Inheritance: Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase, IConvertibleXml
Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static string GetIcon(Highlight hl, string value)
     return string.Format("{0}_{1}.png", hl.SelectionCriteria, value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static Color GetHighlightColor(Highlight hl, double value)
     if (hl.Palette == null) return Colors.Black;
     //if (hl.TempBrush == null) hl.TempBrush = hl.Palette.GetBrush(); 
     var linbrush = hl.Palette.GetBrush();
     var p = (value - hl.MinValue) / (hl.MaxValue - hl.MinValue);
     var c = ColorHelper.GetColorAtPoint(linbrush, new Point(p, 0.0));
     return c;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static double GetOpacity(Highlight hl, double value)
         var p = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(0.9, (value - hl.MinValue) / (hl.MaxValue - hl.MinValue)));
         return p;
     catch (Exception)
         return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static double GetSymbolSize(Highlight hl, double value)
         var p = Math.Max(0.4, 0.4 + Math.Min(1.0, (value - hl.MinValue) / (hl.MaxValue - hl.MinValue)));
         var r = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1.0, p * 1000.0));
         return r;
     catch (Exception)
         return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private static double GetStrokeWidth(Highlight hl, double value)
         var p = Math.Max(0.1, 0.1 + Math.Min(1.0, (value - hl.MinValue) / (hl.MaxValue - hl.MinValue)));
         var r = Math.Max(1.0, p * 10.0);
         return r;
     catch (Exception)
         return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static Color GetStringHighlightColor(Highlight hl, string value)
     if (hl.Palette == null) return Colors.Black;
     var linbrush = hl.Palette.GetBrush();
     var hist = Histogram.IndexOf(k => k.Key.ToString() == value);
     var count = linbrush.GradientStops.Count > 9 ? linbrush.GradientStops.Count/2 : linbrush.GradientStops.Count;
     var p = (double) (hist)/count + .1/count;
     var c = ColorHelper.GetColorAtPoint(linbrush, new Point(p, 0.0));
     return c;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Highlight AddFilter(string title, string label, string stringvalue = "", double numbervalue = 0)
            var mi = MetaInfo.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Label == label);
            if (mi == null) return null;
            var hl = new Highlight
                Title = title,
                HighlighterType = HighlighterTypes.FilterThreshold,
                StringValue = stringvalue,
                ThresholdType = ThresholdTypes.Equal,
                PoiType = ContentId,
                SelectionCriteria = label,
                SelectionType = (mi.Type == MetaTypes.sensor) ? SelectionTypes.Sensor : SelectionTypes.Label,
            switch (mi.Type)
                case MetaTypes.text:
                    hl.ValueType = ValueTypes.String;
                case MetaTypes.number:
                    hl.ValueType = ValueTypes.Number;
                    hl.ThresHoldValue = numbervalue;
                    hl.ThresholdType = ThresholdTypes.Greater;

            //var pt = ((PoiService) service).PoITypes.FirstOrDefault(k => k.ContentId == PoiTypeId);

            return hl;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a highlighter.
        /// Note that you still need to add it to the Style.Analysis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        /// <param name="stringvalue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Highlight AddHighlighter(string title, string label, string stringvalue = "")
            var mi = MetaInfo.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Label == label);
            if (mi == null) return null;
            var hl = new Highlight
                Title = title,
                HighlighterType = HighlighterTypes.Highlight,
                PoiType = PoiTypeId,
                SelectionCriteria = label,
                SelectionType = (mi.Type == MetaTypes.sensor) ? SelectionTypes.Sensor : SelectionTypes.Label,

            return hl;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void FromXml(XElement res, string directoryName, bool catchException) {
            try {
                Folder                                     = directoryName;
                BaseStyle                                  = res.GetString("BaseStyle");
                FillColor                                  = res.GetNullColor("FillColor");
                StrokeColor                                = res.GetNullColor("StrokeColor");
                var dm                                     = res.GetString("DrawingMode");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dm)) DrawingMode = (DrawingModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (DrawingModes), dm);
                strokeWidth                                = res.GetNullDouble("StrokeWidth");
                IconWidth                                  = res.GetNullDouble("IconWidth");
                IconHeight                                 = res.GetNullDouble("IconHeight");
                Icon                                       = res.GetString("IconUri");
                Category                                   = res.GetString("Category");
                CallOutFillColor                           = res.GetNullColor("CallOutFillColor");
                CallOutForeground                          = res.GetNullColor("CallOutForeground");
                var tm                                     = res.GetString("TapMode");
                if (tm!=null) TapMode                      = (TapMode) Enum.Parse(typeof (TapMode), tm);
                var ttm                                    = res.GetString("TitleMode");
                if (ttm != null) TitleMode                 = (TitleModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (TitleModes), ttm);
                MinResolution                              = res.GetNullDouble("MinResolution");
                MaxResolution                              = res.GetNullDouble("MaxResolution");
                NameLabel                                  = res.GetString("NameLabel");
                AutoCallOutLabels                          = res.GetNullBool("AutoCallOutLabels");
                StrokeOpacity                              = res.GetNullDouble("StrokeOpacity");
                FillOpacity                                = res.GetNullDouble("FillOpacity");
                Visible                                    = res.GetNullBool("Visible");
                Name                                       = res.GetString("Name");
                CanRotate                                  = res.GetNullBool("CanRotate");
                CanMove                                    = res.GetNullBool("CanMove");
                CanEdit                                    = res.GetNullBool("CanEdit");
                CanDelete                                  = res.GetNullBool("CanDelete");
                CallOutTimeOut                             = res.GetNullInt("CallOutTimeOut");
                ShowOnTimeline                             = res.GetString("ShowOnTimeline");
                MaxTitleResolution                         = res.GetNullDouble("MaxTitleResolution");
                CallOutMaxWidth                            = res.GetNullDouble("CallOutMaxWidth");
                CallOutMinHeight                           = res.GetNullDouble("CallOutMinHeight");
                InnerTextLabel                             = res.GetString("InnerTextLabel");
                InnerTextColor                             = res.GetNullColor("InnerTextColor");
                Cluster                                    = res.GetBool("Cluster");
                ScalePoi                                   = res.GetNullBool("ScalePoi");
                ScaleStartResolution                       = res.GetNullDouble("ScaleStartResolution");
                ScaleUnits                                 = res.GetNullDouble("ScaleUnits");
                MaxScale                                   = res.GetNullDouble("MaxScale");
                SubTitles = res.GetString("SubTitles");
                var am                                     = res.GetString("AddMode");
                if (am!=null) AddMode                      = (AddModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (AddModes), am);

                var coo = res.GetString("CallOutOrientation");
                if (coo!=null) CallOutOrientation = (CallOutOrientation)Enum.Parse(typeof (CallOutOrientation),coo);

                var tb =  res.GetString("TimelineBehaviour");
                if (tb != null) TimelineBehaviour = (TimelineBehaviours) Enum.Parse(typeof (TimelineBehaviours), tb);
                var ami = res.Element("AnalysisMetaInfo");
                if (ami == null) return;
                Analysis = new AnalysisMetaInfo();
                var hlx = ami.Element("Highlights");
                if (hlx == null) return;
                Analysis.Highlights = new List<Highlight>();
                foreach (var hx in hlx.Elements())
                    var h = new Highlight();
                    h.Style = this;
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (!catchException)
                    throw e;
                Logger.Log("Poi Parser", "Error parsing style", e.Message, Logger.Level.Warning);