public HttpReportingActor(ZipkinHttpReportingOptions options)
            _options        = options;
            PendingMessages = new List <Span>(_options.MaximumBatchSize);
            var uri = ZipkinHttpApiTransmitter.GetFullZipkinUri(_options.ZipkinUrl);

            _transmitter = new ZipkinHttpApiTransmitter(new HttpClient(), uri);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Performs all of the setup and initialization needed to get the Zipkin HTTP reporting engine up and running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The set of options for configuring timeouts and batch sizes.</param>
        /// <param name="actorSystem">
        ///     Optional. If using Akka.NET, you can hook your own <see cref="ActorSystem" /> into our
        ///     reporting engine.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ZipkinHttpSpanReporter Create(ZipkinHttpReportingOptions options, ActorSystem actorSystem = null)
            // force this component to explode if the end-user screwed up the URI somehow.
            var uri = ZipkinHttpApiTransmitter.GetFullZipkinUri(options.ZipkinUrl);
            var weOwnActorSystem = false;

            if (actorSystem == null) // create our own ActorSystem if it doesn't already exist.
                weOwnActorSystem = true;
                actorSystem      = ActorSystem.Create("pbzipkin",
                                                      options.DebugLogging ? DebugHocon : NormalHocon);

            // spawn as a System actor, so in the event of being in a non-owned system our traces get shut down
            // only after all of the user-defined actors have terminated.
            var zipkinActor = actorSystem.AsInstanceOf <ExtendedActorSystem>().SystemActorOf(
                Props.Create(() => new HttpReportingActor(options)), $"zipkin-tracing-{NameCounter.GetAndIncrement()}");

            return(new ZipkinHttpSpanReporter(zipkinActor, weOwnActorSystem ? actorSystem : null));