Ejemplo n.º 1
 // if it qualifies, this will re-arrange the cards in the hand in the order that
 // the cards should be compared in the case of a tie
 void CheckIfQualifies(HandWrapper handWrapper)
     // if all suits match (or if it's wild)
     if (handWrapper.WorkingCards.All(x => x.Suit == handWrapper.WorkingCards.First().Suit || x.Suit == Card.Suits.Wild))
         handWrapper.WinningCards = handWrapper.WorkingCards;
         handWrapper.Result = Ranker.CompareResult.Win;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // if it qualifies, this will re-arrange the cards in the hand in the order that
        // the cards should be compared in the case of a tie
        void CheckIfQualifies(HandWrapper handWrapper)
            // sort non-joker cards low-to-high, and count joker cards
            List <Card> nonJokerCards = handWrapper.WorkingCards.Where(x => x.Number != Card.Numbers.Joker).ToList();

            int numJokers = handWrapper.WorkingCards.Count(x => x.Number == Card.Numbers.Joker);

            for (int i = 0; i < nonJokerCards.Count - 1; i++)
                Card c1 = nonJokerCards[i];
                Card c2 = nonJokerCards[i + 1];

                // get value difference between two cards
                int valueDifference = (int)c2.Number - (int)c1.Number;

                // if there's duplicate values, fail
                if (valueDifference == 0)
                    handWrapper.Result = Ranker.CompareResult.Lose;

                // see if hand has joker(s) to fill the gap by adding jacks until it runs out
                int posToInsertJack = 1;
                while (valueDifference > 1 && numJokers >= valueDifference - 1)

                    // insert a card of the correct value where the joker is being used (suit doesn't matter)
                    nonJokerCards.Insert(i + posToInsertJack,
                                         new Card((Card.Numbers)((int)nonJokerCards[i].Number + posToInsertJack), Card.Suits.Club));


                // if the difference between cards is still larger than 1, fail
                if (valueDifference > 1)
                    handWrapper.Result = Ranker.CompareResult.Lose;

            handWrapper.WinningCards   = handWrapper.WorkingCards;
            handWrapper.RemainingCards = nonJokerCards;    // put resolved cards (jokers replaced with numbers) into remaining cards list to be used for tie breaking
            handWrapper.Result         = Ranker.CompareResult.Win;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // if it qualifies, this will set the hand's "Result" to "Win", and will also
        // re-arrange the cards in the hand in the order that the cards should be compared in the case of a tie
        void CheckIfQualifies(HandWrapper handWrapper, int numRequirement)
            // first, check special case for all jokers (succeed)
            if (handWrapper.WorkingCards.All(x => x.Number == Card.Numbers.Joker))
                handWrapper.Result         = Ranker.CompareResult.Win;
                handWrapper.WinningCards   = handWrapper.WorkingCards;
                handWrapper.RemainingCards = new List <Card>();

            // sort highest first

            foreach (var card in handWrapper.WorkingCards)
                // don't start with a joker
                // (or else everything will say it's equivalent and you'll get a false-positive)
                if (card.Number == Card.Numbers.Joker)

                // if there's a match of the required number of cards
                List <Card> qualifyingCards = handWrapper.WorkingCards.Where(x => x == card).ToList();
                if (qualifyingCards.Count() >= numRequirement)
                    handWrapper.Result = Ranker.CompareResult.Win;
                    // organize qualifying hand to check for tie later
                    handWrapper.WinningCards   = qualifyingCards;
                    handWrapper.RemainingCards = handWrapper.WorkingCards.Where(x => x != card).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <Hand> Compare(List <Hand> handsToCompare)
            Logger.Log($"Entering criteria check for {WinName} with {handsToCompare.Count} hands.");

            // create the hand wrappers from the given hands
            List <HandWrapper> handWrappers = new List <HandWrapper>();

            handsToCompare.ForEach(x => handWrappers.Add(new HandWrapper(x)));

            // first check to see if each hand passes the match criteria
            for (int i = 0; i < handWrappers.Count; i++)
                handWrappers[i].Result = Ranker.CompareResult.None;
                CheckIfQualifies(handWrappers[i], numberRequirement);

            // next check if any met criteria
            handWrappers.RemoveAll(x => x.Result != Ranker.CompareResult.Win);
            if (!handWrappers.Any())       // if there are no winners, return null
                Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with no winner.");
            else if (numberRequirementSecond > 0)   // if needs to look for a 2nd match in remaining cards...
                Logger.Log($"Checking for secondary match of {numberRequirementSecond} cards.");

                // copy remaining cards from the already winning hands to a new temporary working card list
                List <HandWrapper> localCopyOfHands = new List <HandWrapper>();
                foreach (var winningHand in handWrappers)
                    localCopyOfHands.Add(new HandWrapper(new Hand(winningHand.Hand.Name, winningHand.RemainingCards)));

                // check to see if each one qualifies for the 2nd match
                for (int i = 0; i < localCopyOfHands.Count; i++)
                    CheckIfQualifies(localCopyOfHands[i], numberRequirementSecond);

                // remove any that didn't meet criteria
                localCopyOfHands.RemoveAll(x => x.Result != Ranker.CompareResult.Win);

                if (!localCopyOfHands.Any())
                    Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with no winner.");

                // remove any winningHandWrappers that don't have a matching localCopyOfHands
                handWrappers.RemoveAll(x => !localCopyOfHands.Any(y => y.Hand.Name == x.Hand.Name));

                // for each of the hands with a primary match
                foreach (var winningHandWrapper in handWrappers)
                    HandWrapper secondaryHandWrapper = localCopyOfHands.Single(x => x.Hand.Name == winningHandWrapper.Hand.Name);

                    // put in its respective winning/remaining lists to be compared as a final tie-breaker
                    winningHandWrapper.WinningCards   = winningHandWrapper.WinningCards.Where(x => x.Number != Card.Numbers.Joker).ToList();
                    winningHandWrapper.RemainingCards = secondaryHandWrapper.WinningCards;
            else if (handWrappers.Count() == 1)  //  or if there's a single winner, return results
                Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with a winner (immediately).");
                return(handWrappers.Select(x => x.Hand).ToList());

            // try to break the tie with best winning cards
            List <HandWrapper> winningTiedHandWrappers = DetermineHighestWinners(handWrappers);

            if (winningTiedHandWrappers.Count == 1)
                Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with a winner (tie breaker with higher match).");
                return(winningTiedHandWrappers.Select(x => x.Hand).ToList());

            // break the tie with remaining cards
            List <HandWrapper> winningRemainingTiedHandWrappers = WinCriteriaHelpers.FindHighestHandByRemainingCards(winningTiedHandWrappers);

            if (winningRemainingTiedHandWrappers.Count > 0)
                Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with winner(s) (tie breaker with higher kickers).");
                return(winningRemainingTiedHandWrappers.Select(x => x.Hand).ToList());

            Logger.Log($"Exiting criteria check for {WinName} with no winner.");