Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void writeBlueprintDirect(string filePath, Schem2Details details)
            bool isv          = Options.Get.IsSideView;
            bool isMultiLayer = Options.Get.IsMultiLayer;
            var  nbt          = new NbtCompound("Schematic");

            nbt.Add(new NbtInt("Version", 2)); // Schematic format version
            nbt.Add(new NbtInt("DataVersion", Constants.DataVersion));

                var metadata = new NbtCompound("Metadata");
                metadata.Add(new NbtString("Name", details.MetaData.Name));
                metadata.Add(new NbtString("Author", details.MetaData.Author));
                metadata.Add(new NbtString("Generator", "PixelStacker (" + Constants.Version + ")"));
                metadata.Add(new NbtString("Generator Website", Constants.Website));
                metadata.Add(new NbtList("RequiredMods", new List <NbtTag>(), NbtTagType.String));
                metadata.Add(new NbtLong("Date", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()));
                metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOriginX", 1));
                metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOriginY", 1));
                metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOriginZ", 1));

                if (details.MetaData.WEOffsetX != null)
                    metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOffsetX", details.MetaData.WEOffsetX.Value));
                    metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOffsetY", details.MetaData.WEOffsetY.Value));
                    metadata.Add(new NbtInt("WEOffsetZ", details.MetaData.WEOffsetZ.Value));


                nbt.Add(new NbtIntArray("Offset", new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
                nbt.Add(new NbtShort("Width", (short)details.WidthX));
                nbt.Add(new NbtShort("Height", (short)details.HeightY));
                nbt.Add(new NbtShort("Length", (short)details.LengthZ));

            var palette      = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            var tileEntities = new List <NbtCompound>();

            //Required.Specifies the main storage array which contains Width *Height * Length entries.Each entry is specified
            //as a varint and refers to an index within the Palette.The entries are indexed by
            //x +z * Width + y * Width * Length.
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (BinaryWriter buffer = new BinaryWriter(ms))
                    int xMax = details.WidthX;
                    int yMax = details.HeightY;
                    int zMax = details.LengthZ;

                    var r = details.RegionXYZ;
                    for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < zMax; z++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++)
                                var    mat      = r[x][y][z];
                                string blockKey = mat.GetBlockNameAndData(isv);
                                if (!palette.ContainsKey(blockKey))
                                    palette.Add(blockKey, palette.Count);

                                int blockID = palette[blockKey];

                                while ((blockID & -128) != 0)
                                    buffer.Write((byte)(blockID & 127 | 128));
                                    blockID = (int)((uint)blockID >> 7);

                // size of block palette in number of bytes needed for the maximum  palette index. Implementations may use
                // this as a hint for the case that the palette data fits within a datatype smaller than a 32 - bit integer
                // that they may allocate a smaller sized array.
                nbt.Add(new NbtInt("PaletteMax", palette.Count));
                var paletteTag  = new NbtCompound("Palette");
                var paletteList = palette.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value);
                foreach (var kvp in paletteList)
                    paletteTag.Add(new NbtInt(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));

                var blockData = ms.ToArray();
                nbt.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockData", blockData));

            nbt.Add(new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.End));

            var serverFile = new NbtFile(nbt);

            serverFile.SaveToFile(filePath, NbtCompression.GZip);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //public static Material[][][] XYZ_to_YZX(Material[][][] xyz)
        //    int xD = xyz.Length;
        //    int yD = xyz[0].Length;
        //    int zD = xyz[0][0].Length;

        //    Material[][][] yzx = new Material[yD][][];

        //    for (int y = 0; y < yD; y++)
        //    {
        //        yzx[y] = new Material[zD][];
        //        for (int z = 0; z < zD; z++)
        //        {
        //            yzx[y][z] = new Material[xD];
        //            for (int x = 0; x < xD; x++)
        //            {
        //                yzx[y][z][x] = xyz[x][y][z];
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return yzx;

        public static void writeBlueprint(string filePath, BlueprintPA blueprint)
            bool isv          = Options.Get.IsSideView;
            bool isMultiLayer = Options.Get.IsMultiLayer;

            Material[][][] region;
            var            details = new Schem2Details();

            int xD, yD, zD;

            if (isv)
                xD = blueprint.BlocksMap.GetLength(0);
                yD = blueprint.BlocksMap.GetLength(1);
                zD = isMultiLayer ? 3 : 1;

                if (blueprint.WorldEditOrigin != null)
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetX = -blueprint.WorldEditOrigin.X;
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetY = blueprint.WorldEditOrigin.Y - yD;
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetZ = -zD;
                xD = blueprint.BlocksMap.GetLength(0);
                yD = isMultiLayer ? 2 : 1;
                zD = blueprint.BlocksMap.GetLength(1);

                if (blueprint.WorldEditOrigin != null)
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetX = -blueprint.WorldEditOrigin.X;
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetY = 0;
                    details.MetaData.WEOffsetZ = -blueprint.WorldEditOrigin.Y;

            region = new Material[xD][][];
            for (int xi = 0; xi < xD; xi++)
                region[xi] = new Material[yD][];
                for (int yi = 0; yi < yD; yi++)
                    region[xi][yi] = new Material[zD];

            details.RegionXYZ = region;
            details.WidthX    = xD;
            details.HeightY   = yD;
            details.LengthZ   = zD;

            // TODO: Populate based on ISV
            if (isv)
                for (int xr = 0; xr < xD; xr++)
                    for (int yr = 0; yr < yD; yr++)
                        int   ci = blueprint.BlocksMap[xr, yD - 1 - yr];
                        Color c  = Color.FromArgb(ci);
                        var   mm = (ColorMatcher.Get.ColorToMaterialMap.TryGetValue(c, out Material[] found) ? found : null) ?? new Material[] { Materials.Air };

                        if (isMultiLayer)
                            region[xr][yr][0] = mm.Last();
                            region[xr][yr][1] = mm.First();
                            region[xr][yr][2] = mm.Last();
                            region[xr][yD - yr - 1][0] = mm.First();
                for (int xr = 0; xr < xD; xr++)
                    for (int zr = 0; zr < zD; zr++)
                        int   ci = blueprint.BlocksMap[xr, zr]; // WARN: Maybe this needs to be zD - 1 - zr
                        Color c  = Color.FromArgb(ci);
                        var   mm = (ColorMatcher.Get.ColorToMaterialMap.TryGetValue(c, out Material[] found) ? found : null) ?? new Material[] { Materials.Air };

                        if (isMultiLayer)
                            region[xr][0][zr] = mm.First(); // If this turns out inside-out, then swap First with Last calls.
                            region[xr][1][zr] = mm.Last();
                            region[xr][0][zr] = mm.First();

            writeBlueprintDirect(filePath, details);