public void updateTreeView(string next_change_id = null)
            treeViewStash.Invoke(new Action(() => treeViewStash.Nodes.Clear())); //we call this function from another thread so we have to send this action to the main-thread
            statusStripLabel.GetCurrentParent().Invoke(new Action(() => statusStripLabel.Text = "Fetching Root Object..."));

            Dictionary <string, List <Stash> > dList = new Dictionary <string, List <Stash> >();
            RootObject ro = DataManagement.getRootObject(next_change_id);

            statusStripLabel.GetCurrentParent().Invoke(new Action(() => statusStripLabel.Text = "Updating Tree View..."));
            currentChangeID.GetCurrentParent().Invoke(new Action(() => currentChangeID.Text   = "Next Change ID: " + ro.next_change_id));
            currentChangeID.Tag = ro.next_change_id;

            for (int i = 0; i < ro.stashes.Count; i++)
                if (ro.stashes[i].items.Count == 0) //only add stash tab if it actually contains items
                List <Stash> currentStashes = new List <Stash>();
                if (i != 0)
                    if (ro.stashes[i].accountName == ro.stashes[i - 1].accountName)           //check if previous stash has the same owner
                        if (dList.TryGetValue(ro.stashes[i].accountName, out currentStashes)) //check if there is already a KeyValuePair for that owner
                            currentStashes.Add(ro.stashes[i]);                                //add the current stash to the list of stashes
                        else //create a new KeyValuePair for this owner
                            currentStashes = new List <Stash>(); //no value returned so currentStashes is null -> create new instance
                            dList.Add(ro.stashes[i].accountName, currentStashes);
                else //first stash so we create a new KeyValuePair
                    dList.Add(ro.stashes[i].accountName, currentStashes);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Stash> > kvp in dList)
                TreeNode tn = new TreeNode(kvp.Key);
                for (int n = 0; n < kvp.Value.Count; n++)
                    TreeNode tb = new TreeNode(n.ToString());
                    tb.Tag = kvp.Value[n];
                treeViewStash.Invoke(new Action(() => treeViewStash.Nodes.Add(tn)));
            statusStripLabel.GetCurrentParent().Invoke(new Action(() => statusStripLabel.Text = ""));
        private void treeViewItems_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = (Dictionary <string, object>)e.Node.Tag;
            object iconUrl;

            dict.TryGetValue("icon", out iconUrl);
            picBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            if (iconUrl != null)