protected override void OnCalculate(InteractionParamHolder damageInfo, InteractionResult curResult, ContactResultInfo curContactResult)
                //If the attack didn't hit, don't factor in DamageEffects
                if (StepResult.VictimResult.Hit == false)
                    StepResult.VictimResult.DamageEffect = DamageEffects.None;

                //If the current result has no DamageEffects (whether the move didn't have any or a Defensive Action removed them)
                //or if the BattleEntity isn't vulnerable to any DamageEffects, then don't bother doing anything else
                if (StepResult.VictimResult.DamageEffect == DamageEffects.None ||
                    StepResult.VictimResult.Entity.EntityProperties.HasDamageEffectVulnerabilities() == false)

                //The DamageEffects stored in the result
                DamageEffects resultEffects = DamageEffects.None;

                //Get all the DamageEffects
                DamageEffects[] damageEffects = UtilityGlobals.GetEnumValues <DamageEffects>();

                //Start at index 1, as 0 is the value of None indicating no DamageEffects
                for (int i = 1; i < damageEffects.Length; i++)
                    DamageEffects curEffect = damageEffects[i];

                    //If the move has the DamageEffect and the entity is affected by it, add it to the result
                    //This approach is easier and more readable than removing effects
                    if (UtilityGlobals.EnumHasFlag(StepResult.VictimResult.DamageEffect, curEffect) == true &&
                        StepResult.VictimResult.Entity.EntityProperties.IsVulnerableToDamageEffect(curEffect) == true)
                        resultEffects |= curEffect;

                //Set the result
                StepResult.VictimResult.DamageEffect = resultEffects;