protected override void OnCalculate(InteractionParamHolder damageInfo, InteractionResult curResult, ContactResultInfo curContactResult)
                Elements     element = StepResult.VictimResult.DamageElement;
                BattleEntity victim  = StepResult.VictimResult.Entity;

                //Retrieve an overridden type of Elemental damage to inflict based on the Victim's PhysicalAttributes
                //(Ex. The Ice Power Badge only deals Ice damage to Fiery entities)
                ElementOverrideHolder newElement = StepResult.AttackerResult.Entity.EntityProperties.GetTotalElementOverride(victim);

                if (newElement.Element != Elements.Invalid)
                    /*NOTE: Idea for stacking weaknesses
                     * (Ex. 1 Ice Power is 1 weakness, Ice Power + Ice Smash = 2 weaknesses)
                     * Ex. damage = 2
                     * player inflicts ice 2 times: ice power & ice smash
                     * ice_inflicted_times = 2
                     * if (enemy weak to ice)
                     *  damage += ice_inflicted_times
                     * end
                     #damage = 4

                    //Add the number of element overrides to the damage if the element used already exists as an override and the victim has a Weakness
                    //to the Element. This allows Badges such as Ice Power to deal more damage if used in conjunction with attacks
                    //that deal the same type of damage (Ex. Ice Power and Ice Smash deal 2 additional damage total rather than 1).
                    //If any new knowledge is discovered to improve this, this will be changed
                    //Ice Power is the only Badge of its kind across the first two PM games that does anything like this
                    if (element == newElement.Element && victim.EntityProperties.HasWeakness(element) == true)
                        StepResult.VictimResult.TotalDamage += newElement.OverrideCount;

                    StepResult.VictimResult.DamageElement = newElement.Element;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public static void ElementOverrideInteractionUT1()
                BattleMario mario  = new BattleMario(new MarioStats(1, 5, 50, 0, 0, EquipmentGlobals.BootLevels.Normal, EquipmentGlobals.HammerLevels.Normal));
                Goomba      goomba = new Goomba();

                IcePowerBadge icePower = new IcePowerBadge();

                IcePowerBadge icePower2 = new IcePowerBadge();


                goomba.EntityProperties.AddWeakness(Enumerations.Elements.Ice, new WeaknessHolder(WeaknessTypes.PlusDamage, 1));

                Debug.Assert(goomba.EntityProperties.HasPhysAttributes(true, Enumerations.PhysicalAttributes.Fiery));

                ElementOverrideHolder overrideHolder = mario.EntityProperties.GetTotalElementOverride(goomba);

                Debug.Assert(overrideHolder.Element == Enumerations.Elements.Ice);
                Debug.Assert(overrideHolder.OverrideCount == 2);

                InteractionParamHolder param = new InteractionParamHolder(mario, goomba, 1, Enumerations.Elements.Ice, true,
                                                                          Enumerations.ContactTypes.TopDirect, null, Enumerations.DamageEffects.None, false, Enumerations.DefensiveMoveOverrides.None);
                InteractionResult interaction = Interactions.GetDamageInteraction(param);

                Debug.Assert(interaction.VictimResult.TotalDamage == 4);



                ElementOverrideHolder overrideHolder2 = mario.EntityProperties.GetTotalElementOverride(goomba);

                Debug.Assert(overrideHolder2.Element == Enumerations.Elements.Invalid);
        public static InteractionResult GetDamageInteractionOld(InteractionParamHolder interactionParam)
            InteractionResult finalInteractionResult = new InteractionResult();

            BattleEntity attacker    = interactionParam.Attacker;
            BattleEntity victim      = interactionParam.Victim;
            ContactTypes contactType = interactionParam.ContactType;
            Elements     element     = interactionParam.DamagingElement;

            StatusChanceHolder[] statuses = interactionParam.Statuses;
            int  damage   = interactionParam.Damage;
            bool piercing = interactionParam.Piercing;

            //Get contact results
            ContactResultInfo contactResultInfo = victim.EntityProperties.GetContactResult(attacker, contactType);
            ContactResult     contactResult     = contactResultInfo.ContactResult;

            //Retrieve an overridden type of Elemental damage to inflict based on the Victim's PhysicalAttributes
            //(Ex. The Ice Power Badge only deals Ice damage to Fiery entities)
            ElementOverrideHolder newElement = attacker.EntityProperties.GetTotalElementOverride(victim);

            if (newElement.Element != Elements.Invalid)
                //Add the number of element overrides to the damage if the element used already exists as an override and the victim has a Weakness
                //to the Element. This allows Badges such as Ice Power to deal more damage if used in conjunction with attacks
                //that deal the same type of damage (Ex. Ice Power and Ice Smash deal 2 additional damage total rather than 1).
                //If any new knowledge is discovered to improve this, this will be changed
                //Ice Power is the only Badge of its kind across the first two PM games that does anything like this
                if (element == newElement.Element && victim.EntityProperties.HasWeakness(element) == true)
                    damage += newElement.OverrideCount;

                element = newElement.Element;

            /*Get the total damage dealt to the Victim. The amount of Full or Half Payback damage dealt to the Attacker
             * uses the resulting damage value from this because Payback uses the total damage that would be dealt to the Victim.
             * This occurs before factoring in elemental resistances/weaknesses from the Attacker*/
            ElementDamageResultHolder victimElementDamage = GetElementalDamage(victim, element, damage);

            int unscaledVictimDamage = victimElementDamage.Damage;

            //Subtract damage reduction (P-Up, D-Down and P-Down, D-Up Badges)
            unscaledVictimDamage -= victim.BattleStats.DamageReduction;

            //Check if the attack hit. If not, then don't consider defensive actions
            bool attackHit = interactionParam.CantMiss == true ? true : attacker.AttemptHitEntity(victim);

            //Defense added from Damage Dodge Badges upon a successful Guard
            int damageDodgeDefense = 0;

            //Defensive actions take priority. If the attack didn't hit, don't check for defensive actions
            BattleGlobals.DefensiveActionHolder?victimDefenseData = null;
            if (attackHit == true)
                victimDefenseData = victim.GetDefensiveActionResult(unscaledVictimDamage, statuses, interactionParam.DamageEffect);

            if (victimDefenseData.HasValue == true)
                unscaledVictimDamage = victimDefenseData.Value.Damage;
                statuses             = victimDefenseData.Value.Statuses;
                //If the Defensive action dealt damage and the contact was direct
                //the Defensive action has caused a Failure for the Attacker (Ex. Superguarding)
                if ((contactType == ContactTypes.TopDirect || contactType == ContactTypes.SideDirect) && victimDefenseData.Value.ElementHolder.HasValue == true)
                    contactResult = ContactResult.Failure;

                //Factor in the additional Guard defense for all DefensiveActions (for now, at least)
                damageDodgeDefense = victim.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.DamageDodge);

            //Subtract Defense on non-piercing damage
            if (piercing == false)
                int totalDefense = victim.BattleStats.TotalDefense + damageDodgeDefense;
                unscaledVictimDamage -= totalDefense;

            int scaledVictimDamage = unscaledVictimDamage;

            //Factor in Double Pain for the Victim
            scaledVictimDamage *= (1 + victim.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.DoublePain));

            //Factor in Last Stand for the Victim, if the Victim is in Danger or Peril
            if (victim.IsInDanger == true)
                //PM rounds down, whereas TTYD rounds up. We're going with the latter
                //TTYD always ceilings the value (Ex. 3.2 turns to 4)
                int lastStandDivider = (1 + victim.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.LastStand));
                scaledVictimDamage = (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledVictimDamage / (float)lastStandDivider);

            /*If the Victim is Invincible, ignore all damage and Status Effects
             * If the Attacker is Invincible, ignore all Payback damage and Status Effects
             * It won't ignore the Payback's effects automatically; that has to be done manually by adding
             * contact exceptions or something else*/

            //Clamp Victim damage
            scaledVictimDamage = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(scaledVictimDamage, BattleGlobals.MinDamage, BattleGlobals.MaxDamage);

            #region Victim Damage Dealt

            //Calculating damage dealt to the Victim
            if (contactResult == ContactResult.Success || contactResult == ContactResult.PartialSuccess)
                //Get the Status Effects to inflict on the Victim
                StatusChanceHolder[] victimInflictedStatuses = GetFilteredInflictedStatuses(victim, statuses);

                //Check if the Victim is Invincible. If so, ignore all damage and Status Effects
                if (victim.EntityProperties.GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.Invincible) == true)
                    scaledVictimDamage = 0;
                    victimElementDamage.InteractionResult = ElementInteractionResult.Damage;
                    victimInflictedStatuses = null;

                finalInteractionResult.VictimResult = new InteractionHolder(victim, scaledVictimDamage, element,
                                                                            victimElementDamage.InteractionResult, contactType, piercing, victimInflictedStatuses, attackHit, DamageEffects.None);


            #region Attacker Damage Dealt

            //Calculating damage dealt to the Attacker
            if (contactResult == ContactResult.Failure || contactResult == ContactResult.PartialSuccess)
                //The damage the Attacker dealt to the Victim
                int           damageDealt   = unscaledVictimDamage;
                PaybackHolder paybackHolder = contactResultInfo.Paybackholder;

                //Override the PaybackHolder with a Defensive Action's results, if any
                if (victimDefenseData.HasValue == true && victimDefenseData.Value.ElementHolder.HasValue == true)
                    damageDealt   = victimDefenseData.Value.ElementHolder.Value.Damage;
                    paybackHolder = new PaybackHolder(PaybackTypes.Constant, victimDefenseData.Value.ElementHolder.Value.Element, damageDealt);

                //Get the damage done to the Attacker, factoring in Weaknesses/Resistances
                ElementDamageResultHolder attackerElementDamage = GetElementalDamage(attacker, paybackHolder.Element, damageDealt);

                //Get Payback damage - Payback damage is calculated after everything else, including Constant Payback.
                //However, it does NOT factor in Double Pain or any sort of Defense modifiers.
                int paybackDamage = paybackHolder.GetPaybackDamage(attackerElementDamage.Damage);

                //If Constant Payback, update the damage value to use the element
                if (paybackHolder.PaybackType == PaybackTypes.Constant)
                    paybackDamage = GetElementalDamage(attacker, paybackHolder.Element, paybackDamage).Damage;

                //Clamp Attacker damage
                attackerElementDamage.Damage = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(paybackDamage, BattleGlobals.MinDamage, BattleGlobals.MaxDamage);

                //Get the Status Effects to inflict
                StatusChanceHolder[] attackerInflictedStatuses = GetFilteredInflictedStatuses(attacker, paybackHolder.StatusesInflicted);

                //Check if the Attacker is Invincible. If so, ignore all damage and Status Effects
                if (attacker.EntityProperties.GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.Invincible) == true)
                    attackerElementDamage.Damage            = 0;
                    attackerElementDamage.InteractionResult = ElementInteractionResult.Damage;
                    attackerInflictedStatuses = null;

                finalInteractionResult.AttackerResult = new InteractionHolder(attacker, attackerElementDamage.Damage, paybackHolder.Element,
                                                                              attackerElementDamage.InteractionResult, ContactTypes.None, true, attackerInflictedStatuses, true, DamageEffects.None);

