Ejemplo n.º 1
        private unsafe void SquishSurfaceTo24Bpp(Surface surface)
            byte *dst         = (byte *)surface.GetRowAddress(0);
            int   byteWidth   = surface.Width * 3;
            int   stride24bpp = ((byteWidth + 3) / 4) * 4; // round up to multiple of 4
            int   delta       = stride24bpp - byteWidth;

            for (int y = 0; y < surface.Height; ++y)
                ColorBgra *src    = surface.GetRowAddress(y);
                ColorBgra *srcEnd = src + surface.Width;

                while (src < srcEnd)
                    dst[0] = src->B;
                    dst[1] = src->G;
                    dst[2] = src->R;
                    dst += 3;

                dst += delta;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Clear(bool newValue)
            unsafe {
                uint val = newValue ? 0xffffffff : 0;

                for (int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
                    ColorBgra *row = surface.GetRowAddress(y);

                    int w = (this.Width + 31) / 32;

                    while (w > 0)
                        row->Bgra = val;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private unsafe void Analyze(Surface scratchSurface, out bool allOpaque, out bool all0or255Alpha, out int uniqueColorCount)
            allOpaque      = true;
            all0or255Alpha = true;
            Set <ColorBgra> uniqueColors = new Set <ColorBgra>();

            for (int y = 0; y < scratchSurface.Height; ++y)
                ColorBgra *srcPtr = scratchSurface.GetRowAddress(y);
                ColorBgra *endPtr = srcPtr + scratchSurface.Width;

                while (srcPtr < endPtr)
                    ColorBgra p = *srcPtr;

                    if (p.A != 255)
                        allOpaque = false;

                    if (p.A > 0 && p.A < 255)
                        all0or255Alpha = false;

                    if (p.A == 255 && !uniqueColors.Contains(p) && uniqueColors.Count < 300)


            uniqueColorCount = uniqueColors.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private unsafe void SquishSurfaceTo24Bpp(Surface surface)
            byte *dst = (byte *)surface.GetRowAddress(0);
            int byteWidth = surface.Width * 3;
            int stride24bpp = ((byteWidth + 3) / 4) * 4; // round up to multiple of 4
            int delta = stride24bpp - byteWidth;

            for (int y = 0; y < surface.Height; ++y)
                ColorBgra *src = surface.GetRowAddress(y);
                ColorBgra *srcEnd = src + surface.Width;

                while (src < srcEnd)
                    dst[0] = src->B;
                    dst[1] = src->G;
                    dst[2] = src->R;
                    dst += 3;

                dst += delta;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public unsafe override void Render(Surface dst, System.Drawing.Point offset)
            if (OwnerList.ScaleFactor < new ScaleFactor(2, 1))

            int[] d2SLookupX = OwnerList.Dst2SrcLookupX;
            int[] d2SLookupY = OwnerList.Dst2SrcLookupY;
            int[] s2DLookupX = OwnerList.Src2DstLookupX;
            int[] s2DLookupY = OwnerList.Src2DstLookupY;

            ColorBgra[] blackAndWhite = new ColorBgra[2] {
                ColorBgra.White, ColorBgra.Black

            // draw horizontal lines
            int sTop    = d2SLookupY[offset.Y];
            int sBottom = d2SLookupY[offset.Y + dst.Height];

            for (int srcY = sTop; srcY <= sBottom; ++srcY)
                int dstY   = s2DLookupY[srcY];
                int dstRow = dstY - offset.Y;

                if (dst.IsRowVisible(dstRow))
                    ColorBgra *dstRowPtr    = dst.GetRowAddress(dstRow);
                    ColorBgra *dstRowEndPtr = dstRowPtr + dst.Width;

                    dstRowPtr += offset.X & 1;

                    while (dstRowPtr < dstRowEndPtr)
                        *dstRowPtr = ColorBgra.Black;
                        dstRowPtr += 2;

            // draw vertical lines
            int sLeft  = d2SLookupX[offset.X];
            int sRight = d2SLookupX[offset.X + dst.Width];

            for (int srcX = sLeft; srcX <= sRight; ++srcX)
                int dstX   = s2DLookupX[srcX];
                int dstCol = dstX - offset.X;

                if (dst.IsColumnVisible(dstX - offset.X))
                    byte *dstColPtr    = (byte *)dst.GetPointAddress(dstCol, 0);
                    byte *dstColEndPtr = dstColPtr + dst.Stride * dst.Height;

                    dstColPtr += (offset.Y & 1) * dst.Stride;

                    while (dstColPtr < dstColEndPtr)
                        *((ColorBgra *)dstColPtr) = ColorBgra.Black;
                        dstColPtr += 2 * dst.Stride;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public unsafe override void Render(Surface dst, System.Drawing.Point offset)
            if (OwnerList.ScaleFactor < new ScaleFactor(2, 1))

            int[] d2SLookupX = OwnerList.Dst2SrcLookupX;
            int[] d2SLookupY = OwnerList.Dst2SrcLookupY;
            int[] s2DLookupX = OwnerList.Src2DstLookupX;
            int[] s2DLookupY = OwnerList.Src2DstLookupY;

            ColorBgra[] blackAndWhite = new ColorBgra[2] { ColorBgra.White, ColorBgra.Black };

            // draw horizontal lines
            int sTop = d2SLookupY[offset.Y];
            int sBottom = d2SLookupY[offset.Y + dst.Height];

            for (int srcY = sTop; srcY <= sBottom; ++srcY)
                int dstY = s2DLookupY[srcY];
                int dstRow = dstY - offset.Y;

                if (dst.IsRowVisible(dstRow))
                    ColorBgra *dstRowPtr = dst.GetRowAddress(dstRow);
                    ColorBgra *dstRowEndPtr = dstRowPtr + dst.Width;

                    dstRowPtr += offset.X & 1;

                    while (dstRowPtr < dstRowEndPtr)
                        *dstRowPtr = ColorBgra.Black;
                        dstRowPtr += 2;

            // draw vertical lines
            int sLeft = d2SLookupX[offset.X];
            int sRight = d2SLookupX[offset.X + dst.Width];

            for (int srcX = sLeft; srcX <= sRight; ++srcX)
                int dstX = s2DLookupX[srcX];
                int dstCol = dstX - offset.X;

                if (dst.IsColumnVisible(dstX - offset.X))
                    byte *dstColPtr = (byte *)dst.GetPointAddress(dstCol, 0);
                    byte *dstColEndPtr = dstColPtr + dst.Stride * dst.Height;

                    dstColPtr += (offset.Y & 1) * dst.Stride;

                    while (dstColPtr < dstColEndPtr)
                        *((ColorBgra *)dstColPtr) = ColorBgra.Black;
                        dstColPtr += 2 * dst.Stride;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Surface and copies the pixels from a Bitmap to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The Bitmap to duplicate.</param>
        /// <returns>A new Surface that is the same size as the given Bitmap and that has the same pixel values.</returns>
        public static Surface CopyFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)
            Surface surface = new Surface(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
            BitmapData bd = bitmap.LockBits(surface.Bounds, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                for (int y = 0; y < bd.Height; ++y)
                    Memory.Copy((void *)surface.GetRowAddress(y),
                        (byte *)bd.Scan0.ToPointer() + (y * bd.Stride), (ulong)bd.Width * ColorBgra.SizeOf);

            return surface;