Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <PantryLayoutOutputs> Handler(PantryLayoutInputs args, ILambdaContext context)
            // Preload dependencies (if they exist),
            // so that they are available during model deserialization.

            var sw          = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var asmLocation = this.GetType().Assembly.Location;
            var asmDir      = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmLocation);

            // Explicitly load the dependencies project, it might have types
            // that aren't used in the function but are necessary for correct
            // deserialization.
            var asmName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asmLocation);
            var depPath = Path.Combine(asmDir, $"{asmName}.Dependencies.dll");

            if (File.Exists(depPath))
                Console.WriteLine($"Loading dependencies assembly from: {depPath}...");
                Console.WriteLine("Dependencies assembly loaded.");

            // Load all reference assemblies.
            Console.WriteLine($"Loading all referenced assemblies.");
            foreach (var asm in this.GetType().Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load {asm.FullName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Time to load assemblies: {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds})");

            if (this.store == null)
                this.store = new S3ModelStore <PantryLayoutInputs>(RegionEndpoint.USWest1);

            var l      = new InvocationWrapper <PantryLayoutInputs, PantryLayoutOutputs>(store, PantryLayout.Execute);
            var output = await l.InvokeAsync(args);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The PantryLayout function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The input model.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The arguments to the execution.</param>
        /// <returns>A PantryLayoutOutputs instance containing computed results and the model with any new elements.</returns>
        public static PantryLayoutOutputs Execute(Dictionary <string, Model> inputModels, PantryLayoutInputs input)
            var spacePlanningZones = inputModels["Space Planning Zones"];
            var levelsModel        = inputModels["Levels"];
            var levels             = spacePlanningZones.AllElementsOfType <LevelElements>();
            var levelVolumes       = levelsModel.AllElementsOfType <LevelVolume>();
            var output             = new PantryLayoutOutputs();
            var configJson         = File.ReadAllText("./PantryConfigurations.json");
            var configs            = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpaceConfiguration>(configJson);

            foreach (var lvl in levels)
                var corridors           = lvl.Elements.OfType <Floor>();
                var corridorSegments    = corridors.SelectMany(p => p.Profile.Segments());
                var meetingRmBoundaries = lvl.Elements.OfType <SpaceBoundary>().Where(z => z.Name == "Pantry");
                var levelVolume         = levelVolumes.First(l => l.Name == lvl.Name);
                foreach (var room in meetingRmBoundaries)
                    var  spaceBoundary        = room.Boundary;
                    Line orientationGuideEdge = FindEdgeAdjacentToSegments(spaceBoundary.Perimeter.Segments(), corridorSegments, out var wallCandidates);

                    var orientationTransform = new Transform(Vector3.Origin, orientationGuideEdge.Direction(), Vector3.ZAxis);
                    var boundaryCurves       = new List <Polygon>();
                    boundaryCurves.AddRange(spaceBoundary.Voids ?? new List <Polygon>());

                    var grid = new Grid2d(boundaryCurves, orientationTransform);
                    foreach (var cell in grid.GetCells())
                        var rect       = cell.GetCellGeometry() as Polygon;
                        var segs       = rect.Segments();
                        var width      = segs[0].Length();
                        var depth      = segs[1].Length();
                        var trimmedGeo = cell.GetTrimmedCellGeometry();
                        if (!cell.IsTrimmed() && trimmedGeo.Count() > 0)
                            output.Model.AddElement(InstantiateLayout(configs, width, depth, rect, room.Transform));
                        else if (trimmedGeo.Count() > 0)
                            var largestTrimmedShape = trimmedGeo.OfType <Polygon>().OrderBy(s => s.Area()).Last();
                            var cinchedVertices     = rect.Vertices.Select(v => largestTrimmedShape.Vertices.OrderBy(v2 => v2.DistanceTo(v)).First()).ToList();
                            var cinchedPoly         = new Polygon(cinchedVertices);
                            // output.Model.AddElement(new ModelCurve(cinchedPoly, BuiltInMaterials.ZAxis, levelVolume.Transform));
                            output.Model.AddElement(InstantiateLayout(configs, width, depth, cinchedPoly, room.Transform));
                            Console.WriteLine("­ЪциРђЇРЎѓ№ИЈ funny shape!!!");
            InstancePositionOverrides(input.Overrides, output.Model);