/// <summary>
        /// Unity callback that is invoked before the first frame update.
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
                = "drag .glb/.zip onto window to view";

            // run javascript startup tasks (e.g. register event
            // handlers for drag-and-drop)

            // Set up callbacks for logging progress messages during
            // glTF imports.
            // On the WebGL platform, progress messages are rendered as HTML
            // as part of the containing web page (outside of the Unity WebGL canvas),
            // whereas on Windows/Android the progress messages are rendered
            // directly on top of the view using IMGUI methods.
            ProgressLog.Instance.AddLineCallback    = JsLib.AddProgressLogLine;
            ProgressLog.Instance.UpdateLineCallback = JsLib.UpdateProgressLogLine;
            ProgressLog.Instance.ResetLogCallback   = JsLib.ResetProgressLog;

            // Set max bone weights per vertex to 4 (default is 2).
            // This prevents skinned glTF models that use more than 2
            // bone weights per vertex from exploding.

#if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER
            QualitySettings.skinWeights = SkinWeights.FourBones;
            QualitySettings.blendWeights = BlendWeights.FourBones;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Unity callback that is invoked before the first frame update.
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
                = "drag .glb/.zip onto window to view";

            // run javascript startup tasks (e.g. register event
            // handlers for drag-and-drop)

            // Set up callbacks for logging progress messages during
            // glTF imports.
            // On the WebGL platform, progress messages are rendered as HTML
            // as part of the containing web page (outside of the Unity WebGL canvas),
            // whereas on Windows/Android the progress messages are rendered
            // directly on top of the view using IMGUI methods.
            ProgressLog.Instance.AddLineCallback    = JsLib.AddProgressLogLine;
            ProgressLog.Instance.UpdateLineCallback = JsLib.UpdateProgressLogLine;
            ProgressLog.Instance.ResetLogCallback   = JsLib.ResetProgressLog;

            // load default model (Piglet mascot)
                                                 Application.streamingAssetsPath, "piggleston.glb"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a glTF file that has been selected using the "Choose File"
        /// button on the web page.
        /// Reading the user's chosen glTF file is a bit tricky in the case of
        /// WebGL. Although the javascript code is allowed
        /// to read the contents of the user-selected glTF file,
        /// it is not provided with the path to the file on the local
        /// filesystem, nor is it allowed to read any files on the local
        /// filesystem. Instead, we must read the byte content of the file
        /// into memory on the javascript side and then copy those bytes
        /// over to the C# side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">
        /// The basename of the input file (not the absolute path!).
        /// This filename is used as a key for accessing the byte
        /// content of the file, which has been read in on the javascript
        /// side.
        /// </param>
        public void ImportFileWebGl(string filename)
            var size   = JsLib.GetFileSize(filename);
            var jsData = JsLib.GetFileData(filename);

            var data = new byte[size];

            Marshal.Copy(jsData, data, 0, size);


            GameManager.Instance.StartImport(data, filename);