc = ThreadDescription.Read(response);
                threadDesc.Origin      = ThreadDescription.Source.Game;
                threadDesc.ThreadIndex = i;

                if (!desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex.ContainsKey(threadDesc.ThreadID))
                    desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex.Add(threadDesc.ThreadID, i);
                    desc.ThreadDescriptions.Add(threadDesc.ThreadID, threadDesc);
                    // The old thread was finished and the new thread was started
                    // with the same threadID during one profiling session.
                    // Can't do much here - lets show information for the new thread only.
                    desc.ThreadID2ThreadIndex[threadDesc.ThreadID] = i;

            if (response.ApplicationID == NetworkProtocol.OPTICK_APP_ID)
                int fibersCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                desc.Fibers = new List <FiberDescription>(fibersCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < fibersCount; ++i)
                    FiberDescription fiberDesc = FiberDescription.Read(response);

            desc.MainThreadIndex = reader.ReadInt32();

            int count = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                desc.board.Add(EventDescription.Read(reader, i));

            // TODO: Tags

            // TODO: Run Info

            // TODO: Run Info

            // TODO: Filters

            // TODO: Mode
            desc.Mode = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // TODO: Thread Descriptions
            int processDescCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < processDescCount; ++i)
                ProcessDescription process = ProcessDescription.Read(response);
                if (!desc.ProcessDescritpions.ContainsKey(process.ProcessID))
                    desc.ProcessDescritpions.Add(process.ProcessID, process);

            int threadDescCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < threadDescCount; ++i)
                ThreadDescription thread = ThreadDescription.Read(response);
                thread.Origin = ThreadDescription.Source.GameAuto;
                if (!desc.ThreadDescriptions.ContainsKey(thread.ThreadID))
                    desc.ThreadDescriptions.Add(thread.ThreadID, thread);
                //else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(thread.Name))
                //	desc.ThreadDescriptions[thread.ThreadID] = thread;

                ProcessDescription process = null;
                if (desc.ProcessDescritpions.TryGetValue(thread.ProcessID, out process))
                    thread.Process = process;

            desc.ProcessID    = response.Reader.ReadInt32();
            desc.CPUCoreCount = response.Reader.ReadInt32();

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void ForEachInsideIntervalStrict <T>(List <T> frames, Durable interval, Action <T> action) where T : ITick
     ForEachInsideIntervalStrict(frames, interval.Start, interval.Finish, action);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool Init(String name, Stream stream)
            TextReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            List <SyncEvent> events   = new List <SyncEvent>();
            List <TagsPack>  tagPacks = new List <TagsPack>();


            long minTimestamp = long.MaxValue;
            long maxTimestamp = 0;

            while (true)
                String line = reader.ReadLine();
                if (line == null)

                if (line.StartsWith("#"))

                String function = line.Substring(44);
                function = function.Substring(0, function.IndexOf(':')).Trim();

                if (function == "sched_switch")
                    byte core      = byte.Parse(line.Substring(24, 3));
                    long timestamp = (long)(double.Parse(line.Substring(28, 14).Trim()) * 1000000.0);

                    minTimestamp = Math.Min(minTimestamp, timestamp);
                    maxTimestamp = Math.Max(maxTimestamp, timestamp);

                    String prevThread = FindBetween(line, "prev_comm=", "prev_pid=");
                    uint   prevPid    = uint.Parse(FindBetween(line, "prev_pid=", "prev_prio="));
                    uint   prevPrio   = uint.Parse(FindBetween(line, "prev_prio=", "prev_state="));

                    String nextThread = FindBetween(line, "==>", "next_pid=");
                    uint   nextPid    = uint.Parse(FindBetween(line, "next_pid=", "next_prio="));
                    uint   nextPrio   = uint.Parse(FindBetween(line, "next_prio=", null));

                    events.Add(new SyncEvent()
                        CPUID = core, OldThreadID = prevPid, NewThreadID = nextPid, Timestamp = new Tick()
                            Start = (long)timestamp

                    ThreadDescription desc = null;
                    if (!Board.ThreadDescriptions.TryGetValue(prevPid, out desc))
                        desc = new ThreadDescription()
                            Name = prevThread, ThreadID = prevPid, ProcessID = 0, Origin = ThreadDescription.Source.GameAuto
                        Board.ThreadDescriptions.Add(prevPid, desc);
                        desc.Name = prevThread;

                if (function == "tracing_mark_write")
                    byte   core      = byte.Parse(line.Substring(24, 3));
                    long   timestamp = (long)(double.Parse(line.Substring(28, 14).Trim()) * 1000000.0);
                    String text      = FindBetween(line, function, null).Substring(2);

                    while (tagPacks.Count <= core)
                        tagPacks.Add(new TagsPack(null, Group)
                            CoreIndex = tagPacks.Count

                    Tag tag = new TagString()
                        Description = new EventDescription("Message"), Time = new Tick()
                            Start = timestamp
                        }, Value = text

            Board.TimeSlice = new Durable(minTimestamp, maxTimestamp);
            Frame           = new EventFrame(new FrameHeader(Board.TimeSlice), new List <Entry> {
            }, Group);

            List <EventFrame> frames = new List <EventFrame>();
            long step = Durable.MsToTick(1000.0);

            for (long timestamp = minTimestamp; timestamp < maxTimestamp; timestamp += step)
                frames.Add(new EventFrame(new FrameHeader(new Durable(timestamp, timestamp + step)), new List <Entry> {
                }, Group));
            ThreadDescription ruler = new ThreadDescription()
                Name = "Ruler", ThreadIndex = 0

            Group.Threads.Add(new ThreadData(ruler)
                Events = frames
            Group.Board.MainThreadIndex = 0;

            SynchronizationMap syncMap = new SynchronizationMap(events);


            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(tagPacks.Count, Group.Cores.Count); ++i)
                Group.Cores[i].TagsPack = tagPacks[i];

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool Init(String name, Stream stream)

            String text = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();

            ChromeTrace trace = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChromeTrace>(text);

            Dictionary <ulong, List <TraceEvent> > threads = new Dictionary <ulong, List <TraceEvent> >();

            foreach (TraceEvent ev in trace.traceEvents)
                // Complete Event
                if (ev.ph == "X")
                    List <TraceEvent> events = null;
                    if (!threads.TryGetValue(ev.tid, out events))
                        events = new List <TraceEvent>();
                        threads.Add(ev.tid, events);

            Durable range = new Durable(long.MaxValue, long.MinValue);

            Dictionary <string, EventDescription> descriptions = new Dictionary <string, EventDescription>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <TraceEvent> > pair in threads)
                ulong             tid    = pair.Key;
                List <TraceEvent> events = pair.Value;

                List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>(events.Count);
                List <Tag>   tags    = new List <Tag>(events.Count);

                foreach (TraceEvent ev in events)
                    String args = ev.args != null?ev.args.ToString().Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") : null;

                    String context   = GenerateShortContext(args);
                    String extraName = GenerateShortName(context);

                    String fullName = ev.name;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extraName))
                        fullName = String.Format("{0} - {1}", ev.name, extraName);

                    EventDescription desc = null;
                    if (!descriptions.TryGetValue(fullName, out desc))
                        desc = new EventDescription(fullName)
                            Color = EventDescription.GenerateRandomColor(ev.name, RandomColorBrightnessVariance)
                        descriptions.Add(fullName, desc);

                    entries.Add(new Entry(desc, (long)ev.ts, (long)(ev.ts + ev.dur)));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context))
                        tags.Add(new Tag()
                            Description = new EventDescription(context), Time = new Tick()
                                Start = (long)ev.ts


                ThreadData threadData = MainGroup.AddThread(new ThreadDescription()
                    Name = String.Format("Thread #{0}", tid), ThreadID = tid, ProcessID = 0, Origin = ThreadDescription.Source.Game
                threadData.TagsPack = new TagsPack(tags);

                EventFrame frame = new EventFrame(new FrameHeader(new Durable(entries.Min(e => e.Start), entries.Max(e => e.Finish)), threadData.Description.ThreadIndex), entries, MainGroup);
                entries.ForEach(e => e.Frame = frame);

                range.Start  = Math.Min(range.Start, frame.Start);
                range.Finish = Math.Max(range.Finish, frame.Finish);


            Board.TimeSlice       = range;
            Board.MainThreadIndex = 0;
            MainFrame             = new EventFrame(new FrameHeader(Board.TimeSlice), new List <Entry> {
            }, MainGroup);
