Ejemplo n.º 1
		void GetTabbedGroups (DockGroup grp, List<DockGroup> tabbedGroups)
			if (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
				if (grp.VisibleObjects.Count > 1)
					tabbedGroups.Add (grp);
					grp.ResetNotebook ();
			else {
				// Make sure it doesn't have a notebook bound to it
				grp.ResetNotebook ();
				foreach (DockObject ob in grp.Objects) {
					if (ob is DockGroup)
						GetTabbedGroups ((DockGroup) ob, tabbedGroups);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		bool EstimateBarDocPosition (DockGroup grp, DockObject ignoreChild, out PositionType pos, out int size)
			foreach (DockObject ob in grp.Objects) {
				if (ob == ignoreChild)
				if (ob is DockGroup) {
					if (EstimateBarDocPosition ((DockGroup)ob, null, out pos, out size))
						return true;
				} else if (ob is DockGroupItem) {
					DockGroupItem it = (DockGroupItem) ob;
					if (it.status == DockItemStatus.AutoHide) {
						pos = it.barDocPosition;
						size = it.autoHideSize;
						return true;
					if (!it.Allocation.IsEmpty) {
						pos = it.CalcBarDocPosition ();
						size = it.GetAutoHideSize (pos);
						return true;
			pos = PositionType.Bottom;
			size = 0;
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		internal void AllocateSplitter (DockGroup grp, int index, Gdk.Rectangle a)
			var s = splitters[usedSplitters++];
			if (a.Height > a.Width) {
				a.Width = 5;
				a.X -= 2;
			else {
				a.Height = 5;
				a.Y -= 2;
			s.SizeAllocate (a);
			s.Init (grp, index);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		DockGroupItem AddItemAtLocation (DockGroup grp, DockItem it, string location, bool visible, DockItemStatus status)
			string[] positions = location.Split (';');
			foreach (string pos in positions) {
				int i = pos.IndexOf ('/');
				if (i == -1) continue;
				string id = pos.Substring (0,i).Trim ();
				DockGroup g = grp.FindGroupContaining (id);
				if (g != null) {
					DockPosition dpos;
					try {
						dpos = (DockPosition) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockPosition), pos.Substring(i+1).Trim(), true);
					catch {
					DockGroupItem dgt = g.AddObject (it, dpos, id);
					dgt.SetVisible (visible);
					dgt.Status = status;
					return dgt;
			return null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public virtual void CopyFrom (DockObject ob)
			parentGroup = null;
			frame = ob.frame;
			rect = ob.rect;
			size = ob.size;
			allocSize = ob.allocSize;
			defaultHorSize = ob.defaultHorSize;
			defaultVerSize = ob.defaultVerSize;
			prefSize = ob.prefSize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		DockGroupItem Split (DockGroupType newType, bool addFirst, DockItem obj, int npos)
			DockGroupItem item = new DockGroupItem (Frame, obj);
			if (npos == -1 || type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
				if (ParentGroup != null && ParentGroup.Type == newType) {
					// No need to split. Just add the new item as a sibling of this one.
					int i = ParentGroup.Objects.IndexOf (this);
					if (addFirst)
						ParentGroup.Objects.Insert (i, item);
						ParentGroup.Objects.Insert (i+1, item);
					item.ParentGroup = ParentGroup;
					item.ResetDefaultSize ();
				else {
					DockGroup grp = Copy ();
					dockObjects.Clear ();
					if (addFirst) {
						dockObjects.Add (item);
						dockObjects.Add (grp);
					} else {
						dockObjects.Add (grp);
						dockObjects.Add (item);
					item.ParentGroup = this;
					item.ResetDefaultSize ();
					grp.ParentGroup = this;
					grp.ResetDefaultSize ();
					Type = newType;
			else {
				DockGroup grp = new DockGroup (Frame, newType);
				DockObject replaced = dockObjects[npos];
				if (addFirst) {
					grp.AddObject (item);
					grp.AddObject (replaced);
				} else {
					grp.AddObject (replaced);
					grp.AddObject (item);
				grp.CopySizeFrom (replaced);
				dockObjects [npos] = grp;
				grp.ParentGroup = this;
			return item;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		DockGroupItem AddDefaultItem (DockGroup grp, DockItem it)
			return AddItemAtLocation (grp, it, it.DefaultLocation, it.DefaultVisible, it.DefaultStatus);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		internal bool InRegion (string location, DockGroup objToFindParent, int objToFindIndex, bool insertingPosition)
			// Checks if the object is in the specified region.
			// A region is a collection with the format: "ItemId1/Position1;ItemId2/Position2..."
			string[] positions = location.Split (';');
			foreach (string pos in positions) {
				// We individually check each entry in the region specification
				int i = pos.IndexOf ('/');
				if (i == -1) continue;
				string id = pos.Substring (0,i).Trim ();
				DockGroup g = container.Layout.FindGroupContaining (id);
				if (g != null) {
					DockPosition dpos;
					try {
						dpos = (DockPosition) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockPosition), pos.Substring(i+1).Trim(), true);
					catch {

					var refItem = g.FindDockGroupItem (id);
					if (InRegion (g, dpos, refItem, objToFindParent, objToFindIndex, insertingPosition))
						return true;
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		bool InRegion (DockGroup grp, DockPosition pos, DockObject refObject, DockGroup objToFindParent, int objToFindIndex, bool insertingPosition)
			if (grp == null)
				return false;

			if (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
				if (pos != DockPosition.Center &&  pos != DockPosition.CenterBefore)
					return InRegion (grp.ParentGroup, pos, grp, objToFindParent, objToFindIndex, insertingPosition);
			if (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Horizontal) {
				if (pos != DockPosition.Left && pos != DockPosition.Right)
					return InRegion (grp.ParentGroup, pos, grp, objToFindParent, objToFindIndex, insertingPosition);
			if (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Vertical) {
				if (pos != DockPosition.Top && pos != DockPosition.Bottom)
					return InRegion (grp.ParentGroup, pos, grp, objToFindParent, objToFindIndex, insertingPosition);

			bool foundAtLeftSide = true;
			bool findingLeft = pos == DockPosition.Left || pos == DockPosition.Top || pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore;

			if (objToFindParent == grp) {
				// Check positions beyond the current range of items
				if (objToFindIndex < 0 && findingLeft)
					return true;
				if (objToFindIndex >= grp.Objects.Count && !findingLeft)
					return true;

			for (int n=0; n<grp.Objects.Count; n++) {
				var ob = grp.Objects[n];

				bool foundRefObject = ob == refObject;
				bool foundTargetObject = objToFindParent == grp && objToFindIndex == n;

				if (foundRefObject) {
					// Found the reference object, but if insertingPosition=true it is in the position that the new item will have,
					// so this position still has to be considered to be at the left side
					if (foundTargetObject && insertingPosition)
						return foundAtLeftSide == findingLeft;
					foundAtLeftSide = false;
				else if (foundTargetObject)
					return foundAtLeftSide == findingLeft;
				else if (ob is DockGroup) {
					DockGroup gob = (DockGroup)ob;
					if (gob == objToFindParent || ObjectHasAncestor (objToFindParent, gob))
						return foundAtLeftSide == findingLeft;
			return InRegion (grp.ParentGroup, pos, grp, objToFindParent, objToFindIndex, insertingPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		void DrawSeparators (Gdk.Rectangle exposedArea, DockGroup currentHandleGrp, int currentHandleIndex, DrawSeparatorOperation oper, bool drawChildrenSep, List<Gdk.Rectangle> areasList)
			if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed || VisibleObjects.Count == 0)
			DockObject last = VisibleObjects [VisibleObjects.Count - 1];
			bool horiz = type == DockGroupType.Horizontal;
			int x = Allocation.X;
			int y = Allocation.Y;
			int hw = horiz ? Frame.HandleSize : Allocation.Width;
			int hh = horiz ? Allocation.Height : Frame.HandleSize;

			Gdk.GC hgc = null;

			if (areasList == null && oper == DrawSeparatorOperation.Draw) {
				hgc = new Gdk.GC (Frame.Container.GdkWindow);
				hgc.RgbFgColor = Styles.DockFrameBackground;

			for (int n=0; n<VisibleObjects.Count; n++) {
				DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n];
				DockGroup grp = ob as DockGroup;
				if (grp != null && drawChildrenSep)
					grp.DrawSeparators (exposedArea, currentHandleGrp, currentHandleIndex, oper, areasList);
				if (ob != last) {
					if (horiz)
						x += ob.Allocation.Width + Frame.HandlePadding;
						y += ob.Allocation.Height + Frame.HandlePadding;

					switch (oper) {
					case DrawSeparatorOperation.CollectAreas:
						if (Frame.ShadedSeparators)
							areasList.Add (new Gdk.Rectangle (x, y, hw, hh));
					case DrawSeparatorOperation.Invalidate:
						Frame.Container.QueueDrawArea (x, y, hw, hh);
					case DrawSeparatorOperation.Draw:
						Frame.Container.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (hgc, true, x, y, hw, hh);
					case DrawSeparatorOperation.Allocate:
						Frame.Container.AllocateSplitter (this, n, new Gdk.Rectangle (x, y, hw, hh));
					if (horiz)
						x += Frame.HandleSize + Frame.HandlePadding;
						y += Frame.HandleSize + Frame.HandlePadding;
			if (hgc != null)
				hgc.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 11
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the style assigned to a specific position of the layout
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// The region style for position.
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='parentGroup'>
		/// Group which contains the position
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='childIndex'>
		/// Index of the position inside the group
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='insertingPosition'>
		/// If true, the position will be inserted (meaning that the objects in childIndex will be shifted 1 position)
		/// </param>
		internal DockVisualStyle GetRegionStyleForPosition (DockGroup parentGroup, int childIndex, bool insertingPosition)
			DockVisualStyle mergedStyle = null;
			foreach (var e in regionStyles) {
				if (InRegion (e.Item1, parentGroup, childIndex, insertingPosition)) {
					if (mergedStyle == null)
						mergedStyle = DefaultVisualStyle.Clone ();
					mergedStyle.CopyValuesFrom (e.Item2);
			return mergedStyle ?? DefaultVisualStyle;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public void DrawSeparators (Gdk.Rectangle exposedArea, DockGroup currentHandleGrp, int currentHandleIndex, DrawSeparatorOperation oper, List<Gdk.Rectangle> areasList)
			DrawSeparators (exposedArea, currentHandleGrp, currentHandleIndex, oper, true, areasList);
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public void Draw (Gdk.Rectangle exposedArea, DockGroup currentHandleGrp, int currentHandleIndex)
			if (type != DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
				DrawSeparators (exposedArea, currentHandleGrp, currentHandleIndex, DrawSeparatorOperation.Draw, false, null);
				foreach (DockObject it in VisibleObjects) {
					DockGroup grp = it as DockGroup;
					if (grp != null)
						grp.Draw (exposedArea, currentHandleGrp, currentHandleIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		DockGroup Copy ()
			DockGroup grp = new DockGroup (Frame, type);
			grp.dockObjects = new List<Pinta.Docking.DockObject> (dockObjects);
			foreach (DockObject obj in grp.dockObjects)
				obj.ParentGroup = grp;
			grp.CopySizeFrom (this);
			return grp;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		int CountRequiredSplitters (DockGroup grp)
			if (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Tabbed)
				return 0;
			else {
				int num = grp.VisibleObjects.Count - 1;
				if (num < 0)
					return 0;
				foreach (var c in grp.VisibleObjects.OfType<DockGroup> ())
					num += CountRequiredSplitters (c);
				return num;
Ejemplo n.º 16
		bool ObjectHasAncestor (DockObject obj, DockGroup ancestorToFind)
			return obj != null && (obj.ParentGroup == ancestorToFind || ObjectHasAncestor (obj.ParentGroup, ancestorToFind));
Ejemplo n.º 17
			public void Init (DockGroup grp, int index)
				dockGroup = grp;
				dockIndex = index;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		internal override void Read (XmlReader reader)
			base.Read (reader);
			type = (DockGroupType) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockGroupType), reader.GetAttribute ("type"));
			if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
				string s = reader.GetAttribute ("currentTabPage");
				if (s != null)
					currentTabPage = int.Parse (s);
			reader.MoveToElement ();
			if (reader.IsEmptyElement) {
				reader.Skip ();
			reader.ReadStartElement ();
			reader.MoveToContent ();
			while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
				if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
					if (reader.LocalName == "item") {
						string id = reader.GetAttribute ("id");
						DockItem it = Frame.GetItem (id);
						if (it == null) {
							it = Frame.AddItem (id);
							it.IsPositionMarker = true;
						DockGroupItem gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, it);
						gitem.Read (reader);
						AddObject (gitem);
						reader.MoveToElement ();
						reader.Skip ();
					else if (reader.LocalName == "group") {
						DockGroup grp = new DockGroup (Frame);
						grp.Read (reader);
						AddObject (grp);
					reader.Skip ();
				reader.MoveToContent ();
			reader.ReadEndElement ();