DrawMatrixCode() public method

Draws the specified data matrix code.
public DrawMatrixCode ( BarCodes matrixcode, XBrush brush, XPoint position ) : void
matrixcode BarCodes
brush XBrush
position XPoint
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrates serveral bar code types.
    /// </summary>
    public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx)
      XRect rc;

      Graphics grfx = gfx.Internals.Graphics;

      Code2of5Interleaved bc25 = new Code2of5Interleaved();
      bc25.Text = "123456";
      bc25.Size = new XSize(90, 30);
      //bc25.Direction = BarCodeDirection.RightToLeft;
      bc25.TextLocation = TextLocation.Above;
      gfx.DrawBarCode(bc25, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(100, 100));

      CodeDataMatrix dm = new CodeDataMatrix("test", 26);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(15), XUnit.FromMillimeter(15));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(300, 100));

      rc = new XRect(30, 200, XUnit.FromCentimeter(9.3) + XUnit.FromMillimeter(0.5), XUnit.FromMillimeter(6));
      gfx.DrawRectangle(new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, XColors.LightSeaGreen)), rc);

      CodeOmr omr = new CodeOmr(0xF8F5FF3F.ToString(), rc.Size, CodeDirection.LeftToRight);
      omr.MakerDistance = XUnit.FromMillimeter(3);
      omr.MakerThickness = XUnit.FromMillimeter(0.5);
      gfx.DrawBarCode(omr, XBrushes.Black, rc.Center);

      omr.Direction = CodeDirection.RightToLeft;
      gfx.DrawBarCode(omr, XBrushes.Black, rc.Center + new XSize(0, 50));

      omr.Direction = CodeDirection.RightToLeft;
      gfx.DrawBarCode(omr, XBrushes.Black, rc.Center + new XSize(0, 50));

      omr.Direction = CodeDirection.TopToBottom;
      gfx.DrawBarCode(omr, XBrushes.Black, rc.Center + new XSize(300, 25));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrates serveral bar code types.
    /// </summary>
    public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx)

      XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 14, XFontStyle.Bold);
      string info = "DataMatrix is a fake in the Open Source version!";
      XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(info, font);
      gfx.DrawString(info, font, XBrushes.Firebrick, (600 - size.Width) / 2, 50);

      //Graphics grfx = gfx.Internals.Graphics;

      CodeDataMatrix dm = new CodeDataMatrix("test", 26);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(15), XUnit.FromMillimeter(15));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(100, 100));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("test", 12, 12);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(15), XUnit.FromMillimeter(15));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(300, 100));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("test", 16, 48);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(50), XUnit.FromMillimeter(18));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(500, 100));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("0123456789", 52);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(30), XUnit.FromMillimeter(30));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(100, 300));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("0123456789", 12, 26);
      dm.Direction = CodeDirection.TopToBottom;
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(14), XUnit.FromMillimeter(7));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(300, 300));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("0123456789", 96);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(30), XUnit.FromMillimeter(30));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(500, 300));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("www.empira.de", 20);
      dm.Direction = CodeDirection.BottomToTop;
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(7), XUnit.FromMillimeter(7));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(100, 500));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("www.empira.de", 144, 144, 2);
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(50), XUnit.FromMillimeter(50));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(300, 500));

      dm = new CodeDataMatrix("www.empira.de", 88);
      dm.Direction = CodeDirection.RightToLeft;
      dm.Size = new XSize(XUnit.FromMillimeter(15), XUnit.FromMillimeter(15));
      gfx.DrawMatrixCode(dm, XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(500, 500));