Ejemplo n.º 1
 private Task<ITargetDescription> _orderTargetDescription(PreflightResult result, FileInfo candidate, CancellationToken token, SelfAssemblyMode mode)
     if (candidate == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("candidate");
     return _targetCreationCache.GetOrAdd(candidate.FullName,
         async (key, actualToken) =>
             var src = Source.FromFile(candidate, Encoding);
             await Task.Yield();
             await _addToSearchPaths(candidate, actualToken);
             return await _performCreateTargetDescription(result, src, actualToken, mode);
         }, token);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task<ITargetDescription> _performCreateTargetDescription(PreflightResult result, ISource source, CancellationToken token, SelfAssemblyMode mode)
            Debug.Assert(result.ErrorMessage == null, "TargetDescription ordered despite the preflight result containing errors.");
            Debug.Assert(result.References.All(r => r.ErrorMessage == null), "TargetDescription ordered despite the preflight result containing errors.");

            RefSpec[] refSpecs;
            switch (mode)
                case SelfAssemblyMode.RecurseIntoFileSystem:
                    var refSpecResolveTasks =
                        .Select(r => _resolveRefSpec(r, token, mode))
                    await Task.WhenAll(refSpecResolveTasks);
                    refSpecs = refSpecResolveTasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToArray();
                case SelfAssemblyMode.RegisterOnly:
                    refSpecs = result.References.Select(_forbidFileRefSpec).ToArray();
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mode", mode, Resources.SelfAssemblingPlan_performCreateTargetDescription_mode);
            var buildMessages = refSpecs.Where(t => t.ErrorMessage != null).Select(
                    s =>
                        Debug.Assert(s.ErrorMessage != null);
                        // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException,AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                        var refPosition = new SourcePosition(
                            s.ResolvedPath != null ? s.ResolvedPath.ToString() 
                          : result.Path != null    ? result.Path.ToString() 
                          : NoSourcePosition.MissingFileName, 0, 0);
                        return Message.Error(s.ErrorMessage, refPosition, MessageClasses.SelfAssembly);
                        // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException,AssignNullToNotNullAttribute

            // Assemble dependencies, including standard library (unless suppressed)
            var deps = refSpecs.Where(r => r.ModuleName != null).Select(r => r.ModuleName);
            if (!result.SuppressStandardLibrary)
                deps = deps.Append(StandardLibrary);

            var reportedFileName = 
                result.Path != null ? result.Path.ToString() 
                : result.ModuleName != null ? result.ModuleName.Id + ".pxs" 
                : null;

            // Typically, duplicate requests are caught much earlier (based on full file paths)
            // But if the user of this self assembling build plan manually adds descriptions
            // that can also be found on the file system, that conflict can in some situations
            // not be detected until full preflight is done.
            // This GetOrAdd is our last line of defense against that scenario and race conditions
            // around targets in general (e.g., when symbolic links or duplicate files are involved)
            return TargetDescriptions.GetOrAdd(result.ModuleName,
                mn => CreateDescription(mn, source, reportedFileName, deps, buildMessages));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task<PreflightResult> _performPreflight(RefSpec refSpec, CancellationToken token)
        // requires refSpec.Source != null
        // ensures result != null
            if (refSpec.ErrorMessage != null)
                return new PreflightResult { ErrorMessage = refSpec.ErrorMessage };

            _trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Preflight parsing of {0} requested.", refSpec);

            // Make sure refSpec has a re-usable source (will have to support both preflight and actual compilation)
            var source = refSpec.Source;
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.SelfAssemblingPlan_RefSpecMustHaveSource, "refSpec");
            var reportedPath = _getPath(source);
            if (source.IsSingleUse)
                source = await source.CacheInMemoryAsync();


            // Perform preflight parse
            var eng = new Engine { ExecutionProhibited = true };
            var app = new Application();
            var ldr =
                new Loader(new LoaderOptions(eng, app)
                                   // Important: Have preflight flag set
                                   PreflightModeEnabled = true,
                                   ReconstructSymbols = false,
                                   RegisterCommands = false,
                                   StoreSourceInformation = false,

            TextReader sourceReader;
            if (!source.TryOpen(out sourceReader))
                var errorResult = new PreflightResult
                                          ErrorMessage =
                                              "Failed to open " + refSpec + " for preflight parsing."
                return errorResult;
            ldr.LoadFromReader(sourceReader, refSpec.ResolvedPath != null ? refSpec.ResolvedPath.ToString() : null);

            // Extract preflight information
            ModuleName theModuleName;
            if (!ModuleName.TryParse(app.Meta[Module.NameKey], out theModuleName))
                theModuleName = app.Module.Name;

            MetaEntry noStdLibEntry;
            var result = new PreflightResult
                ModuleName = theModuleName,
                SuppressStandardLibrary =
                    app.Meta.TryGetValue(Module.NoStandardLibraryKey, out noStdLibEntry) && noStdLibEntry.Switch,
                Path = reportedPath

                app.Meta[Module.ReferencesKey].List.Where(entry => !entry.Equals(new MetaEntry("")))
            _trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Preflight parsing of {0} finished.", refSpec);
            return result;