Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendWeatherDaily(Object threadContext)
            //Main._Main.Timer.Enabled = false;

            foreach (string email in GetWeatherEmailList())
                int Who = NM.FromWho(email);
                if (Who == -1)
                                     "", "", true, true, "");
                    string petorfirstname;
                    if (Variables.Contacts[Who].Closeness >= 75)
                        petorfirstname = Variables.Contacts[Who].PetName;
                        petorfirstname = Variables.Contacts[Who].FirstName;

                                     Variables.Contacts[Who].FirstName + " " + Variables.Contacts[Who].LastName,
                                     "", "", true, true, petorfirstname);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CheckDriveforSystemSpace(Object threadContext)
            DriveInfo[] allDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();

            foreach (DriveInfo d in allDrives)
                if (d.IsReady == true)
                    double ratio = Convert.ToDouble(d.TotalFreeSpace) / Convert.ToDouble(d.TotalSize);
                    if (ratio < Variables.DriveSpaceFreePercent - 0.02)  //0.01 is a gap
                        //give us a warning...
                        foreach (string email in GetEmailList())
                            int Who = NM.FromWho(email);
                            if (Who == -1)
                                string MSG;
                                MSG = string.Format("{0}, the drive {1} is now {2} availabe space. You need at least {3}MB free space. Please remove some or transfer to another drive. {0}. I'll check it again tomorrow.",
                                                    "Nobody!", "I dont Know", ratio.ToString("P", (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), (d.TotalSize * Variables.DriveSpaceFreePercent / 1000000000).ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                NM.sendEmailHTML(email, "Nobody", "HD Free Space limit", MSG, true);
                                string MSG;
                                if (Variables.Contacts[Who].Closeness >= 75)
                                    MSG = string.Format("{0}, the drive {1} is now {2} availabe space. You need at least {3}MB free space. Please remove some or transfer to another drive. {0}. I'll check it again tomorrow.",
                                                        Variables.Contacts[Who].PetName, d.Name.ToUpper().Trim(), ratio.ToString("P", (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), (d.TotalSize * Variables.DriveSpaceFreePercent / 1000000000).ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                    MSG = string.Format("{0}, the drive {1} is now {2} availabe space. You need at least {3}MB free space. Please remove some or transfer to another drive. {0}. I'll check it again tomorrow.",
                                                        Variables.Contacts[Who].FirstName, d.Name.ToUpper().Trim(), ratio.ToString("P", (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), (d.TotalSize * Variables.DriveSpaceFreePercent / 1000000000).ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                NM.sendEmailHTML(Variables.Contacts[Who].Email, Variables.Contacts[Who].FirstName + " " + Variables.Contacts[Who].LastName, "HD Free Space limit", MSG, true);