Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Vote(int id)
            var picture = this.Data.ContestPictures.Find(id);
            var resultMessage = "";
            if (picture == null)
                resultMessage = "No such picture in contest!";
                return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            // TODO: Check if current user is logged, is author of the contests, if he can vote and is he votted yet.

            // Check whether user is author of the contest
            var userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var user = this.Data.Users.Find(userId);
            var userContests = user.Contests.ToList();
            var currentContest = picture.Contest;
            if (currentContest.OwnerId == userId/*userContests.Contains(currentContest)*/)
                resultMessage = "You cannot vote in your contest!";
                return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            // Check whether user has uploaded picture he wants to vote for
            if (picture.OwnerId == userId)
                resultMessage = "You cannot vote for picture uploaded by you!";
                return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            // Check whether user can vote
            var currentContestContestors = currentContest.Contestors.ToList();
            if (currentContest.VotingStrategy == VotingStrategy.Closed
                /*&& !currentContestContestors.Contains(user)*/)
                // TODO: Find way to check when VotingStrategy is "Closed" whether user is invited to participate in contest!!!

                resultMessage = "You are not allowed to vote for pictute in this contest";
                return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            // Check whether user has votted for this contest before
            var pictureVotesVoterIds = picture.Votes.Select(v => v.UserId).ToList();
            if (pictureVotesVoterIds.Contains(userId))
                resultMessage = "You are not allowed to vote more than once for pictute";
                return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            var newVote = new Vote()
                VotedOn = DateTime.Now,
                User = user,
                Picture = picture

            return this.Json(resultMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public int Vote(int id, string userId)
            var user = this.Data.Users.Find(userId);
            var picture = this.Data.Pictures.Find(id);

            if (picture.Contest.Status != ContestStatus.Active)
                throw new BadRequestException("The contest is closed.");

            var votingStrategy =

            votingStrategy.CheckPermission(this.Data, user, picture.Contest);

            if (picture.Votes.Any(v => v.UserId == user.Id))
                throw new BadRequestException("You have already voted for this picture.");

            var vote = new Vote { PictureId = picture.Id, UserId = user.Id };


            return picture.Votes.Select(p => p.Id).Count();
        public ActionResult Vote(int id)
            var picture = this.Data.Pictures.GetById(id);

            if (picture == null)
                return this.HttpNotFound();

            if (picture.Contest.IsDeleted || picture.Contest.IsClosedForVoting)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The contest is closed for voting.");

            if (picture.Contest.Type == ContestType.Private && !picture.Contest.Participants.Contains(this.UserProfile) &&
                picture.Contest.Type == ContestType.Private && picture.Contest.Owner != this.UserProfile)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The contest is private for voting. You need to be invited by the owner to vote.");

            if (picture.Votes.FirstOrDefault(v => v.User == this.UserProfile && v.IsDeleted == false) != null)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "You have already voted!");
            var vote = new Vote
                Picture = picture,
                User = this.UserProfile


            var likeModel = new LikeViewModel
                Likes = picture.Votes.Count(v => v.IsDeleted == false),
                PictureId = picture.PictureId,
                Action = "UnVote",
                ThumbDirection = "down"

            return PartialView("_LikesCount", likeModel);