Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// RootMove::extract_pv_from_tt() builds a PV by adding moves from the TT table.
        /// We consider also failing high nodes and not only BOUND_EXACT nodes so to
        /// allow to always have a ponder move even when we fail high at root, and a
        /// long PV to print that is important for position analysis.
        internal void extract_pv_from_tt(Position pos)
            StateInfoArray sia = StateInfoArrayBroker.GetObject();

            int stPos = 0;
            TTEntry tte;
            int ply = 1;
            Move m = pv[0];

            Debug.Assert(m != MoveC.MOVE_NONE && pos.is_pseudo_legal(m));

            pos.do_move(m, sia.state[stPos++]);

            UInt32 ttePos = 0;

            while (TT.probe(pos.key(), ref ttePos, out tte)
               && (m = tte.move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE // Local copy, TT entry could change
               && pos.is_pseudo_legal(m)
               && pos.pl_move_is_legal(m, pos.pinned_pieces())
               && ply < Constants.MAX_PLY
               && (!pos.is_draw(false) || ply < 2))
                pos.do_move(m, sia.state[stPos++]);

            do pos.undo_move(pv[--ply]); while (ply != 0);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // insert_pv_in_tt() is called at the end of a search iteration, and inserts
        // the PV back into the TT. This makes sure the old PV moves are searched
        // first, even if the old TT entries have been overwritten.
        internal void insert_pv_in_tt(Position pos)
            StateInfoArray sia = StateInfoArrayBroker.GetObject();

            int stPos = 0;
            TTEntry tte;
            bool tteHasValue;
            Key k;
            Value v, m = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
            int ply = 0;
            UInt32 ttePos = 0;

            Debug.Assert(pv[ply] != MoveC.MOVE_NONE && pos.is_pseudo_legal(pv[ply]));

                k = pos.key();
                tteHasValue = TT.probe(k, ref ttePos, out tte);

                // Don't overwrite existing correct entries
                if ((!tteHasValue) || tte.move() != pv[ply])
                    v = (pos.in_check() ? ValueC.VALUE_NONE : Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref m));
                    TT.store(k, ValueC.VALUE_NONE, Bound.BOUND_NONE, DepthC.DEPTH_NONE, pv[ply], v, m);
                pos.do_move(pv[ply], sia.state[stPos++]);
            } while (pv[++ply] != MoveC.MOVE_NONE);

            do pos.undo_move(pv[--ply]); while (ply != 0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, History h, PieceType pt)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            curMovePos = 0;
            lastMovePos = 0;


            depth = 0;
            ttMove = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0; lastBadCapturePos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            phase = SequencerC.PROBCUT;

            // In ProbCut we generate only captures better than parent's captured piece
            captureThreshold = Position.PieceValueMidgame[pt];
            ttMove = ((ttm != 0) && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);

            if ((ttMove != 0) && (!pos.is_capture(ttMove) || pos.see(ttMove, false) <= captureThreshold))
                ttMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, Depth d, History h,
                               Square sq)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            curMovePos = 0;
            lastMovePos = 0;

            Debug.Assert(d <= DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            depth = 0;
            recaptureSquare = 0;
            captureThreshold = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0; lastBadCapturePos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            if (p.in_check())
                phase = SequencerC.EVASION;

            else if (d > DepthC.DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS)
                phase = SequencerC.QSEARCH_0;

            else if (d > DepthC.DEPTH_QS_RECAPTURES)
                phase = SequencerC.QSEARCH_1;

                // Skip TT move if is not a capture or a promotion, this avoids qsearch
                // tree explosion due to a possible perpetual check or similar rare cases
                // when TT table is full.
                if ((ttm != 0) && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(ttm))
                    ttm = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                phase = SequencerC.RECAPTURE;
                recaptureSquare = sq;
                ttm = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            ttMove = ((ttm != 0) && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// Constructors of the MovePicker class. As arguments we pass information
        /// to help it to return the presumably good moves first, to decide which
        /// moves to return (in the quiescence search, for instance, we only want to
        /// search captures, promotions and some checks) and about how important good
        /// move ordering is at the current node.
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, Depth d, History h,
                       Stack ss, Value beta, MovePicker mpExt)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            depth = d;
            mpExternal = mpExt;

            Debug.Assert(d > DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            captureThreshold = 0;
            curMovePos = lastMovePos = 0;
            lastBadCapturePos = Constants.MAX_MOVES - 1;

            recaptureSquare = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            if (p.in_check())
                phase = SequencerC.EVASION;
                phase = SequencerC.MAIN_SEARCH;

                ms[Constants.MAX_MOVES].move = ss.killers0;
                ms[Constants.MAX_MOVES + 1].move = ss.killers1;

                // Consider sligtly negative captures as good if at low depth and far from beta
                if (ss.eval < beta - Constants.PawnValueMidgame && d < 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                    captureThreshold = -Constants.PawnValueMidgame;

                // Consider negative captures as good if still enough to reach beta
                else if (ss.eval > beta)
                    captureThreshold = beta - ss.eval;

            ttMove = (ttm != 0 && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// RootMove::extract_pv_from_tt() builds a PV by adding moves from the TT table.
        /// We consider also failing high nodes and not only BOUND_EXACT nodes so to
        /// allow to always have a ponder move even when we fail high at root, and a
        /// long PV to print that is important for position analysis.
        internal void extract_pv_from_tt(Position pos)
            var sia = StateInfoArrayBroker.GetObject();

            var stPos = 0;
            TTEntry tte;
            bool tteHasValue;
            var ply = 0;
            var m = this.pv[0];

            uint ttePos = 0;

                pos.do_move(pv[ply++], sia.state[stPos++]);
                tteHasValue = TT.probe(pos.key(), ref ttePos, out tte);
            } while (tteHasValue
                    && pos.is_pseudo_legal(m = tte.move()) // Local copy, TT could change
                    && pos.pl_move_is_legal(m, pos.pinned_pieces())
                    && ply < Constants.MAX_PLY
                    && (!pos.is_draw(false) || ply < 2));
            this.pv.Add(MoveC.MOVE_NONE); // Must be zero-terminating

            while (ply != 0)
