private bool FilterTickets(Ticket entity)
     return (entity.TicketTypeTicketTypeId == this.TicketTypeId);
        /// <summary>
        /// When selection's event is triged, We don't need to raise multiple events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value is Ticket entity that sent from UI</param>
        void RecordSelected(Ticket value)
            this.ActiveTicketObject = null;
            if (value != null)
                this.ActiveTicketObject = value.ConvertToEntity();

                // Update the ImagePath
                this.ActiveTicketObject.ImagePath = value.TicketAttachments.Select(o => o.FileUrl).FirstOrDefault();

                this.RegionManager.RequestNavigate(IncidenciasViewRegionNames.IncidenciasDetailsRegion, "DetailUserControl");

 private void AttachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketType = this;
 private void DetachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketType = null;
 private void DetachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketStatus = null;
 private bool FilterTickets(Ticket entity)
     return (entity.TicketStatusTicketStatusId == this.TicketStatusId);
 private void AttachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketStatus = this;
 private bool FilterTicket(Ticket entity)
     return (entity.TicketId == this.TicketId);
 private bool FilterTickets(Ticket entity)
     return (entity.TicketCategoryTicketCategoryId == this.TicketCategoryId);
 private void DetachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketCategory = null;
 private void AttachTickets(Ticket entity)
     entity.TicketCategory = this;