Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Area of covered rectangle for two sepcified rectangles
 /// </summary>
 public static double JoinArea(RectangleR2 a, RectangleR2 b) 
     double _left = (a._left < b._left) ? a._left : b._left;
     double _right = (a._right > b._right) ? a._right : b._right;
     double _top = (a._top < b._top) ? a._top : b._top;
     double _bottom = (a._bottom > b._bottom) ? a._bottom : b._bottom;
     return (_bottom-_top)*(_right-_left);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal RtreeR2Page(Storage storage, object obj, RectangleR2 r)
     branch = storage.CreateLink(card);
     branch.Length = card;
     b = new RectangleR2[card];
     setBranch(0, new RectangleR2(r), obj);
     n = 1;
     for (int i = 1; i < card; i++)
         b[i] = new RectangleR2();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal RtreeR2Page(Storage storage, RtreeR2Page root, RtreeR2Page p)
     branch = storage.CreateLink(card);
     branch.Length = card;
     b = new RectangleR2[card];
     n = 2;
     setBranch(0, root.cover(), root);
     setBranch(1, p.cover(), p);
     for (int i = 2; i < card; i++)
         b[i] = new RectangleR2();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static void Main(String[] args) 
        Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage();
        SpatialIndexR2<SpatialObject> root = db.CreateSpatialIndexR2<SpatialObject>();
        SpatialIndexR2 root = db.CreateSpatialIndexR2();
        RectangleR2[] rectangles = new RectangleR2[nObjects];
        Random rnd = new Random(2014);
        db.Root = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < nObjects; i++) { 
            SpatialObject so = new SpatialObject();
            double lat = rnd.NextDouble()*180;
            double lng = rnd.NextDouble()*180;
            so.rect = rectangles[i] = new RectangleR2(lat, lng, lat+10, lng+10);
            so.body = new byte[minObjectSize + rnd.Next(maxObjectSize - minObjectSize)];
            root.Put(so.rect, so);

        for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; i++) {
            if (i % 1000 == 0) { 
                Console.WriteLine("Iteration " + i);
            for (int j = 0; j < batchSize; j++) { 
                int k = rnd.Next(nObjects);
                bool found = false;
                foreach (SpatialObject oldObj in root.Overlaps(rectangles[k])) { 
                    if (oldObj.rect.Equals(rectangles[k])) {
                        root.Remove(oldObj.rect, oldObj);
                        SpatialObject newObj = new SpatialObject();
                        newObj.rect = oldObj.rect;
                        newObj.body = new byte[minObjectSize + rnd.Next(maxObjectSize - minObjectSize)];
                        root.Put(newObj.rect, newObj);
                        found = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal RtreeR2Page insert(Storage storage, RectangleR2 r, object obj, int level)
     if (--level != 0)
         // not leaf page
         int i, mini = 0;
         double minIncr = Double.MaxValue;
         double minArea = Double.MaxValue;
         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
             double area = b[i].Area();
             double incr = RectangleR2.JoinArea(b[i], r) - area;
             if (incr < minIncr)
                 minIncr = incr;
                 minArea = area;
                 mini = i;
             else if (incr == minIncr && area < minArea)
                 minArea = area;
                 mini = i;
         RtreeR2Page p = (RtreeR2Page)branch[mini];
         RtreeR2Page q = p.insert(storage, r, obj, level);
         if (q == null)
             // child was not split
             return null;
             // child was split
             setBranch(mini, p.cover(),  p);
             return addBranch(storage, q.cover(), q);
         return addBranch(storage, new RectangleR2(r), obj);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Join two rectangles. This rectangle is updates to contain cover of this and specified rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">rectangle to be joined with this rectangle
 /// </param>
 public void Join(RectangleR2 r) 
     if (_left > r._left) 
         _left = r._left;
     if (_right < r._right) 
         _right = r._right;
     if (_top > r._top) 
         _top = r._top;
     if (_bottom < r._bottom) 
         _bottom = r._bottom;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create copy of the rectangle
 /// </summary>
 public RectangleR2(RectangleR2 r) 
     this._top = r._top;
     this._left = r._left;
     this._bottom = r._bottom;
     this._right = r._right;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal int remove(RectangleR2 r, object obj, int level, ArrayList reinsertList)
     if (--level != 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
             if (r.Intersects(b[i]))
                 RtreeR2Page pg = (RtreeR2Page)branch[i];
                 int reinsertLevel = pg.remove(r, obj, level, reinsertList);
                 if (reinsertLevel >= 0)
                     if (pg.n >= minFill)
                         setBranch(i, pg.cover(), pg);
                         // not enough entries in child
                         reinsertLevel = level - 1;
                     return reinsertLevel;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
             if (branch.ContainsElement(i, obj))
                 return 0;
     return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal RectangleR2 cover()
     RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(b[0]);
     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
     return r;
 private bool MatchProperty(NameVal prop, Thing thing) 
     switch (prop.name) 
         case Symbols.Point:
             if (prop.val is NameVal[]) 
                 NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])prop.val;
                 if (coord.Length == 2) 
                     double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                     double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                     RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                     foreach (Thing t in root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r)) 
                         if (t == thing) 
                             return true;   
                     return false;
         case Symbols.Rectangle:
             if (prop.val is NameVal[]) 
                 NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])prop.val;
                 if (coord.Length == 4) 
                     RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val,
                     foreach (Thing t in root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r)) 
                         if (t == thing) 
                             return true;   
                     return false;
         case Symbols.Keyword:
             if (prop.val is string) 
                 Hashtable keywords = new Hashtable();
                 foreach (PropVal pv in thing.props) 
                     object val = pv.val;
                     if (val is string) 
                         foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                             if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword)) 
                                 keywords[keyword] = this;
                 foreach (string keyword in ((string)prop.val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                     if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword) && !keywords.ContainsKey(keyword)) 
                         return false;
                 return true;
     foreach (object val in thing[prop.name]) 
         object pattern = prop.val;
         if (val is string && pattern is string) 
             if (MatchString((string)val, (string)pattern)) 
                 return true;
         else if (pattern is NameVal) 
             if (FollowReference((NameVal)pattern, val as VersionHistory)) 
                 return true;
         else if (pattern is NameVal[]) 
             foreach (NameVal p in (NameVal[])prop.val) 
                 if (!FollowReference(p, val as VersionHistory))
                     goto NextItem;
             return true;
         else if (pattern is Range && val is IComparable) 
                 Range range = (Range)pattern;
                 IComparable cmp = (IComparable)val;
                 return cmp.CompareTo(range.from) >= (range.fromInclusive ? 0 : 1) &&
                     cmp.CompareTo(range.till) <= (range.tillInclusive ? 0 : -1);
             catch (ArgumentException) {}
         else if (pattern != null && pattern.Equals(val))
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if this rectangle contains the specified rectangle
 /// </summary>
 public bool Contains(RectangleR2 r) 
     return _left <= r._left && _top <= r._top && _right >= r._right && _bottom >= r._bottom;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 RtreeR2Page addBranch(Storage storage, RectangleR2 r, object obj)
     if (n < card)
         setBranch(n++, r, obj);
         return null;
         return splitPage(storage, r, obj);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void setBranch(int i, RectangleR2 r, object obj)
     b[i] = r;
     branch[i] = obj;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 internal void find(RectangleR2 r, ArrayList result, int level)
     if (--level != 0)
     { /* this is an internal node in the tree */
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
             if (r.Intersects(b[i]))
                 ((RtreeR2Page)branch[i]).find(r, result, level);
     { /* this is a leaf node */
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
             if (r.Intersects(b[i]))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public  void Unpack(ObjectReader reader)
     rect = new RectangleR2(reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble());
     body = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 ///  Non destructive join of two rectangles. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">first joined rectangle
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="b">second joined rectangle
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>rectangle containing cover of these two rectangles
 /// </returns>
 public static RectangleR2 Join(RectangleR2 a, RectangleR2 b) 
     RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(a);
     return r;
        /// <summary>Get iterator through object matching specified search parameters</summary>
        /// <param name="type">String representing type of the object (direct or indirect - IsInstanceOf
        /// method will be used to check if object belongs to the specified type). It may be null, 
        /// in this case type criteria is skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="uri">Object URI pattern. It may be null, in this case URI is not inspected.</param>
        /// <param name="patterns">array of name:value pairs specifying search condition for object properties</param>
        /// <param name="kind">search kind used to select inspected versions</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to select versions, if kind is SearchKind.LatestVersion
        /// or SearchKind.AllVersions this parameter is ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Enumerator through object meet search criteria.</returns>
        public IEnumerable Search(string type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
            VersionHistory typeVh = null;
                if (type != null) 
                    typeVh = GetObject(type);
                    if (typeVh == null) 
                        return new object[0]; // empty selection
                if (uri != null) 
                    int wc = uri.IndexOf('*');
                    if (wc < 0) 
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, null, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(uri, uri));
                    else if (wc > 0) 
                        String prefix = uri.Substring(0, wc);
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(prefix));
                    else if ((wc = uri.LastIndexOf('*')) < uri.Length-1) 
                        String suffix = ReverseString(uri.Substring(wc+1, uri.Length-wc-1));
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.suffixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(suffix));
                if (patterns.Length > 0) 
                    NameVal prop = patterns[0];
                    object val = prop.val;
                    NameVal[] restOfPatterns = SubArray(patterns);

                    switch (prop.name) 
                        case Symbols.Timestamp: 
                            if (val is Range) 
                                Range range = (Range)val;
                                if (range.from is DateTime) 
                                    Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                                    Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                        root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                            else if (val is DateTime) 
                                Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                    root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));                            
                            return new object[0]; // empty selection
                        case Symbols.Rectangle:
                            if (val is NameVal[]) 
                                NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                                if (coord.Length == 4) 
                                    RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val, 
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        case Symbols.Point:
                            if (val is NameVal[]) 
                                NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                                if (coord.Length == 2) 
                                    double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                                    double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                                    RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        case Symbols.Keyword:
                            if (val is string) 
                                ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                                foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                                    if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                                IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                                for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++) 
                                    Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                                    occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, db.Merge(occurences));

                    PropDef def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
                    if (def == null) 
                        return new object[0]; // empty selection
                    if (val is Range) 
                        Range range = (Range)val;
                        if (range.from is double) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                        else if (range.from is DateTime) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                    else if (val is string) 
                        string str = (string)val;
                        int wc = str.IndexOf('*');
                        if (wc < 0) 
                            Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, str});
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                        else if (wc > 0) 
                            string prefix = str.Substring(0, wc);
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix});
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix + Char.MaxValue}, false);                        
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, wc == str.Length-1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                    else if (val is double)
                        Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                    else if (val is DateTime) 
                        Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                    else if (val is NameVal) 
                        IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, false, def, new ArrayList());
                        if (iterator != null) 
                            return iterator;
                    else if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (props.Length > 0) 
                            IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], props.Length > 1, def, new ArrayList());
                            if (iterator != null) 
                                return iterator;
                if (kind == SearchKind.LatestVersion) 
                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.latest.GetEnumerator());   
                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator());           
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if this rectangle intersects with specified rectangle
 /// </summary>
 public bool Intersects(RectangleR2 r) 
     return _left <= r._right && _top <= r._bottom && _right >= r._left && _bottom >= r._top;
        private IEnumerable SearchReferenceProperty(VersionHistory type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, NameVal prop, bool compound, PropDef def, ArrayList refs)

            NameVal[] restOfPatterns = compound ? patterns : SubArray(patterns);

            object val = prop.val;
            switch (prop.name) 
                case Symbols.Timestamp: 
                    if (val is Range) 
                        Range range = (Range)val;
                        if (range.from is DateTime) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                    else if (val is DateTime) 
                        Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                        return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                            root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));                            
                    return new object[0]; // empty selection
                case Symbols.Rectangle:
                    if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (coord.Length == 4) 
                            RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val, 
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp));
                case Symbols.Point:
                    if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (coord.Length == 2) 
                            double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                            double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                            RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp));
                case Symbols.Keyword:
                    if (val is string) 
                        ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                        foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                            if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                        IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++) 
                            Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                            occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                        return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                            db.Merge(occurences), kind, timestamp));

            def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
            if (def == null) 
                return new object[0]; // empty selection
            if (val is Range) 
                Range range = (Range)val;
                if (range.from is double) 
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                else if (range.from is DateTime) 
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
            if (val is string) 
                string str = (string)prop.val;
                int wc = str.IndexOf('*');
                if (wc < 0) 
                    Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, str});
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
                else if (wc > 0) 
                    string prefix = str.Substring(0, wc);
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix});
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix + Char.MaxValue}, false);                        
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, wc == str.Length-1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is double) 
                Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                    new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                    root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is DateTime) 
                Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, (DateTime)val});
                return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                    new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                    root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is NameVal) 
                return SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, compound, def, refs);
            else if (val is NameVal[]) 
                NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                if (props.Length > 0) 
                    return SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], true, def, refs);
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        RtreeR2Page splitPage(Storage storage, RectangleR2 r, object obj)
            int i, j, seed0 = 0, seed1 = 0;
            double[] rectArea = new double[card+1];
            double   waste;
            double   worstWaste = Double.MinValue;
            // As the seeds for the two groups, find two rectangles which waste
            // the most area if covered by a single rectangle.
            rectArea[0] = r.Area();
            for (i = 0; i < card; i++)
                rectArea[i+1] = b[i].Area();
            RectangleR2 bp = r;
            for (i = 0; i < card; i++)
                for (j = i+1; j <= card; j++)
                    waste = RectangleR2.JoinArea(bp, b[j-1]) - rectArea[i] - rectArea[j];
                    if (waste > worstWaste)
                        worstWaste = waste;
                        seed0 = i;
                        seed1 = j;
                bp = b[i];
            byte[] taken = new byte[card];
            RectangleR2 group0, group1;
            double      groupArea0, groupArea1;
            int         groupCard0, groupCard1;
            RtreeR2Page pg;

            taken[seed1-1] = 2;
            group1 = new RectangleR2(b[seed1-1]);

            if (seed0 == 0)
                group0 = new RectangleR2(r);
                pg = new RtreeR2Page(storage, obj, r);
                group0 = new RectangleR2(b[seed0-1]);
                pg = new RtreeR2Page(storage, branch.GetRaw(seed0-1), group0);
                setBranch(seed0-1, r, obj);
            groupCard0 = groupCard1 = 1;
            groupArea0 = rectArea[seed0];
            groupArea1 = rectArea[seed1];
            // Split remaining rectangles between two groups.
            // The one chosen is the one with the greatest difference in area
            // expansion depending on which group - the rect most strongly
            // attracted to one group and repelled from the other.
            while (groupCard0 + groupCard1 < card + 1
                && groupCard0 < card + 1 - minFill
                && groupCard1 < card + 1 - minFill)
                int betterGroup = -1, chosen = -1;
                double biggestDiff = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < card; i++)
                    if (taken[i] == 0)
                        double diff = (RectangleR2.JoinArea(group0, b[i]) - groupArea0)
                            - (RectangleR2.JoinArea(group1, b[i]) - groupArea1);
                        if (diff > biggestDiff || -diff > biggestDiff)
                            chosen = i;
                            if (diff < 0)
                                betterGroup = 0;
                                biggestDiff = -diff;
                                betterGroup = 1;
                                biggestDiff = diff;
                Debug.Assert(chosen >= 0);
                if (betterGroup == 0)
                    groupArea0 = group0.Area();
                    taken[chosen] = 1;
                    pg.setBranch(groupCard0++, b[chosen], branch.GetRaw(chosen));
                    groupCard1 += 1;
                    groupArea1 = group1.Area();
                    taken[chosen] = 2;
            // If one group gets too full, then remaining rectangle are
            // split between two groups in such way to balance cards of two groups.
            if (groupCard0 + groupCard1 < card + 1)
                for (i = 0; i < card; i++)
                    if (taken[i] == 0)
                        if (groupCard0 >= groupCard1)
                            taken[i] = 2;
                            groupCard1 += 1;
                            taken[i] = 1;
                            pg.setBranch(groupCard0++, b[i], branch.GetRaw(i));
            pg.n = groupCard0;
            n = groupCard1;
            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < groupCard1; j++)
                if (taken[j] == 2)
                    setBranch(i++, b[j], branch.GetRaw(j));
            // truncate rest of link
            branch.Length = groupCard1;
            branch.Length = card;
            return pg;
 private Thing CreateObject(Thing type, VersionHistory vh, NameVal[] props) 
     Thing thing = new Thing();
     thing.vh = vh;
     thing.type = type;
     thing.timestamp = DateTime.Now;
     thing.props = new PropVal[props.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) 
         NameVal prop = props[i];
         PropDef def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
         if (def == null) 
             def = new PropDef();
             def.name = prop.name;
         object val = prop.val;
         PropVal pv = new PropVal(def, val);
         Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
         if (val is string) 
             root.strPropIndex.Put(key, thing);
             foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                 if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword)) 
                     root.inverseIndex.Put(keyword, thing);
         else if (val is double) 
             root.numPropIndex.Put(key, thing);
         else if (val is DateTime) 
             root.timePropIndex.Put(key, thing);
         else if (val is VersionHistory || val == null) 
             root.refPropIndex.Put(key, thing);
             if (prop.name == Symbols.Rectangle) 
                 PropVal[] coord = ((VersionHistory)val).Latest.props;
                 RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val, 
                 root.spatialIndex.Put(r, thing);   
             else if (prop.name == Symbols.Point) 
                 PropVal[] coord = ((VersionHistory)val).Latest.props;
                 double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                 double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                 RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                 root.spatialIndex.Put(r, thing);   
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid propery value type " + prop.val.GetType());
         thing.props[i] = pv;                  
     return thing;