Ejemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe PaNonInterleavedBuffer(IntPtr pointer, int channels, int frames) : base(pointer, channels, frames)
            channelBuffers = new PaBuffer <T> [Channels];
            IntPtr *ptr = (IntPtr *)Pointer.ToPointer();

            for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < Channels; channelIndex++)
                channelBuffers[channelIndex] = new PaBuffer <T>(ptr[channelIndex], channels, frames);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public PaNonInterleavedBuffer(int channels, int frames) :
     base(channels * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)), channels, frames)
     channelBuffers = new PaBuffer <T> [Channels];
         IntPtr *ptr = (IntPtr *)Pointer.ToPointer();
         for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < Channels; channelIndex++)
             var channelBuffer = new PaBuffer <T>(1, Frames);
             channelBuffers[channelIndex] = channelBuffer;
             ptr[channelIndex]            = channelBuffer.Pointer;
 private void WriteStreamPrivate(PaBuffer buffer, bool isUnsafe = false, bool isNonInterleaved = false)
     if (numOutputChannels == 0)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot write to a stream with no output channels.");
     if (numOutputChannels != buffer.Channels)
         throw new ArgumentException(
                   $"Expected buffer with {numOutputChannels} channels but got {buffer.Channels}.",
     if (!isUnsafe)
         var expectedType = SampleFormatToType(outputSampleFormat);
         if (expectedType == typeof(PaBuffer))
             throw new InvalidOperationException(
                       "To ensure memory safety, this overload of WriteStream is not supported for streams with " +
                       "custom sample formats. Use WriteStream(PaBuffer) instead.");
         var formatNonInterleaved = (outputSampleFormat & PaSampleFormat.paNonInterleaved) != 0;
         if (isNonInterleaved && !formatNonInterleaved)
             throw new InvalidOperationException(
                       "Only streams with non-interleaved sample formats support this overload of WriteStream, " +
                       "Use WriteStream(PaBuffer<T>) instead.");
         if (!isNonInterleaved && formatNonInterleaved)
             throw new InvalidOperationException(
                       "Only streams with interleaved sample formats suppoort this overload of WriteStream. " +
                       "Use WriteStream(PaNonInterleavedBuffer<T>) instead.");
         if (expectedType != buffer.GetType())
             throw new ArgumentException(
                       $"Expected a buffer of type {expectedType} for the sample format, but got {buffer.GetType()}.",
     PaBindings.Pa_ReadStream(stream, buffer.Pointer, (unsigned_long_t)buffer.Frames);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public PaNonInterleavedBuffer(T[][] array, int channels, int frames) :
     base(channels * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)), channels, frames)
         if (array.Length != channels)
             throw new ArgumentException(
                       "The length of the jagged array is expected to match the number of channels, " +
                       "i.e. array.Length == channels.",
         for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < Channels; channelIndex++)
             if (array[channelIndex].Length != frames)
                 throw new ArgumentException(
                           "The length of each array in the jagged array is expected to match the number of frames, " +
                           "i.e. array[channel].Length == frames, for all channel = 1 ... channel = Channels - 1.",
         // unfortunately the base constructor will already have allocated memory, which must be freed
     channelBuffers = new PaBuffer <T> [Channels];
         IntPtr *ptr = (IntPtr *)Pointer.ToPointer();
         for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < Channels; channelIndex++)
             var channelBuffer = new PaBuffer <T>(array[channelIndex], 1, frames);
             channelBuffers[channelIndex] = channelBuffer;
             ptr[channelIndex]            = channelBuffer.Pointer;
 public void WriteStream <T>(PaBuffer <T> buffer) where T : unmanaged =>
 public unsafe void WriteStream(PaBuffer buffer) =>
 WriteStreamPrivate(buffer, isUnsafe: true);
 public void ReadStream <T>(PaBuffer <T> buffer) where T : unmanaged =>
 public unsafe void ReadStream(PaBuffer buffer) =>
 ReadStreamPrivate(buffer, isUnsafe: true);