Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void WriteHoldingRegisters(byte unitID, ushort registerBaseAddress, ushort[] values)
            if ((11 + (values.Length * 2)) > ApplicationDataUnit.maxADU)
                throw new ArgumentException("Too many values");

            ApplicationDataUnit aduRequest = new ApplicationDataUnit();

            aduRequest.TransactionID = transactionID++;
            aduRequest.Length        = (ushort)(7 + (values.Length * 2));
            aduRequest.UnitID        = unitID;
            aduRequest.FunctionCode  = (byte)FunctionCode.PresetMultipleRegisters;

            aduRequest.Payload[0] = (byte)(registerBaseAddress >> 8);
            aduRequest.Payload[1] = (byte)(registerBaseAddress & 0x00FF);
            aduRequest.Payload[2] = (byte)(((ushort)values.Length) >> 8);
            aduRequest.Payload[3] = (byte)(((ushort)values.Length) & 0x00FF);
            aduRequest.Payload[4] = (byte)(values.Length * 2);

            int payloadIndex = 5;

            foreach (ushort value in values)
                aduRequest.Payload[payloadIndex++] = (byte)(value >> 8);
                aduRequest.Payload[payloadIndex++] = (byte)(value & 0x00FF);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[ApplicationDataUnit.maxADU];

            // send request to Modbus server
            tcpClient.GetStream().Write(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 5 + (values.Length * 2));

            // read response
            int numBytesRead = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4);

            if (numBytesRead != ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4)
                throw new EndOfStreamException();

            ApplicationDataUnit aduResponse = new ApplicationDataUnit();


            // check for error
            if ((aduResponse.FunctionCode & errorFlag) > 0)
                // read error
                int errorCode = tcpClient.GetStream().ReadByte();
                if (errorCode == -1)
                    throw new EndOfStreamException();

            // check address written
            if ((buffer[8] != (registerBaseAddress >> 8)) &&
                (buffer[9] != (registerBaseAddress & 0x00FF)))
                throw new Exception("Incorrect base register returned");

            // check number of registers written
            if ((buffer[10] != (((ushort)values.Length) >> 8)) &&
                (buffer[11] != (((ushort)values.Length) & 0x00FF)))
                throw new Exception("Incorrect number of registers written returned");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void WriteCoil(byte unitID, ushort coilAddress, bool set)
            ApplicationDataUnit aduRequest = new ApplicationDataUnit();

            aduRequest.TransactionID = transactionID++;
            aduRequest.Length        = 6;
            aduRequest.UnitID        = unitID;
            aduRequest.FunctionCode  = (byte)FunctionCode.ForceSingleCoil;

            aduRequest.Payload[0] = (byte)(coilAddress >> 8);
            aduRequest.Payload[1] = (byte)(coilAddress & 0x00FF);
            aduRequest.Payload[2] = (byte)(set ? 0xFF : 0x0);
            aduRequest.Payload[3] = 0x0;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[ApplicationDataUnit.maxADU];

            // send request to Modbus server
            tcpClient.GetStream().Write(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4);

            // read response
            int numBytesRead = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4);

            if (numBytesRead != ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4)
                throw new EndOfStreamException();

            ApplicationDataUnit aduResponse = new ApplicationDataUnit();


            // check for error
            if ((aduResponse.FunctionCode & errorFlag) > 0)
                // read error
                int errorCode = tcpClient.GetStream().ReadByte();
                if (errorCode == -1)
                    throw new EndOfStreamException();

            // check address written
            if ((buffer[8] != (coilAddress >> 8)) &&
                (buffer[9] != (coilAddress & 0x00FF)))
                throw new Exception("Incorrect coil register returned");

            // check flag written
            if ((buffer[10] != (set ? 0xFF : 0x0)) &&
                (buffer[11] != 0x0))
                throw new Exception("Incorrect coil flag returned");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public byte[] ReadRegisters(byte unitID, FunctionCode function, ushort registerBaseAddress, ushort count)
            // check funtion code
            if ((function != FunctionCode.ReadInputRegisters) && (function != FunctionCode.ReadHoldingRegisters))
                throw new ArgumentException("Only Input registers or holding registers can be read");

            ApplicationDataUnit aduRequest = new ApplicationDataUnit();

            aduRequest.TransactionID = transactionID++;
            aduRequest.Length        = 6;
            aduRequest.UnitID        = unitID;
            aduRequest.FunctionCode  = (byte)function;

            aduRequest.Payload[0] = (byte)(registerBaseAddress >> 8);
            aduRequest.Payload[1] = (byte)(registerBaseAddress & 0x00FF);
            aduRequest.Payload[2] = (byte)(count >> 8);
            aduRequest.Payload[3] = (byte)(count & 0x00FF);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[ApplicationDataUnit.maxADU];

            // send request to Modbus server
            tcpClient.GetStream().Write(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength + 4);

            // read response header from Modbus server
            int numBytesRead = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength);

            if (numBytesRead != ApplicationDataUnit.headerLength)
                throw new EndOfStreamException();

            ApplicationDataUnit aduResponse = new ApplicationDataUnit();


            // check for error
            if ((aduResponse.FunctionCode & errorFlag) > 0)
                // read error
                int errorCode = tcpClient.GetStream().ReadByte();
                if (errorCode == -1)
                    throw new EndOfStreamException();

            // read length of response
            int length = tcpClient.GetStream().ReadByte();

            if (length == -1)
                throw new EndOfStreamException();

            // read response
            byte[] responseBuffer = new byte[length];
            numBytesRead = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(responseBuffer, 0, length);
            if (numBytesRead != length)
                throw new EndOfStreamException();
