Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Draw frame around example area
        private void DrawFrameAndBackgroundWaterMark(
			PdfContents Contents
            // save graphics state

            // Draw frame around the page
            // Set line width to 0.02"

            // set frame color dark blue

            // use water mark tiling pattern to fill the frame

            // rectangle position: x=1.0", y=1.0", width=6.5", height=9.0"
            Contents.DrawRectangle(1.0, 1.0, 6.5, 9.0, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke);

            // restore graphics sate

            // draw article name under the frame
            // Note: the \u00a4 is character 164 that was substituted during Font resource definition
            // this character is a solid circle it is normally unicode 9679 or \u25cf in the Arial family
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 9.0, 1.1, 0.85, "PdfFileWriter \u00a4 PDF File Writer C# Class Library \u00a4 Author: Uzi Granot");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawFormPai(
                PdfContents Contents
            // Order form simulation
            // Define constants to make the code readable
            // Define constants
            const Double Width = 3.05;
            const Double Height = 7.65;
            const Double Margin = 0.04;
            const Double FontSize = 9.0;
            Double LineSpacing = ArialNormal.LineSpacing(FontSize);
            Double Descent = ArialNormal.Descent(FontSize);
            Double ColWidth1 = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "9999.99") + 2 * Margin;
            Double ColWidth2 = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "Qty") + 2 * Margin;
            Double Col4LinePosX = Width - ColWidth1;
            Double Col3LinePosX = Col4LinePosX - ColWidth2;
            Double Col2LinePosX = Col3LinePosX - ColWidth1;

            /////Text of header of table
            Double Col1TextPosX = Margin;
            Double Col2TextPosX = Col3LinePosX - Margin;
            Double Col3TextPosX = Col4LinePosX - Margin;
            Double Col4TextPosX = Width - Margin;

            // save graphics state

            // form line width 0.01"

            // Initial vertical position for contents
            Double PosY1 = Height - LineSpacing - 2 * Margin;

            // bottom of the contents area of the form
            Double PosY2 = 2 * Margin + 3 * LineSpacing;

            // shift origin, bottom left of the form to X=4.35" and Y=1.1"
            /// Set Position of all contents ******
            Contents.Translate(1, 5);

            // draw outline rectangle
            Contents.DrawRectangle(0.0, 0.0, 6.25, 6.25, PaintOp.CloseStroke);

            // draw two horizontal lines. under table heading and above total
            Contents.DrawLine(0, 6, 6.25, 6);

            Contents.DrawLine(1, 0, 1, 6);
            Contents.DrawLine(2, 0, 2, 6);

            //   Contents.DrawLine(0, PosY2, Width, PosY2);

            // draw three vertical lines separating the column
            Contents.DrawLine(Col2LinePosX, Height, Col2LinePosX, PosY2);
            Contents.DrawLine(Col3LinePosX, Height, Col3LinePosX, PosY2);
            Contents.DrawLine(Col4LinePosX, Height, Col4LinePosX, 0);

            // draw table heading
            Double PosY = PosY1 + Margin + Descent;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col1TextPosX, PosY, "Description");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col2TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Price");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Qty");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total");

            // reset order total
            Double Total = 0;

            // define text box for book title and author
            TextBox Box = new TextBox(Col2LinePosX - 2 * Margin);

            // initial vertical position
            PosY = PosY1 - Margin;

            // loop for all items in the order
            // Order class is a atabase simulation for this example
            foreach (Order Book in Order.OrderList)
            // clear the text box

            // add book title and authors to the box
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Book.Title);
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, ". By: ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Book.Authors);

            // draw the title and authors.
            // on exit, PosY will be for next line
            Contents.DrawText(Col1TextPosX, ref PosY, PosY2, 0, Box);

            // move PosY up to allow drawing cost on the same line as the last text line of the box
            PosY += Descent;

            // draw price quantity and item's total
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col2TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Price.ToString("#.00"));
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Qty.ToString());
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Total.ToString("#.00"));

            // update PosY for next item
            PosY -= Descent + 0.5 * LineSpacing;

            // accumulate total
            Total += Book.Total;

            // draw total before tax
            PosY = PosY2 - Margin - ArialNormal.Ascent(FontSize);
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total before tax");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));

            // draw tax (Ontario Canada HST)
            PosY -= LineSpacing;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Tax (13%)");
            Double Tax = Math.Round(0.13 * Total, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Tax.ToString("#.00"));

            // draw final total
            PosY -= LineSpacing;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total payable");
            Total += Tax;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));

            // restore graphics state