Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or update the building in the datasource.
        /// Additionally it will also add building construction types and building predominate uses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="agency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Entity.Parcel AddUpdateBuilding(Model.ImportPropertyModel property, int pid, Entity.Agency agency)
            var name = GenerateName(property.Name, property.Description, property.LocalId);
            // Multiple buildings could be returned for the PID and Name.
            var b_e            = ExceptionHelper.HandleKeyNotFoundWithDefault(() => _pimsAdminService.Building.GetByPid(pid, name).FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == name) ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException());
            var evaluationDate = new DateTime(property.FiscalYear, 1, 1); // Defaulting to Jan 1st because SIS data doesn't have the actual date.

            // Find parcel
            var parcel = ExceptionHelper.HandleKeyNotFound(() => _pimsAdminService.Parcel.GetByPid(pid));

            // Determine if the last evaluation or fiscal values are older than the one currently being imported.
            var fiscalNetBook      = b_e.Fiscals.OrderByDescending(f => f.FiscalYear).FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == Entity.FiscalKeys.NetBook && f.FiscalYear > property.FiscalYear);
            var evaluationAssessed = b_e.Evaluations.OrderByDescending(e => e.Date).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key == Entity.EvaluationKeys.Assessed && e.Date > evaluationDate);

            // If the parcel doesn't exist yet we'll need to create a temporary one.
            if (parcel == null)
                parcel = AddUpdateParcel(property, pid, agency);
                _logger.LogWarning($"Parcel '{property.PID}' was generated for a building that had no parcel.");

            // Only want to update the properties with the latest information.
            if (b_e.Id == 0 || fiscalNetBook == null || evaluationAssessed == null)
                // Copy properties over to entity.
                b_e.AgencyId = agency?.Id ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Agency '{property.Agency}' does not exist.");
                b_e.Agency   = agency;
                if (!b_e.Parcels.Any(pb => pb.ParcelId == parcel.Id))
                    b_e.Parcels.Add(new Entity.ParcelBuilding(parcel, b_e)
                        Parcel = null, Building = null
                b_e.Name        = name;
                b_e.Description = property.Description.ConvertToUTF8(false);
                var lng = property.Longitude != 0 ? property.Longitude : b_e.Location?.X ?? 0; // This is to stop data from some imports resulting in removing the lat/long.
                var lat = property.Latitude != 0 ? property.Latitude : b_e.Location?.Y ?? 0;
                b_e.Location = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(lng, lat)
                    SRID = 4326
                b_e.RentableArea        = property.BuildingRentableArea;
                b_e.BuildingFloorCount  = property.BuildingFloorCount;
                b_e.BuildingTenancy     = property.BuildingTenancy.ConvertToUTF8();
                b_e.TransferLeaseOnSale = false;

                Entity.PropertyClassification propClassification;
                if (String.Compare("Active", property.Status, true) == 0)
                    propClassification = _propertyClassifications.FirstOrDefault(pc => String.Compare(pc.Name, property.Classification, true) == 0) ??
                                         throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Property Classification '{property.Classification}' does not exist.");
                    propClassification = _propertyClassifications.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.Name == "Disposed") ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Property Classification '{property.Status}' does not exist.");

                b_e.ClassificationId = propClassification.Id;
                b_e.Classification   = propClassification;

                // Find foreign key.
                var build_type = _buildingConstructionTypes.FirstOrDefault(bct => String.Compare(bct.Name, property.BuildingConstructionType, true) == 0);
                var build_use  = _buildingPredominateUses.FirstOrDefault(bpu => String.Compare(bpu.Name, property.BuildingPredominateUse, true) == 0);

                // If the building construction type doesn't exist, create it.
                if (build_type == null)
                    var max_id = _buildingConstructionTypes.Max(pc => pc.Id) + 1;
                    build_type = new Entity.BuildingConstructionType(max_id, property.BuildingConstructionType);

                // If the building predominate use doesn't exist, create it.
                if (build_use == null)
                    var max_id = _buildingPredominateUses.Max(pc => pc.Id) + 1;
                    build_use = new Entity.BuildingPredominateUse(max_id, property.BuildingPredominateUse);

                b_e.BuildingConstructionTypeId = build_type.Id;
                b_e.BuildingConstructionType   = build_type;
                b_e.BuildingPredominateUseId   = build_use.Id;
                b_e.BuildingPredominateUse     = build_use;

                // TODO: Handle this issue more gracefully.
                var city = _pimsAdminService.AdministrativeArea.Get(property.City.ConvertToUTF8()) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Administrative area '{property.City}' does not exist in the datasource.");

                // Add/Update the address.
                if (b_e.AddressId == 0)
                    _logger.LogDebug($"Adding address for building '{property.PID}'-''{property.LocalId}'.");

                    var address = new Entity.Address(property.CivicAddress.ConvertToUTF8(), null, city.Name, "BC", property.Postal.ConvertToUTF8());
                    b_e.Address = address;
                    b_e.Address.Address1           = property.CivicAddress.ConvertToUTF8();
                    b_e.Address.AdministrativeArea = city.Name;
                    b_e.Address.Postal             = property.Postal.ConvertToUTF8();

            // Add a new fiscal values for each year.
            if (!b_e.Fiscals.Any(e => e.FiscalYear == property.FiscalYear))
                b_e.Fiscals.Add(new Entity.BuildingFiscal(b_e, property.FiscalYear, Entity.FiscalKeys.NetBook, property.NetBook));

            // Add a new evaluation if new.
            if (!b_e.Evaluations.Any(e => e.Date == evaluationDate))
                b_e.Evaluations.Add(new Entity.BuildingEvaluation(b_e, evaluationDate, Entity.EvaluationKeys.Assessed, property.Assessed));

            // A new building.
            if (b_e.Id == 0)
                _logger.LogDebug($"Adding building '{property.LocalId}' to parcel '{property.PID}'");
                _logger.LogDebug($"Updating building '{property.LocalId}' to parcel '{property.PID}'");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of a Parcel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="lat"></param>
        /// <param name="lng"></param>
        /// <param name="agency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Entity.Parcel CreateParcel(int pid, double lat, double lng, Entity.Agency agency, Entity.Address address = null)
            agency ??= EntityHelper.CreateAgency(pid);
            if (address == null)
                address = EntityHelper.CreateAddress(pid, "1234 Street", null, "V9C9C9");
            var classification = EntityHelper.CreatePropertyClassification("classification");

            return(new Entity.Parcel(pid, lat, lng)
                Id = pid,
                Agency = agency,
                AgencyId = agency.Id,
                Address = address,
                AddressId = address.Id,
                Classification = classification,
                ClassificationId = classification.Id,
                Description = $"description-{pid}",
                CreatedById = Guid.NewGuid(),
                CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedById = Guid.NewGuid(),
                UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RowVersion = new byte[] { 12, 13, 14 }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or update the parcel in the datasource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="agency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Entity.Parcel AddUpdateParcel(Model.ImportPropertyModel property, int pid, Entity.Agency agency)
            var p_e            = ExceptionHelper.HandleKeyNotFoundWithDefault(() => _pimsAdminService.Parcel.GetByPid(pid));
            var fiscalYear     = property.FiscalYear;
            var evaluationDate = new DateTime(fiscalYear, 1, 1); // Defaulting to Jan 1st because SIS data doesn't have the actual date.

            // Copy properties over to entity.
            p_e.PID = pid;

            // Determine if the last evaluation or fiscal values in the datasource are older than the one currently being imported.
            var fiscalNetBook      = p_e.Fiscals.OrderByDescending(f => f.FiscalYear).FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == Entity.FiscalKeys.NetBook && f.FiscalYear > fiscalYear);
            var evaluationAssessed = p_e.Evaluations.OrderByDescending(e => e.Date).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key == Entity.EvaluationKeys.Assessed && e.Date > evaluationDate);

            // Only want to update the properties with the latest information.
            if (p_e.Id == 0 || fiscalNetBook == null || evaluationAssessed == null)
                p_e.AgencyId    = agency?.Id ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Agency '{property.Agency}' does not exist.");
                p_e.Agency      = agency;
                p_e.Name        = GenerateName(property.Name, property.Description);
                p_e.Description = property.Description.ConvertToUTF8(false);
                var lng = property.Longitude != 0 ? property.Longitude : p_e.Location?.X ?? 0; // This is to stop data from some imports resulting in removing the lat/long.
                var lat = property.Latitude != 0 ? property.Latitude : p_e.Location?.Y ?? 0;
                p_e.Location = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(lng, lat)
                    SRID = 4326
                p_e.LandArea             = property.LandArea != 0 ? property.LandArea : p_e.LandArea;
                p_e.LandLegalDescription = property.LandLegalDescription.ConvertToUTF8();

                Entity.PropertyClassification propClassification;
                if (String.Compare("Active", property.Status, true) == 0)
                    propClassification = _propertyClassifications.FirstOrDefault(pc => String.Compare(pc.Name, property.Classification, true) == 0)
                                         ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Property Classification '{property.Classification}' does not exist.");
                    propClassification = _propertyClassifications.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.Name == "Disposed") ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Property Classification '{property.Status}' does not exist.");

                p_e.ClassificationId = propClassification.Id;
                p_e.Classification   = propClassification;

                // TODO: Handle this issue more gracefully.
                var city = _pimsAdminService.AdministrativeArea.Get(property.City.ConvertToUTF8()) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Administrative area '{property.City}' does not exist in the datasource.");

                // Add/Update the address.
                if (p_e.AddressId == 0)
                    _logger.LogDebug($"Adding address for parcel '{property.PID}'.");

                    var address = new Entity.Address(property.CivicAddress.ConvertToUTF8(), null, city.Name, "BC", property.Postal.ConvertToUTF8());
                    p_e.Address = address;
                    p_e.Address.Address1           = property.CivicAddress.ConvertToUTF8();
                    p_e.Address.AdministrativeArea = city.Name;
                    p_e.Address.Postal             = property.Postal.ConvertToUTF8();

            // Add a new fiscal values for each year.
            if (!p_e.Fiscals.Any(e => e.FiscalYear == fiscalYear))
                p_e.Fiscals.Add(new Entity.ParcelFiscal(p_e, fiscalYear, Entity.FiscalKeys.NetBook, property.NetBook));

            // Add a new evaluation if new.
            if (!p_e.Evaluations.Any(e => e.Date == evaluationDate))
                p_e.Evaluations.Add(new Entity.ParcelEvaluation(p_e, evaluationDate, Entity.EvaluationKeys.Assessed, property.Assessed));

            // A new parcel.
            if (p_e.Id == 0)
                _logger.LogDebug($"Adding parcel '{property.PID}'");
                _logger.LogDebug($"Updating parcel '{property.PID}'");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of a Parcel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="lat"></param>
        /// <param name="lng"></param>
        /// <param name="agencyId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Entity.Parcel CreateParcel(int pid, double lat = 0, double lng = 0, int agencyId = 1, Entity.Address address = null)
            var agency = EntityHelper.CreateAgency(agencyId);

            return(CreateParcel(pid, lat, lng, agency, address));