Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void ProcessJunction(JunctionAgent JA, int[] PreviousStage, Returner ReturnerVariables)
            //test that number of stages and agents match
            if (JA.Stages.Count != JA.NoOfStages)
                throw (new Exception("The number of stages does not match the number of agents"));

            for (int i = 0; i < JA.Stages.Count; i++)

            int WinningStage = 1;

            //This is where AH adds his stage selector...
            AllStages          AS = new AllStages();
            List <List <int> > AllPossibleStages = new List <List <int> >();

            //Number of Stages - Reads a file to generate stage list
            //AllPossibleStages = AS.ReturnAllCrossroadStages();
            //AllPossibleStages = AS.StagesGenerator(@"OptimalCrossroad17Stages.txt");   //This is for the 17 stage option
            //AllPossibleStages = AS.StagesGenerator(@"OptimalCrossroad16Stages.txt");   //This is for the 16 stage option
            //AllPossibleStages = AS.StagesGenerator(@"OptimalCrossroad12Stages.txt");   //This is for the 12 stage option
            //AllPossibleStages = AS.StagesGenerator(@"OptimalCrossroad8Stages.txt");   //This is for the 8 stage option

            //Four stage road state model [Stage1RoadState, State2RoadState...]
            //List<double[]> FourStageRoadStates = new List<double[]>();
            //FourStageRoadStates = ReturnFourStageSolution(JA.AllRoadStates);

            //12 Phase road state model [Phase1RoadState, Phase2RoadState...]
            List <double[]> TwelvePhaseRoadStates = new List <double[]>();

            TwelvePhaseRoadStates = Return12PhaseRoadState(JA.AllRoadStates);

            List <int[]> CyclePlan = new List <int[]>();


            double NumberOfVehicles = ReturnNumberOfVehicles(TwelvePhaseRoadStates);

            /*if (NumberOfVehicles >= FixedVariables.MaxNumberOfVehiclesAtJunction)          //This is a way of using a fixed time cycle if the number of cars exceeds a certain value....
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("There are this many cars..." + NumberOfVehicles);
             *  CyclePlan = FixedTimePlan(PreviousStage[0]);
             *  Console.WriteLine("Stage " + CyclePlan[0][0] + " called for " + CyclePlan[0][1] + "seconds");
             * }*/
            if (NumberOfVehicles <= FixedVariables.MinNumberOfVehiclesAtJunction)
                FixedVariables.MaximumGreenTime = FixedVariables.MaxGreenTimeLowFlow;
                FixedVariables.MaximumGreenTime = FixedVariables.MaxGreenTimeNormalFlow;
            if (false)
                FixedVariables  FV           = new FixedVariables();
                RunnerCyclePlan RunCyclePlan = new RunnerCyclePlan();

                //4 Stage Model
                //CyclePlan = RunCyclePlan.RunAlgorithm(FV.StartingSeeds, FV.StepsClimbed, FV.MutationsAroundAPoint, TwelvePhaseRoadStates, RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesFourStageModel());

                //8 Stage Model
                //CyclePlan = RunCyclePlan.RunAlgorithm(FV.StartingSeeds, FV.StepsClimbed, FV.MutationsAroundAPoint, TwelvePhaseRoadStates, RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesEightStageModel());

                //17 Stage Model
                //CyclePlan = RunCyclePlan.RunAlgorithm(FV.StartingSeeds, FV.StepsClimbed, FV.MutationsAroundAPoint, TwelvePhaseRoadStates, RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesSeventeenStageModel());

                //RunnerSingleStage RunSS = new RunnerSingleStage();
                RunnerAllSingleStageOptions RunAllSS = new RunnerAllSingleStageOptions();

                //8 Stage - Single Stage Selection Model
                //CyclePlan = RunSS.RunAlgorithm(FV.StartingSeeds, FV.StepsClimbed, FV.MutationsAroundAPoint, TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesEightStageModel());
                //CyclePlan = RunAllSS.RunAlgorithm(TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesEightStageModel());

                //NB. In 'RunAllSS' there is a function which would not need to be used in 4 stage model - UpdateDischargeRate8Stage
                //4 Stage - Single Stage Selection Model - All Combinations checked
                CyclePlan = RunAllSS.RunAlgorithm(TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesFourStageModel(), ReturnerVariables.TimeSinceReleased);
                UpdateTimeSinceReleased(CyclePlan, RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesFourStageModel(), ReturnerVariables);

                //NB. In 'RunAllSS' there is a function which would not need to be used in 4 stage model - UpdateDischargeRate8Stage
                //8 Stage - Single Stage Selection Model - All Combinations checked if demand
                //CyclePlan = RunAllSS.RunAlgorithm(TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesEightStageModel(), ReturnerVariables.TimeSinceReleased);
                //UpdateTimeSinceReleased(CyclePlan, RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesEightStageModel(), ReturnerVariables);

                //17 Stage - Single Stage Selection Model - All Combinations checked
                //CyclePlan = RunAllSS.RunAlgorithm(TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesSeventeenStageModel());

                //2 Stage - Single Stage Selection Model - All Combinations checked
                //CyclePlan = RunAllSS.RunAlgorithm(TwelvePhaseRoadStates, PreviousStage[0], RunCyclePlan.PopulatePhasesTwoStageModel());

            List <int[]> FinalAnswer = new List <int[]>();        //This is to remove the (99,5) Intergreen Phase


            FinalAnswer = ReturnCyclePlan(CyclePlan);

            JA.NextStage = FinalAnswer;

            //This all works for the highbid model...

            /*int LastStage = 2;
             * LastStage = PreviousStage[0];
             * //Stage Choice - Select the 'logic' for choosing the best stage
             * //Console.WriteLine(LastStage);
             * //WinningStage = AS.WithinXPercentStage(AllPossibleStages, JA.AllPhases, LastStage, 15.0);   //This is for the within "X" percent bid
             * WinningStage = AS.SimpleHighestStage(AllPossibleStages, JA.AllPhases);                   //This is for the basic highest bid
             * List<int[]> Answer = new List<int[]>();
             * int[] SingleStage = new int[2];
             * int StageLength = 10;
             * SingleStage[0] = WinningStage;
             * SingleStage[1] = StageLength;
             * Answer.Add(SingleStage);
             * JA.NextStage = Answer;
             * /*int Stage = 1;
             * double BidHolder = 0;
             * foreach (StageAgent SA in JA.Stages)
             * {
             *  Bid B = SA.StageBid;
             *  if (B.Scalar > BidHolder)               //This is Simon's original stage selection process
             *  {
             *      WinningStage = Stage;
             *      BidHolder = B.Scalar;
             *  }
             *  Stage++;
             * }*/

            //JA.NextStage = WinningStage;*/
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SynchRun(int Duration)
            Returner ReturnerVariables = new Returner();

            int SynchDelay = 1000;      //This is in centi-seconds - ie. 10 second delay is 1000.

            //Connector.PCont.SetModelSyncTrapRate(ref SynchDelay);     //AH moved this to within the 'do' loop to ensure we can vary the time

            Connector.PCont.OnSynch += new __PController_OnSynchEventHandler(PCont_OnSynch);

            ExitSim = false;

            /*int[] LastStageList = new int[Processor.MainZone.Junctions.Count];
             * for (int i = 0; i < LastStageList.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  LastStageList[i] = 1;
             * }*/

            //int iterations = 0;
            int iterations = 10;

            int[] PreviousStage = new int[1];
            PreviousStage[0] = 0;

            //AH copied this bit of code so that the first timestep would still work!
            Connector.PCont.SetModelSyncTrapRate(ref SynchDelay);
            SynchDone = false;
            while (SynchDone == false)
            Thread.Sleep(1000);//TODO This is to give paramics time to save the snapfile should make this explicit in the future

            FixedVariables FV             = new FixedVariables();
            int            IntergreenTime = FV.IntergreenTimeVariable;

                List <int[]> Jstages = Processor.EvaluationProcess(ModelTimeofDay, PreviousStage, ReturnerVariables);  //AH this is where the next stage is determined for each junction

                foreach (int[] StageAndLength in Jstages)
                    Processor.SigSet.SetStages(StageAndLength[0], 0);       //Junction 0 is the junction number for the single junction
                    PreviousStage[0] = StageAndLength[0];                   //This is so that when the calculations are made, the current stage is known

                    ReturnerVariables.PreviousStage[0] = StageAndLength[0];

                    SynchDelay = (StageAndLength[1] + IntergreenTime) * 100;                         //This is how long the stage will run for multiplied by 100 to express it in centi-seconds

                    Connector.PCont.SetModelSyncTrapRate(ref SynchDelay);
                    SynchDone = false;
                    while (SynchDone == false)
                    //Thread.Sleep(1000);//TODO This is to give paramics time to save the snapfile should make this explicit in the future

                    //Trial to make any simulation time work...
                    iterations += (SynchDelay / 100);       //NB. SynchDelay is recorded in Centi-seconds
                    //NB. That I have commented out the iterations++ below for this to work

                //This function needs to be editted to be able to use a cycle plan rather than a single stage number...
                //int[] Jstages = Processor.EvaluationProcess(ModelTimeofDay, PreviousStage);  //AH this is where the next stage is determined for each junction

                /*for (int i = 0; i < Jstages.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  /*if (LastStageList[i] != Jstages[i])
                 *  {
                 *      LastStageList[i] = Jstages[i];*/
                /*Processor.SigSet.SetStages(Jstages[i], i);
                 * PreviousStage = Jstages;
                 * //}
                 * }*/
                if (iterations >= Duration)
                    ExitSim = true;
            } while (ExitSim == false);