Ejemplo n.º 1
        //saves professor information, returning true if successful or false if there was an error
        private bool saveProfessorInfo()
            //ensure user has entered a last name (a required field)
            if (txtProfessorLName.Text.Equals(""))
                Util.displayRequiredFieldsError("Last Name");

            //begin database transaction
            Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO Professor VALUES (null, " + Util.quote(txtProfessorTitle.Text) + ", " + Util.quote(txtProfessorFName.Text)
                                    + ", " + Util.quote(txtProfessorLName.Text) + ", " + Util.quote(txtProfessorEmail.Text) + ", " + Util.quote(txtProfessorOfficeLoc.Text) + ");");

            //get the id of the value just inserted
            object profID = Database.getInsertedID();

            //insert phone hours
            for (int i = 0; i < phoneNumbers.Count; i++)
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO Phone VALUES('" + phoneNumbers[i] + "', '" + profID + "', '" + phoneTypes[i] + "');");

            //insert office hours
            for (int i = 0; i < officeHoursDays.Count; i++)
                string startTime = officeHoursStart[i].TimeOfDay.ToString();
                string endTime   = officeHoursEnd[i].TimeOfDay.ToString();
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO OfficeHour VALUES(null, '" + officeHoursDays[i][0] + "', '" + officeHoursDays[i][1] + "', '" +
                                        officeHoursDays[i][2] + "', '" + officeHoursDays[i][3] + "', '" + officeHoursDays[i][4] + "', TIME('" + startTime + "'), TIME('" +
                                        endTime + "'), '" + profID + "');");

            //commit all inserts to database

            //clear all arrays after updating database

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool saveEvent()
            //ensure user entered a title since it is a required field
            if (txtEventTitle.Text.Equals("") == true)
                Util.displayRequiredFieldsError("Event Title");

            //ensure start time is not later than end time (note this does not apply if an all day event)
            if (chkAllDayEvent.Checked == false && dtEventStartTime.Value.TimeOfDay > dtEventEndTime.Value.TimeOfDay)
                Util.displayError("Invalid Start and End Times", "Error");

            //ensure start date is not later than end date (note this does not apply if an all day event)
            if (chkAllDayEvent.Checked == false && dtEventStartDate.Value > dtEventEndDate.Value)
                Util.displayError("Invalid Start and End Dates", "Error");

            //get date in SQLite format
            string startDate = Database.getDate(dtEventStartDate.Value);
            string endDate   = Database.getDate(dtEventEndDate.Value);

            //begin transaction

            //add basic event details database
            Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO Event VALUES (null, " + Util.quote(txtEventTitle.Text) + ", " +
                                    Util.quote(txtEventDescription.Text) + ", " + Util.quote(txtLocation.Text) + ", DATETIME('" + startDate + " " + dtEventStartTime.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), DATETIME('" +
                                    endDate + " " + dtEventEndTime.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), '" + chkAllDayEvent.Checked + "', null);");

            //check if the event is a graded assignment
            if (chkGradedAssignment.Checked == true)
                //get id of recently inserted event
                object eventID = Database.getInsertedID();

                double grade      = Double.MaxValue;
                double gradeTotal = Double.MaxValue;

                //ensure an assignment name was given
                if (txtAssignmentName.Text.Equals(""))
                    Util.displayRequiredFieldsError("Assignment Name");

                //if a graded assignment, force user to select class and category
                if (cbEventClass.Text.Equals("") || cbEventType.Text.Equals(""))
                    Util.displayError("Please select a value for both the class and assignment type", "Error");

                //check that grade and total points are valid number (note that the grade can be empty)
                if ((txtEventGrade.Text.Equals("") == false && double.TryParse(txtEventGrade.Text, out grade) == false) || (txtEventGradeTotalPoints.Text.Equals("") == false && double.TryParse(txtEventGradeTotalPoints.Text, out gradeTotal) == false))
                    Util.displayError("Grade and Total Points must be valid decimal numbers", "Invalid Number");

                //ensure grade and total points are positive
                if (grade < 0 || gradeTotal < 0)
                    Util.displayError("Grade and Total Points must be positive", "Error");

                //if the grade was an empty string, we need to insert null in the database; otherwise add
                //  user specified value
                string gradeVal = "null";
                if (txtEventGrade.Text.Equals("") == false)
                    gradeVal = "'" + grade + "'";

                //if the grade total was an empty string, we need to insert null into the database
                string gradeTotalVal = "null";
                if (txtEventGradeTotalPoints.Text.Equals("") == false)
                    gradeTotalVal = "'" + gradeTotal + "'";

                //add event details to database including all grade information
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO GradedAssignment VALUES ('" + eventID + "', " + Util.quote(txtAssignmentName.Text) +
                                        ", " + gradeVal + ", " + gradeTotalVal + ", '" + classId[cbEventClass.SelectedIndex] + "', '" + cbEventType.Text + "');");

            //add event to calendar view
            newAppt               = new Appointment();
            newAppt.StartDate     = new DateTime(dtEventStartDate.Value.Year, dtEventStartDate.Value.Month, dtEventStartDate.Value.Day, dtEventStartTime.Value.Hour, dtEventStartTime.Value.Minute, 0);
            newAppt.EndDate       = new DateTime(dtEventEndDate.Value.Year, dtEventEndDate.Value.Month, dtEventEndDate.Value.Day, dtEventEndTime.Value.Hour, dtEventEndTime.Value.Minute, 0);
            newAppt.Subject       = txtEventTitle.Text;
            newAppt.Note          = txtEventDescription.Text;
            newAppt.Location      = txtLocation.Text;
            newAppt.AppointmentId = int.Parse(Database.getInsertedID().ToString()); //store unique event id in calendar appointment note
            newAppt.Color         = Color.Honeydew;
            newAppt.BorderColor   = Color.DarkBlue;
            if (chkAllDayEvent.Checked == true)
                newAppt.AllDayEvent = true;
                newAppt.EndDate     = newAppt.EndDate.AddDays(1);
                newAppt.Color       = Color.Coral;

            else if (chkGradedAssignment.Checked == true)
                newAppt.Color = AssignmentPlanner.classColors[classId[cbEventClass.SelectedIndex] % AssignmentPlanner.classColors.Length];

            if (PlannerSettings.Default.SyncEvents == true)

        //save office hours, returing true if sucessful and false if there is an error
        private bool saveOfficeHours()
            //ignore if one day is checked
            if (chkOfficeHoursMon.Checked == false && chkOfficeHoursTue.Checked == false && chkOfficeHoursWed.Checked == false &&
                chkOfficeHoursThu.Checked == false && chkOfficeHoursFri.Checked == false)

            //ensure end time is later than start time
            if (dtOfficeHoursEnd.Value.TimeOfDay > dtOfficeHoursStart.Value.TimeOfDay == false)
                Util.displayError("The end time must be later than the start time.", "Invalid Date");
                displayMessage("Error Saving Office Hour Period", Color.DarkRed);

            //check if we should insert new value into database
            if (useInsert == true || officeHoursDays.Count == 0)
                //add new value to database
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO OfficeHour VALUES(null, '" + chkOfficeHoursMon.Checked + "', '" + chkOfficeHoursTue.Checked + "', '" +
                                        chkOfficeHoursWed.Checked + "', '" + chkOfficeHoursThu.Checked + "', '" + chkOfficeHoursFri.Checked + "', TIME('" + dtOfficeHoursStart.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), TIME('" +
                                        dtOfficeHoursEnd.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), '" + currentProfId + "');");

                //get id of inserted office hour period and store in list
                object insertId = Database.getInsertedID();

                //store current information in lists
                bool[] days = { chkOfficeHoursMon.Checked, chkOfficeHoursTue.Checked, chkOfficeHoursWed.Checked, chkOfficeHoursThu.Checked, chkOfficeHoursFri.Checked };

                //reset current office hour pointer and assume next action will be an update
                currentOfficeHour = officeHoursDays.Count - 1;
                useInsert         = false;
            //otherwise, we update an existing value
                //get current start and end times
                string startTime = dtOfficeHoursStart.Value.TimeOfDay.ToString();
                string endTime   = dtOfficeHoursEnd.Value.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                //update information in database
                Database.modifyDatabase("UPDATE OfficeHour SET OnMonday = '" + chkOfficeHoursMon.Checked + "', OnTuesday = '" + chkOfficeHoursTue.Checked + "', OnWednesday = '" +
                                        chkOfficeHoursWed.Checked + "', OnThursday = '" + chkOfficeHoursThu.Checked + "', OnFriday = '" + chkOfficeHoursFri.Checked + "', StartTime = TIME('" + startTime + "'), EndTime = TIME('" +
                                        endTime + "') WHERE OfficeHoursID = '" + officeHoursId[currentOfficeHour] + "';");

                //update lists
                officeHoursDays[currentOfficeHour][0] = chkOfficeHoursMon.Checked;
                officeHoursDays[currentOfficeHour][1] = chkOfficeHoursTue.Checked;
                officeHoursDays[currentOfficeHour][2] = chkOfficeHoursWed.Checked;
                officeHoursDays[currentOfficeHour][3] = chkOfficeHoursThu.Checked;
                officeHoursDays[currentOfficeHour][4] = chkOfficeHoursFri.Checked;
                officeHoursStart[currentOfficeHour]   = dtOfficeHoursStart.Value;
                officeHoursEnd[currentOfficeHour]     = dtOfficeHoursEnd.Value;
            displayMessage("Office Hours Successfully Saved", Color.DarkGreen);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //saves the class information, returning true if successful and false if there was an error
        private bool saveClass()
            //ensure at least one day is checked
            if (txtClassName.Text.Equals("") || (chkClassMonday.Checked == false && chkClassTuesday.Checked == false) &&
                chkClassWednesday.Checked == false && chkClassThursday.Checked == false && chkClassFriday.Checked == false ||
                (chkClassFinished.Checked == true && cbFinalLetterGrade.Text.Equals("")))
                Util.displayRequiredFieldsError(new string[] { "Class Name", "Days" });

            //grade categories required if class is not finished
            if (chkClassFinished.Checked == false && categories.Count == 0)
                Util.displayRequiredFieldsError("Grade Categories");

            //ensure start and end times are legal
            if (dtClassStartTime.Value.TimeOfDay > dtClassEndTime.Value.TimeOfDay)
                Util.displayError("Invalid Start and End Times", "Error");

            //set current grade to null unless the class is finished, upon which get the entered grade
            string currentGrade = "null";

            if (chkClassFinished.Checked == true)
                //make sure user has selected a value
                if (cbFinalLetterGrade.Equals(""))
                    Util.displayError("Please select a valid letter grade for the class", "Invalid Letter Grade");
                currentGrade = "'" + cbFinalLetterGrade.Text + "'";

            //check if a semester has been selected
            string semesterIdValue = "null";

            if (cbSemester.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                semesterIdValue = "'" + semesterId[cbSemester.SelectedIndex] + "'";

            //begin database transaction
            Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO Class VALUES (null, " + Util.quote(txtClassName.Text) + ", '" + ctrCredits.Value
                                    + "', '" + chkClassMonday.Checked + "', '" + chkClassTuesday.Checked + "', '" + chkClassWednesday.Checked
                                    + "', '" + chkClassThursday.Checked + "', '" + chkClassFriday.Checked + "'," + semesterIdValue
                                    + ", TIME('" + dtClassStartTime.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), TIME('"
                                    + dtClassEndTime.Value.TimeOfDay + "'), " + Util.quote(txtClassLocation.Text) + ", null, null," + currentGrade + ");");

            //get the id of the value just inserted
            object classID = Database.getInsertedID();

            //insert into database the class professor assignment
            if (cbClassProfessor.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO ClassProfessor VALUES ('" + profId[cbClassProfessor.SelectedIndex] + "', '" + classID + "');");

            //insert grading scale
            for (int i = 0; i < gradingScale.Length; i++)
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO GradingScaleValue VALUES('" + gradeLetter[i] + "', '" + classID + "', '" + gradingScale[i] + "');");

            //add value for F
            Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO GradingScaleValue VALUES('F', '" + classID + "', '0.00');");

            //insert grade category
            for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++)
                Database.modifyDatabase("INSERT INTO GradeCategory VALUES('" + categories[i] + "', '" + classID + "', '" +
                                        percentages[i] + "', null, '" + methods[i] + "');");

            //commit all inserts to database

            //clear all arrays after updating database
