Ejemplo n.º 1
        private XElement GetRelatedLinksElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var relatedLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "relatedLinks");

            cmdletInfo.RelatedLinks.Insert(0, new CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute {
                Text = "SharePoint Developer Patterns and Practices", Url = "http://aka.ms/sppnp"

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.OutputTypeLink))
                cmdletInfo.RelatedLinks.Insert(1, new CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute {
                    Text = "Output type documentation", Url = cmdletInfo.OutputTypeLink

            foreach (var link in cmdletInfo.RelatedLinks)
                var navigationLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "navigationLink");
                var linkText = new XElement(maml + "linkText")
                    Value = link.Text + ":"
                var uriElement = new XElement(maml + "uri")
                    Value = link.Url

Ejemplo n.º 2
 private XElement GetInputTypesElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
     return(new XElement(command + "inputTypes",
                         new XElement(command + "inputType",
                                      new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                   new XElement(maml + "name", ""),
                                                   new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                   new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                new XElement(maml + "para", ""))))));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private XElement GetReturnValuesElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var outputType            = "";
            var outputTypeDescription = "";

            if (cmdletInfo.OutputType != null)
                if (cmdletInfo.OutputType.IsGenericType)
                    if (cmdletInfo.OutputType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>) || cmdletInfo.OutputType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable <>))
                        if (cmdletInfo.OutputType.GenericTypeArguments.Any())
                            outputType = $"List<{cmdletInfo.OutputType.GenericTypeArguments[0].FullName}>";
                            outputType = cmdletInfo.OutputType.FullName;
                    else if (cmdletInfo.OutputType.FullName == "GenericObjectNameIdPipeBind`1" || cmdletInfo.OutputType.FullName == "TaxonomyItemPipeBind`1")
                        outputType = cmdletInfo.OutputType.GenericTypeArguments[0].FullName;
                        outputType = cmdletInfo.OutputType.FullName;
                    outputType = cmdletInfo.OutputType.FullName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.OutputTypeDescription))
                outputTypeDescription = cmdletInfo.OutputTypeDescription;
            return(new XElement(command + "returnValues",
                                new XElement(command + "returnValue",
                                             new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                          new XElement(maml + "name", outputType),
                                                          new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                          new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                       new XElement(maml + "para", outputTypeDescription))))));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private XElement GetSyntaxElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var syntaxElement = new XElement(command + "syntax");

            foreach (var syntaxItem in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.OrderBy(s => s.Parameters.Count(p => p.Required)))
                var syntaxItemElement = new XElement(command + "syntaxItem");
                syntaxItemElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", $"{cmdletInfo.Verb}-{cmdletInfo.Noun}"));
                foreach (var parameter in syntaxItem.Parameters.Distinct(new ParameterComparer()).OrderBy(p => p.Order).ThenBy(p => !p.Required).ThenBy(p => p.Position))
                    var parameterElement = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required), new XAttribute("position", parameter.Position > 0 ? parameter.Position.ToString() : "named"));
                    parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Name));

                    parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", parameter.Description)));
                    parameterElement.Add(new XElement(command + "parameterValue", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Type != "SwitchParameter"), parameter.Type));

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private XElement GetExamplesElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var examplesElement = new XElement(command + "examples");
            var exampleCount    = 1;

            foreach (var exampleAttr in cmdletInfo.Examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                var example = new XElement(command + "example");
                var title   = $"------------------EXAMPLE {exampleCount}---------------------";
                example.Add(new XElement(maml + "title", title));
                example.Add(new XElement(maml + "introduction", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Introduction)));
                example.Add(new XElement(dev + "code", exampleAttr.Code));
                var remarksElement = new XElement(maml + "remarks", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Remarks));
                remarksElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "para", ""));
                example.Add(new XElement(command + "commandLines",
                                         new XElement(command + "commandLine",
                                                      new XElement(command + "commandText"))));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private XElement GetParametersElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var parametersElement = new XElement(command + "parameters");

            foreach (var parameter in cmdletInfo.Parameters.Distinct(new ParameterComparer()).OrderBy(p => p.Order).ThenBy(p => p.Name))
                var parameterElement = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required), new XAttribute("position", parameter.Position > 0 ? parameter.Position.ToString() : "named"));
                parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Name));

                parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", parameter.Description)));
                var parameterValueElement = new XElement(command + "parameterValue", parameter.Type, new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required));

                var devElement = new XElement(dev + "type");
                devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Type));
                devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "uri"));


Ejemplo n.º 7
        private XElement GetCommandElement(Model.CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var commandElement = new XElement(command + "command", mamlNsAttr, commandNsAttr, devNsAttr);
            var detailsElement = new XElement(command + "details");


            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "name", $"{cmdletInfo.Verb}-{cmdletInfo.Noun}"));

            System.Text.StringBuilder additionalDescriptionInfo = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            // Supported platforms
            if (cmdletInfo.Platform != "All")
                additionalDescriptionInfo.AppendLine($"* Supported in: {cmdletInfo.Platform}.");

            // API Permissions
            if (cmdletInfo.ApiPermissions.Count > 0)
                additionalDescriptionInfo.AppendLine("* Required API permissions:");

                // Go through each of the API permissions on this cmdlet and build a dictionary with the API type as the key and the requested scope(s) on it as the value
                var requiredOrPermissionByApiDictionary  = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(cmdletInfo.ApiPermissions.Count);
                var requiredAndPermissionByApiDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(cmdletInfo.ApiPermissions.Count);
                foreach (var requiredApiPermission in cmdletInfo.ApiPermissions)
                    requiredOrPermissionByApiDictionary  = ParseApiPermissions("OrApiPermissions", requiredApiPermission, requiredOrPermissionByApiDictionary);
                    requiredAndPermissionByApiDictionary = ParseApiPermissions("AndApiPermissions", requiredApiPermission, requiredAndPermissionByApiDictionary);

                    //// Through reflection, get the friendly name of the API and the permission scopes. We must use reflection here as generic attribute types do not exist in C# yet. Multiple scopes are returned as a comma-space separated string.
                    //var scopePermission = requiredApiPermission.GetType().GetProperty("OrApiPermissions")?.GetValue(requiredApiPermission, null);

                    //// If we were unable to retrieve the scopes and/or api through reflection, continue with the next permission attribute
                    //if (scopePermission == null || requiredApiPermission.ApiName == null) continue;

                    //// Ensure our dictionary with APIs already has an entry for the current API being processed
                    //    // Add another entry to the dictionary for this API
                    //    requiredPermissionByApiDictionary.Add(requiredApiPermission.ApiName, new List<string>());

                    //// The returned scopes are the enum names which use an underscore instead of a dot for the scope names and are comma-space separated if multiple scopes are possible
                    //var scopes = scopePermission.ToString().Replace("_", ".").Split(',');

                    //// Go through each scope
                    //foreach (var scope in scopes)
                    //    // Remove the potential trailing space
                    //    var trimmedScope = scope.Trim();

                    //    // If the scope is not known to be required yet, add it to the dictionary with APIs and requested scopes
                    //    if (!requiredPermissionByApiDictionary[requiredApiPermission.ApiName].Contains(trimmedScope))
                    //    {
                    //        requiredPermissionByApiDictionary[requiredApiPermission.ApiName].Add(trimmedScope);
                    //    }

                // Loop through all the items in our dictionary with API types and requested scopes on the API so we can add it to the help text output
                foreach (var requiredPermissionDictionaryItem in requiredOrPermissionByApiDictionary)
                    if (requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Value.Count > 0)
                        additionalDescriptionInfo.AppendLine($"  * {requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Key}: {string.Join(" or ", requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Value.OrderBy(s => s))}");
                foreach (var requiredPermissionDictionaryItem in requiredAndPermissionByApiDictionary)
                    if (requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Value.Count > 0)
                        additionalDescriptionInfo.AppendLine($"  * {requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Key}: {string.Join(" and ", requiredPermissionDictionaryItem.Value.OrderBy(s => s))}");


            // Notice if the cmdlet is a PnPAdminCmdlet that access to the SharePoint Tenant Admin site is needed
            if (cmdletInfo.CmdletType.BaseType.Name.Equals("PnPAdminCmdlet"))
                additionalDescriptionInfo.AppendLine("* Required SharePoint permissions: Access to the SharePoint Tenant Administration site");

            // Validate if additional information should be prepended to the description
            if (additionalDescriptionInfo.Length > 0)
                // Append an empty line between the additional information and the description itself
            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", additionalDescriptionInfo.ToString() + cmdletInfo.Description)));
            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "copyright", new XElement(maml + "para", cmdletInfo.Copyright)));
            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "verb", cmdletInfo.Verb));
            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "noun", cmdletInfo.Noun));
            detailsElement.Add(new XElement(dev + "version", cmdletInfo.Version));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription))
                commandElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription)));