Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void RedrawSelection()
            if (selectionMade && selectionDisplaying)
                //first do the draw logic for the rectangle
                WriteableBitmap oldbmp = new WriteableBitmap(bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight);
                oldbmp.PixelBuffer.AsStream().Write(beforeSelection, 0, beforeSelection.Length);
                using (BitmapReader oldReader = new BitmapReader(oldbmp))
                    using (BitmapReader newReader = new BitmapReader(bmp))
                        //top line
                        for (int i = selection.topLeft.x; i <= selection.bottomRight.x; i++)
                            int color = oldReader.GetPixeli(i, selection.topLeft.y);
                            newReader.SetPixel(i, selection.topLeft.y, color);
                        //bottom line
                        for (int i = selection.topLeft.x; i <= selection.bottomRight.x; i++)
                            int color = oldReader.GetPixeli(i, selection.bottomRight.y);
                            newReader.SetPixel(i, selection.bottomRight.y, color);
                        //left line
                        for (int i = selection.topLeft.y; i <= selection.bottomRight.y; i++)
                            int color = oldReader.GetPixeli(selection.topLeft.x, i);
                            newReader.SetPixel(selection.topLeft.x, i, color);
                        for (int i = selection.topLeft.y; i <= selection.bottomRight.y; i++)
                            int color = oldReader.GetPixeli(selection.bottomRight.x, i);
                            newReader.SetPixel(selection.bottomRight.x, i, color);

                byte[] b = new byte[beforeSelection.Length];
                bmp.PixelBuffer.ToArray().CopyTo(b, 0);

                History.EndAction(new Action(b));

                bmp.DrawRectangle(selection.topLeft.x, selection.topLeft.y, selection.bottomRight.x, selection.bottomRight.y, Colors.Black);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the scanline algorithm to flood fill a selected area with the color given, starting from the point given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The X position to start the fill from</param>
        /// <param name="y">The Y position to start the fill from</param>
        private static void FloodFillScanline(BitmapReader bmpReader, int x, int y)
            Queue <P> points = new Queue <P>();

            points.Enqueue(new P(x, y));

            while (points.Count > 0)
                P   temp = points.Dequeue();
                int y1   = temp.y;

                while (y1 >= 0 && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x, y1) == toBeFilled)
                bool toBeFilledLeft  = false;
                bool toBeFilledRight = false;
                while (y1 < bmpReader.Height && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x, y1) == toBeFilled)
                    bmpReader.SetPixel(temp.x, y1, toFillWith);

                    if (!toBeFilledLeft && (temp.x > 0 && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x - 1, y1) == toBeFilled))
                        points.Enqueue(new P(temp.x - 1, y1));
                        toBeFilledLeft = true;
                    else if (toBeFilledLeft && (temp.x > 0 && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x - 1, y1) != toBeFilled))
                        toBeFilledLeft = false;
                    if (!toBeFilledRight && (temp.x < bmpReader.Width - 1 && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x + 1, y1) == toBeFilled))
                        points.Enqueue(new P(temp.x + 1, y1));
                        toBeFilledRight = true;
                    else if (toBeFilledRight && (temp.x < bmpReader.Width - 1 && bmpReader.GetPixeli(temp.x + 1, y1) != toBeFilled))
                        toBeFilledRight = false;