Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Write(ProductHints productHints, string filePath)
            string xmlString = ToString(productHints);

            if (xmlString != null)
                // write to file
                var xmlBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlString);
                BinaryFile.ByteArrayToFile(filePath, xmlBytes);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ProductHints ReadFromString(string objectData)
            ProductHints productHints = null;

            // read xml into model
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductHints));

            using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(objectData))
                productHints = (ProductHints)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static ProductHints Read(string filePath)
            ProductHints productHints = null;

            // read xml into model
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductHints));

            using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(filePath))
                productHints = (ProductHints)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static string ToString(ProductHints productHints)
            if (productHints == null)

            // write to xml file
            var serializer             = new XmlSerializer(productHints.GetType());
            XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            ns.Add("", ""); // don't add xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

            StringBuilder            sb           = new StringBuilder();
            StringWriterWithEncoding stringWriter = new StringWriterWithEncoding(sb, Encoding.UTF8);
            XmlWriterSettings        settings     = new XmlWriterSettings
                OmitXmlDeclaration = true, // when using false, the xml declaration and encoding is added (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)
                Indent             = true,
                IndentChars        = "  ",
                NewLineChars       = "\n",
                NewLineHandling    = NewLineHandling.Replace

            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings))
                // writer.WriteStartDocument(false); // when using OmitXmlDeclaration = false, add the standalone="no" property to the xml declaration

                // write custom xml declaration to duplicate the original xml format
                writer.WriteRaw("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\r\n");

                serializer.Serialize(writer, productHints, ns);

            // add an extra \n at the end (0A)

            // ugly way to remove whitespace in self closing tags when writing xml document
            sb.Replace(" />", "/>");

            string xmlString = sb.ToString();

            // ugly way to add an extra newline after <ProductHints spec="1.0.16"> and before </ProductHints>
            xmlString = Regex.Replace(xmlString, @"(\<ProductHints.*?\>\n)", "$1\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            xmlString = Regex.Replace(xmlString, @"(\n\</ProductHints\>)", "\n$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the ImageBytes byte array in the ProductHints object using the stored Image and Imageformat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productHints">product hints object</param>
        public static void UpdateImageBytesFromImage(ProductHints productHints)
            if (productHints != null)
                var image       = productHints.Product.Icon.Image;
                var imageFormat = productHints.Product.Icon.ImageFormat;
                if (image != null && imageFormat != null)
                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                        image.Save(ms, imageFormat);

                        // store image bytes
                        productHints.Product.Icon.ImageBytes = ms.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Image and Imageformat in the ProductHints object using the stored ImageBytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productHints">product hints object</param>
        public static void UpdateImageFromImageBytes(ProductHints productHints)
            if (productHints != null)
                var imageBytes = productHints.Product.Icon.ImageBytes;
                if (imageBytes != null)
                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes))
                        IImageFormat imageFormat = null;
                        var          image       = Image.Load(ms, out imageFormat);

                        // store format
                        productHints.Product.Icon.ImageFormat = imageFormat;

                        // store image
                        productHints.Product.Icon.Image = image;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Pack(string inputDirectoryPath, string outputDirectoryPath, bool doList, bool doVerbose)
            Log.Information("Packing directory {0} ...", inputDirectoryPath);

            string libraryName    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputDirectoryPath);
            string outputFileName = libraryName + ".nicnt";
            string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDirectoryPath, outputFileName);

            Log.Information("Packing into file {0} ...", outputFilePath);

            // read the ContentVersion.txt file
            string contentVersionPath = Path.Combine(inputDirectoryPath, "ContentVersion.txt");
            string version            = "1.0";

            if (File.Exists(contentVersionPath))
                version = IOUtils.ReadTextFromFile(contentVersionPath);
                if (doVerbose)
                    Log.Debug("Read version: '" + version + "' from ContentVersion.txt");
                Log.Information("No ContentVersion.txt file found - using default version: '" + version + "'");

            // read the [LibraryName].xml file (should have the same name as the input directory)
            string       productHintsXmlFileName = libraryName + ".xml";
            string       productHintsXmlFilePath = Path.Combine(inputDirectoryPath, productHintsXmlFileName);
            string       productHintsXml         = "";
            ProductHints productHints            = null;

            if (File.Exists(productHintsXmlFilePath))
                productHintsXml = IOUtils.ReadTextFromFile(productHintsXmlFilePath);
                Log.Information(string.Format("Found ProductHints Xml with length {0} characters.", productHintsXml.Length));
                if (doVerbose)
                    Log.Debug("ProductHints Xml:\n" + productHintsXml);

                // get the product hints as an object
                productHints = ProductHintsFactory.ReadFromString(productHintsXml);

                // get the productHints as string
                productHintsXml = ProductHintsFactory.ToString(productHints);

                // test output
                // var xmlBytesTest = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(productHintsXml);
                // BinaryFile.ByteArrayToFile(Path.Combine(inputDirectoryPath, libraryName + "-test.xml"), xmlBytesTest);

                // check that the directory name is the same as the Name and RegKey in the xml file
                if (productHints.Product.Name != productHints.Product.RegKey || libraryName != productHints.Product.Name)
                    Log.Error(string.Format("Fixing '{0}' due to incorrect values! (Library-Name: '{1}', Xml-Name: '{2}', Xml-RegKey: '{3}')", productHintsXmlFileName, libraryName, productHints.Product.Name, productHints.Product.RegKey));

                    // change into the library name
                    productHints.Product.Name   = libraryName;
                    productHints.Product.RegKey = libraryName;

                    // update the productHints as string
                    productHintsXml = ProductHintsFactory.ToString(productHints);

                    // and overwrite
                    var xmlBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(productHintsXml);
                    BinaryFile.ByteArrayToFile(productHintsXmlFilePath, xmlBytes);
                Log.Error("Mandatory ProductHints XML file not found at: " + productHintsXmlFilePath);

            // read the files in the resources directory
            var    resourceList           = new List <NICNTResource>();
            string resourcesDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(inputDirectoryPath, "Resources");

            if (Directory.Exists(resourcesDirectoryPath))
                var resourcesFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(resourcesDirectoryPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                int counter            = 1;
                foreach (var filePath in resourcesFilePaths)
                    var res = new NICNTResource();

                    string name = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

                    // remove the counter in front
                    string escapedFileNameWithNumber = Regex.Replace(name, @"^\d{3}(.*?)$", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                    // convert the windows supported unix filename to the original unix filename
                    string unescapedFileName = ToUnixFileName(escapedFileNameWithNumber);
                    res.Name = unescapedFileName;

                    var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
                    res.Data   = bytes;
                    res.Length = bytes.Length;

                    res.Count = counter;


                if (resourceList.Count > 0)
                    if (doVerbose)
                        Log.Debug("Added " + resourceList.Count + " files found in the Resources directory.");
                    if (doVerbose)
                        Log.Information("No files in the Resource directory found!");
                if (doVerbose)
                    Log.Information("No Resources directory found!");

            // check for mandatory .db.cache
            if (!resourceList.Any(m => m.Name.ToLower() == ".db.cache"))
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                // Adding the XmlDeclaration (version encoding and standalone) is not necessary as it is added using the XmlWriterSettings
                // XmlNode docNode = xml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "no");
                // xml.AppendChild(docNode);
                XmlElement root = xml.CreateElement("soundinfos");
                root.SetAttribute("version", "110");

                XmlElement all = xml.CreateElement("all");

                // format the xml string
                string xmlString = BeautifyXml(xml);

                var res = new NICNTResource();
                res.Name = ".db.cache";
                var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlString);
                res.Data   = bytes;
                res.Length = bytes.Length;
                // res.EndIndex is calculated during the write resource operation later
                res.Count = resourceList.Count + 1;

                if (doVerbose)
                    Log.Information("No .db.cache found - using default .db.cache:\n" + xml.OuterXml);

            using (BinaryFile bf = new BinaryFile(outputFilePath, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian, true))
                bf.Write(NKS_NICNT_MTD);                             // 2F 5C 20 4E 49 20 46 43 20 4D 54 44 20 20 2F 5C   /\ NI FC MTD  /\ 
                bf.Write(new byte[50]);                              // 50 zero bytes

                bf.WriteStringPadded(version, 66, Encoding.Unicode); // zero padded string

                Int32 unknown1 = 1;

                bf.Write(new byte[8]); // 8 zero bytes

                Int32 startOffset = 512000;

                Int32 unknown3 = startOffset;

                bf.Write(new byte[104]); // 104 zero bytes


                bf.Write(new byte[startOffset + 256 - bf.Position]); // 512000 + 256 zero bytes - current pos

                bf.Write(NKS_NICNT_MTD);                             // 2F 5C 20 4E 49 20 46 43 20 4D 54 44 20 20 2F 5C   /\ NI FC MTD  /\ 
                bf.Write(new byte[116]);                             // 116 zero bytes

                Int64 unknown4 = 2;

                bf.Write(new byte[4]); // 4 zero bytes

                Int64 unknown5 = 1;

                bf.Write(new byte[104]); // 104 zero bytes

                Int64 unknown6 = 1;

                // write delimiter

                Int64 totalResourceCount = resourceList.Count;

                Int64 totalResourceLength = resourceList.Sum(item => item.Length); // sum of bytes in the resourceList

                bf.Write(NKS_NICNT_TOC); // 2F 5C 20 4E 49 20 46 43 20 54 4F 43 20 20 2F 5C  /\ NI FC TOC  /\

                bf.Write(new byte[600]); // 600 zero bytes

                Int64 resCounter   = 1;
                Int64 lastEndIndex = 0;
                foreach (var res in resourceList)

                    bf.Write(new byte[16]);                                // 16 zero bytes

                    bf.WriteStringPadded(res.Name, 600, Encoding.Unicode); // zero padded string

                    Int64 resUnknown = 0;

                    Int64 resEndIndex = lastEndIndex + res.Length; // aggregated end index

                    lastEndIndex = resEndIndex;

                // write delimiter

                Int64 unknown13 = 0;

                Int64 unknown14 = 0;

                bf.Write(NKS_NICNT_TOC); // 2F 5C 20 4E 49 20 46 43 20 54 4F 43 20 20 2F 5C  /\ NI FC TOC  /\

                bf.Write(new byte[592]); // 592 zero bytes

                foreach (var res in resourceList)
                    Log.Information(String.Format("Resource '{0}' @ position {1} [{2} bytes]", res.Name, bf.Position, res.Length));