This is the main type for your game
Inheritance: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Tbox             = new TextBox();
     Tbox.Text        = "Points: " + points;
     Tbox.Parent      = this;
     Tbox.Top         = 200;
     Tbox.Left        = 750;
     Tbox.Enabled     = false;
     Tbox.BackColor   = Color.Black;
     Tbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
     Tbox.Width       = 150;
     Tbox.Font        = new Font(Tbox.Font.FontFamily, 16);
     pole             = new Maze();
     pacman           = new PacMan(this);
     Blinky           = new Ghost(this, 1, 1, Image.FromFile("red_right.png"), Image.FromFile("red_down.png"), Image.FromFile("red_left.png"), Image.FromFile("red_up.png"));
     Pinky            = new Ghost(this, 26, 1, Image.FromFile("pink_right.png"), Image.FromFile("pink_down.png"), Image.FromFile("pink_left.png"), Image.FromFile("pink_up.png"));
     Inky             = new Ghost(this, 1, 29, Image.FromFile("blue_right.png"), Image.FromFile("blue_down.png"), Image.FromFile("blue_left.png"), Image.FromFile("blue_up.png"));
     Clyde            = new Ghost(this, 26, 29, Image.FromFile("orange_right.png"), Image.FromFile("orange_down.png"), Image.FromFile("orange_left.png"), Image.FromFile("orange_up.png"));
     System.IO.StreamReader pacfile = new System.IO.StreamReader("pac.txt");
     pole.GetBored(pacfile, this);
     timer          = new Timer();
     timer.Interval = 450;
     timer.Tick    += Movement;
     timer.Enabled  = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Initialize(CameraGameObject puppet)

   = (PacMan)puppet;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void Initialize()
            // Create the list objects
            this.Ghosts        = new List <Ghost>();
            this.PickupObjects = new List <PickupObject>();

            // Spawn all gameobjects
            this.maxPickUpCounter = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x++)
                    Vector2 pos = this.GridToWorld(x, y);
                    if (this.UnsafeIsPacManSpawn(x, y))
                        this.PacMan    = new PacMan(pos, this);
                        this.PacMan.AI = this.setAI(0, this.PacMan);
                    else if (this.UnsafeIsGhostSpawn(x, y))
                        int i = this.Ghosts.Count;
                        if (Ais[i + 2] != null)
                            this.Ghosts.Add(new Ghost(pos, this, i));
                            this.Ghosts[i].AI = this.setAI(i + 2, this.Ghosts[i]);
                    else if (this.UnsafeIsOrb(x, y))
                        this.PickupObjects.Add(new PickupObject(ORB, pos, this));
                    else if (this.UnsafeIsSuperOrb(x, y))
                        this.PickupObjects.Add(new PickupObject(SUPERORB, pos, this));
                    else if (this.UnsafeIsPickupSpawn(x, y))

            // Some default settings
            this.LastDirectionKey = DirectionKeys.None;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Initialize(CameraGameObject puppet)

             = (PacMan)puppet;
            this.forbiddenDir = Vector2.Zero;
            this.LastStates   = new Ghost.States[this.Level.Ghosts.Count];
            this.aGhostCanSeeMe             = false;
            this.aGhostCouldSeeMeLastUpdate = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PacMan PacMan = new PacMan(5000, 3, 0);

            while (PacMan.Lives > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("YOU ARE DEAD!");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public GameEngine(Grid dataGrid, Random rand, int tickInterval)
            this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
            this.rand = rand;

            dataGrid.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(dataGrid_Paint);
            pacman = new PacMan();
            ghost = new Ghost[4];
            ghost[0] = new Ghost("Purple");
            ghost[1] = new Ghost("Red");
            ghost[2] = new Ghost("Blue");
            ghost[3] = new Ghost("Green");
            gameOver = false;
        public GameEngine(Grid dataGrid, Random rand, int tickInterval)
            this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
            this.rand     = rand;

            dataGrid.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(dataGrid_Paint);
            pacman          = new PacMan();
            ghost           = new Ghost[4];
            ghost[0]        = new Ghost("Purple");
            ghost[1]        = new Ghost("Red");
            ghost[2]        = new Ghost("Blue");
            ghost[3]        = new Ghost("Green");
            gameOver        = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public Game(int currentLevel)
            this._currentLevel = currentLevel;
            this._numberLevels = ConsiderNumberLevels();

            Level.Level LevelInfo = new Level.Level();
            LevelInfo = ReadNewLevelOnFile();

            _pacMan = new PacMan(LevelInfo.pacMan);
            Wall levelWall = new Wall();
            levelWall.WallCordinate = LevelInfo.wall;
            this._map = new Map(levelWall, LevelInfo.numberColumns, LevelInfo.numberLines);
            this._pacMan = new PacMan(LevelInfo.pacMan);
            EnemyArtificialIntelligence _enemyAI = new EnemyArtificialIntelligence(_map.LevelFood.FoodCoordinates);
            this._enemys = new Enemys(LevelInfo.enemys, _enemyAI);
            _enemyTimer = new Timer(MakeMoveEnemy, null, 0, GameSettings.EnemySpeed);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //LINE OF SIGHT
        public bool HasLineOfSight(PacMan pacMan)
            bool result = true;

            Point ghostPoint  = _ghost.TileLocation;
            Point pacManPoint = pacMan.TileLocation;

            if (ghostPoint.X == pacManPoint.X)
                int x    = ghostPoint.X;
                int minY = Math.Min(ghostPoint.Y, pacManPoint.Y);
                int maxY = Math.Max(ghostPoint.Y, pacManPoint.Y);

                for (int i = minY; i < maxY; i++)
                    if (gameField[x, i] == (int)Pathfinder.PathFindObject.Wall)
                        result = false;
            else if (ghostPoint.Y == pacManPoint.Y)
                int y    = ghostPoint.Y;
                int minX = Math.Min(ghostPoint.X, pacManPoint.X);
                int maxX = Math.Max(ghostPoint.X, pacManPoint.X);

                for (int i = minX; i < maxX; i++)
                    if (gameField[i, y] == (int)Pathfinder.PathFindObject.Wall)
                        result = false;
                result = false;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public Game(int currentLevel)
            this._currentLevel = currentLevel;
            this._numberLevels = ConsiderNumberLevels();

            Level.Level LevelInfo = new Level.Level();
            LevelInfo = ReadNewLevelOnFile();

            _pacMan = new PacMan(LevelInfo.pacMan);
            Wall levelWall = new Wall();

            levelWall.WallCordinate = LevelInfo.wall;
            this._map    = new Map(levelWall, LevelInfo.numberColumns, LevelInfo.numberLines);
            this._pacMan = new PacMan(LevelInfo.pacMan);
            EnemyArtificialIntelligence _enemyAI = new EnemyArtificialIntelligence(_map.LevelFood.FoodCoordinates);

            this._enemys = new Enemys(LevelInfo.enemys, _enemyAI);
            _enemyTimer  = new Timer(MakeMoveEnemy, null, 0, GameSettings.EnemySpeed);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //Start a new game. Початок нової гри
        public void NewGame()
            pacman = new PacMan(this);
            items  = new Items(this);
            player = new Player();
            levels = new Levels(this);

            board = new Board(this);
            board.boardPB.Visible = false;
            board.boardPB.Paint  += new PaintEventHandler(boardPB_Paint);

            board.boardPB.Visible  = false;
            scoreLabel.Visible     = false;
            highScoreLabel.Visible = false;
            textLabel.Visible      = false;
            levelLabel.Visible     = false;

            Ghost.travellingGhosts = 0;

            board.boardPB.Visible = true; //.Hide() / .Show()


            wmp_game_start.Open(new Uri("Sounds/game_start.wav", UriKind.Relative));
            //wmp_game_start.Position = new TimeSpan(0);
            //wmp_game_start.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3, 935);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void newGame()
            pacman      = new PacMan();
            this.Width  = PacMan.Radius * 2 * (WORLD_WIDTH + 1);
            this.Height = PacMan.Radius * 2 * (WORLD_HEIGHT + 1);
            // овде кодот за иницијализација на матрицата foodWorld
            foodWorld = new bool[WORLD_HEIGHT, WORLD_WIDTH];
            for (int i = 0; i < WORLD_HEIGHT; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WORLD_WIDTH; j++)
                    foodWorld[i, j] = true;

            // овде кодот за иницијализација и стартување на тајмерот
            timer          = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = TIMER_INTERVAL;
            timer.Enabled  = true;
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Méthode qui réagit au Pacman qui mange un bonbon selon le type de Pacman
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_pacman">Le Pacman qui agit</param>
        /// <param name="p_type">Le type du Pacman</param>
        public void AvoirPeur(PacMan p_pacman, PacManType p_type)
            switch (p_type)
            case PacManType.PacManNormal:
                peutEtreMangé = false;
                flash         = false;

            case PacManType.PacManMoyen:
                flash = true;

            case PacManType.SuperPacMan:
                peutEtreMangé = true;
                flash         = false;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        void CreateCreatures(Map map)
            string[] notParsedCreatures = new StreamReader($"{map.PacManWindow.FolderLevelPath}/creatures.txt")
                                          .Split('\n', '\r').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
            Dictionary <string, Func <int, int, Creature> > dictionaryCreatures =
                new Dictionary <string, Func <int, int, Creature> >
                { "p", (x, y) => new PacMan(this, new Position(x, y) * Map.LENGTH_CELL) },
                { "s", (x, y) => new ShadowGhost(this, new Position(x, y) * Map.LENGTH_CELL, map) },
                { "r", (x, y) => new RoflGhost(this, new Position(x, y) * Map.LENGTH_CELL, map) }

            creatures = new List <Creature>();
            foreach (string creature in notParsedCreatures)
                string[] data = creature.Split();
            Player = (PacMan)(creatures.First(x => x is PacMan) ??
                              new PacMan(this, new Position(0, 0) * Map.LENGTH_CELL));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void CreateGameField()
            //game engine variables
            isRunning  = true;
            isGameOver = false;
            isPaused   = false;
            isGameWon  = false;

            //score tracking
            totalBalls = 0;
            totalScore = 0;

            backLayer = new TiledLayer(gameFieldWidth, gameFieldHeight, tileSize);

            //create background
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopLeft), true, 0, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 1, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 2, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 3, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 4, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopJunction), true, 5, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 6, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 7, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 9, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 10, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 12, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 13, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopJunction), true, 14, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 15, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 16, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 17, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 18, 1);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopRight), true, 19, 1);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Left), true, 0, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 2, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 5, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 7, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 8, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 11, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 12, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 14, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 17, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 2);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 2);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopLeft), true, 2, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 3, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 5, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 7, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 9, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 10, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 12, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 14, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 16, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopRight), true, 17, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 3);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 3);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 2, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 5, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 7, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 8, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 11, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 12, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 14, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 17, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 4);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 4);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 2, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 4, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 5, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopLeft), true, 7, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.TopRight), true, 12, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 14, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 15, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 17, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 5);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 5);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 2, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 5, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 7, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 8, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 11, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 12, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 14, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 17, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 6);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 6);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 2, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 4, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 5, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomLeft), true, 7, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 9, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 10, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomRight), true, 12, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 14, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 15, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 17, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 7);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 7);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 2, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 5, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 7, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 8, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 11, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 12, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 14, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 17, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 8);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 8);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomLeft), true, 2, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 3, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 5, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 7, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 9, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 10, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 12, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 14, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 16, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomRight), true, 17, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 9);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 9);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 0, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 1, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 2, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 3, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 4, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 5, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 6, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 7, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 8, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 9, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 10, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 11, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 12, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 13, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 14, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 15, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 16, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 17, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Path(), false, 18, 10);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Vertical), true, 19, 10);

            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomLeft), true, 0, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 1, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 2, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 3, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 4, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomJunction), true, 5, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 6, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 7, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 8, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 9, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 10, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 11, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 12, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 13, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomJunction), true, 14, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 15, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 16, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 17, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.Horizontal), true, 18, 11);
            backLayer.Add(new Wall(Wall.WallType.BottomRight), true, 19, 11);

            //food layer
            foodLayer = new TiledLayer(gameFieldWidth, gameFieldHeight, tileSize);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 2, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 7, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 8, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 9, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 10, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 11, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 12, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 17, 2);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(Ball.BallType.Power), false, 18, 2);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 3);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 3);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 3);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 3);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 3);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 3);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 5, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 7, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 8, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 9, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 10, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 11, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 12, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 14, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 4);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 4);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 5);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 5);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 5);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 5);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 5);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 5);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 2, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 5, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 14, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 17, 6);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 6);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 7);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 7);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 7);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 7);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 7);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 7);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 5, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 7, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 8, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 9, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 10, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 11, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 12, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 14, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 8);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 8);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 1, 9);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 9);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 9);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 9);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 9);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 18, 9);

            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(Ball.BallType.Power), false, 1, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 2, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 3, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 4, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 6, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 7, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 8, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 9, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 10, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 11, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 12, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 13, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 15, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 16, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(), false, 17, 10);
            foodLayer.Add(new Ball(Ball.BallType.Power), false, 18, 10);

            safePlace = new List <Point>();
            safePlace.Add(new Point(1, 2));
            safePlace.Add(new Point(18, 2));
            safePlace.Add(new Point(1, 10));
            safePlace.Add(new Point(18, 10));

            //spawning place
            spawningPlace = new Point(8, 6);

            //GAME OBJECTS
            GameObjects = new List <Sprite>();

            //add food object to game objects
            for (int c = 0; c < foodLayer.Columns; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < foodLayer.Rows; r++)
                    if (foodLayer.TileObject[c, r] != null)
                        //with ball
                        if (foodLayer.TileObject[c, r].Sprite.GetType() == typeof(Ball))
                            Ball ball = (Ball)foodLayer.TileObject[c, r].Sprite;
                            ball.TileLocation = new Point(c, r);

            //create pacman
            pacMan = new PacMan(backLayer.TileObject[1, 2].Sprite.Location.X,
                                backLayer.TileObject[1, 2].Sprite.Location.Y);
            pacMan.TileLocation = new Point(1, 2);
            pacMan.Speed        = pacManSpeed;

            //create ghosts
            ghost1 = new Ghost(backLayer.TileObject[8, 6].Sprite.Location.X, backLayer.TileObject[8, 6].Sprite.Location.Y);
            ghost1.TileLocation = new Point(8, 6);
            ghost1.Speed        = ghostSpeed;

            ghost2 = new Ghost(backLayer.TileObject[18, 2].Sprite.Location.X, backLayer.TileObject[18, 2].Sprite.Location.Y);
            ghost2.TileLocation = new Point(18, 2);
            ghost2.Speed        = ghostSpeed;

            ghost3 = new Ghost(backLayer.TileObject[18, 10].Sprite.Location.X, backLayer.TileObject[18, 10].Sprite.Location.Y);
            ghost3.TileLocation = new Point(18, 10);
            ghost3.Speed        = ghostSpeed;

            ghost4 = new Ghost(backLayer.TileObject[13, 10].Sprite.Location.X, backLayer.TileObject[13, 10].Sprite.Location.Y);
            ghost4.TileLocation = new Point(13, 10);
            ghost4.Speed        = ghostSpeed;

            ghost5 = new Ghost(backLayer.TileObject[13, 2].Sprite.Location.X, backLayer.TileObject[13, 2].Sprite.Location.Y);
            ghost5.TileLocation = new Point(13, 2);
            ghost5.Speed        = ghostSpeed;

            //add ghosts to game objects

            maxGhosts = totalGhosts = 5;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Inscrit le fantome au Pacman qui mange un bonbon
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p_pacman">Le Pacman du jeu</param>
 public void Subscribe(PacMan p_pacman)
     p_pacman.MangerBonbon += new PacMan.BonbonHandler(AvoirPeur);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void LoadObjects()
            Player = new PacMan(Map.StartPoint);
            Player.D = Map.StartDirection;

            for (int n = 0; n < Map.Enemies.Count; n++)
                Ghost en = new Ghost(Map.Enemies[n], false);
                en.Color = ConsoleColor.White;
                if (n % 2 != 0) en.White = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Réinitialise le Pacman
 /// </summary>
 public void resetPacman()
     Instance = new PacMan();
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/// <summary>
		/// The main entry point for the application.
		/// </summary>
		public static void Main(string[] args) {
			using (PacMan game = new PacMan()) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public Ghost.GhostDirection ChooseDirection(PacMan pacMan)
            Ghost.GhostDirection currentDirection = _ghost.Direction;

            //line of sight
            if (HasLineOfSight(pacMan))
                _ghost.HasLineOfSight = true;

            if (pacMan.HasPower == false && _ghost.HasLineOfSight == true) //chase
                _ghost.IsChasing = true;

                //find path to pacman
                resultPath = pathfinder.PathFind(_ghost.TileLocation, pacMan.TileLocation);
            else if (pacMan.HasPower == true) //run
                _ghost.IsChasing = false;

                //find path to safelocation
                int bestSafePlace         = 0;
                int bestSafePlaceDistance = pathfinder.CalculateDistance(GameEngine.safePlace[0], pacMan.TileLocation);
                for (int i = 0; i < GameEngine.safePlace.Count; i++)
                    //for each calculate distance from pacman to safe location
                    Point safePlace         = GameEngine.safePlace[i];
                    int   safePlaceDistance = pathfinder.CalculateDistance(GameEngine.safePlace[i], pacMan.TileLocation);
                    if (bestSafePlaceDistance < safePlaceDistance)
                        bestSafePlace = i;

                resultPath = pathfinder.PathFind(_ghost.TileLocation, GameEngine.safePlace[bestSafePlace]);
                _ghost.IsChasing = true;

                if (_ghost.TileLocation == randomPoint || (randomPoint.X == -1 && randomPoint.Y == -1))
                    List <Point> availableDestinations = new List <Point>();
                    //choose random destination
                    for (int c = 0; c < GameEngine.backLayer.Columns; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < GameEngine.backLayer.Rows; r++)
                            if (GameEngine.backLayer.TileObject[c, r] == null)

                            if (GameEngine.backLayer.TileObject[c, r].Sprite.GetType() == typeof(Path))
                                availableDestinations.Add(new Point(c, r));

                    Random rand   = new Random();
                    int    random = rand.Next(0, availableDestinations.Count - 1);
                    randomPoint = availableDestinations[random];

                resultPath = pathfinder.PathFind(_ghost.TileLocation, randomPoint);

            //determine next direction
            if (resultPath != null && resultPath.Count > 0)
                Point nextPoint  = resultPath.Pop();
                Point ghostPoint = _ghost.TileLocation;

                if (nextPoint.X > ghostPoint.X)
                    currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.Right;
                else if (nextPoint.X < ghostPoint.X)
                    currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.Left;
                else if (nextPoint.Y < ghostPoint.Y)
                    currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.Up;
                else if (nextPoint.Y > ghostPoint.Y)
                    currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.Down;
                    currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.None;
                currentDirection = Ghost.GhostDirection.None;

Ejemplo n.º 22
 void OnDestroy()
     Instance = null;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     using (PacMan game = new PacMan()) {